Alias/Callsigns: Switch, Anne L. Malowitz, Priscilla West
Age: 30
Gender: F
5'7", 130lbs, Hzl/Blk
Fair skinned Afghan. Nimble and fit from mountain warfare. Modest musculature. Several small moles on her body. Burn scar in her right palm. She speaks with a confident mellifluous tone. Speaks english clearly with a very mild middle-eastern accent. Thick locks of shoulder length hair, usually bunched in a short pony tail or loose when off-duty.
Agency/Organization: Former CIA project RED BULB asset in Afghanistan Regional Command East. Billeted as an Intelligence Officer under the CIA Directorate of Operations.
Education: Biased 3rd-world Primary education. RED BULB training program. Secondary education through Kazakh-Afghan education program. Partnered with University of Maryland, studied Linguistic Anthropology and english. CIA satellite paramilitary operations training.
Musa: M, (14)
Bajbala's son. Presumed dead. Last seen when he was violently taken from her as an infant. Often has vivid dreams or nightmares interacting with him as she remembers; Afghan hills, poppy fields, kites, burning bodies, wailing, sinking holes.
Pazir Anwarzai "Rake Bravo": M, 50
CIA-FIDP RED BULB asset. Bajbala's handler, mentor and close friend. Had an infatuation when she was more naïve. Saved her when she was compromised. Facilitated her immigration to the US.
Lauren J. Fiari: F, 28
A friend and colleague living in Washington. She works in some political body doing research and analysis on cultural assimilation in the US. Bajbala's party-going english tutor.
Likes: Mingling with strangers, singing and dancing(especially to played out western tunes like "Billy Jean"), being courted, the ocean, dates (the fruit), tea, artisanal bread.
Dislikes: Religious/Political extremists, child exploitation and abuse, drugs, putting out, ice-cold beverages, first-world problems.
Fears: Overcoming the denial of her child's fate, further, discovering what happened. When experiencing children suffering or feeling a lack of control over her choices, she is filled with anxiety. Bajbala disassociates and becomes irritable, until she can be alone where she pours out her emotions. It ever haunts her even though it has been years. She had just become a mother and failed so quickly. Was she to blame? Did she do everything in her power or did she just give him up?
Weaknesses: She's not exceptionally strong and has minimal hand-to-hand training. Bajbala suffers from anxiety when facing sensitive and cruel situations with children. Sometimes enough to put her into a fit of rage or tremors.
Gifted(+8): Subterfuge, HUMINT, Persuade
Adept(+6): Handguns, Anthropology, SERE, Awareness
Average(+4): MilSci-Land, Demolition, Break-and-Enter, SIGINT
Novice(+2): Long Guns, First aid, Forensics, Archaeology, Hand-to-hand
Language: Pashto, English (fluent), Arabic (intermediate), Russian (rudimentary).
Specialised Skills:
Guerrilla tactics (or/on Targeted Elimination) (INT)
Small charge IED employment (DEX)
Human Terrain Mapping (INT)
Linguistic Anthropology (INT)
Alias/Callsigns: Switch, Anne L. Malowitz, Priscilla West
Age: 30
Gender: F

Fair skinned Afghan. Nimble and fit from mountain warfare. Modest musculature. Several small moles on her body. Burn scar in her right palm. She speaks with a confident mellifluous tone. Speaks english clearly with a very mild middle-eastern accent. Thick locks of shoulder length hair, usually bunched in a short pony tail or loose when off-duty.
Agency/Organization: Former CIA project RED BULB asset in Afghanistan Regional Command East. Billeted as an Intelligence Officer under the CIA Directorate of Operations.
Education: Biased 3rd-world Primary education. RED BULB training program. Secondary education through Kazakh-Afghan education program. Partnered with University of Maryland, studied Linguistic Anthropology and english. CIA satellite paramilitary operations training.
Bajbala remembers innocently dancing with her older siblings as the adults celebrated, ordained by Allah, on the morning of September 12th 2001.
Her life was stable, if not unfair to her education until she was around 14. Her father who seemed so much to love her married her off to a mid-level Taliban leader, Jamshid Wazifiq. The sudden leap into Afghan womanhood left her with feelings of Betrayal. She would be veiled in cloth and social isolation until Pazir Anwarzai, a CIA asset deeply in bed with the extremists, made contact. He was part of a CIA program titled RED BULB that sought to recruit young girls as HUMINT sensors. The most harmless and disgruntled denizens in Afghanistan would be the least expected threat to harm and compromise the Taliban objective.
Pazir connected with her on the promise of reuniting her family and ending the control and abuse. This wassupported by the equally sympathetic mid-wives and older women who wished for some semblance of freedom that vanished with the rise of the Taliban.
Bajbala gave birth to her son very early in life. This vulnerability and close status with Wazifiq was expected and exploited by the program to identify the Taliban command structure in the area. She would relay what she heard and plant bugs in places Pazir couldn't reach. This espionage kickstarted the elimination of distant connections.
After three years of smooth running and the recent elimination of her husband Wazifiq, she made a mistake. The Taliban on all fronts were tighter than ever knowing that spooks loomed inside and out. She was in possession of a hand-held radio that was hastily hidden when she was tending to her son, then 3 years old. Her mother was the only person in her family not off fighting the Americans or dead so she stayed with Bajbala. The mother attempted to more successfully hide it, now understanding what was going on with her daughter and some strange behaviors lately. She was caught and persecuted by the fighters. She took the blame and was executed by the men.
They decided to make an example of her friends and daughter as well. They beat and wounded some of the girls in the compound. Bajbala's memory is hazy. She remembers they slapped her around and viciously abducted her son, dragging him away as if to kill him in the street. Pazir made it to Bajbala in time to gun down the men preparing to punish her. Compromised and outnumbered, he fled with a broken Bajbala.
The following years consisted of repressed emotions, accelerated learning through the Kazahk-Afghan secondary education initiative for women, and further tutelage from Pazir and his American partners. During this time she also picked up functioning english Her sole-survivorship and assistance to the NATO mission landed her a premium slot for a Special Immigrant Visa to the US. Pazir and his CIA contacts took point and pushed it almost as a consolation. Bajbala continued to serve with Pazir as a frontline surveillance and pipe-laying asset for several years until she was cleared to enter the US. During this time the few successful RED BULB assets were transforming into their own lethal guerrilla force.
There was a series of operations delegated to their expendable teams that drifted into the realm of paranormal, unbeknownst to them. The duo was tasked with close following one Bazir al-Kahlwadi. ISR picked up Bazir's suspected convoy in the village Ojam Khalay near the border or Pakistan. They were deployed on ground to fish him out, covering as a fragmented insurgency gang-member and his wife. Once they made contact they realized something was off. The dynamic of the soldiers seemed to support other unidentified personnel. Their demeanor was much quieter and less involved in the village.
The group only allowed them to travel side-by-side as a precaution against NATO intervention until they were several miles into Pakistan. From here, Bajbala and Pazir had difficulty tracking them towards the northern mountains. The further they ventured, the colder and quieter it became. They identified Bazir's troupe headed towards a remote village nestled in the mountains and broke off the persuit. It wasn't long after they relayed the information up the CIA chain that they coordinated a strike. Bajbala would be long gone by the time it happened and would never know the results.
In the quiet hills she remembers some feeling calling for her, a foreign howl in her mind. The longer she paid it any mind the more it morphed into the desperate wailing of an infant. Though, it had a haunting rhythm of some alien language. It only faded when the mountains disappeared into the horizon. Since, she has been haunted by unexplainable things in her dreams with her son. The continued operations with the mysterious liaison introduced her to a side of religion that damaged her already questionable faith.
Bajbala entered the united states in 2013 and grinded away her stereotypes and fantasies of the country. She would obtain a degree in Linguistic Anthropology from the University of Maryland sponsored by the CIA as long as she continued work with them. She focused much time integrating into American culture and smoothing out her english speech.
In 2017 she was assigned to integrating SOF teams with Peshmerga in the pushback against ISIS in Iraq. After 2 years she was recalled to the US for reassignment to another project locked behind a mound of SIPR-tokens.
Her life was stable, if not unfair to her education until she was around 14. Her father who seemed so much to love her married her off to a mid-level Taliban leader, Jamshid Wazifiq. The sudden leap into Afghan womanhood left her with feelings of Betrayal. She would be veiled in cloth and social isolation until Pazir Anwarzai, a CIA asset deeply in bed with the extremists, made contact. He was part of a CIA program titled RED BULB that sought to recruit young girls as HUMINT sensors. The most harmless and disgruntled denizens in Afghanistan would be the least expected threat to harm and compromise the Taliban objective.
Pazir connected with her on the promise of reuniting her family and ending the control and abuse. This wassupported by the equally sympathetic mid-wives and older women who wished for some semblance of freedom that vanished with the rise of the Taliban.
Bajbala gave birth to her son very early in life. This vulnerability and close status with Wazifiq was expected and exploited by the program to identify the Taliban command structure in the area. She would relay what she heard and plant bugs in places Pazir couldn't reach. This espionage kickstarted the elimination of distant connections.
After three years of smooth running and the recent elimination of her husband Wazifiq, she made a mistake. The Taliban on all fronts were tighter than ever knowing that spooks loomed inside and out. She was in possession of a hand-held radio that was hastily hidden when she was tending to her son, then 3 years old. Her mother was the only person in her family not off fighting the Americans or dead so she stayed with Bajbala. The mother attempted to more successfully hide it, now understanding what was going on with her daughter and some strange behaviors lately. She was caught and persecuted by the fighters. She took the blame and was executed by the men.
They decided to make an example of her friends and daughter as well. They beat and wounded some of the girls in the compound. Bajbala's memory is hazy. She remembers they slapped her around and viciously abducted her son, dragging him away as if to kill him in the street. Pazir made it to Bajbala in time to gun down the men preparing to punish her. Compromised and outnumbered, he fled with a broken Bajbala.
The following years consisted of repressed emotions, accelerated learning through the Kazahk-Afghan secondary education initiative for women, and further tutelage from Pazir and his American partners. During this time she also picked up functioning english Her sole-survivorship and assistance to the NATO mission landed her a premium slot for a Special Immigrant Visa to the US. Pazir and his CIA contacts took point and pushed it almost as a consolation. Bajbala continued to serve with Pazir as a frontline surveillance and pipe-laying asset for several years until she was cleared to enter the US. During this time the few successful RED BULB assets were transforming into their own lethal guerrilla force.
There was a series of operations delegated to their expendable teams that drifted into the realm of paranormal, unbeknownst to them. The duo was tasked with close following one Bazir al-Kahlwadi. ISR picked up Bazir's suspected convoy in the village Ojam Khalay near the border or Pakistan. They were deployed on ground to fish him out, covering as a fragmented insurgency gang-member and his wife. Once they made contact they realized something was off. The dynamic of the soldiers seemed to support other unidentified personnel. Their demeanor was much quieter and less involved in the village.
The group only allowed them to travel side-by-side as a precaution against NATO intervention until they were several miles into Pakistan. From here, Bajbala and Pazir had difficulty tracking them towards the northern mountains. The further they ventured, the colder and quieter it became. They identified Bazir's troupe headed towards a remote village nestled in the mountains and broke off the persuit. It wasn't long after they relayed the information up the CIA chain that they coordinated a strike. Bajbala would be long gone by the time it happened and would never know the results.
In the quiet hills she remembers some feeling calling for her, a foreign howl in her mind. The longer she paid it any mind the more it morphed into the desperate wailing of an infant. Though, it had a haunting rhythm of some alien language. It only faded when the mountains disappeared into the horizon. Since, she has been haunted by unexplainable things in her dreams with her son. The continued operations with the mysterious liaison introduced her to a side of religion that damaged her already questionable faith.
Bajbala entered the united states in 2013 and grinded away her stereotypes and fantasies of the country. She would obtain a degree in Linguistic Anthropology from the University of Maryland sponsored by the CIA as long as she continued work with them. She focused much time integrating into American culture and smoothing out her english speech.
In 2017 she was assigned to integrating SOF teams with Peshmerga in the pushback against ISIS in Iraq. After 2 years she was recalled to the US for reassignment to another project locked behind a mound of SIPR-tokens.
The Good. A positive spirit. She is earnest about her work and is thankful for the opportunity to live in America, which has been the only support in her life after childhood. She appreciates her coworkers and is very forward with how she feels, unafraid to exchange jabs with those in this line of work. Her life surrounds the purpose the CIA RED BULB program instilled in her and she integrates it well into her private life.
The bad. In times of duress she remains confident. She is more accustomed to working alone or with one other in a clandestine fashion. She is not so confident in specifically kinetic operations and will rely on some form of leadership to be effective. Bajbala does have anxiety about her romantic relations and fails to let anyone get that close, even if she adores the western attention of courtship.
The ugly. Her Islamic faith was shaken dry through the trauma she faced in Afghanistan. However, it is deeply instilled by her extremist upbringing and it teeters in the edge of her mind, especially when faced with disturbing events. The more disturbing, the more vividly she recalls the cries in the mountains speaking to her.
The bad. In times of duress she remains confident. She is more accustomed to working alone or with one other in a clandestine fashion. She is not so confident in specifically kinetic operations and will rely on some form of leadership to be effective. Bajbala does have anxiety about her romantic relations and fails to let anyone get that close, even if she adores the western attention of courtship.
The ugly. Her Islamic faith was shaken dry through the trauma she faced in Afghanistan. However, it is deeply instilled by her extremist upbringing and it teeters in the edge of her mind, especially when faced with disturbing events. The more disturbing, the more vividly she recalls the cries in the mountains speaking to her.
Musa: M, (14)
Bajbala's son. Presumed dead. Last seen when he was violently taken from her as an infant. Often has vivid dreams or nightmares interacting with him as she remembers; Afghan hills, poppy fields, kites, burning bodies, wailing, sinking holes.
Pazir Anwarzai "Rake Bravo": M, 50
CIA-FIDP RED BULB asset. Bajbala's handler, mentor and close friend. Had an infatuation when she was more naïve. Saved her when she was compromised. Facilitated her immigration to the US.
Lauren J. Fiari: F, 28
A friend and colleague living in Washington. She works in some political body doing research and analysis on cultural assimilation in the US. Bajbala's party-going english tutor.
Likes: Mingling with strangers, singing and dancing(especially to played out western tunes like "Billy Jean"), being courted, the ocean, dates (the fruit), tea, artisanal bread.
Dislikes: Religious/Political extremists, child exploitation and abuse, drugs, putting out, ice-cold beverages, first-world problems.
Fears: Overcoming the denial of her child's fate, further, discovering what happened. When experiencing children suffering or feeling a lack of control over her choices, she is filled with anxiety. Bajbala disassociates and becomes irritable, until she can be alone where she pours out her emotions. It ever haunts her even though it has been years. She had just become a mother and failed so quickly. Was she to blame? Did she do everything in her power or did she just give him up?
Weaknesses: She's not exceptionally strong and has minimal hand-to-hand training. Bajbala suffers from anxiety when facing sensitive and cruel situations with children. Sometimes enough to put her into a fit of rage or tremors.
Gifted(+8): Subterfuge, HUMINT, Persuade
Adept(+6): Handguns, Anthropology, SERE, Awareness
Average(+4): MilSci-Land, Demolition, Break-and-Enter, SIGINT
Novice(+2): Long Guns, First aid, Forensics, Archaeology, Hand-to-hand
Language: Pashto, English (fluent), Arabic (intermediate), Russian (rudimentary).
Specialised Skills:
Guerrilla tactics (or/on Targeted Elimination) (INT)
Small charge IED employment (DEX)
Human Terrain Mapping (INT)
Linguistic Anthropology (INT)
As an operative in the program, the following is given that she has access and that it does not compromise the mission.
Clothing: In the first-world she wears a number of different light-jackets, long-sleeve shirts, jeans, loose-fit shorts, sandals or sneakers. Rarely heels. Otherwise, she wears attire appropriate for females of the culture she is embedded with.
Weapons: Concealed; Walther PPK/s.
Tools/Equipment: Leather purse, sunglasses, beanie, notepad, pen, local currency, small tactical light, GPS Tracker, ad-hoc usb device synced with secure phone. False ID,
Clothing: In the first-world she wears a number of different light-jackets, long-sleeve shirts, jeans, loose-fit shorts, sandals or sneakers. Rarely heels. Otherwise, she wears attire appropriate for females of the culture she is embedded with.
Weapons: Concealed; Walther PPK/s.
Tools/Equipment: Leather purse, sunglasses, beanie, notepad, pen, local currency, small tactical light, GPS Tracker, ad-hoc usb device synced with secure phone. False ID,
As an operative in the program, the following is given that she has access and that it does not compromise the mission. While ready and able, she does not primarily conduct direct-action operations. The exception being covert targeted elimination.
Clothing: Typically the same as her off-duty attire. Neutral colored jackets, shirt-of-the-day, fitted jeans/hiking pants, sneakers. For more kinetic operations she may wear black or neutral colored niqab, black leather gloves. For middle-eastern affairs, a burqa.
Weapons: Chosen from the following.
- VP9 Welrod for targeted elimination.
- Beretta 92 FS compact (micro-reflex sight, suppressor) general purpose carry.
- MP7 (red dot sight [Micro T2], IR/visible laser [ATPIAL], QD suppressor, double point sling) for larger-scale kinetic team ops.
- AKs-74u (double-point sling) for foreign cover and geurrilla ops.
- Sawed-off M79 for ops anticipating the need for its utility.
Tools/Equipment: At her discretion; Low-visibility plate carrier (grey, slick, often under jacket), slim battle-belt, Joint Tactical Radio System (for team ops), throat-mic/earbud, IR beacon, tactical flashlight, additional 9x19mm subsonic loaded magazines.
Light backpack, GPS trackers, ad-hoc usb device, skullcrusher head-mount, monocular night vision (PVS-14), tourniquet & quick clot, incendiary grenade, 40mm thermobaric/clusterflare/IRflare, composite-4 explosive when issued or portable home-made C.A.N. explosives to different shapes and sizes, small two-way radio.
Clothing: Typically the same as her off-duty attire. Neutral colored jackets, shirt-of-the-day, fitted jeans/hiking pants, sneakers. For more kinetic operations she may wear black or neutral colored niqab, black leather gloves. For middle-eastern affairs, a burqa.
Weapons: Chosen from the following.
- VP9 Welrod for targeted elimination.
- Beretta 92 FS compact (micro-reflex sight, suppressor) general purpose carry.
- MP7 (red dot sight [Micro T2], IR/visible laser [ATPIAL], QD suppressor, double point sling) for larger-scale kinetic team ops.
- AKs-74u (double-point sling) for foreign cover and geurrilla ops.
- Sawed-off M79 for ops anticipating the need for its utility.
Tools/Equipment: At her discretion; Low-visibility plate carrier (grey, slick, often under jacket), slim battle-belt, Joint Tactical Radio System (for team ops), throat-mic/earbud, IR beacon, tactical flashlight, additional 9x19mm subsonic loaded magazines.
Light backpack, GPS trackers, ad-hoc usb device, skullcrusher head-mount, monocular night vision (PVS-14), tourniquet & quick clot, incendiary grenade, 40mm thermobaric/clusterflare/IRflare, composite-4 explosive when issued or portable home-made C.A.N. explosives to different shapes and sizes, small two-way radio.
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