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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I have exhausted all other options.
Tamriel has bled for decades, and what prize is worth the cost of the countless lives thrown into maelstrom of battle? Kings, queens, warlords, all vying for the Ruby Throne. At least some have the decency to not pretend their reasons are altruistic. None want the throne to put an end to all these wars and to spare Tamriel from tyranny.

I do, and I will.

They say that history is written by the victor, and when I’m through, history will be whatever I decree it to be. Some might consider what I set out to do monstrous, but in the end, they will thank me for it. They simply will not know any better.

By Invitation Only

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls: Voice of the Sky, a story taking place roughly three decades after the events of Elder Scrolls Online and the beginning of the Three Banners War. This is the interregnum, a period with no Emperor and no stability, and before Tiber Septim rose to take the reigns of power and create the Septim Empire, an unlikely conqueror took the throne; the Witch-Emperor Raxus, a son of a Nibanese noblewoman who was shaped by Reachman culture. Having assembled a coalition of unlikely allies from disenfranchised corners of the world, Raxus has achieved stunning victory after stunning victory and has done what would have been unthinkable even a few short years ago; he has seized Imperial City and taken the Ruby Throne, outwitting and out-fighting the war-weary armies of Tamriel.

Before the world could come to terms with these events, mysterious auroras begin to form in the sky, seen across the breadth of Tamriel, from Solstheim to Summerset, with the most intense displays over Cyrodiil. Soon the fighting begins to die down across the battlefields and word begins to spread about this new Empire, and for the first time in a generation, enemies are beginning to find seats at the table to discuss peace terms. Raxus becomes a name that is spoken of in almost reverent tones, and peace seems to be just over the horizon… although no one can exactly explain why.

You are one of the characters who has witnessed these events unfold as either a soldier in one of the factions, a citizen trying to survive these dark times, or something in between and you are unaffected by whatever seems to have gripped the population of Tamriel. Your convictions are still your own, and Raxus is just another enemy or warlord to fight or be wary of, and although initially beautiful, the auroras have brought out something sinister. Voicing concern or protest has painted a target on your back and soon warriors garbed in a mixture of dragonbone and Akaviri armour apprehend you and your comrades in arms do nothing to stop this, some in fact cheering these warriors on.

You fall unconscious and when you wake up once more, you are somewhere dark and hidden from the light, terrible screams are heard in the next room with blinding flashes of violet light, chained up alongside those you considered enemies. And now, they are your only hope of survival.

    - The year is 2E600
    - It has been eighteen years since the Planemeld was stopped, ending Molag Bal's plans to merge Nirn with Coldharbour. This was due to the efforts of the reforged Five Companions, along with the combined aid of the Mages Guild and the Fighters Guild.
    -The Gray Host, a First Era army comprising of vampires, werewolves and witches, has been defeated after their invasion of Western Skyrim and the Reach.
    - The Dark Brotherhood is still finding its footing for all intents and purposes, mainly operating out of the Gold Coast and sanctuaries found as far as Black Marsh, but they have filled the void left by the Morag Tong’s fall from grace with ruthless efficiency and have achieved a presence across Tamriel to such a degree that many cannot remember a time before their rise to power.
    - The Fighters Guild and Mages Guild are still flourishing across Tamriel
    - Morag Tong is enjoying a resurgence of power after their initial fall from grace following the collapse of the Akaviri Potentate and the fallout that ensued. It has in recent years reintegrated into Dunmeri society and has proven to be a professional association that is seen as a necessary evil among the Great Houses. However, it still operates almost exclusively in Morrowind with the very seldom involvement outside of that province’s borders.
    - The Thieves Guild is alive and well in all parts of Tamriel, some chapters are doing better than others.

1. No Godmodding or power gaming of any kind. We're telling a story, not having a competition. Not to say you can't do awesome things when it comes around time for combat, but know your limitations. This includes self-insert characters, backstories that are designed to give the character access to abilities, skills, and equipment that would be considered an unfair or overpowered advantage, autokilling NPCs during fights with virtually no effort put into it, taking on a room full of people single handedly, meta gaming, trying to have everyone treat your character like they’re something unique and special, your character knowing things they shouldn’t, et cetera. The goal here is believable characters.

2. The writing standard is typical Advanced. Read what you wrote over before you post, and ensure you have acceptable spelling and grammar. That said, I'm not a perfectionist, and mistakes are made by everyone. Just make an honest effort and we'll get along just fine. As long as you are routinely able to write multiple detailed paragraphs and keep pace with the roleplay, everything should be fine. If you are only comfortable with one-liners or short paragraph replies, this is likely going to be overwhelming and outside of your comfort zone. For the sake of preventing friction, the GMs will be looking for players of similar writing skill and experience.

3. No speed posting. This means give other people a chance to post before you do. There won't be a strict posting order, but if I notice the same two people posting back and forward in a short time span without giving others involved in that group or conversation or whatever a chance to reply, I will not be happy. If you have characters involved in a conversation, consider opening up a Gdocs pad and doing collaborations; that will be done quite a lot in this RP so be prepared for that.

4. If you are going to be absent for any length of time, please let me know. I’m not going to kill your character or kick you to the curb because stuff came up. Real life comes first, but that said, do try to be fairly active. Your character will be controlled by a GM until you return. If you vanish without a word for more than 14 days, you will be removed from the game and your characters written off or killed. Consider this your only warning.

5. If you disagree with the contents of someone's posts, don't turn the OOC into some horrible flame fest. We're all hopefully mature enough to settle disagreements through logical discourse. If things start to go into flame war territory, I will warn the players. Failure to STFU will lead to your banishment from this RP. We’re here to have fun, not get in mud-slinging fights.

6. If you want to do something, and you aren't sure, ask in the OOC so it can be discussed. Or, if you want it to be a surprise, PM the GMs. If it's a good idea, we'll work it into the plot. I like to encourage creativity and think that all good RPs involve ideas from all their players. Sometimes this leads to amazing subplots and character development.

7. If you have questions or ideas for events, PM the GMs. Your input will help keep you not only invested, but it’ll give the GMs more fuel to work with for upcoming encounters and plot lines in the RP. Remember, it’s your story too! It’s important that your character is an important part of it, and players feel that they have agency and aren’t just along for the ride.

8. If you feel the need to start a romance between characters, that's cool. This isn't exactly a rated role play, and it’s bound to happen. I personally like to graphically describe violence and swear quite a bit, but if you feel the need to indulge in smut, please take that stuff to PM. 4 pages of graphic sex isn't going to save the world; it'll just cause everyone else to feel really awkward and need a cold shower afterwards. It is known.

9. The GMs may choose to do background checks to find out if you’re reliable and generally write at an acceptable quality, so beware that even if your character sheet is outstanding, if the GMs discover you’re argumentative, write at an unacceptable level, go AWOL frequently, power game, and so on, there’s a good chance you WILL NOT be accepted.

-Common Materials:
Crafted and obtained in abundance, the vast majority of equipment won’t need justification to possess, such as iron, steel, leathers, and so on.
-Dwemer, or dwarven: This is relatively common in Skyrim, Morrowind, or Hammerfell if your character has been in the ruins. Most of their machines and defenses are still working, so chances are, your character is brave and tenacious if they got their hands on this stuff. Stores would sell limited stocks at pretty marked up prices considering how hard it is to obtain it.
-Stalhrim: A special, magic ice-crafted set of equipment that can only be forged by the greatest masters using techniques only known by the Skaal. Chances are, your character will have neither access to stalhrim, the equipment to mine it, or the knowledge to do anything with it. It is exceedingly rare and specialized material that holds significant importance for the Skall and as such almost certainly will not be in possession of the player characters.

-Ayleid/Akaviri: The Akaviri Potentate ended only a few decades prior and the last Akaviri invasion that had forged the Ebonheart Pact had only formed 3 decades ago, there are Akaviri bits of gear still fairly readily available, albeit in various condition and quantities. It has been decades of war at this point, and stockpiles of equipment aren’t likely to stay untouched for long.

-Falmer and Reach: Both sets of gear are crude but effective, being formed from the remains of animals and fashioned into weapons and armour. While the vast majority of people wouldn’t even know of the existence of the Falmer, let alone encounter them, the Reach is currently ruled by Reachmen; trade with some tribes is possible.

-Glass and Ebony: Both of these are high-end, expensive, and extremely well made weapons and armour that you'd be lucky to ever find. Ebony gear originates in Morrowind, so it would be found among the rich and powerful there, and likewise, Glass gear comes from the Aldmeri Dominion and is usually only found on their elite soldiers, although the Buoyant Armigers of Vivec also use a variation of volcanic glass in their designs that are similar to the Aldmeri glass craftsmanship. While possible to possess equipment from these kinds of materials, please justify it in your backstory.

-Dragon: The reemergence of Dragons in Elsweyr was brief over 28 years ago, and they have not been seen in Skyrim for thousands of years. The remains of dragons are exceptionally rare, you likely will never come into contact with this material. For the purposes of this roleplay, this is off limits.

-Daedric: As the Amulet of Kings still remains, Daedric incursions are still few and far between. Princes have to work through mortal intermediaries to have access to Mundus. While plenty of Dremora, Xivkyn, and other species of Daedra did come through and were killed in significant numbers during the Planemeld, there is still a massive stigma against these sorts of materials. For the purposes of the roleplay, this is off limits.

Any enchantments: Possible, but you'll need to find the soul gems to charge them. You will need to be or find an enchanter to have your gear enchanted.

-Daedric artifacts: No. Just no.

1. You can only carry so much on your person at a time. Think of real life, are you going to be carrying a bow, a claymore, 3 daggers, a staff, 400 arrows, steel plate armour, just as many potions and scrolls, and every book out of the public library? Keep it reasonable, keep it realistic. Collecting loot should never be your goal. You should also specify how your character is carrying around most of their inventory.

2. No matter how strong, talented, and experienced your character is, you're still only mortal. If you're running into 15 bandits, your odds don't look good. A troll is going to be the fight of your life. Herd of mammoths? Run like hell. You sustain injuries; you may die if you encounter a situation that is suicidal.

3. Potions take time to work in most cases, so you're not going to get gutted by an axe and then look brand new by chugging Tamriel Energy Drink. It'll help your body mesh the wounds and heal you, and it takes time for it to eliminate poisons and disease. In short, be careful. On that note, chugging potion after potion isn't going to happen unless you happen to be a whale with the body mass to do so.

4. Scrolls take time to read, so if you're reading one in combat to cast something, make sure you have someone watching your back and there isn't a group of Minotaurs looking to rip your arm off ten feet away.

7. Damage is realistic(ish), if you're hit by an ice spike or an arrow; you're going to need some serious medical attention if it hits something vital. But since this is Elder Scrolls, and potions work in impossible ways. People also aren’t going to die of an infection from a blade wound after three days of sickness or something. Point is, your character is mortal and will be taking wounds in combat.

8. Keep in mind that whatever weapons and armour you do have does not reflect how well your character is going to do in a fight or survive, so don’t doctor a CS around trying to make sure that they’re the best equipped person in the game so you have a combat advantage. There’s going to be tough-as-nails bandits out there running around in fur armour and iron weapons who’ve killed more people than your character has ever met who will not care if your character is decked out in full ebony armour, a shield, and a longsword. He’s light and fast, you’re low and heavy, and experience trumps expensive weapons and armour almost every time. Try to give your character equipment that makes sense for who they are and what they’ve been through.

9. Weapons do not necessarily have to be what you find in the games, but follow it as a template. As such, things like spears, throwing knives, throwing axes, glaives, halberds, javelins, and flails are fair game, even if most of that didn’t appear in any of the Elder Scrolls games. However, that isn’t free reign to try to put something that is high-fantasy or just ridiculous into the game. Do try to keep things lore appropriate where possible, as well.

10. To keep things simple, we will not be permitting werewolf, necromancer or vampire characters. It’s an extra layer of scrutiny to go through when reviewing character submissions, and there’s always a concern that players just want the conditions for the powers/ badass factor rather than for narrative purposes, as well as it complicates group dynamics because realistically, a character with said conditions would show symptoms sooner or later and likely be attacked before long because of it.

11. If you are trying to omit something in your character sheet saying that it will ‘be revealed later in the RP’ or just generally want to keep it a surprise, GMs need to be notified of the idea for approval and may be able to help incorporate ideas into the game.

12. Don’t have your characters have close personal relationships with canon characters. It’s one thing to say you served under King Emeric, but we don’t want to hear about how you were lovers or poker buddies or something. We aren’t fans of shrinking the world and since people tend to have their own personal ideas of what these characters are like, we’re keeping any canon NPCs firmly under GM lock and key.

[B]Family Origins:[/B]
[B]Misc. Possessions:[/B]
[B]Family and Associations:[/B]
[B]Favoured Skills:[/B]
[Indent][B]Spell List:[/B][/Indent]

Name: Character's name and any alias they may go by

Race: What race they are (Altmer, Argonian, Bosmer, Breton, Dunmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Nord, Orsimer, or Redguard.)

Age: How old your character is. Age brings wisdom, youth brings strength and energy. Keep in mind elves tend to have longer lifespans than men and beast races but all races mature at a fairly similar rate. Queen Ayrenn, for instance, was 28 years old when the Three Banners War began, and as an Altmer she can expect to live a natural life of many centuries. She is 46 as of 2E600.

Family Origins: Where was your character born and raised? This may affect their cultural outlook. It can be anywhere in Tamriel, just bear in mind that, for example, a Cyrodiillic cosmopolitan orc will have a different culture and mentality than a Skyrim stronghold orc, or a Summerset Islands born and raised Altmer may hold different values than one who was born and raised in Morrowind.

Appearance: A detailed description of what your character looks like and a picture, if possible. The more people have to reference, the better if is for role playing purposes. Please try to find realistic or semi-realistic portraits for your character.

Equipment: Weapons and armour. As you fill this out, ask yourself, if you were your character, would you be able to carry all of this stuff? More stuff= more encumbered. Less stuff= less encumbered, but less resources at your disposal.

Misc. Possessions: Things like lock picks, food, smithing materials, scrolls, potions. The weight thing applies as well. Doesn’t necessarily have to be things from the games.

Favored Skills: This section gets a bit more complicated. Using the main skills of the game (two handed, smithing, destruction, illusion, lock picking, pick pocketing, shield, et cetera) things are rated by proficiency. You may have 1 highly proficient skill, 3 moderately proficient skills, and 3 somewhat proficient skills. You may, however, move up a class at the expense of another skill of the level below it (e.g. you pick 1 highly proficient at the cost of 2 moderately proficient). Likewise, you can gain more skills if you downgrade a skill (1 moderately proficient becomes two somewhat proficient, for example). Explain why your character is good at each skill in a brief sentence.

[SPECIAL NOTE FOR MAGES: For a quick understanding, Highly Proficient skills are equivalent of expert level spells, Moderately Proficient is Adept Level Spells, and Somewhat Proficient is Apprentice level. Keep that in mind when playing your character and picking your proficiencies. Please stick to spells you see in the games, but I’m not against combining some of them if it makes sense, but keep in mind your character would have to be exceptionally talented to do so. Run spell ideas by the GM if you aren’t sure for approval, but if you see it in the games, you should be okay.]

Spell list: Highly Proficient is 4 spells from that school, Moderately Proficient is 3 spells from that skill, Somewhat Proficient is 2 spells from that school.

History: Explain your character's back story, how they came to be who they are, and so on. Please make this fairly detailed as it really fleshes out who your character is supposed to be. This also will help determine if I think your writing quality is satisfactory for Advanced requirements. Be sure to include things like upbringing, important people in their lives, how they came into possession of their skills and equipment, where they’ve been and what they’ve experienced, and how historical events in their lifetime may have affected them, if applicable. Should be several good paragraphs in length, don’t be afraid to go crazy on this. It won’t be what’s expected for your usual posts, but the more information you have here the better you can play your character and the better invested you’ll be in the RP if you spent a good amount of time working on a character sheet instead of crapping one out in half an hour and expecting to care for your character with a two paragraph bio.

Personality: Explain what your character's personality is like, including quirks, faults, and so on. Nuance goes a long way; the goal is to make someone believable and relatable, not a flawless little diamond in the rough.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Stormyx
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Stormyx Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Oh no you don’t.

Not here son.

Not in my Tamriel.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Oh no you don’t.

Not here son.

Not in my Tamriel.

Your Tamriel? Who gave you that?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Stormyx
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Stormyx Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

I banned a bot in here so now it belongs to me.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 21 days ago

As a heads-up, this is invite only to start. We may reach out to others as the story picks up steam and it's determined we would like more players, but for now please bear in mind that a big part of our selection has to do with reliability and activity.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 21 days ago

Hey gang! Let's try to have our character sheets in by Thurs-Friday!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SphincterSphinx
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SphincterSphinx Constantly Constipated

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1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dewit dewit dewit
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Stormyx
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Stormyx Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

From the outset, I am really liking Joy. She's so different from most of the characters I've seen you write, and that honestly very exciting; a new type of Stormy magic to experience!

Her appearance is really well written, as is her personality (both of which are my unfortunate bane), so hats off to you for making it seem as if I have already known Joy for a very long time. She is a well relatable character and I love how despite all the hardships she has been through, she still looks for the light and *ahem* joys of life.

I'm a sucker for first person point of view, so her history was a delight to read; it showed a window into her mind that I can appreciate; introspection is always a fun part of character building. You can clearly see that despite everything, she is a tough lass where it counts to have gone through all these hurdles in her life yet still remaining an optimist with a zest for life.

I'm really looking forward to how her journey will fare and cheer her along as she finds her way Home.

ps. I had to reign myself in from using more than one joy pun ^^; <3
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by SphincterSphinx
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SphincterSphinx Constantly Constipated

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

ps. I had to reign myself in from using more than one joy pun ^^; <3

I rejoiced at the quality of this character. It was an enjoyable read.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 21 days ago

I absolutely love how you describe appearances; it’s got this very poetic flourish to it that makes the imagery pop without feeling superfluous. I can picture Joy so vividly even without having seen your lovely artwork for her! I know you’re going for a kindly and gentle souled character and your word choice here really helps convey that sort of personality without even having to describe that aspect about Joy; you just have this beautiful talent for finding the best words that carry so much weight. It makes the sudden appearances of scars and old wounds that much more jarring and horrible; it’s like a splash of cold water while you’re dreaming. It makes you feel compassion for this character, and we haven’t even got to the bio yet!
If I had to find a way to describe Joy’s personality in a single word, it would be “seasonal”. There’s something about how she carries herself where she expects her encounters with people to be fleeting and temporary, but instead of finding that discouraging and a “why bother” sort of situation, she really takes the time to cherish the moments she has with people, and there’s just this genuine warmth and moment to moment love that really sticks out about her. It’s so easy to go with an orphan character who is distrustful and really negatively affected by their experiences, but Joy seems to have transcended that where possible, even after enduring abuse and carrying scars from the experience. There’s an inner strength to her that she’s weathered so many storms and instead of lashing out, she faces down her demons with a smile. I feel like she’s yearning for love and acceptance and a place where things stay for a change, but she’s not trying to force anything, and I find that really admirable.

“I have never been able to cast a spell, but I like to believe that the other orphans and I created magic by the fireplace from pure imagination.” < I quite love this line. It’s so sincere and it really makes it feel like there’s more magic than just the spells you can cast, but intangible things carry their own sort of spell. It’s just a delightful aside.
“across the border to High Rock where I wound up on the outskirts of Jehanna.” < Something that’s really easy to miss, but Jehanna hasn’t actually been founded yet! The closest city to the dock area that will one day become Jehanna is actually Orsinium, of all places. I’d say Evermore might be the next most feasible place, as it’s not too far away from the border of Hammerfell and Skyrim; I imagine a lot of travellers passed through there.
“Her temper was coarse, in a way that I could only liken to a saber-cat with a thorn wedged in her paw.” < another lovely descriptive bit!

I am *so* glad that Minasi didn’t take Joy to the brothel to work as a prostitute. That would have been super dark, and not that that’s a bad thing, but it was a pleasant surprise Joy was brought on to take care of the establishment and the people within it. It really shows the origins of her motherly and kind ways where this surrogate mother might have been harsh, but she clearly cared about Joy in a way that’s unique to her and maybe not ideal. Her parting gift is actually touching, and it’s really interesting to see how she shaped Joy into the woman she would grow up to be.
“tended to agents of the Empire.” < Worth noting, the Empire’s more or less been collapsed without an Emperor for a long while now;

“It began with the assassination of the last Akaviri Potentate, Savirien Chorak, and every one of his heirs on one bloody night during Sun's Dawn of 2E 430, by orders of the Night Mother. She hired members of the Morag Tong,[1] which then became the Dark Brotherhood in the 430th year of the Second Era.[2] It ended in the 854th year of the Second Era with the establishment of the Third Empire by Tiber Septim.
The Interregnum was a time of great turmoil. The Reman Empire, which had survived through the Akaviri Potentates, fell, and resulted in a series of "insurrections, misrules, and loss of power."[3] The Chim-el Adabal, or Amulet of Kings, was lost amid the "petty wars of gone-heathen kings." In Cyrodiil, the East and the West fought one another.[4] “

The Three Banners War started in 2E 582 and we are at 2E 600 in the timeline. For Joy living in High Rock, she’d be encountering Covenant soldiers from Hammerfell, High Rock, and Wrothgar. The High King’s personal guard is called the Lion’s Guard.
You have Speechcraft written as two separate skills; you can combine the two, even if they have different purposes. Maybe you could sub it out for something like Mercantile? She did work in a Brothel for ages; I imagine she had some hand in the accounting side of things and taking payment from clients.

Joy is a, well, absolute Joy of a character to read! I greatly appreciate you bringing her into this and I don’t see anything about her that’s brought up reason for concern. If you have any questions about my points or suggestions, don’t be a stranger!

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Captain Jenno
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Captain Jenno Waltzing for Zizi

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I have to say I was really looking forward to your sheet, having heard so much about your writing. I'm very happy to report that I have definitely not been disappointed! Sait is such a unique seeming character, and honestly one that I find works really well with the sort of mad world rp chaos we're going to be venturing in. Maybe it's typecasting, lol, but I for one would not have expected a Redguard to be so involved in something that wasn't sword/beliefs related, rather focusing on magic as a way to help those with mental health issues.

I enjoyed the way you described his looks, even without a picture I can see him in my mind's eye. Similar to Janus, I like the way your character dresses himself up based on where he lives, although I'm guessing he's a bit of a mish mash once he wakes up. I also really liked the way you described his rebellious hair, I think for me that was the cherry on top of the cake that cemented his look for me. I'd mentioned in the server about how I appreciated his sword and the name for it, and the same goes for his golden hair clasp, and the sentimental value he seems to hold for the things his sister made for him. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it? Lol. It's just something that rings true to me though.

His possessions as well his skill set (especially the spells he uses) further speak to me of what a dedicated sort of person he is, and it ties in really well with his history. If I had to suspect, unless he's an extreme neat freak, that he has ink stains on his fingers more often than not, lol. His dedication to his mission in life speaks a lot for his character and personality, and something that has been consistent throughout the entirety of his history. It could almost be called an obsession, I reckon, though I feel kinda bad using that negative word since Sait is clearly trying to work towards a better future and possible cure for people suffering of illnesses that can't be seen.

The consistent efforts he put out to reach scholars who might listen to him and finally finding someone had me rooting for him, which made it hurt extra when he finds out that he had been duped by the gosh darn Aldmeri Dominion! x.x It was however heartening to see that instead of wallowing in despair, he took affairs into his own hands and continued to work on his life mission. It speaks of how true his dedication is.

All in all, I have to say I really love your sheet and the style in which you write; I can see why Dervs was speaking so highly of you! Your character sounds like someone real, relatable, and someone you'd want to get to know and be friends with. I'm really excited to read more of him, especially with how he'll interact with the rest of the group!

ps. sorry for using the word dedication so much ^^; I just really admire that in a person
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Stormyx
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Stormyx Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

I absolutely love how you describe appearances; it’s got this very poetic flourish to it that makes the imagery pop without feeling superfluous. I can picture Joy so vividly even without having seen your lovely artwork for her! I know you’re going for a kindly and gentle souled character and your word choice here really helps convey that sort of personality without even having to describe that aspect about Joy; you just have this beautiful talent for finding the best words that carry so much weight. It makes the sudden appearances of scars and old wounds that much more jarring and horrible; it’s like a splash of cold water while you’re dreaming. It makes you feel compassion for this character, and we haven’t even got to the bio yet!
If I had to find a way to describe Joy’s personality in a single word, it would be “seasonal”. There’s something about how she carries herself where she expects her encounters with people to be fleeting and temporary, but instead of finding that discouraging and a “why bother” sort of situation, she really takes the time to cherish the moments she has with people, and there’s just this genuine warmth and moment to moment love that really sticks out about her. It’s so easy to go with an orphan character who is distrustful and really negatively affected by their experiences, but Joy seems to have transcended that where possible, even after enduring abuse and carrying scars from the experience. There’s an inner strength to her that she’s weathered so many storms and instead of lashing out, she faces down her demons with a smile. I feel like she’s yearning for love and acceptance and a place where things stay for a change, but she’s not trying to force anything, and I find that really admirable.

“I have never been able to cast a spell, but I like to believe that the other orphans and I created magic by the fireplace from pure imagination.” < I quite love this line. It’s so sincere and it really makes it feel like there’s more magic than just the spells you can cast, but intangible things carry their own sort of spell. It’s just a delightful aside.
“across the border to High Rock where I wound up on the outskirts of Jehanna.” < Something that’s really easy to miss, but Jehanna hasn’t actually been founded yet! The closest city to the dock area that will one day become Jehanna is actually Orsinium, of all places. I’d say Evermore might be the next most feasible place, as it’s not too far away from the border of Hammerfell and Skyrim; I imagine a lot of travellers passed through there.
“Her temper was coarse, in a way that I could only liken to a saber-cat with a thorn wedged in her paw.” < another lovely descriptive bit!

I am *so* glad that Minasi didn’t take Joy to the brothel to work as a prostitute. That would have been super dark, and not that that’s a bad thing, but it was a pleasant surprise Joy was brought on to take care of the establishment and the people within it. It really shows the origins of her motherly and kind ways where this surrogate mother might have been harsh, but she clearly cared about Joy in a way that’s unique to her and maybe not ideal. Her parting gift is actually touching, and it’s really interesting to see how she shaped Joy into the woman she would grow up to be.
“tended to agents of the Empire.” < Worth noting, the Empire’s more or less been collapsed without an Emperor for a long while now;

“It began with the assassination of the last Akaviri Potentate, Savirien Chorak, and every one of his heirs on one bloody night during Sun's Dawn of 2E 430, by orders of the Night Mother. She hired members of the Morag Tong,[1] which then became the Dark Brotherhood in the 430th year of the Second Era.[2] It ended in the 854th year of the Second Era with the establishment of the Third Empire by Tiber Septim.
The Interregnum was a time of great turmoil. The Reman Empire, which had survived through the Akaviri Potentates, fell, and resulted in a series of "insurrections, misrules, and loss of power."[3] The Chim-el Adabal, or Amulet of Kings, was lost amid the "petty wars of gone-heathen kings." In Cyrodiil, the East and the West fought one another.[4] “

The Three Banners War started in 2E 582 and we are at 2E 600 in the timeline. For Joy living in High Rock, she’d be encountering Covenant soldiers from Hammerfell, High Rock, and Wrothgar. The High King’s personal guard is called the Lion’s Guard.
You have Speechcraft written as two separate skills; you can combine the two, even if they have different purposes. Maybe you could sub it out for something like Mercantile? She did work in a Brothel for ages; I imagine she had some hand in the accounting side of things and taking payment from clients.

Joy is a, well, absolute Joy of a character to read! I greatly appreciate you bringing her into this and I don’t see anything about her that’s brought up reason for concern. If you have any questions about my points or suggestions, don’t be a stranger!

thank you babe <3
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

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@Captain Jenno

First off, *thank you* for showing out to pronounce Sait’s name; I was calling him Say-t because there’s a college in Alberta here called Southern Alberta Institute of Technology and that’s how it’s pronounced.


I really love the descriptive text you have for Sait’s skills and how he has learned and applies them; it brings out a lot in his personality. I really love how he feels like a real support character where his spells are really reflective of his personality and backstory, and it’s going to force you to be creative with how you apply them. The themes around his fixation on the mind and understanding it really shines through and how he has dedicated himself to helping others. I can’t wait to see how you apply this in the game.

I have genuinely missed your writing; right off the hop the way you hook into his backstory and set the stage is nothing short of enrapturing, and you have such a beautiful poetic prose that brings things to life so vibrantly and pulls me into the scene and the emotional weight of what’s going on. It’s not traditional in the way it doesn’t start from the beginning, but it provides such brilliant context for what’s to come that it’s really lovely. In a way, how Sait’s experience in losing his father and his quest to rationalize it and question his own faith really gives me some slight Lovecraft vibes where you can picture his obsession and fixations leading down a dark and dangerous path.

“He carried about him a bonhomie that was irresistible, and he drank Eno's love to its lees like a drunkard.” This is just a lovely bit of phrasing, I just thought I’d point that out. I like how Eno wasn’t an entirely successful blacksmith who was also taking on the mantle of being the provider of her family. I have a friend who lost her parents and had to raise her brothers on her own and try to maintain their estate, her struggles and love for her family really reminds me of Eno, and I can only hope she finds her own Torran.

I really love how Torran became a sort of paternal figure to Sait, even if he was his brother-in-law, it’s a very wholesome relationship that ended up building the foundation for Sait’s path and purpose in life and it’s a really effective use of auxiliary characters building on your main character. Torran and Eno matter to Sait, and were and are formulating characters that still play a part in his life as opposed to an Obi-wan style mentor that shows up, teaches a valuable skill and lesson, and promptly fucks off when their purpose has been expended. There’s genuine warmth here and it feels like a real family.

One trait you’ve woven into Sait I absolutely adore is how he uses Illusion magic as a form of healing and treatment for patients to comfort them, and it’s really heartwarming and brilliant in execution. It’s little things like that that give Sait this aura of goodness to him that really makes him stand out in a lovely way. It’s such an important thing; healing of the mind and soul is just as important as the body, and it’s conveyed really well in how you write this character.

“The Witch’s Tit” I’d love to see the sign for that particular establishment. Top’s pulled up for open, down for closed?
It’s an interesting turn of events for Sait heading to Skyrim at the behest of someone who seems to share Sait’s particular worldview, and even when the blinders come off and Sait realizes he’s been used, Gal not being real, it’s compelling that the situation still works to Sait’s benefit as it provides and avenue to pursue his fixation on understanding madness. It’s very pragmatic and interesting, and it’s a good window for him to learn the hard way that things aren’t always as they appear and motivations aren’t always altruistic.

And I really love how Sait’s background and motivations seem to reflect nicely on the plot itself; it’s a perspective about the alteration of mind that he’s got this innate connection with that really seals this off so nicely.

Honestly, Sait is a brilliant character and you have such a magnificent way of writing it really is such a genuine joy to read. There isn’t anything I’d change, and I welcome him and Sait into this story we’re all going to craft together.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by SphincterSphinx
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I was actually pretty darn surprised when I saw you were planning on making an orc, and a wood orc at that! I don't believe I've actually seen much about them except a quest or two in game, so it was a pleasant surprise. Once upon a time I would have type casted orcs as being grumpy cavemen sorts, but thankfully I know better now. Even then, to see a magicka inclined orc still ends up making me go "wait, what?" But then, I should have probably expected something like that from you :P

Her upbringing I found pretty relatable; being expected to grow up as one role and not having much of a choice in the matter, especially when you feel your talents could be better someplace else, can be frustrating. It's sad though that the way she finally found herself able to get away from what tradition required was the death of her tribe. Sad but not at all surprising, given the way of the world at the time. It's nice that she got picked up by people who could see her talents and help them grow. Her relationship with Shulgin was interesting to say the least, though I kinda felt like slapping him for the way he just dumped her like a hot potato. D:<

Still, I guess that's the only way to further grow at times, and it seemed to me as if that further helped her hone her talents, even if it was more disappointing than not for her. In a lot of ways, even as she grows up I find she has a youthful, teenager rebellion spirit to her, where she uses her mask of confidence to hide her inner insecurities- it makes her relatable and I love it. Her meeting up with Sperantia was another stroke of luck- maybe the gods really are looking over her, eh? ;D It's nice that she managed to find a fulfilling relationship after Shulgin, although you just had to go and ruin that, didn't you? But of course, in such a realistic manner that I can't blame you... much.

I like how you included her praying to a deity and feeling abandoned when there was no answer. It's probably a dark thing to like, but I think that sort of feeling can resonate with a lot of people. Her meeting up with Shulgin once again was a surprise, and it was actually sad to see the state he was reduced to.

I think the one constant I really liked was how her studies was the refuge she always returned to, and it reminded me quite a bit of Sait (NERDS!). I won't prattle on much more lol, but reading through her biography once more and then seeing her personality, you can easily pinpoint the what and whys and why she has been molded into the woman we will be meeting in the roleplay.

Also... " Bolorma is just another big green woman." This made me laugh lol

I am really pleased with Bolorma, she's honestly not what I expected! A pleasant surprise, it's going to be fun to have you and her along on this adventure!
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