Elias Brenman
NameElias Brenman
GenderCis Male
OccupationConvenience Store Clerk
AppearanceEli stands at a respectable 5’10’’, but is by no means thin. Years of sport and exercise has caused Eli to be in great shape, with full muscles and a toned frame. His face also compliments his figure, with a pretty boy face accented with hazel eyes and wavy red hair. While most of his body looks great, Eli does hide a scar across his chest, the result of a mugging.
Eli’s style can be described as simple. It consists of a lot of plain t-shirts, sweaters, and other basic tops. Eli has always disliked wearing clothes with large logos or graphic designs, and has never personally bought such clothing. The lower half of his body is usually garbed in designer jeans and shoes. However, Eli wears the same pairs a lot has he can rarely afford to buy new pairs due to working minimum wage.
PersonalityEli is a bit of a lost soul. Once sure of himself and his path in life, many bad decisions and twists in life have left Eli unsure of a lot of things. This causes him to always second guess himself and doubt his own abilities. As such Eli latches onto ideas very easily but has problems committing, subconsciously sabotaging his attempts at connecting with things.
Eli puts up a front as the fun party guy. He always seems to fit in with others, at least on the surface. As such most people would call him a good guy, except for those who are truly close to him. Eli tries to prevent anyone from getting truly close to him, for fear of them finding out how big a train wreck he is. Still he persists, trying to find something to live for.
BiographyEli has lived his whole life in Chicago, born in a good neighbourhood as an only child. For the first few years Eli did well, learning things quickly and making friends easily. But under the veneer of a nice family, conflict was constant between the Brenman parents. With neither of them happy in their marriage, they only remained together for Eli’s sake. But the animosity finally bubbled over at Eli’s Bar Mitzvah. A huge fight broke out, ending with Eli’s mother leaving. For the next year Eli’s parents would get back together and break up again several times. To cope with this Eli threw himself into sports at his high school.
While doing well academically and athletically, Eli was struggling at school socially, starting to smoke pot to deal with his emotions. This only got worse when his parents finally split for good, his mother leaving town. This dealt a massive emotional blow to Eli, who coped by losing himself into partying and reckless actions. This culminated in Eli being found with drugs at school, resulting in him being kicked off the school’s track team. With his main interest at school taken away, Eli lost interest in coming to school, his grades suffering. Somehow he managed to finish out his senior year, just barely graduating.
Unfortunately, the weak state of Eli’s grades meant he was denied by every college he applied to. Left direction less, Eli once again turned to partying. For four years Eli was in a drug fuelled state, not being able to hold down a job. This eventually led to Eli’s father disowning him, changing the locks on his front door. Eli responded by couch surfing among his friends for a few months. It was during this period that Eli was mugged after leaving a party. In a drugged up haze, Eli fought back, only to lose. He woke up a few hours later in the hospital with a broken nose, concussion, and a slash wound across his chest.
It was at this point that Eli really started to question his lifestyle. The final nail in the coffin of this lifestyle would come a month later. After a night of heavy drinking, one of Eli’s friends crashed his car into a pole, with Eli in the passenger seat. While Eli escaped with a bruised rib, his friend was left paralysed. As soon as Eli was discharged from the hospital, he vowed to give up drugs and alcohol. He entered narcotics anonymous, really trying to change his life. He also found work at a local convenience store, not a great job, but at least it was a job. It was finally looking like things were going to change for Eli.
Other- This character is not disposable.
- Speaks fluent English and Yiddish, and knows some Hebrew
- Carries a switchblade ever since he was mugged
- As a former addict, Eli avoids drugs and alcohol, never stepping into a bar.
- Drinks way too much coffee
FC | KJ Apa / Color code | 02a621