Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago

A tester, as it says
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago


✖ ‖ N a m e
Hachirou Ushitako

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
19, 19th of August

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Almost weedy to look at, although his muscle is rock-hard to touch

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e
Unaffiliated, Missing Nin of Kumo

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Unknown
Mother: Uknown
Siblings: None

✖ ‖ R a n k

✖ ‖ T a i l e d B e a s t
Gyūki: The Eight Tailed Bull

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
The Eight Tailed Drunk; That Octopus nuisance (by the Raikage); Hachi

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Hachirou is a largely passive young man, decidedly isolated and with a deep loathing of death. Having been pushed into a Ninja career by his status as a Jinchūriki, he holds resentment for the system, and prefers a simpler life, wandering the nations and enjoying himself. He's a man who appreciates the simple pleasures of life; he spends his journeys partying (drinking), talking , and running the hell away from hunter nin.

He's easy going for the most part, and kind, although a little vacant, and can often be found holding humorous, if occasionally one-sided conversations with Gyūki, whom he considers a father figure. His aversion to conflict means that he often goes out of his way to help people out and cool down domestic situations as they arise.

Hachirou could be mistaken for a friendly soul, but the reality is that he's somewhat cold under the surface, and prefers not to put down roots. That said, he's still loyal to his village at heart, and if the time came to defend it, he'd do so with only a few moments' hesitation.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Booze
- Pork
- Peace
- Quiet time
- Wandering

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Beef
- Sushi
- Conflict
- Anyone particularly loud
- Ninja

✖ ‖ N i n d o
For f*ck's sake, can't we all just get along?

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Formerly Daisuke Tanaka, an orphan under the care of Kumo's early training programme, Hachirou's arduous journey began on the day of his fifth birthday. The eight-tailed bull had begun to breach the seals on its jinchuuriki following a battlefield injury, and she could only contain it for a little longer. Unwilling to risk another of the beast’s rampages, the Raikage put a plan into motion to secure an effective weapon and keep the Bull under Kumo's control. A child, preferably orphaned and just below academy age was to be selected and made a container for the creature. This would allow them to be trained almost immediately, making for an effective soldier. As a promising young orphan, gifted with higher-than-average chakra and resilient coil and nervous systems, Daisuke was the natural first choice. The seals were copied and enhanced, layered in triplicate and the paper pasted to the boy's lower back. Just as the beast was about to break the seals, it was transferred directly into the boy.

Unfortunately, this had some rather nasty side effects. The vast power of eight tails of chakra, compressed by a far tighter seal, coursed through his body, tearing and regenerating cells almost instantaneously and ripping through his brain. When the waves of chakra subsided, he was left in a coma. With good doctors, one that would quickly break, but a coma nonetheless. Meanwhile, the boy, trapped in his mindscape with the bull, awoke with no knowledge of himself, or his past. He could speak, and think, and feel, but he couldn't remember. Naturally, for a boy of five, his first instinct was to cry, trapped as he was in a cold, dark void. The eight tails, irritated by the sound, and still sore from the sealing, did the only thing he could think to do: Comfort the boy.

When the child woke up a week later, and was interviewed by his doctors, he claimed his name was Hachirou Ushitako, and that he didn't know where he was.

It was the will of the village to see him raised as a powerful, loyal and single-minded weapon. As the vessel for the second-strongest tailed beast, he was a strategic resource of utmost importance. Gyūki had other plans. The way of the ninja bored him. He found it wasteful, and tasteless, and it was obvious that the child was averse to the lifestyle himself. Unwilling to suffer through years of angst and boredom, and forced as he was to view the world through the eyes of a child, (even one being trained as a killing machine), he grew, albeit grudgingly, to see some good in the world around him, and urged Hachirou to do the same. When he was placed with a foster group of four Jounin, Gyūki told him "You don't need 'em, kid. Aren't I good enough?" When he was taught offensive taijutsu, and balked at the implications, Gyūki eventually caved under the whining and helped him turn it into a defensive style. And on his big bro's advice, he asked his teachers if he could specialize in stealth tactics.

All the while, Gyūki and he experimented with the beast's power. Their harsh bonding had changed Hachirou's coils, making it easier to channel his chakra. His trainers would watch with awe over the years as he slowly mastered form after form, eventually summoning true parts of the Bull's body. In turn, Gyūki was able to work some of the knks out as he was allowed more and more control over his manifested body. This lifestyle also meant Hachirou spent little time at the academy; only enough time to aid his social skills for the benefit of team operations.

Everything changed, however, when he graduated at age eleven. On his Genin team's first mission out, one of his comrades was killed by a lucky kunai to the head. He already had a strong dislike for violence, and Gyūki had made clear more than once his distaste for the lifestyle of a ninja. He’d been made to butcher animals before, but nothing could have prepared him for the actual sight of death. It horrified the boy. He knew, then and there, that the path he'd been forced down wasn't one he would tolerate. He wanted no more of it, and his will was hardened by Gyūki's confident growl of "We're going to get you out, Brat."

And so the plan was set. For another two years, he trained, harder than ever before, even hiding some of his skill from his trainers so as to be underestimated. Finally, when he was fourteen, having been promoted to chuunin and his security slackened, he made his escape. He left a note in his apartment, reading: "To the Raikage, my friends, my trainers. I cannot stand for this farce of a life. All this unnecessary murder, it turns my stomach. If the village ever truly needs help, if it ever needs protecting, I have no doubt you'll be able to find me. I'll come to your call. Until then, consider us- me and Gyūki -Missing nin of Kumogakure."

Slipping into the street at night, he burrowed into the ground with an earth jutsu and used a set of tails to propel himself away from the village. He started running that day, and he hasn't stopped since.

Well, except to drink Sake and absorb the local atmosphere.

(Of course, the Raikage couldn't just up and announce that his best strategic resource had defected. Unbeknownst to Hachirou, he's officially on an extended scouting mission. The Raikage sends a team of Hunters after him every few months to keep the kid on his toes, but their official capacity is to 'receive reports from the container'. Hachirou almost considers them friends at this point.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
Water, Earth

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Painting, Tracking, Camouflage and Singing

✖ ‖ J u t s u

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Ninja wire for trapping, a pouch of kunai, a pouch of shuriken, and several smokebombs.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Large, flashy attacks, intended to confuse and immobilize, followed by an immediate escape attempt. He hates fighting, and ends encounters as soon as he possibly can.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Helios J Mears
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago

To be added later

✖ ‖ N a m e
Kasei Burai

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
12 / 12th of February

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Basically average for someone his age

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n
The Kasei Clan:
A small clan, comprising three families, specializing largely in defense and sensing techniques. The Kasei are born with a Caustic aspect in their chakra, as well as being completely blind. The interaction of their own chakra with the world allows them to 'see' the chakra networks of living things, and thus perceive their surroundings. They are renowned largely for their effectiveness in Torture & Interrogation thanks to their burning chakra, as well as being dedicated sensor nin out in the field. Notably, it is impossible for a Kasei to learn medical jutsu of any type.

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Kasei Ichimaru (deceased)
Mother: Kasei Honoka (deceased)
Siblings: None
Others: A number of cousins and other relatives from the clan, notably his uncle Jou, who helped raise him after his parents' death.

✖ ‖ R a n k

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
None so far.

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Burai is a distinctly unconventional kid. He's determined in the extreme, and is driven almost entirely by a desire for self improvement and progress. Instilled with a powerful work ethic by his parents before their deaths, he spends much of his time training or meditating to improve his sensing range. There is also a bitterness to him, running under the surface as he works to build his own style.
The relative isolation of his clan, combined with his fairly introverted nature have given him a rather unique pattern of speech and a distinctly interesting view of the world. In his mind, a lot can be judged simply by the flow of one's chakra. He is blunt, and often comes across as socially inept. That said, he is far from being incompetent. He uses his flat speech and poetic turns of phrase to mask a wry, cheeky sense of humour, and his pranks, while rare, are legendary. He once maneuvered a bully into a situation where his blindfold was stolen, simply to laugh at their reaction to his black eyes.
In his quieter moments, he appreciates an opportunity to be at peace with nature, listening to ambient noise as he watches the fow of the world's energies around him.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Most kinds of music
- Radio Dramas
- Physical contact
- Training
- Nature

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Visual media
- Plastics
- Loudmouths
- Prejudice
- Ramen

✖ ‖ N i n d o
"Each day, an opportunity to better myself. In this, I shall live"

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Burai was born shortly after the war to parents Ichimaru and Honoka, and grew up loved and largely happy, although largely isolated from the village. He was raised on stories of his Clan's long-running shinobi lineage, inspiring a love for Ninja from an early age. This was bolstered by his parents, who sought to further the clan's legacy by engineering a new style of fighting around their bloodline. He spent a happy seven years with either one or both parents (depending on missions), learning, growing, and training to follow in their footsteps.

Unfortunately, the Offensive Style would never be completed. During Burai's second term at the academy, his parents were killed on their first joint mission since his birth. Taken in by his father's brother Jou, he spent several weeks in isolation, grieving for what had been lost. Jou and the rest of the clan did their best to look after him, training him in the clan's techniques, but a fire had been lit underneath him. With a single-minded drive, Burai took to studying his parents' scrolls, slowly learning each form and kata of their style and vowing that he would honour their legacy by completing it. With that in mind, he went from a promising student to one of the tops of his class, excelling in his skill and taijutsu, even if it may have cost him more than a few friendships, supported along the way by his uncle, and a clan that tried their best to understand, and to help him grow and flourish.

✖ ‖ K e k k e i G e n k a i
Kasei Chakra:
A unique bloodline which blinds its bearers and adds a caustic nature to their chakra, burning anything living on contact based on the amount and potency. The interaction of their chakra with their environment allows them to sense their surroundings via their chakra networks. Although initially only perceiving a small bubble of space, this can be radically expanded through rigorous training and growth. At its most advanced, this bloodline can create a wall of chakra which damages or destroys anything with even a residual layer of chakra on contact.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Basic chakra sensing abilities, enhanced hearing, sensitive touch, Braille reading, poetry, improvisational flute music.

✖ ‖ J u t s u
Kasei Style: Chakra shield - A tight layer of chakra is formed and wrapped around the user, creating a barrier of chakra that burns on contact. At Burai's level, it causes a sharp stinging sensation, and can leave serious burns if not immediately purged by the attacker. Useful during a Taijutsu engagement.

Kasei Style: Sensing pulse - A bubble of dilute Kasei chakra is expelled from the body, reaching outside the normal sensory range and 'tagging' biological life. Targets will remain 'tagged' until the foreigh chakra has circulated out of their system, allowing them to be tracked with startling precision by the user. Plant matter, stone, and other non-animal matter, however, will not appear, meaning any terrain between Burai and the targets is invisible to him. Burai's is twice the diameter of his ordinary range, which is 50ft, making for a roughly 100ft sphere of effective tracking. Further, it will pick up traces of enemy chakra if overloaded, allowing for prints or chakra residue to be followed.

Kasei Style: Disintegrating Spear - Developed by Burai's mother, this will form the backbone of the Kasei Offensive Style. Once perfected, the jutsu is intended to form a sharp protrusion of concentrated chakra that will disintegrate living matter, as well as any chakra-infused object, on contact. Burai is far from mastering the jutsu, but his version of the technique still forms a single highly caustic blade around a hand, foot or knee, or alternatively a flat, focused region of his chakra shield, which will cause second to third degree burns to an opponent and blunt the edge of a thrown weapon, or blade. Its nature allows it to pass through metal with little resistance, but it dissipates somewhat on contact with organic material. Burai's inexperience and general Genin skill means that he cannot hold it for more than a few seconds at a time.

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Two full pouches of Kunai, One of Shuriken. 30 explosive tags for trapping and as panic buttons. A short dagger to be used in taijutsu struggles.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
At the beginning of an engagement, Burai will hang back and tag the opponents, before jumping into the fray, acting as a backup for his teammates and aiming to disable in as few strikes as possible.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Helios J Mears
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago

✖ ‖ N a m e
Niko Uzumaki

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
"Niko Doesn't Remember~!" (Fifty Two) - 5th August

✖ ‖ G e n d e r
Niko's current body is mostly female.

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Skinny, tall and lanky, although Niko holds herself with a chaotic grace.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n
The native Clan of Uzushio, gifted with longevity, deep chakra reserves and advanced talent in sealing.

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Deceased
Mother: Deceased
Siblings: Deceased

✖ ‖ R a n k
"Niko doesn't have a rank, silly! Niko is Niko!"

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
Crazy Niko

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
"Niko is always happy happy! Let's do something fun!"
Niko has been described as nothing but id. Niko is a ball of chaotic energy, lacking almost any sort of empathy or maturity, while being obsessed with fighting and sealing, which Niko finds "Super Fun~!". She will kill someone mercilessly while smiling and asking them how much fun they're having. In a way, she doesn't understand what she's doing any more.

Niko's motivations were once to take revenge on the Ninja villages for the fall of Uzushio, and while this drive is long gone, it still expresses itself as a desire to fight. Although Niko can find enjoyment in almost everything, fighting powerful Ninja from hidden villages is her favourite pastime. In keeping with this, Niko tends not to be one to take sides, instead running with whomever she thinks will put her in the best position to have fun. Moreover, due to a complex seal of her own creation, Niko cannot feel any form of negative emotion - including boredom. For Niko, something is either fun, or it isn't, and she's fine with that. Anger, guilt, sadness and pain are foreign concepts to her. An injury is a pleasant tingling. The death of a friend is the enemy being a 'really fun opponent'. An opponent fighting unfairly means that she simply needs to up her own game. That said, if it's proven to her that she's misunderstood the 'rules' of a 'game' (read: motivations of a fight or surrounding situations), she will gladly change tack and fight alongside someone else.

This is exemplified by Konoha. To Niko's twisted perception, Konoha was playing a game, and betrayed Uzu by failing to assist them. As such, it's 'most fun' to fight Leaf nin. If it were properly explained to her in terms she understood, Niko could easily be swayed to help the Leaf, since the other villages had 'cheated'.

Niko views everyone as a friend; as someone she can play with. That said, people she trusts, or believes will always be on her side are her 'bestest friends!', and attempts to turn her against them aren't liable to go well.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Fighting
- Sour food
- Inventing Seals
- Being sociable
- Basically everything else

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- "Dislike? Niko doesn't understand..."

✖ ‖ N i n d o
"Niko loves to have fun! Do you want to play with Niko?!"

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Niko Uzumaki was once nothing more than a promising young student of the Whirlpool's sealing arts. Born to a small branch of the Uzumaki clan, Niko found himself gifted with a brilliant mind and an innate talent for seals. As such, as time went on, he found himself growing into an extremely competent Ninja, with a deep respect for his teachers and peers and a consuming love of his village. Indeed, by the time he had reached Chuunin rank, he had dedicated himself almost entirely to his art.

In this way, he found himself becoming a powerful and well-respected shinobi, enjoying an important position in the village hierarchy, and a close relationship with the Village's allies in the leaf. Indeed, many of his more mundane missions involved assisting the Leaf with matters of defense and sealwork. By the time he was twenty, he had an adoring fiancé, a glowing reputation, and was seriously under consideration as the next Uzukage. It was a shame, then, that the rest of the world decided it was a wonderful moment to go to war.

In the space of a day, Niko's life had collapsed around him. His betrothed had vanished in the flames, his comrades were being massacred around him, his life's work was at risk of burning before his eyes, and even as he scythed through enemy Ninja until his hands were soaked in blood, he found himself powerless to stop the slaughter. As the village burned, he scrambled to gather as many of its Sealing relics and scrolls as he could, before fleeing into the night.

He drifted for a time, mind empty, in the face of all that he had lost. He sought someone to blame, and, unable to blame himself, he turned to the Villages. Stone and Mist, who had attacked the Whirlpool without mercy. Sand, Rain and others, which had stood by and watched. But more importantly, their so-called allies in Konoha; the traitors who had failed to save his Fiancé, and doomed his beloved village to destruction.

Thus, he dedicated himself to the utter destruction of the Shinobi world, tearing across the continent in a blind rage. He became known, for a time, as a ghost of Uzu, renowned for his unyielding assault on foreign Ninja, and in particular his vicious hatred of Leaf nin. He was violent, brutal, and, perhaps most importantly, reckless. His fighting style began to take its toll on his body, and he resorted to sealing to keep himself alive; first with simple life-support arrays, and later, as his organs began to fail, a seal which stole parts or the whole of an injured opponent's body when the correct base seals had been applied.

It had to come to a head, eventually. How ironic that this came abut when, in a rage, he beheaded and stole the body of his old fiancee, who had joined the Leaf after escaping the Whirlpool. After years of fighting, the guilt, and pain, and anger had become too much for Niko to bear. In a fit of insanity, he crafted a roughshod seal designed to eliminate those emotions that were holding him back. It was intended to allow him to continue his crusade without inhibition. Unfortunately, his talent proved to be his downfall.

The seal was too effective. Instead of inhibiting guilt and anger's effects on his determination, applying it to his forehead effectively lobotomized him, removing any and all negative emotions, perceptions and sensations. Pain, anger, disappointment, sadness, guilt, even boredom were wiped from his consciousness; locked behind a tattoo of blood and ink. In that instant, Niko Uzumaki, avenger of the Whirlpool, died, and was replaced by an agent of chaos and self-gratification.

From then on, driven solely by desire, and almost impossible to reason with, they began a decades-long journey across the Elemental Nations, garnering a reputation as a dangerous and unpredictable renegade; an individual who would pop up at a food stall and make idle conversation with a Ninja before dueling them to the death, laughing all the while. Their form varied wildly, from male to female, short to tall, but Niko remained identifiable by her crop of bright red hair, the distinctive lattice of seal tattoos that adorned her skin, and the mishmash of different skin tones and body parts that made up her form.

One thing is certain: as long as Crazy Niko is in the area, no one is safe.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
Water and Wind

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Improvisational sealing, some swordplay, cooking.

✖ ‖ J u t s u
Owing to her immense talent in seals, many of Niko's techniques are classified as fuuinjutsu, either by means of sealing tags or tattoos, bending her own chakra through the sealing matrices to achieve any number of effects. Further, Niko utilizes a number of basic seals with simple elemental effects, which, at a higher chakra cost, can be used to create new effects on the fly. A large portion of Niko's seal tattoos are simply extensions of the emotion seal, which, as a by-product, has stored a compromised copy of the original Niko's mind. This allows the exertion of a dominant mind and personality, although it is continuously being diluted.

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Niko's Special Swirly Brush!: A large, collapsible sealing brush equipped with small, hollow needles on its handle, which retract and extend with a pulse of chakra. These needles extract Niko's blood for mixing with her sealing ink, which is stored in a reinforced compartment on the brush. Its long bristles, when inked, can compress and harden into a short blade, transforming the brush into a kind of short polearm. In this way, Niko can make detailed sealing inscriptions on the body of an opponent on the fly. Overall, a highly specialised and uniquely versatile tool.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Niko is a chaotic element on the battlefield, making what she perceives as fun banter with opponents while charging wildly and throwing seals and Jutsu out with alarming speed. She prefers to work alone.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Helios J Mears
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago

✖ ‖ N a m e
Nina (and Len!) Niwa

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
12 - May 30th

✖ ‖ G e n d e r
Female (don't forget me, damn it!)

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Slightly taller and more developed than most girls her age.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n
No clan affiliation

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Aru Niwa
Mother: Misa Niwa
Siblings: Len Niwa (deceased)

✖ ‖ R a n k

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
That Weirdo Who Talks To Herself

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Nina is a lively, if somewhat shy individual whose focus from day to day is simply to make it through with a smile on her face. In conversation she is chipper and positive, although she finds herself marred by a nervous stammer and occasional bouts of forgetfulness. She tries to maintain a level of optimism no matter the situation, believing wholeheartedly that even the darkest clouds are lined with silver.

Given her apparent tendency to talk to herself coupled with her abnormal size and premature development, she has found it difficult to form a proper social circle, and this shows both in her slightly off-kilter sense of humour and reluctance in approaching strangers. That said, she believes firmly in holding the line, and would gladly jump in front of an attack if it would save others. In her more introspective moments, Nina would consider herself the strong, silent type, although in reality-

(That's crap! Nina's got a raging downer going on herself, it pisses me off! I'm Len Niwa, her better half, and I don't stand for that dishonest bull! But enough about my lame-o sister, this is my bio too! I'd like to think I'm the brains of our little operation, but I pack a mean punch too! Don't underestimate me, or my little sister!)

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Her Brother (Gee, thanks, I guess)
- Quiet time
- People watching (Gross!)
- Tea
- Being outdoors

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Judgemental people (Assholes!)
- Loud Noises
- Being cooped up
- Shrimp
- The cold

✖ ‖ N i n d o
"We'll rise to the top together, however long it takes!"

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Misa Niwa, Chuunin, had been expecting twins from her first pregnancy. Instead, she found herself giving birth to an abnormally large little girl, with no sign of her sibling. Naturally, this disturbed the woman, but she and her husband found themselves so overjoyed by parenthood that the discrepancy was swiftly forgotten; that is, until Nina began talking to herself. The behaviour worried her parents from day one, although at first they simply believed she had an imaginary friend. Soon, however, she became so enthralled by this presence that it couldn't be ignored. They asked her who she'd been talking to. "My Brother!" Was far from the answer they'd expected.

The family tried as best they could to cope with this seeming hallucination, taking her to multiple professionals, but it quickly became clear that this was no mere delusion. The brother, whom she had dubbed Len, was far too real a person to be a product of psychological distress. With no other options, the Niwas decided to simply accept Len's existence until such a time as Nina could better explain what he was.

And so things were for her formative years. Nina would live each day with the gradual realisation that she and Len weren't normal. She was growing faster than she should; by the time she was seven, she stood at an easy four feet tall, and had been slowly pushed away from her peers by her constant muttering and conversations with mid-air. In fact, it wouldn't be until her first chakra exercises at the Academy that the twins and their parents would realise the truth. While attempting to access their chakra, they discovered that they possessed two separate wells of power.

Suddenly, things made sense! Their parents finally sat Nina down and told her that she had been a twin in the womb. That Len must have parasitized her, and in a stroke of fortune, been accepted by her soul and body. They were, in effect, two separate individuals in a single suit of flesh. It was then that the pair decided: They would work together to prove each other's existences, and would take the ninja world by storm!

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
Fire (And mine's Lightning! Cool, huh?)

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Multitasking, Battlefield Awareness, Singing, Cold-Reading.

✖ ‖ J u t s u

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Standard Kunai and Shuriken outfit, plus ninja wire.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Nina and Len work in tandem to deliver confusing taijutsu barrages, with Len's phantom limbs able to redirect attacks and harry opponents.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Insert your username.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago


✖ ‖ N a m e
Chou Akiyama

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
35, 1st of January

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Short, Willowy and thin as a rake.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e
Takigakure (Missing Nin)

✖ ‖ C l a n
No clan affiliation

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Ken Akiyama (Deceased)
Mother: Asuka Akiyama (Deceased)
Siblings: N/A
Others: Rukia, her old guardian.

✖ ‖ R a n k
Jounin (Missing)

✖ ‖ T a i l e d B e a s t
Choumei, the Seven-tailed Beetle

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
The Roving Butterfly, Taki's Loose End

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Chou is something of a hard woman, with a disinclination to personal connections and a vicious mean-streak. Her long, and at times arduous travels have shaped her into a bastion of cool indifference and calm composure. She is well known for moving on as suddenly as she appears, roaming from place to place and leaving a trail of corpses and grateful villagers behind her. In the event of her being confined, she has, on no fewer than three occasions, unleashed as much of the Beast's power as she was able.

She's become well known for her sense of justice, which is as well-developed as it is warped. She views attacks on the powerless as personal sleights, pursuing the instigators with dogged, vengeful determination. That said, she also carries a mercantile streak, and makes most of her money filling contracts or retainers for nobles and desperate commoners alike.

She's a highly secretive woman, and keeps her Jinchuuriki status under heavy guard. She's rarely seen without some form of henge, given that being recognised would draw undue and dangerous attention. She treats attempts to probe into her identity with vicious contempt.

Her relationship with Choumei is sparse, but mostly cordial, given that her seal prevents it from exerting its will without her express intent to access his power. They speak fairly regularly, and the Seven Tails is, seemingly, content to remain within her until her eventual death. Interestingly, She reacts as negatively towards those who disparage the tailed beasts as she does to those who speak against her.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Travelling
- Peace and quiet
- Fairness
- Pastry
- Insects

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Aggression
- Condescension
- Nosiness
- Most Ninja
- Inequality

✖ ‖ N i n d o
Let me get to 40 first, then we'll talk.

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Orphaned shortly after her birth, Chou Akiyama, at three years old, was shortlisted to be the latest of Taki's uninterrupted line of Jinchuuriki when the Seven Tails' previous container was critically wounded on a routine mission. After a series of thorough checks and examinations, she was recognised as the most hardy infant in the Waterfall's care, blessed with deep chakra reserves and a strong immune system, and was selected to be the new jailer.

The Beetle had been in Taki's hands for as long as there had been Jinchuuriki, and their Loremasters held a long tradition of updating and augmenting the seal periodically. It was no difficult for Chou, who was given an adaptive seal, designed to entirely confine the Bijuu's presence, allowing only a portion of filtered chakra to mingle with the container's and bind the two.

From the moment of the sealing, Chou's fate was all but assured. As soon as she was up and about, her training began in earnest; her every waking moment not spent eating was dedicated to training in all aspects of the Ninja lifestyle, from Taijutsu to rudimentary chakra control. Her Teachers in turn ranged from accommodating to brutal, some allowing her time to rest, and opportunities to enjoy herself, while others only just refrained from killing her outright, resentful that such malignant power was in the hands of a fumbling toddler. Needless to say, she grew up quickly.

Her only solace from the constant graft was her assigned guardian, Rukia. A Jounin of some renown, and an empathetic soul at heart, she had been assigned by the Kage to raise the girl as a proper ninja. Rukia disagreed with that edict. In Chou's limited down time, her surrogate mother would do her best to teach her the intricacies of being human, instilling in the young girl a sense of Justice, and, for a Shinobi at least, a strong moral compass. Even after she entered the academy, with the goal of acclimatizing to others her own age, Rukia remained the guiding influence in her life.

And so things were for her formative years, bounced between jealous classmates, ruthless tutors and an earnest guardian. That is, until she was eleven. A week before her graduation, she had her first real encounter with Choumei. Her tutor that day was particularly nasty, intent on pushing her to the limit, and she snapped, unconsciously tapping her seal. With the connection opened, the Beetle was able to establish a link, and dragged her into the mind space. Chou of course knew that she was the container of a Tailed beast, but never until that moment had she been truly confronted by the reality of her situation. Choumei dwarfed her in every manner. Following a short, bitter and heated conversation, he managed to slip a small piece of his mind past the sealing barrier and into her brain. In the ensuing rage, Chou drew on a tail of chakra and slaughtered the teacher in cold blood.

Over the following weeks and months, Chou, shaken by the experience, did her best to adapt to this new power, retreating to the waterfalls at the edge of the village to tap Choumei's chakra and at least try to understand him. Their conversations were, largely, one-sided, but she found herself confused and intrigued by the beast's calm demeanour and almost casual malice.

As time went on, she continued to grow, first by befriending the team she'd been assigned, and then by training with them and her Jounin teacher to better understand her capabilities, Rukia's steady hand always on her shoulder, ready to help should she need it. However, with every mission, she found herself growing increasingly dissatisfied with the Ninja lifestyle. Ninja, she had surmised, were users. In every situation where a Ninja could be found, they were either the tool of a greater power, or themselves manipulating their lessers. It was true of her. It was true of her comrades, and their commander. It was true of the Kages, and even of the Tailed Beasts themselves! (It was this earnest realisation that earned enough grudging respect from the Seven-tails that he told her his name). By the time of her early promotion to Special Jounin, warding off skirmishes from the Ninja War, she had grown bitter and resentful. Something needed to change.

That something soon came. The Kage, in his infinite wisdom, had laid the death sentence on her old Jounin teacher for disobeying mission orders, and she found that she just couldn't take it any more. Chou made to escape the village, in the hopes of becoming a Missing Nin and, for once, living for herself. As the Jinchuuriki, the village's greatest weapon, she was met with heavy resistance, Taki's finest Jounin swarming her with sealing tags and physical restraints. She drew on every reserve she could in her efforts to flee, and found herself wanting. In desperation, she called on Choumei to help her. The Beetle knew what it was to be trapped, and obliged, promising, with some humour, not to damage her too much before it completely overtook her body and set out on a rampage.

When Chou came to, it was to the sight of a trail of destruction behind her, and the terrifying memory of vanishing under a consciousness that dwarfed her to an unfathomable degree. She ran. She ran until she could barely move, finding herself in the mountains of Lightning Country, where she was taken in by an order of Monks. The Monastery was a tranquil place. It was, in many ways, the opposite of Taki, and she rejoiced in the opportunity to simply be, She would spend hours each day meditating and coming to know herself. In equal parts, she spent time communicating with Choumei, further developing the uneasy truce they held. (Although the beast admitted to having indulged itself rather too much in their escape, it never once apologised for it)

She spent a year atop that mountain among the monks, and by the end of it she felt changed, somehow. She had realised, somewhere along the line, that all she had ever wanted was to live. Well, that, and to never again be overwhelmed by Choumei's presence. Before she departed, the monastery was visited by a traveling seal master of some renown, who had travelled there to pass on his knowledge. He was fascinated by Chou's seal, and after several long discussions with her, he decided to pour his vast experience and wisdom into creating a tool that would help her control her prisoner and better harness his power. The end result, a large belt, adorned with the Kanji for 'Armour' was given to her as a parting gift, and she accepted it tearfully, before setting off to travel the world and truly experience it for herself.

In the years since, she has seen a huge portion of the Elemental countries, sticking her fingers into events and taking sides as she sees fit. Taki routinely sends skilled Jounin to hunt her down and retrieve the Tailed Beast, and twice she has been forced to unleash Choumei wholesale to escape. Her name is one that has seeped into communities wherever she treads, her reputation as a quiet, stalwart warrior echoing across the continent. The changes she makes are small, but their impact is always felt by someone. And all the time she's travelled, the beast has continued to stir.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
Wind, Earth, some Fire

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Plays a mean bamboo flute solo. Somewhat skilled swordswoman. Talented in hand to hand combat. Speaks several thieves' codes from her time traveling.

✖ ‖ J u t s u

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Bijuu Control Belt: Crafted by a wandering monk, this secondary seal allows the channelling of bijuu chakra to a finer, more controllable degree, at the cost of lessened power output.

Sealing scrolls, a Shortsword, Four kunai pouches, four shuriken pouches, 30 metres of ninja wire.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Chou tries to finish fights quickly, using her armoured forms to loose devastating kicks, punches and projectiles, supplemented by her jutsu to maintain both the effective range and number of opponents.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Helios J Mears

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago


✖ ‖ N a m e
Hayato Inoue

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
42 / September 21st

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Tall and narrow, cutting a long, imposing silhouette

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e
Amegakure / Village Hidden in the Rain

✖ ‖ C l a n
No clan affiliation

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Akihiko Inoe (deceased)
Mother: Misa Inoue (deceased)

✖ ‖ R a n k

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
The Wind's Mask, Rain's Thunderhead, God of Needles

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Hayato is a hard man, tempered by years of combat and strife. His life has been a long and difficult one, and has instilled in him a frank cynicism and pragmatic spirit that makes him well-suited to command. Each decision he makes is carefully weighed, balancing personal obligation and morality with cold realism. Consequently, he isn't afraid to risk it all if the ends are significant enough. Similarly, he comes across to those round him as aloof and cold, although certainly humble, tending to deflect or outright ignore lines of conversation or thought that he deems insignificant.

That said, he is not without empathy. His ascension to the role of Amekage was driven, in large part, by his desire to aid the village he'd spent a lifetime serving, and he feels the suffering of those important to him at an acute level. While never openly warm, he is kind, and capable of moments of gentleness, working in the knowledge that a good leader must win hearts as well as minds. He values fairness, and has made an effort to keep every citizen of the Hidden Rain under a warm roof.

Overall, he could be called a goal-oriented man; his plans and manipulations are complex and multifaceted, secure as he is in the knowledge that anything less than a holistic approach to any interaction is bound for failure. This does, however, leave him rather isolated. Hayato is both a lonely man, and one who dislikes closeness. His inner circle is as notoriously close-knit as it is small. To gain his respect is rather simple. To befirend him is another thing altogether.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Rain
- Cold Weather
- His people
- High places
- Boating

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Threats to those under his protection.
- Arrogant people
- Hot, dry climates.
- Spicy food
- Open aggression and warmongering

✖ ‖ N i n d o
"As long as my aim is true and my defenses firm, my charges will not fall"

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Hayato Inoue is a man shaped by war. Born into a ninja family, he always believed that he was destined for

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
Wind, Water, Competent Lightning

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Insert any natural or trained talents or skills that aren't summed up within specific techniques. Such as swordsmanship, enhanced hearing, or an impressive affinity for cooking.

✖ ‖ J u t s u

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Twin Fans of Ame: A pair of near-identical Chakra Fans crafted from the leaves and branches of Ame's forests by Hayato's mentor. Naturally aligned with Water and wind, they allow for finer control and more efficient expenditure of Chakra at the cost of hand movement.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Hayato works to enforce complete control over the battlefield, launching precise, calculated attacks at ideal moments and generally acting as the chessmaster for his forces.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g
Link to your themesong. (Optional)

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Insert your username.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago

20 | Altered Human | Male | Gunner/Security/Handiman
Character Post

The wind blew sheer and cold against Sango's face that night as he sped along the moonlit trackway. Whistling currents raced past his unguarded ears, and he relished the sensation of his pale hair and long, red scarf being buffeted by the slipstream. The engine of his Grav-cycle whirred an hummed beneath him, its almost ethereal coils illuminating the rough-hewn earth a pale, ghostly blue, and yet still he pushed it harder. Despite the circumstances; despite everything that was on the line, never had he felt more alive than in this single, endless moment.

He cursed, and urged the throttle further, the Speeder's whine rising to a whirring scream, and with a streak of blue light, and the clunking sound of mechanisms deploying its windshield, he and the vehicle flashed closer towards the mountain. Towards... them.

"They're beautiful, aren't they, Nii-San? All those stars up above us." The girl regarded blank, unfeeling lenses, and grinned. "We're gonna go out and see them one day, Sango. Together. Just you wait!"

Beneath its chitinous helm, the being known as Sango pondered. Had it the ability, it would have smiled.


A sudden flash erupted over the horizon, blinding white, trailing electric blue behind it, and Sango's heart almost stopped. Moments later, a vicious shockwave swept across the landscape like a bulldozer, towing a cloud of dust thick enough to blot the sun, and the Grav-cycle very nearly bucked the young man from its saddle before he could pull it back under control.

"Cam... Professor... I'm nearly there! I'll save you!"

The world slowed. He felt it all; the dying vegetation, the crippled fauna, fires raging across mountain wastes. The Wind.

"I am with the wind, and it will guide me." Heedless of the speed at which he was travelling, Sango crossed his arms over his chest and breathed deeply. At his waste, a small compartment at the centre of a large belt slid open, the fan inside now allowed to spin freely and wildy in contact with the air.

Sango grimaced.


For a single, fleeting moment, the pain of his biomechanical body tearing itself apart overcame him.

The Professor looked over the vaguely insectoid lifeform that stood before him with a small frown and a thoughtful hum. This was the first time he'd seen Their technology up close before. Frankly, they were fortunate that little Cam had got to it first; had it been him, the thing would most certainly be dead by now. Regardless, there was work to be done. With a flourish of his augmented arm he donned his goggles, and set about his examinations...

The scene that greeted Sango as the Cyclone ground to a halt was grim. Dozens of black-suited puppets laid strewn around the entrance to the Mountain Lab, fires flickering and lapping around them and glowing a luminescent green. The metal bulkhead doors had been blown out, great shards of twisted alloy jutting from furrows metres away. Heedless of the flames, he charged into the complex, rushing to the inner sanctum, where, so many times before, he'd been greeted by the smiling faces of his... his family.

More and more lifeless puppets accumulated as he advanced, heaped in grotesque, flaccid piles. Footsoldiers and generals alike were discarded like common waste, and Sango couldn't help but pity them. Finally, he came upon another bulkhead, dented and buckled but still holding fast, and with herculean effort he pushed his hands between the doors and heaved them apart, blindly dashing into the room beyond.

The Sanctum was a mess. Its towers of intricate machinery had been ripped apart, wires and odd parts scattered across the floor in haphazard piles. The emergency lighting shone an ominous red, casting long shadows over the savaged laboratory, almost as though to shepherd him towards the room's centre. There, tinkering hurriedly with a monstrosity of technology and loose wires, was-

"Hello, Nii-san." Cam's breath caught, and she hacked briefly in an effort to expel whatever detritus she'd breathed in. She was a mess, her hair frizzy and poorly tied, her clothes scorched and ragged. Sango stood for a moment, basking in the knowledge that the girl was asafe, before his mind clicked back to the moment at hand.

"Cam, where's your father?" His tone was as flat as always, modulated slightly by his mask's vocal tract, but the concern was evident nonetheless. The girl cast her gaze back at him once again and gestured dispassionately at the Sanctum's far corner, and the pile of rubble that lay there. What looked like a rhino beetle's horn protruded from the centre of the mass, and Sango's heart dropped in his chest. "A General?" He needn't have asked. She hummed in acknowledgement nonetheless.

So they stayed, for a while, content to sit in silent respect for their fallen father. Cam's tinkering was seemingly endless, and in the warmth of the burning complex, Sango remained almost unmoving, unbidden thoughts flitting into his mind almost as quickly as he could file them away. Eventually, however the silence became uncomfortable, a strange, shifting mass of nothing that loomed over the pair.

"This machine is a transmat. One way. Papa stole it from them." Sango snapped to attention, red eyes focused squarely on the girl. His antennae quirked, betraying his attention, but he remained stoic, waiting for the inevitable continuation. "There's only enough energy in the compound for one trip." She coughed, red spattering onto the concrete floor, and he rushed to her, moving to support her should she collapse, but she brushed him off, leaning against the machine even as she began to stagger. "And only enough then for one passenger." Sango stiffened.


"Don't, Nii-san." Another cough. More red. Yet less strength in those waifish arms. "We both know I wouldn't last. I'm doing this for you!" Her left arm fell, useless, to her side, and she clutched it painfully. Staggering, she forced herself to a table on their right, and tossed him a cylinder which he caught easily. "There's an updated Cyclone in there. Supposed to be your birthday present." She smiled a wan smile and fell to her knees, dragging herself back to the transmat. She pointed harshly at the opening, and Sango entered after only a moment's hesitation.

"This isn't the end, Big Brother." Sango's breath caught, and he found himself wishing desperately that this face could cry. "One day, somehow, I'll find you. Just you wait!" She laughed, weakly, and he found a chuckle rising, unbidden, from his chest to join her. She pulled a lever, and the world suddenly seemed... light. Through the fading haze, she grinned.

"Live, Nii-san! No matter what happens, Live!"

And as the world vanished into lurid colours, Sango yelled back into the void.

"I will, Little Sister! Always!"

Even through the thoughtless abyss of the transmat beam, he was sure he could hear her laughing.

Character Ties

1) TBD later if accepted. Do not fill out.
2) TBD later if accepted. Do not fill out.

1) Cyclone Cylinder: A modified Anti-Gravity Cycle which can be folded into a cylinder roughly the length of one's forearm. Responds only to Sango.
2) A simple stun baton for close combat.
3) A high-power, Short-range plasma Hand Cannon. It's bolts are devastating, nut dissipate quickly.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago


𝖡𝖠𝖲𝖨𝖢𝖲: Noelle Hodge || 29 || Human (Faye Ancestry)

"I try to always live in the moment. Not my fault if the moment happens more than once!"

The daughter of a British academic and a Tokyo-born singer, and raised to bear an ingrained knowledge of magic, Noelle has spent the majority of her adult life as a Starweaver of some renown, known for her rare ability to manipulate small increments of time. A contractor for various large corporate bodies and research conglomerates, she spends her days going from experiment to live-fire to Corporate unveiling, standing by with a flash of elemental magic and a touch that can turn back time; ready to step in should the... unfortunate happen.

𝖠𝖯𝖯𝖤𝖠𝖱𝖠𝖭𝖢𝖤: 203cm tall || 76 kg

Tall, lithe and generally fit, with long, powerful legs and deceptively thin arms, Noelle moves with a certain erratic grace, her movements often sudden and energetic but always in-place. While in most respects she resembles a plain human being, the Faye blood that has tinted her lineage since before living memory has lent her skin a pale shade of forest green. Striking at first glance, her silhouette is tall and strong, cutting a narrow, tightly packed figure and almost constantly tensed and ready to move. Her lilac hair falls in short, messy locks around a long and angular face, framing a narrow, smile-lined mouth, large yellow eyes and a prominent Roman nose. She dresses fairly practically, normally wearing some combination of flexible, brightly-coloured trousers, comfortable tops and one of two light, waist-length coats. Her hands, large and deceptively powerful, are almost always gloved.


Noelle is, at heart, a cheerful woman, but equally one who's inclined to hold her cards close to her chest. While she's never afraid to crack a joke with her superiors, or kick up banter with a random passer-by, the number of true friends she can claim to have can be counted on one hand, and she prefers it that way. In this regard, she could be considered something of an introvert, although in truth she simply prefers not to open up to people she hasn't become particularly familiar with. Consequently, while a conversation with her can be anywhere from engaging to utterly mundane, and one might consider her generally agreeable, attempts to actually get to know her can be futile. Should she feel that a person is prying, she can and will show them a cold shoulder.

Truthfully, Noelle is a lonely soul, with a tendency to isolate herself. Given how often she travels from job to job, holding down any kind of relationship is understandably difficult for her, and in the years since her ability manifested, she has grown less and less outgoing and equally more private. She approaches new conversations and people with a distinctive snark and an ever-present smirk, which has so far yielded... mixed results, and the process of meeting and subsequently stalling with person after person only leads to her becoming more insular. She's easy to work with, but far from easy to get on with.

Noelle's upbringing has left her very familiar with most kinds of magic, even beyond her not inconsiderable ability with elemental magic and spell-layering, and in her free time she will often go out of her way to follow leads or individuals that intrigue her. Similarly, through her mother's career she has some connections in the showbiz world, and is generally better informed than one might expect. On the other hand, her somewhat lonely upbringing and experience with death and catastrophe make her hesitant to approach large groups of people, and outside her career as a contractor she's notoriously private.

Crucially, she believes firmly that life should be lived moment-to-moment. Her experience has exposed her to horrors and joys in equal measure, and too often she's met people - especially through her mother - who are too hung up on wallowing in mistakes or misfortune to truly change things in the present. Consequently, her ability, in her eyes, is an incredibly valuable thing; one that allows her to avoid or correct those tiny, critical moments that might otherwise ruin a life.

At heart, what she most wants is happiness. As satisfied with her career and lifestyle as she is, she truly desires connection, and despite her high barriers, this can lead her down paths and decisions which may not be all that wise.



The voice came to her unbidden, even as the shock of the explosion echoed in her head. In the haze of dust and smoke, an ethereal light settled over Noelle, a spiritual weight permeating Noelle's body in a way she'd never experienced. Time itself, if for only a moment, stopped; then, suddenly, like a siren in the dark, a scream - Nico's scream - cut through her deafened ears, and she found herself scrambling to her feet, rushing across the courtyard to her friend. There, caked in dust, lay the other guard, a long shard of glass impaling his lung. Blood bubbled to his lips, even as his breath began to slip, and she could see the life fading and something pulled-

And suddenly his scream had just begun to die down, and a feeling of less seemed to fill her as she pushed into him. A sound like the crack of a whip cut across reality, and before her eyes, Nico's body seemed to rewind, the glass rocketing back towards the broken window as his wounds closed and a strange, sideways 'S' burned itself into her view. Just as suddenly, the whipcrack seemed to reverse, and the glass shot forward like an arrow. Heedless of the danger, she threw herself towards the man, shoving him out of the way just as the glass scored a gash through her calf. She shrieked, and Nico's eyes widened as he moved to help, but the whip cracked again, and in the next moment, she stood at her post, panting, a shell-shocked look in her eyes and a body that showed no signs of the events of the last 18 seconds...

Noelle first encountered the fog when she was Seventeen. One year earlier, her mother had been killed on a car crash while she and her father were away on a research trip. Her father, the latest in a line of part-Fey academics of some renown would often take her on such trips, much to the consternation - and eventual anger - of her mother. The last interaction the two ever had was a screaming match.

The fog came to her on the streets of London, near the house where she was born. It was a misty night to begin with, and for all she knew she'd simply stumbled across a particularly dense patch while reminiscing, but the experience shook her. Even years later, she would have done anything to simply tell her mother that she loved her, and she would often reflect, with some bitterness, that her power couldn't fix the one mistake worth undoing.

Noelle's life has been an odd mix of a sheltered upbringing and a particularly broad worldview. Her father Bruce had met her mother Satsuki in Japan at one of her concerts, and they fell in with each other almost out of convenience. That said, she was far from unloved. The three of them would often go abroad for musical performances, absorbing culture after culture as they went from place to place. When she wasn't trekking around to operas or orchestras or band performances, Noelle attended a small State Primary school in London until she was Eleven, at which point her father pulled her out and set to teaching her the ways of his family.

By the time she was of University age, Noelle was a skilled magician, well versed in wind and fire manipulation and barrier magic, and with a penchant for particularly nasty spell layering. Her father, of course, wanted her to follow in his footsteps, but Noelle, holding him partly to blame for her Mother's death, decided instead to put her practical talents to good use, serving first as low-level security for a high-status bank, and later as a doorman at one of her mother's old concert hall haunts after calling in a favour. It was there she met one of her closest friends, Nico Vasquez, who would serve as the catalyst for her ability's emergence during a small-scale terrorist assault.

She tried to keep her newfound status as a Starweaver under wraps, but being so public an awakening the press quickly latched on, and in the aftermath several large corporations and even a few smaller governments approached her to act as a contractor for various high-risk projects. Given that her workplace had been blown up, Noelle needed a job, and decided she may as well put her abilities to use.

The things she's seen since have left her jaded. Over the course of nine years, she's seen both the best and worse that the world has to offer, from... ethically dubious research projects to the development of increasingly unpleasant weaponry. She does, of course, turn down many more jobs than she takes on, but remains a well known, well paid and well regarded Starweaver, and ends up credited by far more projects and papers than she would like. At present, she's taking a break from work to do some research of her own, and is doing her best to stay out of the public eye. She's made overtures to reconnect with her father, but given her current home base in New York, the efforts are slow-going.




Time Slip is a deceptively simple ability. Fuelled by a stock of fifty 'charges' which regenerate with the dawn, it grants the ability to manipulate and undo moments of time in increments of up to nine seconds, either in relation to herself, or the world around her. By expending a single charge, Noelle can reverse her position in linear time by up to nine seconds, moving backwards while the rest of time remains as normal. In doing so, she effectively erases the effects of those 9 seconds on herself. Conversely, she may expend a charge to undo the passage of time around her, placing her nine seconds ahead of the situation and undoing the time she spent moving/casting. Using these two abilities in tandem allows her to blip around an area, fleeing extraordinarily quickly, dodging attacks as though she was never there to be targeted and otherwise confusing things, at the cost of a finite and valuable pool of charges. Noelle can rewind anywhere from half a second to the full nine, but must always spend a full charge to do so, complicating her micromanagement even more.

Alternatively, she can spend a second charge to manifest the rewind as a projectile to be exerted over someone or something else. The sphere is roughly the size of a tennis ball, bears her symbol, and moves at roughly the speed of a sprinting Greyhound. When it makes contacts, either by being touched to the target directly by Noelle, or by being propelled at them from range, they and anything touching them experience the next 9 seconds in reverse, appearing to rewind while the rest of the world moves forward. During this period they are completely inviolable, as anything which touches them is caught up in the effect. In this way, Noelle can heal associates, undo disasters in labs or facilities she's contracting for and inconvenience opponents or line them up for an attack.

Beyond the resource limit, the ability has certain hard limits. It cannot reanimate a corpse; the body will simply revert to the state it was in prior and remain dead. It also does not remove the memory of rewound time.

Noelle's sign is a stylised musical Turn: a horizontal 'S' marking that curls in on itself.


Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago


New York City
21st of August, 2050

Noelle's morning was, as usual, entirely mundane. Her alarm clock, a loud, shrill thing, met with its usual fate at precisely 6:30am, landing in a shattered, smouldering heap on the floor only to return to its perch, still crowing, some nine seconds later. She crawled out of bed a good ten minutes later, as she did most days, and stumbled to the washroom with a groan to splash some water over her face in an attempt to wake up. At 7 o'clock precisely, a slightly more composed Noelle, now clothed in a loose button-down one of her exes had left and a pair of baggy shorts, ambled into her apartment's kitchen and flicked on the radio to listen to the morning news while she made herself a cup of hot tea. As the same old New York gossip drifted past her still-bleary ears, she set about mindlessly cooking breakfast, a snap of her fingers yielding a flame to heat the pan (She wasn't worried about power costs, but it was good, mindless practise).

Her cup of lifeblood in one hand and a Full English in the other, she eventually made her way through to her lounge, flicking on the lights with a smack of her head against the switch. Tiredly, she flopped down onto the sofa, and downed half her mug in one go before flicking on the television. Like every other Sunday, there Soap Opera omnibus on almost every channel, so she flicked to the least annoying for some background noise and ate her breakfast with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. Time was, when she'd first settled down here some months prior, that she'd have been beside herself simply for a familiar living space and some alone time; nowadays, she couldn't help but feel bored.

She finished the last of her Bacon as some catfight broke out on her programme, and she chuckled half-heartedly before, finally, picking up her phone from the coffee table, where it had been left charging as usual. It was packed with the usual guff, along with a long-winded, insubstantial message from her father that she only half read, and, at 8 o'clock, she finally gave in and decided to get some work done. Her office was a small space to the side of the flat, sequestered in what used to be a storage cupboard. (She liked how snug it was). The computer was some fancy, top-of-the-line garbage that a sales assistant had flogged her for far more than it was probably worth, and it booted quickly, bringing her face-to-face with a loudly flashing priority e-Mail notification which she promptly ignored. She'd had the like a few times before, and, frankly, it was too bloody early to deal with governmental bullshit.

The best part of an hour was spent doing some cursory research into an esoteric fire spell her dad had suggested she look at a few weeks ago. It took a few passwords she maybe shouldn't have had access to, but hey, payment was payment, and she came out of it with a new project to work on! That done, she took a moment to write out a decent reply to her dad before deciding she'd procrastinated enough. With a sigh, she opened up her e-Mail and, leaving the pop-up for last, began her daily review of the hundreds of job requests that regularly flooded her inbox. It was largely the usual: new magitech reactors needing an overseer, a couple of private live-fires, an experiment into the effect of pain on a Daeva's natural abilities from some new-age group in Tokyo (which was swiftly ignored), and a few British civil servants requesting her help on the security front, which she flagged up as potentials. (As unique as her Time Slip was, she always appreciated being recognised for her more standard talents). There was also a high-paying job as a stunt supervisor for a nearby film shoot, and the money seemed good, so she added that to the shortlist. Only after a good twenty minutes of this routine did she finally reach the end of the list and, with some reluctance, turn her attention to whatever the CIA wanted from her this time.

When she left her office, there was an uncharacteristically cheerful look on her face, and she hummed thoughtfully to herself as she made her second cup of tea that morning.

"Well, this should spice up my month."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Helios J Mears
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Helios J Mears

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Burai Kasei

For the first time that day, Burai found himself at a loss for words.

"I-" Kenshiro's retort was as efficient as it was effectively cutting, each word chosen far more carefully than his own had been, and he had to admit, if begrudgingly, that the boy had a point. He bristled, his hackles raising indignantly.

"I didn't-!" Who did this Hyuuga think he was, telling him how to use his own bloodline?! How could he possibly deign to understand the work he’d put into mastering that technique?! The nerve!

“You-!” How dare he? It wasn’t Burai’s fault that his teammates seemed so determined to fail this test! His reasoning was rock solid! Had he been too insistent? No, that couldn’t be it, his clan-mates had never reacted so poorly to his more forward outbursts-

"Oh." The realisation was as sudden as it was unpleasant. ‘These people aren’t family.’ How could he have been so stupid? Hadn’t his cousins warned him of the way the Kasei were seen? Hadn’t he worked for his entire academy career to cultivate an image of competence and wit? He’d been so caught up in thoughts of friendship and teamwork that he’d forgotten how little he actually knew these people and made an utter fool of himself as a result! His face contorted angrily.

For a moment, his thoughts whirled like a hurricane before he drew his focus back onto his surroundings. Kenshiro's chakra was swirling angrily as Burai’s, matching the frustration in his tone, and Shiori... Shiori seemed almost mocking. Words swirled at the tip of his tongue, retorts and explanations both. By the time Kenshiro had announced he was leaving, the only words Burai could form were "Did I really sound like Jin?" He watched the boy set off, followed shortly after by Shiori whose chakra was stained with outwardly malicious disdain.

Oh, and wasn't she her own kettle of fish? He cursed himself for his stubbornness; The girl was clearly beyond his reach. She had turned to leave without so much as looking at him. 'She never intended to trust me, did she?' Anger roiled again, hot and focused: His whole life had been leading him here, and she deigned herself as being above that?! Part of him tensed instinctively, his own chakra flowing erratically as, for a moment, he considered going after her. He was snapped out of it, however, by his teacher speaking up. He missed what was said, but turned around to give her his proper attention. Only, she wasn’t-


He cried out, a sharp pain overwhelming him as a flare of blinding chakra overpowered his mind momentarily. He doubled over, clutching his head in an attempt to cope with the sudden onslaught of sensation. A wave killer intent assaulted him, suddenly, like nothing he’d felt before. Through the haze, he could make out Suto-sensei behind the others. Was she-?


“Kenshiro, look out!”

Panicked, it was all he could force from his lungs as he searched frantically for a chakra signature. The buckets!


A puff of smoke heralded his sudden replacement with a bucket of water, moments before the tail-end of a lance of energy flashed past. Shuddering, he tensed his body, tenketsu straining as he forced his chakra skin to its absolute thickest. Almost an inch of syrup-like purple aura crawled over him, and in the second it took for his brain to reboot itself, he took comfort in its warmth.

“What… What is happening?” Had… had he been wrong? But he couldn’t have been! He knew the procedures! He knew how this worked! And yet-

Another wave of killing intent hit him like a battering ram, and he heaved, bile and the remains of his breakfast spilling onto the ground beneath him. Was… was she really going to kill them?! Then, was she a spy? Some kind of rogue?! And what about the others?! Hurriedly, he formed his hands into the Kasei seal and flared a bubble of chakra, tagging the others. It seemed Shio- Spiga-san and Kenshiro had escaped the blast, which was… relieving.

“What the hell is going on?!” The question tore from his throat unbidden, rasping and painful from vomiting. This was… far beyond him. Beyond his reach. He was going to die here, wasn’t he? All three of them were.

Uncle Jou would be so disappointed.

For a second time, his brain crashed, and he vacantly observed as, lazily, a single fat fly alighted onto the contents of his remaining bucket for a drink and-

“What?” It died! But then-?

“This water… is caustic?” The realisation struck him suddenly, followed shortly by a wave of surging, frantic energy. “Water style… is within my reach!” A manic smile pulled itself onto his lips and stuck fast. It wasn’t over until it was over, was it? At that moment, he could’ve hit himself. “Mum and Dad wouldn’t have gone down like this, would they Burai?” He flashed his hands through his Water Style practise seals before plunging his right into the bucket. The water, as if pulled towards its origin, snaked up his arm, small rivulets peeling away and dropping to the floor. “They went down fighting, and so will you.”

A manic tear rolled down his cheek.

A laugh tore from his throat, wild and painful.

“Burai Kasei never backs down from a challenge!”

With a yell, he charged back towards the others, a disintegrating lance forming at his side. Water droplets streamed behind him. He'd go for the arm. A disabling strike, after all, would be his best chance at survival against so vastly superior an opponent.

“You two! Get out of here! I’m going to put this right!”
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