A massive asteroid is hurling through space at a 500,000 kilometers per second. It is one of the largest recorded asteroid sitting at 3,400 kilometer at its radius and growing. Its known as L15000. This is the home of the ominous Ladius collective. Their looking. Looking for the next organisms to assimilate into their ranks. They are seeking for individuals or entire species that will bring further knowledge into their collective mind and propel the transformation of collective further towards its final goal. L15000's trajectory and speed is being controlled by the Primes. The Primes are the most gifted members of the entire collective and sitting at the head of it all is SAI L1. SAI communicates to the Primes through their sophisticated subspace network, "We need to expedite the expansion and development of our colonies and increase their capacity to create L2602s and L2603s. Let's place more resources in making that happen."