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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Location: Angel Grove Community Center → Command Center
Interacting w/: Everyone

Contrary to what most probably believed, Jordan wasn’t oblivious to how people perceived her, especially those that didn’t know her. If she had to guess, more than one of the newcomers were likely disappointed or instantly having some of their views on the Rangers shattered a bit by her display but she wasn’t going to sugar coat things. They would have to learn how she was eventually and it was better to be honest from the get go even if it meant she might not be liked in the long run. Jordan always prided herself on the fact that she was pretty transparent on most things but the important people in her life knew the truth behind most of her bitch fits. The simple fact was, it meant she cared and this time, it had been because she was terrified seeing Clint in that situation and the added surprise of expecting him to be out of danger to suddenly be right there in the thick of it had been a punch in the gut she hadn’t been prepared for. The biggest fear she had thought of at Charlie telling her that Druidon was back was the thought of losing the two of them during another battle.... losing them when she had just gotten them back. She wasn’t one to show or express her fears and upset so she ended up just slamming her point home with vicious anger. He had done kind of a shitty and cowardly thing that she herself had been prepared to explain or make up for if and when he called out Charlie and her for ditching but instead the reverse had been tossed at her. Add in the fact that their efforts from ten years ago had been in vain even if it meant a moment of peace and now, hostages being taken by their enemy making her feel utterly useless...she just didn’t know how to deal with it yet. Charlie was right though, they should calm down and think things through rationally because they would have a lot of work ahead of them. They would regroup wherever the Command Center was and then start on getting everything answered.

Jordan couldn’t help but frown as the group going with Clint reached the truck, the Green Ranger impressively grating at her finite nerves by making it fairly clear from the get go that he didn’t plan to rest because he wouldn’t let anyone else take over the driving. It just ramped up her nervous energy, worry still hitting her anger button but she chose to stay in silence. Instead of picking a fight again, she took shotgun and started flipping through the stations repeatedly on the radio the second the car was turned on, trying to keep herself calm by finding something she was in the mood to hear and to keep her hands busy. It didn’t take long however for her to realize her actions were irritating the man next to her and while normally she would continue just to fuck with him, she found herself drawing her hand back and staring out the window to watch the scenery go by. Minutes passed by, different buildings zooming past as they continued down the road, some of the places familiar because of distant memory while others still looking brand new to her. One thing was for sure, the closer they got to the supposed ‘Command Center’ the more she felt a sense of dread which she couldn’t really pinpoint why. That is, until her eyes spotted GENESIS headquarters and her heart felt like it had turned to stone so it could drop into her stomach as Clint pulled into the parking garage. She now knew what Charlie’s earlier statement had meant about triggering and it just was like pouring salt in a recently opened wound.

Jordan hopped out of the truck, following Charlie slowly and keeping an easy pace behind the group. She didn’t know if she could play nice and honestly, it felt better to take this all in somewhat alone or in the background. It looked worse for the wear, the years not being quite kind to it but still intact so that was a positive in their favor. She found herself stopping here and there, looking up at the ceiling of glass windows, enjoying the graffiti, or taking in a distant memory from the past. It hurt more than she thought it would but she realized why Charlie had chosen this place. It was a logical move that she could appreciate even if she absolutely despised it. While Charlie thought they had work to do on the place, she personally thought it was fine how it was because the less she was on the upper floors the better. Honestly, seeing it in not as wonderful a shape was a bit better in her mind. It had always been a bit too esteemed and polished for her taste anyway. The promise of the basement is what she most was looking forward to as the Command Center had always been more of a home to her than with her parents and she had a feeling this might be the same case. She caught up with the group, rushing into the elevator so they wouldn’t have to wait on her. If the events earlier hadn’t been so somber, Jordan might have actually felt a bubble of excitement but she found herself just wanting to know more but also having anxiety over what she might find out.

The doors to the elevator opened, revealing the above floors as misleading and concealing a fully operational Command Center. If you had shown her a picture of this with no context, she would have thought it to be an alien spaceship from a sci-fi movie or some secret government facility. It was pretty badass if she said so herself. Her fingertips brushed over the panels, carefully avoiding any buttons as she did and getting a feel for the space. She found herself stopping at the suits, her heart aching at the sight of the decommissioned suits but none more so than looking towards the fallen, knowing soon that they would be worn by the others. Jordan forced herself away from them, making sure to stand by Clint just in case the moron fell over or now in this case, out of his chair. She looked to their new rookies when Charlie gave her introduction, nodding her head in acknowledgment before giving a ‘yo’ and a small salute as she leaned slightly against the back of her fellow Ranger’s chair. Charlie was still the best little sister around, seeing the better part of her without ever giving insult. She wished the darn cowboy was that way but at least having someone to banter with wasn’t all that bad. It would be interesting to see how she was able to get along with the others, the one named Solane already feeling some of her wraith in a light dose.

When Charlie asked if they had any questions, she wanted to curse. She fucking hated asking questions, maybe even more than answering them as she was usually one to say action first and questions later. It was why she was fine with their Purple Ranger just giving an explanation on what she thought was important to cover and then maybe filling in the gaps with a question, not kicking off with questions. She held off on speaking up, letting the rookies have a go and wondering what they had to ask. Some were the usual kind, getting there grounding and trying to understand how the suits and Morphin Grid worked. Sloane’s were a bit more to the point that she also wanted to know more about or was stressed on but first thing first. ”Um, we got a fridge somewhere up in here?”, Jordan asked, pausing for a moment as she realized how it sounded like a joke or that she was looking to keep snacks down here which while maybe not wrong for future thought was not why she was asking. ”And before you give me that look, I was asking for cowboy over here. He is gonna want some ice on those ribs to reduce swelling and help against any bruises trying to form.”, she added to explain herself and gave a deep sigh. ”As for my second question since my main concerns have been asked, do you own the building or is there some kind of landlord or outside influences we need to be worrying about? I don’t want a situation like last time. And exactly, how long have you been preparing all this? When did you get a hint that Druidon might have returned? I get why I wasn’t informed, I skipped out and cut ties but shouldn’t you have been preparing with someone else like Clint? Why did you do this alone?”, Jordan questioned, her second question going more into a light flood of questions. She hadn’t really thought about it before but Clint not having a Morpher earlier meant maybe those two had lost touch as well. It made her wonder a bit on how and why exactly. Most important thing that was needed to do was work out any kinks and problems they had in the team before they tried to face this again and the hostages just put more on the line. It felt like the clock was ticking and she didn’t like it.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Power Rangers HQ
Interactions: Everyone

Vallory gave a little thumbs up towards Clint. "Cool. That's good to know." She said. She was piecing this interesting dynamic together pretty quickly. There was clearly a lot of love between the Power Rangers but, they also hadn't hung out in a while. The fact that the Blue Ranger, Jordan, was sticking around proved that she might only be angry because she cares so much. Which was...nice. Vallory just hoped that Jordan didn't start caring about her too quickly. Vallory wasn't sure she could handle that much emotion thrown her way.

Vallory raised her eyebrows and proudly jutted out her lower lip at Ross's compliments. "Hmm. Well. Thanks, Ross." She shifted her weight onto one leg and put a hand on her hip, and flexed the other arm. "Queen of the castle." She tittered, leaning forward and slapping her hands together. Those two compliments particularly bolstered her confidence. Ross was basically saying she was Power Ranger material. Imagine that! Power Ranger material! That helped ease her doubts. She was apparently so qualified she was making Ross have doubts just by being in the same room as him. It was quite the boost to her ego.

When she thought about that last part a little longer, her empathy kicked in. "Don't sell yourself short, Ross. I think you'd make great Power Ranger material. You're super nice, and good with kids. And...you care. A lot." She tried and failed not to look down at Ross' hands which had been busted up earlier.

"And, like, heart is what really matters. The suit can turn anyone into a badass. This is like, Captain America stuff, y'know?" She tapped her chest. She glanced over at Sloane and screwed her mouth up to the side.

When Sloane spoke, she found herself in agreement with him. It didn't really matter whether or not her suit fit. Jordan asked her questions next, and, man, she didn't want to be rude, but she seriously didn't care about the landlord situation. She also didn't care about why Druidon were back, or what Charlie was up too in her apparent absence.

"Yeah, I'm- I'm with Sloane on this one. I think everyone who wants to suit up should suit up, everyone else goes home." She nervously punched the palm of her other hand a few times. "I'm ready to roll. Like, right now. I don't care if I'm only a Power Ranger long enough to get those people back. I can fight." She held up the Power Crystal. "I got this thingy. I'm all...synced up to the Morph Zone, or whatever. Let's go." She looked back at the Pink Ranger suit. She tapped the Power Crystal against the glass. She tried to find a way to open the pod, be it an obvious handle or seam or some kind.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Potemking
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Potemking Command Grab / Bottom Text

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location:Command Center
Interacting w/:Everyone

Having taken a minute to rest, Clint was feeling a little bit better if not extremely sore. A mixture of fear in what Jordan would say and in what he might be told to do kept him from checking if he was bruised, so for the moment he focused on the group and what they had to say. And god, it gave him some saddening nostalgia. It wasn't exactly easy being pulled into this situation, especially with personal stakes right of the bat. There was a hell of a lot going on, and he was sure Charlie was having a bit of an overwhelming day as it was. So, as Clint would in certain situations, he'd speak up and address what was going on.

"Now I don't understand the grid or anything," Clint spoke up, glancing over at Ross. He never was good with those details, he left it to the others. They were a bit brighter than he was in some respects, and he'd let Charlie handle explaining that. "But a Ranger is chosen for a ton of reasons, I think. Sure, some of us might be athletic or stronger than normal. But heart can matter a lot, too. These things judge us pretty deeply, they'll see the good in us, or the determination to see things through." He glanced towards Sloane for a moment, then back at Ross to give the guy an idea of what he was about to say. "Now, pretty boy over there might have an attitude. But personally, I know he kept me from getting hurt worse before Jordan and Charlie showed up, and that told me a lot. Wouldn't be the first mouthy Ranger we've had." He didn't see Sloane as bad, though the guy lacked a filter in an entirely different way from Jordan. Where she'd scream, curse, and throw a fit in general, he was a certified sassing machine, and a brutal one at that. Sentient Country Song rang in his head, and Clint hadn't had it in him at the time to point out he fucking hated Country music. The next time he was in a room with Sloane and a radio, he was getting an ear-blast of AC/DC to make up for that one.

"And, ahah... Trust me..." Clint glanced at Jordan and Charlie with embarrassment, before continuing. "He ain't the first person to insult the crystals, either." Clint dropped his once. Or thrice... He may have gotten pissed and cursed about it, causing the group to get a good solid look as he slowly put it away in embarrassment. 'Stupid glowing piece of shit!' were his exact words. Maybe a lighthearted memory would help the two veteran girls settle down a bit.

It didn't take long for people to make it known where they stood. Sloane and Vallory were clearly raring to go, and Jordan was stuck on some rather... Irrelevant question, at least for the moment. He knew the two rookies were about to strike a nerve though, and figured in exchange for what she'd said about getting him some ice, he'd try and handle this a little bit, as well. It was a hell of a lot to be put through; That attack, suddenly being a Ranger, and dealing with the stress of the hostage situation. There needed to be a middle ground between taking action and not getting riled up.

"Let's settle down for a sec." Clint suggested, before pulling himself to his feet. He swore he heard an audible pop or something, but it was probably best to not think about it. Instead, he started off by eyeing Jordan. "Jordan, we can worry about building details after we figure out the hostage situation. You two," Clint looked over to Sloane and Vallory, their eagerness a positive in his mind, but he knew better from his past and Jordan's brutal reminder of what could happen out here. "We don't know where that thing is yet, but because Charlie is our little geek, I'm sure she can figure it out with a little time. We're gonna work towards this as fast as we can. There's no few of us going, we'll all be going." He took a breath, sighing as he thought of the crystals the new trio was holding. "There's nobody holding those crystals anymore for a reason, and that's because even after training and practice, those people died defending this planet against freaks like that kidnappin' coward. And yeah, we thought Druidon was toast, an' that's something that I think could use a bit of explaining, Charlie." He nodded towards the Purple Ranger, fully aware she was more in-the-know than they could hope to be. But he'd like to definitely know what the hell was going on, too. Was she really just this paranoid, or did she learn something at some point that let her know this was coming?

"They have a point, though. Ain't no use in sitting around, we need to be productive one way or another and ensure we get this rescue done. And that no hostages or Rangers are lost during it. So why don't we wrap up this Q & A quick and start figuring out a plan? We've got people to save, a monster's ass to kick..." He looked over all three of the rookies momentarily, his face a little more stern as he thought about how the time spent locating that monster could be spent. "And rookies to train."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Location — Command Center — Control Room
Interactions — Everyone in the room

"And, like, heart is what really matters. The suit can turn anyone into a badass. This is like, Captain America stuff, y'know?"

"Now, pretty boy over there might have an attitude. But personally, I know he kept me from getting hurt worse before Jordan and Charlie showed up, and that told me a lot. Wouldn't be the first mouthy Ranger we've had."

Okay, it wasn’t that Ross outright disliked Sloane. It was clear that if he wasn’t meant to be chosen, then he wouldn’t have the red crystal. Ross wasn’t so ignorant to that little fact that he’d overlook Sloane. But he just...didn’t like his entitled attitude. And maybe that was because of his last name. And maybe it was due to the fact that he’s been fed by that silver soon his rich family gave him. And maybe it’s because he has struggled to make end’s meet and how his mother has struggled all of his life to always put food on the table.

He knew better, sure. Ross was raised in a house of understanding and compassion. Unfortunately for Ross, SLoane pushed all of his buttons. His name was a touchy subject because his full name — Hiroshi Takahashi — always was memed on. People roasting him on the playground, giving him stupid nicknames because, of course they did. Because kids were cruel. So he went by Ross for as long as he could remember. With Sloane purposely referring to him as Ryan, well that made him want to punch him, but his temporary frustration was temporarily halted as CLint gave them a history lesson.

And after he was finished, Ross took in a breath. His temper was tied to his OCD. Things out of his control frustrated him and he just...had to remember not to let Sloane get to him.

Speaking of..

“They’re not my family, Sloane,” he said, looking at him. “But I know them well. Grace, the little girl who was taken, she’s one of the kids I mentor at the center. I told her everything was going to be okay and I let them down. I--”

Ross was interrupted by CLint, who extended his lesson on a highly firm suggestion that ended with a statement that made him blink confusingly at Clint. “Wait what did you say?” He asked. A few more blinks. “Train? Who? Us?”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LG
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LG Mr. Nice Watch

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Last time on RANGERS...

Charlie Fox took it upon herself to reach out to a former Ranger, Jordan Hall, to see if she would be open to re-establishing the team of Rangers with the threat of Druidon's return looming in the horizon. Although Jordan was hesitant at first, it wasn't until a serious threat on the Angel Grove Community Center that she sprung into the action with her former teammate to take down the Drunn Soldiers terrorizing the event. In the midst of the fray, the Purple and Blue Rangers received support in the form of professional wrestler Vallory Vance and AGCC worker Ross Takahashi. As the scene finally started to clear out, a blue basilisk looking creature ran off with a family as well as another wrestler from the WPL.

Fortunately for Charlie and Jordan, two of the Power Crystals chose Vallory and Ross, adding more members to the Ranger team. After taking the others back to the Command Center, Charlie explained everything that had happened leading up to this point: how Druidon never was truly destroyed in the final battle, the other Rangers permanently resigned from their roles and that they now must train the new Rangers while still being on the lookout for potential members to be added to the roster. The first step, however, is getting those hostages home safe and sound.

Updated Opening Coming Soon!

@OGSG as Charlie Fox, Purple Dino Ranger
@Akayaofthemoon as Jordan Hall, Blue Dino Ranger
@metanoia as Ross Takahashi, Green Dino Ranger
@Zoey Boey as Vallory Vance, Pink Dino Ranger

Episode 2 - Ranger Ready, Part II

Rangers - Druidon's attack on the Angel Grove Community Center might have some of the Ranger's shook. Charlie has decided that there is no time like the present to get the Rookies up to speed with accessing and using their new powers. Along with that, she's assuming that even though Jordan held her own, a little bit of training won't hurt at all. The new Ranger team should practice and bond with one another until it's time to go out into the field and rescue the hostages from Druidon.

Location: Command Center Training Facility
Interacting w/: The Rangers

The events that transpired yesterday left Charlie with a bittersweet taste in her mouth. In her eyes, she had hoped that meeting up with Jordan would yield the positive result of her agreeing the rejoin her in the fight against Druidon and ultimately she did. The problem was that she couldn't have expected Druidon to respond right in the moment of their meeting. After nearly ten years apart from someone she considered to be a big sister, Charlie was thankful that Jordan was there to support her in fending off the Drunn Soliders as best as they could, even if it resulted in the taking of hostages. If Charlie knew Druidon well, she understood that they were smart enough not to kill them off, but rather play the long game in getting what they wanted. What that was remained to be seen, which was why training for the new Rangers (and refresher training for she and Jordan) began today.

The Command Center had bunks if the Rangers wanted to stay overnight, but Charlie wasn't going to force them to if they didn't want to. Personally, she had her own place to stay, but with the need to act quickly to retrieve the hostages, Charlie elected to stay at the Command Center overnight to work on the Green and Pink Power Morphers. All in all, she might have gotten between three and four hours of sleep, but these days that was the norm for her. Her paranoia wouldn't allow her to truly rest until she felt complete safety. As the youngest member of the original Rangers, Charlie often felt incompetent and weak... as if the others had to compensate for her age. Now, as an adult, she never wanted to feel like that again. Protecting the other Rangers as the de factor "leader" was paramount for her.

"Morning guys. Meet up at the Command Center Training Facility today at 9AM. Might wanna eat before you get here unless you want just some donuts and orange juice from two days ago, ha."

Rolling over in the full size bed of her bunk, Charlie planted her feet onto the ground and rubbed her eyes. If she had the means to, she could sleep for another few hours, but Ross and Vallory needed training as well as getting acquainted with their Power Morphers. Things weren't as simple as just following the Morph Sequence and, voila, you're a Power Ranger. There was a potentially fatal risk if the powers didn't fully bond with the individual piloting the suit. Shaking the negative thought from her mind, Charlie quickly got dressed in more battle fitting attire, throwing on a black sports bra with matching pants that both had double purple lines along the trimming. After grabbing a workout bag and her insulated water bottle, she made her way into the hall, got in the elevator, and went down to the basement. The Training Facility was on the same floor as the Command Center's Control Room.

As the double doors slid open, Charlie lifted her hazel eyes and was honestly surprised to see everyone already present and accounted for upon walking into the futuristic facility. A small smile set on her face as she sat her things down, grabbing the nearby suitcase that was perched on the bench.

"Am I wrong to say that I'm surprised all of you beat me here?" she mused, opening up the latches of the suitcase and pulling out the two watch-like devices. The perimeter of each of the Power Morpher's faces had the respective colors for Ross and Vallory. "Alright, you two. Your Power Morphers are basically like your keys to the Morphing Grid. Like I mentioned yesterday, the Morphing Grid is like... a fourth dimension where the Rangers can access their powers in anyway possible. With the Power Crystals already bonding with you, morphing shouldn't be a problem, but the first few times having that power in your possession can be overwhelming." She looked to Jordan with a small smirk, an inside joke that one of the former Rangers (or a few of them) had some problems with the initial Morph Sequence.

As the two new Rangers equipped themselves with their Power Morphers, Charlie carried on, "An important thing to note is that your body has to stay in peak physical shape. It's not as simple as just morphing and, boom, you're in perfect shape. Like Val asked yesterday, yes, the suits will automatically adjust to your body... but it's still your body. Val, you're a pro wrestler, so I don't doubt that you'll be just fine." She chuckled, looking up at the tall woman before turning her attention to Ross. "And if I recall correctly Ross, you're a former track athlete? Channel those experiences and you should be fine. Kicking ass on a day-to-day basis has a way of kicking your own ass into shape."

Walking over to Jordan, Charlie nodded her head at the Blue Ranger. "How you feeling, J? Think you wanna test these two out in a sparring match?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

LOCATION — Command Center
INTERACTIONCharlie @OGSG; Vallory @Zoey Boey

Truth be told, Ross hadn’t slept at all last night. His mind kept him awake. He drifted off a couple of times, but he didn’t get anything close that would be even remotely considered actual sleep. He just kept thinking about the terror that was yesterday and what happened at the Angel Grove Youth Center.

The monsters. The panic they caused. The destruction that was a result of their attack on the center.

And Gracie.


That’s what kept Ross up all night. After he left the command center and finally came home, after his family went through so much because of his brother’s accident and the darkening rain cloud it put over the Takahashi family, he felt mixed emotions when his mother embraced him as soon as he walked through those doors. He had never known his mother to hug him so tightly, to allow her feelings to be felt so clearly as he did yesterday.

He remembered when he told her he was okay that there was something she didn’t say at the time, but he knew after that hug. She was more worried for him than words could express.

And as he lay in his bed, looking up at his ceiling, he wondered how afraid Gracie and her family were right now? Were they harmed in any way? He wasn’t sure if that basilisk monster had a heart. Did their kind even have hearts? Or were they just soulless husks who wanted nothing more than to cause destruction anywhere they went.

He was angry.

Ross was angry at those monsters for ruining what was supposed to be an amazing day for Angel Grove. Angry at himself for being powerless to stop them, but most of all angry at himself for failing. He wasn’t strong enough and wasn’t fast enough to stop Gracie from being taken.

“That won’t happen again.” He promised himself as he sat up

Just as he did, however, his phone vibrated on his nightstand. For a moment, he had a delayed reaction to it, which was no doubt happening because of his lingering dread about his failures yesterday. But it wasn’t just that. He saw a photo of his older brother, Yamato, who had gone by Matt to avoid any confusion with anyone outside of the family. It hadn’t donned on him until maybe just now as he still was looking at the framed photo of Matt, the last photo that was taken of him before his accident, just how close he came himself to making his parents sonless.

And that feeling carried him into a few minutes spent just sitting there. The alert from his phone kept going off, vibrating every ten seconds but he ignored it for some time. He just sat there, thinking and sulking. Ross didn’t like that he did that sometimes. Usually it was when he was frustrated and needed to get out his dramatic irritations about a particular situation or sometimes a person. But this was so different. It was more personal.

As he got up, he grabbed his phone. Ross was still in his dark brown and green shirt outfit from yesterday (minus the black slacks he wore). He saw the text he received about ten minutes ago was from Charlie. It was a group text, from the looks of it.

"Morning guys. Meet up at the Command Center Training Facility today at 9AM. Might wanna eat before you get here unless you want just some donuts and orange juice from two days ago, ha."

With everything that was on his mind and that had gone down at the youth center yesterday, it had nearly slipped Ross’ mind. That green gem...stone chose him, apparently. It was a lot to take in. First and foremost, Ross still couldn’t believe he was going to be a ranger. That carried its own fair share of pressure, but growing up the way he did, Ross’ life never had a shortage of hills to climb. From learning troubles to general tendencies that made day-to-day life difficult for him, Ross overcame them all by putting his all into it.

But that wasn’t the only thing. He had a personal responsibility to not only himself, but everyone who was at the center. Or who knew someone at the center. Gracie, her parents, his family, friends -- everyone was going to count on him and no matter what, he’d do it.

As he glanced at the time, Ross had a little over two hours before he had to be at the Training Facility. “Two hours? Well, I usually need twice that amount to get properly ready, but I can do it.” Ross frequently talked himself up to help himself focus. It was one of the things that his therapist helped him with. Focusing on one thing and everything else will fall in line.

So he showered. And washed his hair before and after.

And then he got dressed. Going there, Ross was going to dress to impress. On his back, he put on a long-sleeve, button-up shirt and a pair of beige slacks with dark brown dress shoes. This was Ross, after all. If anyone even caught a glimpse of his personality and style, they knew they shouldn’t have expected anything else. But he also knew that this wasn’t training gear, so he would go prepared. In a green duffle bag, he had a better outfit of sweats and an oversized shirt, plus any energy boosters and two eco-friendly water bottles because you had to stay hydrated, especially if you were going to become a Ranger.

After he was all set, Ross took the time to make himself a full breakfast. For him, that meant a sub-traditional Japanese breakfast, which really meant omurice with extra gravy, toast, and green tea. He also had an apple that was sliced into square sticks and sliced. He liked how the tartness of the green apple paired with the beef gravy.

And then Ross was out the door, telling his mom that he was going to head to the gym for a morning work out. There was a delay in time because he had to reassure her he wasn’t going to the center. Even though he wished he could, right now it was a crime scene. He assured his mother for nearly ten minutes that he was just going to the gym for a few hours.

Again, lying to her made him sick to his stomach, but he knew it was the kind of lie people told that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. She...could be in danger if she knew where he was going. That’s why he had to keep this from her. Something like this was meant to be kept a secret, or at least until he understood more what this was going to be.

Once he was sure she wouldn’t worry, Ross hopped into his Ford Focus. Within ten minutes, he had made it to the command center. He parked relatively close to the entrance they had used last time and as he walked, Ross found himself not feeling the same as he did last time. Last time, he was in awe and had become distracted by...everything. By the fact that the rangers were back. By the fact that he was chosen.

But once they had arrived at where he figured their main main base of operations were, he asked a bunch of questions. He always felt his mind was ever-curious, but whenever he was flustered like he was yesterday, Ross didn’t act like he usually did.

Today was different.

Ross knew, on some level, what to expect. He was chosen by a green crystal. He had come prepared with a change of clothes that were better suited for it. When he arrived, he made sure to use an empty room to change into his sweats and shirt and his sneakers were perfectly tight on his feet. And he watched Charlie grab a suitcase. Inside was revealed to be a couple of watch-like devices.

“What are those?” Ross asked.

He spoke instinctively and thought he was done being in awe. Apparently he was wrong.

Then Charlie explained, elaborating further on what was mentioned yesterday. The Morphing Grid was some kind of different dimension or something like that. Charlie explained it well and as simplistic as she could, Ross had no doubt about that. It felt like this was something out of the Twilight Zone or something. He wasn’t an idiot and certainly could understand complicated situations.

Hell, he has followed the Kingdom Hearts games without needing his hand held through it. And that was the most convoluted, amazing mess he has ever experienced.

But this? Ross had to take a minute to process it.

As she explained how the power could be overwhelming, Ross would only listen, looking over to Vallory with a worried expression on his face. Doubts started to creep in. Even though he had told himself earlier that he was ready, maybe he wasn’t. Maybe…

But then Charlie said something about them.

“Y-yeah, that’s right! I also exercise as much as I can.” Ross was a nutrition freak, really. His body was a temple and only supplements that went into it were ones that helped with energy and protein.

Something about her knowing that made Ross feel...well, it honestly put any doubts he had to rest. He smiled at Vallory with an invigorated confidence. “Are you as ready for this as I am?” He asked her.
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