Superheroes. Nasty, bothersome things, the whole lot of them. It seems like every other day a new, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young super makes the news, having saved the day with their marketable powerset and a winning smile. And with the sheer number of heroes that were popping left and right out of the woodwork, it would only stand to reason that a school would be constructed to teach these up-and-coming stars. To guide them in learning how to control their powers. To teach them that something something great responsibility yadda yadda. And, most importantly, to polish their public image to a shine. One superhero school became two, which became seven, and the numbers only continued to explode from there until it seemed like everywhere you looked there was one of those damned academies around the corner.
This is a story about a school. A school for only the most prestigious, the most intelligent, the most powerful. The ones with the most potential to take the future in their hands, and shape it to their own liking.

Oh, no. It's not one of those horrid "Mrs. Goody Two Shoes' School for Precious Angels" institutes, don't get us wrong. This is a story of the other side of the coin. With all those hero highs out there, it only stands to reason that there would be schools for the opposite, wouldn't there? Schools for not only villains, but super villains. A place where any blossoming evil genius or aspiring anarchist could go to hone their talents, and one day, potentially be the next great ruler of the world.
The Lanius School of Villainy and Mischief is one of, if not the most impressive academies for young villains out there. Staffed by some of the most famous villains, and offering ample opportunity for shadowing and field work, it's the perfect place to pick up truly diabolical knowledge, and learn how to apply it in a practical fashion. The school caters to what it refers to as the Four S's- Suavity, Smarts, Strength, and Stealth- and offers faculties catering to all groups. Competition is fierce, and students are encourage to form rivalries and squabble over top positions and valuable mentorships.
Today is the mark of a new school year. Students of all ages and all specialties are arriving, while those who have seniority are merely rolling their eyes and going back to whatever it is that they're busy with. Will you find new enemies this semester? Rise to the top position? Perhaps, even, make genuine emotional connections and warm memories that will last a lifetime, and then-
Ha! What a joke. Villains don't make friends.
...Or do they?
Greetings, everyone! I'm Echo, coming back from a hiatus to bring out a brand new interest check.
This roleplay centers around the Lanius School of Villainy and Mischief, by villains, for villains. If you have an antagonist idea you've been dying to try, this is the place to do it. Do you have a serious villain who wishes to destroy civilization, and is willing to toss aside their morals to do so? Is your villain a card-carrying ham who wants to twirl their mustache and cause chaos for the fun of it? Are they a baby serial killer? An evil genius? Someone who has no idea what's going on, but is very, very strong and very exploitable?Then this is the roleplay for you!
I'm hoping to create a lax, laidback atmosphere with this RP. I'm not going to demand pages upon pages of writing for a single post, so as long as you write more than a few lines, and give enough for characters to react and respond to, it'll be good. This RP will also be heavily character and character-dynamic driven, and will encourage people to come forward with their own ideas and really go out there in terms of content. There will be some underlying plotlines, but the main focus is upon the characters themselves.
If you have any questions, let me know! I hope that you'll join us for this mass of insanity.