Let me know if anything needs fixed/edited/clarified/etc.
So I wrote this between 3-5am, there's prolly mistakes in there somewhere.
Character you have created:
Ruyn Grimm
The Grim Reaper (Reaper)
Speech Color: f9ad81
"Don't touch my mask or I'll break your fingers."
Character Alignment:
Walking the Line
Character Personality:
Ruyn is kinda reserved and knows he’s attractive but his social anxiety makes it difficult to navigate social interactions, and therefore is more often than not, a man of few words. However, he is also the kind to really open up and be honest about his mental state with the ones he trusts and loves with all of his heart (like Vita and Mori) and laughs easily at his friend's antics/jokes. He's got a wicked sense of humor and often jokes about death, depression, and other stuff. He is sometimes sarcastic, moody, and self-deprecating. Ruyn is also not afraid to punch or stab a bitch, just saying, especially if they are aggressive with him about his mask (verbal abuse, trying to take it off of him forcefully). But if they asked politely and promised not to scream at least he might consider taking it off.
Ruyn is soft-hearted on the inside and wants nothing more than to feel comfortable in his own skin around people he trusts. He wishes he wasn't so fucked up, but also does the best he can with it, and does his best to show the ones he cares about how much he cares for them. He is incredibly swayed by the cuteness of animals and children. when feeling confident, he is really charming, and persuasive, and knows how to use his voice, and looks to get what he wants, whether it's free stuff, a partner for the night, or information.
Ruyn also loves to dance, be it hip hop or ballroom. One of his favorite things to do is to go to his club where he can take his mask off and have fun with another demon or vampire on the dance floor. He is also 85-100 years old by now, and he is pretty good at guitar/piano.
Often wears black clothing with splashes of blue, white, grey, and red thrown in. Typically dresses in jeans, a T-shirt, and a leather jacket or hoodie/sweater paired with boots, but looks dapper in a suit and tie. Wears tank tops and form-fitting workout pants when exercising. He also wears eyeliner and mascara, because he can. Sometimes he wears eyeshadow. Or maybe he’s just tired. It’s anyone’s guess.
When in battle, he wears black and red form-fitting full-body armor made of Demonsteel-plated leather armor that looks like dragon scales (including a battle mask molded to the exposed bone parts of his face(crafted by an immortal blacksmith friend and imbued with Ruyn's demonic signature).
Hero Type:
Supernatural: Death Demon; Reaper (Grim Reaper)
Power Level:
-Reap souls from bodies with his scythe/Reaper Blades
-Enter the Spiritual Plane with or without his physical body
-Umbrakinesis: the ability to manipulate/control shadows/darkness
-Demon Mark/Rose Tattoo: glows when he uses his powers, and whoever draws it on something/tattoos it onto themselves can communicate telepathically with him and act as beacons for each other. He doesn’t allow anyone to know his full mark, so he covered it with a rose tattoo because there are other beings who would use it to his detriment (the one person he might show it to is blind so yeah).[
-Fully Demonic Form with wings
-Every 50 years can Reap one soul and use the years it had left to extend his own lifespan or that of someone else.
-Can teleport to places he has been before.
-Heightened senses (taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight).
-Accelerated healing/color]
-Sometimes shapeshifts into a tank-sized dragon made of bones and shadow.
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Severe Social Anxiety-He wears a mask cuz his face fades into bare bones, exposing his jaw bone, long fangs and sharp, pointed teeth before fading back into the base of his skull. It scares/weirds people out, and they think he’s scary because of it, despite him being a total sweetheart. As a result, he has extreme social anxiety, particularly when people ask him to remove his mask or why he’s wearing one. He could glamor himself but as he’s a Death Demon who has to speak with other supernatural beings, it’s not exactly always an option to be glamoured (may supernatural beings see through glamors anyway), so the mask is easier. His anxiety makes it hard for him to have the confidence to date/make new friends. As a result, he is often unsure of new friendships but kinda lives in his own little world at times and doesn't notice when someone might actually like him.
PTSD: Ruyn used to be enslaved, and was alone for many of his years as a young child/teenage demon. Sometimes unexpected touch causes his anxiety to spike, or for him to flinch, expecting pain. Certain weapons (like whips) make him nauseous to look at and he absolutely panics if his hands and feet are bound. Panic attacks last anywhere from 5 minutes to a few hours. Sometimes he hyperventilates until he passes out from too much/not enough oxygen and/or shakes so hard he can hardly move. Sometimes he has to teleport to the pocket realm he and his adoptive sisters call home, away from the middle of a battle just to keep it together so he's not killed by it.
Beheading/Full Dismemberment-He can heal from most fatal/grievous wounds such as a bullet to the chest, but cannot regenerate if his head is severed and kept away from his neck (if reattached quickly enough, he can heal enough to not die immediately, but it has to be within two minutes of decapitation). Limbs can be reattached/regenerated, but regenerating entire limbs takes up to a week and is extremely painful.
Demonic Marking: While it can be used by him to track down loved ones who are in danger, it is also a risk as there are many other cruel beings who would use it to track him down and enslave/kill him. Ruyn would rather die than be enslaved again. And he'd also rather not die.
Sensory Overload: extremely crowded areas, tight spaces, blinding lights, and sometimes high pitches in sound or extreme volumes give him nosebleeds and anxiety and sometimes migraines that are so bad his body shuts down. Certain smells that he doesn't like sometimes make him nauseous. He can't walk past the laundry sections in stores without holding a hand to his already-masked nose. Uncomfortable physical touch can trigger his anxiety/PTSD and causes nausea and panic.
Depression/Self Deprecation: Constantly fights with self-hate and depression, Some days are worse than others.
Permanently Damaged Vocal Cords: He literally can't speak in a whisper, the hunters did a number on his throat when they cut him open, and Mori isn't a healer, not really, so she was unable to reverse the damage all the way. He can talk softly and purr his words, but that's as low as he can go.
Supporting Characters:
Ahmose, Minor Egyptian God of Shadows, Moonlight and the Undead: close friend and sparring partner, adopted older brother. Helps Ruyn meditate and deal with his past trauma. Ruyn is eternally grateful for Ahmose's quiet understanding and silent support.
Cian, Primordial Vampire, Queen of Vampiric Ireland: Close friend and sparring partner, fellow chaos raiser, adopted older sister. Always knows the best people to help him fix his weapons.
Menkaura, Minor Egyptian God and Protector of Cats, Children, and Women: Close friend, sparring partner, adopted older brother. Also helps him blend in with modern fashion, and gives fashion advice.
Mori, Living Embodiment of Death, Patron Goddess of Death Demons: Roommate and adopted older sister.
Vita, Living embodiment of Life, Patron Goddes of Healers and Life-givers: Roommate and adopted older sister.
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
Sample Post:The tall, nearly seven-foot male sighed as he waited in line to order a drink, messing with the rings on his fingers, twisting the one on his right middle finger that had a rotating center, the sound mildly loud and rasping to his sensitive hearing if he let his guard down. He had to keep it up in order to not go into sensory overload on a daily basis, if he wanted life to be a least a little bit easier than it had been the past 50-55 years before meeting Mori. Ah, Mori, his Patron Goddess of Death and Death Demons. Also, his adoptive sister. He's still not sure how he went from being an Ascended Reaper to Primordial Reaper-Something to do with Mori's guilt at being an absentee Patron and how he was older than he thought, and technically was the oldest living Reaper? Whatever. He had a family who cared for him and a best friend who made him feel comfortable with himself, and that's kind of all he cared about at the moment.
"Excuse me, sir," someone tapped on Ruyn's shoulder blade with a hard finger, and he turned his head to regard the short human female with a raised eyebrow. the human in question couldn't be more than 5'5" and 112 pounds, heavy makeup with blonde hair in a big, southern style hairdo, large hoop earrings in her ears, country club fashion clothing her from head to toe.
"Can I help you?" he rumbled.
"You know it's rude to wear masks inside, right?" the female demanded bossily. "You should take your mask off and show a little common decency."
"I am wearing this mask out of common decency, thank you," he narrowed his pupil-less eyes at her. This bitch has more balls than most of the men here and half the brains, he thought to himself.
"Oh, really?" a snotty tone, hands on hips in a bitchy manner.
"Yes, really," his voice deepened and too on a dark, echoing and ringing quality, and the woman's face paled as she recognized the sound of a demonic voice. "I wear this mask to keep you from nightmares that drive sane men to insanity and self-violence. So do not fucking touch me or talk shit about my mask, again, yes?." the female nodded and averted her eyes. Ruyn sighed and turned back to the line, ignoring the eyes on him, casually ordered three coffees and paid for them all before leaving the coffee shop in a cloud of black smoke that smelled like roses and spice. He hated making a scene, he really did, but humans were stubborn creatures.
Ruyn Grimm
The Grim Reaper (Reaper)
Speech Color: f9ad81
"Don't touch my mask or I'll break your fingers."
Character Alignment:
Walking the Line
Character Personality:
Ruyn is kinda reserved and knows he’s attractive but his social anxiety makes it difficult to navigate social interactions, and therefore is more often than not, a man of few words. However, he is also the kind to really open up and be honest about his mental state with the ones he trusts and loves with all of his heart (like Vita and Mori) and laughs easily at his friend's antics/jokes. He's got a wicked sense of humor and often jokes about death, depression, and other stuff. He is sometimes sarcastic, moody, and self-deprecating. Ruyn is also not afraid to punch or stab a bitch, just saying, especially if they are aggressive with him about his mask (verbal abuse, trying to take it off of him forcefully). But if they asked politely and promised not to scream at least he might consider taking it off.
Ruyn is soft-hearted on the inside and wants nothing more than to feel comfortable in his own skin around people he trusts. He wishes he wasn't so fucked up, but also does the best he can with it, and does his best to show the ones he cares about how much he cares for them. He is incredibly swayed by the cuteness of animals and children. when feeling confident, he is really charming, and persuasive, and knows how to use his voice, and looks to get what he wants, whether it's free stuff, a partner for the night, or information.
Ruyn also loves to dance, be it hip hop or ballroom. One of his favorite things to do is to go to his club where he can take his mask off and have fun with another demon or vampire on the dance floor. He is also 85-100 years old by now, and he is pretty good at guitar/piano.
Often wears black clothing with splashes of blue, white, grey, and red thrown in. Typically dresses in jeans, a T-shirt, and a leather jacket or hoodie/sweater paired with boots, but looks dapper in a suit and tie. Wears tank tops and form-fitting workout pants when exercising. He also wears eyeliner and mascara, because he can. Sometimes he wears eyeshadow. Or maybe he’s just tired. It’s anyone’s guess.
When in battle, he wears black and red form-fitting full-body armor made of Demonsteel-plated leather armor that looks like dragon scales (including a battle mask molded to the exposed bone parts of his face(crafted by an immortal blacksmith friend and imbued with Ruyn's demonic signature).
Ruyn lives with the twin goddesses Mori and Vita, the living embodiments of Death and Life, respectively. Mori, as the embodiment of Death and therefore the Patron Goddes of Death Demons, took him in when he was out trying to reap a soul and something went horribly wrong, nearly resulting in his untimely death before he could fully grow into his immortality (most demonic species grow like humans for the first ten years, but only just begin to physically mature-hit puberty-around 20, and age into adulthood/immortality around 40-45). Mori and Vita let him cook for them as he likes cooking even though none of them really need to eat. Mori also gave him new powers cuz she feels like he's like a lil bro or something and she’s not about to let her lil bro go out and get mugged by someone who thinks they’re a big badass for trying to fuck with a Grim Reaper. Mori originally was contemplating taking pity on him and making him her servant, but she was too soft-hearted when it came to her demons, especially poor Ruyn, so she decided it would be better if she just made him family. And the rest is history. Anyone who messes with Ruyn is literally laughing in the face of Death.
When Ruyn was a young demon (around 15 years old), he stumbled his way into the mortal realm, having accidentally teleported in a fit of despair: his Dam, his mother had been killed by a demon hunter while she was visiting another demon family. Poor Ruyn didn't know how to teleport back and was faced with horror and rejection from the mortals, was even almost killed several times but always escaped by instinctually teleporting away in fear. Ruyn learned to steal what he needed for food and clothing before teleporting and hiding away in order to take care of himself and avoid demon hunters/other supernatural beings. When he was 25 he was enslaved by another immortal, being "trained" to please their every wish, sexual or otherwise, only learning how to use his powers from another Reaper Demon slave. He was a slave for twelve years before being freed by a group of powerful beings who had been working to rescue him and the others within the underground slave market. Ruyn ran and ran until he couldn't run anymore, ending up at a young farm couple's house, who took him in and nursed his injuries, not batting an eye at his demonic heritage: they themselves were shifters and they welcomed the young, traumatized Reaper into their home.
He lived with them until he felt the need to move, and left after saying goodbye, moving to a new city. He was called into the spiritual realm one day by a desperate soul, and unintentionally left his physical body where it was vulnerable. A demon hunter took the opportunity to "capture" him, and brought him to a lab where he was poked and prodded until it jolted his soul back into his body with a silent scream; they had been cutting him open and that included his throat. He couldn't speak, he couldn't move, strapped down as he was, and not yet grown into his immortality, his lifeblood steadily flowing from is wounds and down the metal table to the floor. As he lay dying, he sent a prayer to whoever might be listening, to either end his suffering, or to give him the strength to destroy the beings who were torturing him so. Luckily for him, a certain Goddess of Death felt the plea of one of her beloved Demons, and flew into a rage, coming down herself to freeze them all in place.
She walked over to the demon she considered to be one of her own blood, and cupped his face in sadness, breathing a red mist upon him. it soaked into his skin, and his wounds rapidly healed, his strength welling to new heights, clouds of pain being chased away by relief. And with the relief came his wrath. He broke his bonds with a savage growl and tore into each of the hunters with merciless bloodshed.
Blood splattered the walls and ceiling, limbs and organs scattered about, torn, ripped to shreds. Broken bones, gore everywhere. On him, all over the room, under his claws and in his teeth and hair.
"My ferocious child," the goddess crooned, hair the color of fresh-spilled blood flowing about her shoulders. Her voice was dark, and echoing quality to it, like a creeping tide of death that rises and falls with her words. "I have failed you as your Patron. I will atone for my lack of protection and attention, I swear upon the very powers I wield. Come, you will be safe with me, and you will be stronger than before, stronger than you might have been without my intervention. Anyone hurts you in this way again, they will be meeting their end sooner than they can blink."
Ruyn looked at the pale-skinned woman, whose perfect, porcelain face held black eyes and glowing, blood-red markings that followed the bone structure of her face, giving her an eerie overlay as she held a claw-tipped hand out to him. Ruyn took her hand willingly, trusting her on instinct. The goddess and her subject disappeared from the mortal plane in a puff of smoky darkness.
Some Jackass: Threatens Ruyn somehow/Is rude about Ruyn's mask probably.
Mori: So you have chosen to die this day
Mori: So you have chosen to die this day
When Ruyn was a young demon (around 15 years old), he stumbled his way into the mortal realm, having accidentally teleported in a fit of despair: his Dam, his mother had been killed by a demon hunter while she was visiting another demon family. Poor Ruyn didn't know how to teleport back and was faced with horror and rejection from the mortals, was even almost killed several times but always escaped by instinctually teleporting away in fear. Ruyn learned to steal what he needed for food and clothing before teleporting and hiding away in order to take care of himself and avoid demon hunters/other supernatural beings. When he was 25 he was enslaved by another immortal, being "trained" to please their every wish, sexual or otherwise, only learning how to use his powers from another Reaper Demon slave. He was a slave for twelve years before being freed by a group of powerful beings who had been working to rescue him and the others within the underground slave market. Ruyn ran and ran until he couldn't run anymore, ending up at a young farm couple's house, who took him in and nursed his injuries, not batting an eye at his demonic heritage: they themselves were shifters and they welcomed the young, traumatized Reaper into their home.
He lived with them until he felt the need to move, and left after saying goodbye, moving to a new city. He was called into the spiritual realm one day by a desperate soul, and unintentionally left his physical body where it was vulnerable. A demon hunter took the opportunity to "capture" him, and brought him to a lab where he was poked and prodded until it jolted his soul back into his body with a silent scream; they had been cutting him open and that included his throat. He couldn't speak, he couldn't move, strapped down as he was, and not yet grown into his immortality, his lifeblood steadily flowing from is wounds and down the metal table to the floor. As he lay dying, he sent a prayer to whoever might be listening, to either end his suffering, or to give him the strength to destroy the beings who were torturing him so. Luckily for him, a certain Goddess of Death felt the plea of one of her beloved Demons, and flew into a rage, coming down herself to freeze them all in place.
She walked over to the demon she considered to be one of her own blood, and cupped his face in sadness, breathing a red mist upon him. it soaked into his skin, and his wounds rapidly healed, his strength welling to new heights, clouds of pain being chased away by relief. And with the relief came his wrath. He broke his bonds with a savage growl and tore into each of the hunters with merciless bloodshed.
Blood splattered the walls and ceiling, limbs and organs scattered about, torn, ripped to shreds. Broken bones, gore everywhere. On him, all over the room, under his claws and in his teeth and hair.
"My ferocious child," the goddess crooned, hair the color of fresh-spilled blood flowing about her shoulders. Her voice was dark, and echoing quality to it, like a creeping tide of death that rises and falls with her words. "I have failed you as your Patron. I will atone for my lack of protection and attention, I swear upon the very powers I wield. Come, you will be safe with me, and you will be stronger than before, stronger than you might have been without my intervention. Anyone hurts you in this way again, they will be meeting their end sooner than they can blink."
Ruyn looked at the pale-skinned woman, whose perfect, porcelain face held black eyes and glowing, blood-red markings that followed the bone structure of her face, giving her an eerie overlay as she held a claw-tipped hand out to him. Ruyn took her hand willingly, trusting her on instinct. The goddess and her subject disappeared from the mortal plane in a puff of smoky darkness.
Hero Type:
Supernatural: Death Demon; Reaper (Grim Reaper)
Power Level:
-Reap souls from bodies with his scythe/Reaper Blades
-Enter the Spiritual Plane with or without his physical body
-Umbrakinesis: the ability to manipulate/control shadows/darkness
-Demon Mark/Rose Tattoo: glows when he uses his powers, and whoever draws it on something/tattoos it onto themselves can communicate telepathically with him and act as beacons for each other. He doesn’t allow anyone to know his full mark, so he covered it with a rose tattoo because there are other beings who would use it to his detriment (the one person he might show it to is blind so yeah).[
-Fully Demonic Form with wings
-Every 50 years can Reap one soul and use the years it had left to extend his own lifespan or that of someone else.
-Can teleport to places he has been before.
-Heightened senses (taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight).
-Accelerated healing/color]
-Sometimes shapeshifts into a tank-sized dragon made of bones and shadow.
Attributes (Select one at each category):
250 lbs
Can easily tear a man limb from limb. Can't bend titanium though. Could prolly lift an adult female elephant (8,000-10,000 lbs).
-On foot: 100mph in a straight line for 12 hours, starts to tire and slow down after 13.
-By wing: coasts at 80mp, can "speedrun" (so to speak) at 95
-Teleportation: nearly instantly, if teleporting in the mortal realm. Takes a few noticeable seconds if teleporting in, out, and around the spiritual realm.
-Agile: does gymnastics to keep himself fluid despite all the muscle. He's agile enough to be a spy, even when he wasn't grown into his powers.
He's naturally intelligent, as most of his species, but he's developed his intelligence, especially in fields of interest he takes great joy in studying/practicing. So, probably a genius, especially when it comes to all forms of weaponry and combat, and spy work/intelligence gathering (the main reason why he ends up knowing so much).
Fighting Skill:
Excels at most forms of combat, though his true martial skill lies in swordsmanship, throwing knives, daggers and hand to hand, fight-to-the-death combat. Pretty fluid about subduing targets quickly, as well.
-Blades, lots of blades
-A goddess of Death with a penchant for training until both of them are bruised and bleeding.
-Lots of money accumulated over the years
-Owns a bar on the DL, it brings in good cash and loyal clientele of the supernatural/metahuman/alien kind
250 lbs
Can easily tear a man limb from limb. Can't bend titanium though. Could prolly lift an adult female elephant (8,000-10,000 lbs).
-On foot: 100mph in a straight line for 12 hours, starts to tire and slow down after 13.
-By wing: coasts at 80mp, can "speedrun" (so to speak) at 95
-Teleportation: nearly instantly, if teleporting in the mortal realm. Takes a few noticeable seconds if teleporting in, out, and around the spiritual realm.
-Agile: does gymnastics to keep himself fluid despite all the muscle. He's agile enough to be a spy, even when he wasn't grown into his powers.
He's naturally intelligent, as most of his species, but he's developed his intelligence, especially in fields of interest he takes great joy in studying/practicing. So, probably a genius, especially when it comes to all forms of weaponry and combat, and spy work/intelligence gathering (the main reason why he ends up knowing so much).
Fighting Skill:
Excels at most forms of combat, though his true martial skill lies in swordsmanship, throwing knives, daggers and hand to hand, fight-to-the-death combat. Pretty fluid about subduing targets quickly, as well.
-Blades, lots of blades
-A goddess of Death with a penchant for training until both of them are bruised and bleeding.
-Lots of money accumulated over the years
-Owns a bar on the DL, it brings in good cash and loyal clientele of the supernatural/metahuman/alien kind
Severe Social Anxiety-He wears a mask cuz his face fades into bare bones, exposing his jaw bone, long fangs and sharp, pointed teeth before fading back into the base of his skull. It scares/weirds people out, and they think he’s scary because of it, despite him being a total sweetheart. As a result, he has extreme social anxiety, particularly when people ask him to remove his mask or why he’s wearing one. He could glamor himself but as he’s a Death Demon who has to speak with other supernatural beings, it’s not exactly always an option to be glamoured (may supernatural beings see through glamors anyway), so the mask is easier. His anxiety makes it hard for him to have the confidence to date/make new friends. As a result, he is often unsure of new friendships but kinda lives in his own little world at times and doesn't notice when someone might actually like him.
PTSD: Ruyn used to be enslaved, and was alone for many of his years as a young child/teenage demon. Sometimes unexpected touch causes his anxiety to spike, or for him to flinch, expecting pain. Certain weapons (like whips) make him nauseous to look at and he absolutely panics if his hands and feet are bound. Panic attacks last anywhere from 5 minutes to a few hours. Sometimes he hyperventilates until he passes out from too much/not enough oxygen and/or shakes so hard he can hardly move. Sometimes he has to teleport to the pocket realm he and his adoptive sisters call home, away from the middle of a battle just to keep it together so he's not killed by it.
Beheading/Full Dismemberment-He can heal from most fatal/grievous wounds such as a bullet to the chest, but cannot regenerate if his head is severed and kept away from his neck (if reattached quickly enough, he can heal enough to not die immediately, but it has to be within two minutes of decapitation). Limbs can be reattached/regenerated, but regenerating entire limbs takes up to a week and is extremely painful.
Demonic Marking: While it can be used by him to track down loved ones who are in danger, it is also a risk as there are many other cruel beings who would use it to track him down and enslave/kill him. Ruyn would rather die than be enslaved again. And he'd also rather not die.
Sensory Overload: extremely crowded areas, tight spaces, blinding lights, and sometimes high pitches in sound or extreme volumes give him nosebleeds and anxiety and sometimes migraines that are so bad his body shuts down. Certain smells that he doesn't like sometimes make him nauseous. He can't walk past the laundry sections in stores without holding a hand to his already-masked nose. Uncomfortable physical touch can trigger his anxiety/PTSD and causes nausea and panic.
Depression/Self Deprecation: Constantly fights with self-hate and depression, Some days are worse than others.
Permanently Damaged Vocal Cords: He literally can't speak in a whisper, the hunters did a number on his throat when they cut him open, and Mori isn't a healer, not really, so she was unable to reverse the damage all the way. He can talk softly and purr his words, but that's as low as he can go.
Supporting Characters:
Ahmose, Minor Egyptian God of Shadows, Moonlight and the Undead: close friend and sparring partner, adopted older brother. Helps Ruyn meditate and deal with his past trauma. Ruyn is eternally grateful for Ahmose's quiet understanding and silent support.
Cian, Primordial Vampire, Queen of Vampiric Ireland: Close friend and sparring partner, fellow chaos raiser, adopted older sister. Always knows the best people to help him fix his weapons.
Menkaura, Minor Egyptian God and Protector of Cats, Children, and Women: Close friend, sparring partner, adopted older brother. Also helps him blend in with modern fashion, and gives fashion advice.
Mori, Living Embodiment of Death, Patron Goddess of Death Demons: Roommate and adopted older sister.
Vita, Living embodiment of Life, Patron Goddes of Healers and Life-givers: Roommate and adopted older sister.
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
I have permission to use both of these images, as one was done by me (I am SiriuslyAnArtist everywhere except here), and one was done for me by an amazing friend.

Sample Post:The tall, nearly seven-foot male sighed as he waited in line to order a drink, messing with the rings on his fingers, twisting the one on his right middle finger that had a rotating center, the sound mildly loud and rasping to his sensitive hearing if he let his guard down. He had to keep it up in order to not go into sensory overload on a daily basis, if he wanted life to be a least a little bit easier than it had been the past 50-55 years before meeting Mori. Ah, Mori, his Patron Goddess of Death and Death Demons. Also, his adoptive sister. He's still not sure how he went from being an Ascended Reaper to Primordial Reaper-Something to do with Mori's guilt at being an absentee Patron and how he was older than he thought, and technically was the oldest living Reaper? Whatever. He had a family who cared for him and a best friend who made him feel comfortable with himself, and that's kind of all he cared about at the moment.
"Excuse me, sir," someone tapped on Ruyn's shoulder blade with a hard finger, and he turned his head to regard the short human female with a raised eyebrow. the human in question couldn't be more than 5'5" and 112 pounds, heavy makeup with blonde hair in a big, southern style hairdo, large hoop earrings in her ears, country club fashion clothing her from head to toe.
"Can I help you?" he rumbled.
"You know it's rude to wear masks inside, right?" the female demanded bossily. "You should take your mask off and show a little common decency."
"I am wearing this mask out of common decency, thank you," he narrowed his pupil-less eyes at her. This bitch has more balls than most of the men here and half the brains, he thought to himself.
"Oh, really?" a snotty tone, hands on hips in a bitchy manner.
"Yes, really," his voice deepened and too on a dark, echoing and ringing quality, and the woman's face paled as she recognized the sound of a demonic voice. "I wear this mask to keep you from nightmares that drive sane men to insanity and self-violence. So do not fucking touch me or talk shit about my mask, again, yes?." the female nodded and averted her eyes. Ruyn sighed and turned back to the line, ignoring the eyes on him, casually ordered three coffees and paid for them all before leaving the coffee shop in a cloud of black smoke that smelled like roses and spice. He hated making a scene, he really did, but humans were stubborn creatures.
So I wrote this between 3-5am, there's prolly mistakes in there somewhere.