Has your heart always contained this wanderlust? It is true now, for sure. You can hardly stop the under-the-skin itch that draws you away from this tiny town and its tiny ambitions and its tiny curiosity.
The only thing that seems to scratch that itch is browsing the shelves of The Last Page, the local bookstore. It was on one of these trips that your life changed, though you didn't know it at the time.
You found a book. Leather-bound, ancient, and beautiful. It was unmarked by any pricetags or barcodes, and set into the center of the cover was a necklace. A length of crystal no thicker than a ballpoint pen's ink tube, set into a simple fixture on a chain of blackened gold. You must have been so surprised to find such an incredible book that you were seeing things. Because you could swear, when you touched that crystal, you felt a heartbeat.
Little did you know what would happen when you got that book home and opened its cover. Little did you know what you'd been chosen for, and what that key represented. The power it would give you. The wonders it would show you. The places it would take you.
Nor did you know the powers that would want it. The people that would seek it. The monsters that would claim it.

So What The Hell Is This?
This is a modern fantasy-ish, magepunk-ish, mysticism-inspired RP where your character, a young woman who longs for more in her life, gets her wish granted to a much, much greater degree than she bargained for.
It is weird, and I want to spoil as little as possible. The less I say, the weirder it will feel.
This is designed for MxF or FxF, with my partner providing a female protagonist. I could do a male protagonist, but it would take some rewrites. In any case I'll be taking on more of a GM role as far as "playing the entire world," but I do want a partner who brings a character that will proactively interact with the world.
So What Will Happen?
Your character will be dropped into a very strange and expansive world. There will be exploration of exotic locales, cultures, and peoples. There will be political maneuverings among ascendant beings. There will be enlightenment, achieved through violence. Royalty, Magic, Mastery, Wisdom, Ascendance, and Blood.
Oh, and a lot of weird shit and unexpected takes on fantasy concepts.
What Should I Do?
-Bring a character who is ambitious and has a desire to explore.
-Be ready to geek out with me OOC, because we're gonna make something kickass and worth geeking for.
-Send me a PM.
-Smut Policy: My default is to go through the whole uh... proceedings. Lemme know if that's not your thing. All in all? Smut will not be a focus. But it might happen.
-MOST IMPORTANTLY: Keep being sexy.