Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 20 days ago

April 10th, Whereabouts unknown.

What was up with this hand? Four high schoolers could only slow it down, and the hits from the redhead and the green haired girl seemed to have no effect on it. The black hands continued pulling with no signs of stopping. Trying desperately to think of an idea that could stop this thing, he considered his surroundings. Or, at least he would have, if he had the time. Without warning, the black hand reared up, and yanked all four of the students into the blackened mirror.

At first, there was only a black nothingness, but that soon gave way as the four tumbled into another room. The room seemed devoid of anything, except for what looked like a path forward into the unknown. He noticed the black hands still had a grip on his fellow student, but seemed to have stopped dragging them all for now.

Just then, a flash of blue caught his attention, and as he looked over towards it, he could see what looked like blue fire, albeit only for a second. In its place stood a blonde woman with cat ears. The hell was this? Before his brain could even begin to process his surroundings, the woman shouted. Lore-something. And behind her, some sort of transparent ghost lady appeared out of seemingly nowhere, only to just as suddenly send out several icicles at the hand, which seemed to have sent it scurrying. Hoping that the danger had passed for now, Genki let go of the redhead.

Letting out a sigh, he looked to the strange woman. And just as he was about to speak, Hoshino let loose a verbal tsunami of angry words. Though there was something a little off about him now. He was dressed differently, and his eyes looked weird. Genki looked down at himself and the other two that were dragged in. They all still had their uniforms on. As the furious onslaught of verbal weapons continued, it seemed Hoshino knew this cat lady, saying things like "What part of 'I don't want to do this again' do you not understand?!" Or when she called him "Her devil".

As the conversation came to a slow, Genki decided now would be the best time to interject. "Look lady, I don't know who you are, where we're at, or what's even happening. I think some sort of explanation is in order if we're going to be staying around." His eyes flickered over towards the way they came. The mirror was still there. "Actually, hold on a second." Genki jumped up and thrust his hand on the glass. It didn't feel like glass anymore. It felt like... gritty stone. Nothing seemed to happen. "Damn." He turned back around, defeated. Looks like his adventure into wonderland was just getting started. A cat turning into a lady, magic ice ghosts, a big hand thing, and an interdimensional mirror. This was all just... some sort of fever dream. Somebody put psychedelics in his food or something, it was the only way his brain could make any sense of this.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WXer
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WXer オラ・オラ・オラ!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The second school day promised that the rest of the academic year was to be as typical as the rest of them. As a consolation for the compromise of Kazuyoshi actually staying awake, the teachers didn't call on him as much when compared to yesterday's rapid rounds of Stand Up/Sit Down. As the bell rang to signify the end of regular class time, Kazu had to reluctantly spend the time of respite alone due to his seatmate's new occupational obligations. It seems everyone in their class had somewhere to be except the aimless Asakura. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, he supposed. It meant there would probably be less people on the roof, optimally none.

Wading through the sea of the student body, Kazu would eventually reach the consistently unlocked door leading to the rooftop. Whether the janitorial staff trusted the students not to loiter or were just too lazy to replace the deadbolt that got jimmied by Banri-san (allegedly) last year, the top of the school building was always available for the more troublesome lot of Hinotori High. While most used it to hide from the student disciplinary committee and trade some classic school contraband, Kazu came up here to enjoy the metropolitan skyline. Most might envision a grassy field or a sandy beach as the most relaxing spots to enjoy the midday sun but the slabs of concrete that made up Kyoto was his slice of Shangri-La. Just imagine: Staring beyond the metropolitan horizon with nothing but the distant sounds of chatter, traffic, and buzzing of the school's HVAC exhaust vents.

Maybe it was a few minutes or a few moments but to Kazu it felt like a still hour in time that only got interrupted by a PA announcement addressing him. Turns out that escaping the class recitals didn't mean he was out of the woods. With a sigh and goodbye, he begrudgingly went back down though not without a quick stop at the nearest bathroom. The sterile smell of overused cleaning products overwhelmed Kazu's senses though it was better than the alternative. Turning on the closest tap, he would let the water flow for a few seconds before dipping his hands and applying soap. While muttering a twenty count under his breath, a chorus of familiar voices could be heard approaching. In a hurry, Kazu shut off the tap with soap still bubbling on his hands and hid in one of the stalls. Speak of the devil and he appears it seems as the boisterous voice of Yoshizawa Banri easily drowned out the rest of the gang's. Having personally known what he's capable of and how easily he can be slighted, Kazu seriously did not want to deal with this right now. His breaths became shallow and short but he had hoped they would soon go away. His heartbeat soon drowned out all the voices in the bathroom, including his own internal dialogue.

Then it went silent. They were gone and soon Kazu would be too, as soon as he finishes his rinse. Just as he was done, the deathly stare of his reflection from the nearby bathroom mirror jolted him as it soon fogged up. He wasn't gonna stick around to get scared by mirrors though so Kazu rushed to the faculty room before he gets chewed out even more for stalling. Though he had ran to get there, the pace of his walk would return to normal as he approached the door. No need to get into more trouble after all.

Kazu would knock on the door twice before going in regardless with a smile on his face. He had hoped to win over his judge and jury with charm though this facade soon got wiped off his face. The convenience store girl was here. Oh god, did he accidentally shoplift?!

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 12 days ago



April 10th 2018

The Hall of Mirrors

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@RiverMaiden
"There isn't a we. There's a you and there's a me, and neither are going in the same direction on this!" Noriaki practically snarled his response to the annoying cat girl and her bold claims. It may have been that he was overreacting, but in the bizarre situation he found himself in, it was impossible to remain calm and collected. It didn't help that every word he spoke seemed to bounce off entirely, as if her nonsensical logic made perfect sense and he was the only one who couldn't see.

"I don't know who you—No, no! Do not do that! Do not make me glow!" The teen battered away her hand as she prodded at him, dispelling whatever weird fiery mage she decided to call forth. He was at the end of his rope at that point, especially with her deciding to play dumb about their previous encounter. He fucking wished they hadn't seen each other before. He extended a finger of his own, jabbing it into her collarbone to put the point across.

"Y'know what? Good. You don't know me. I don't know you. We're going to keep it that way, and after this, you're not coming to my school to bother me. I'm going to go figure out a way out of this place, because apparently," He paused, to jerk a finger over his shoulder at the mirror that had brought them, "That one isn't going to take us back. Because of course it isn't. That would be too fuckin' easy to be the case."

With that, the devil-tailed lad brushed his way past the mystery girl who had been the source of so much of his anger, and started off towards the door at the end of the hallway. He had done his part in trying to rescue Hinari, and if the girl was so insistent on dragging the others into this, she could take care of protecting them from Miss Handsy. The hallway they were in did resemble the one from Sunday night, so wherever it led couldn't have been that much different from the stage he ended up on before. He just had to go in, find another mirror, and step through it.

Hopefully he wouldn't run into any demons on the way, but if he did, well... he was sure that smug little angel brat would come back to snap their swords.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

| April 10th, 2018 | Unidentified Location |@Scribe of Thoth@Asura@Lord Orgasmo|

Throughout all the supernatural occurrences happening all around her, Yori silently watched and waited. Or rather, she stuck to where she got up from the ground, and just happened to be looking in Noriaki and the mysterious new girl's direction. In an environment where nothing was familiar and one held little to no information, the green-haired girl couldn't help but stay in place, as if unwilling to give up the small comfort of knowing that where she stood was made of solid ground where everything else could very well be an endless abyss.

If her redheaded classmate hadn't checked the mirror as soon as he did, she probably would've done the same. She still might, if only to confirm for herself and to delay what seemed to be inevitable. There was only one exit from the plain, unobtrusive room, yet anything could be hidden behind it. For all they knew, there could be an impassible wall directly behind it, and that there was truly no escape from the place they had been dragged into.

Holding back a worried sigh, Yori shook her head as if to dispel the doubts swirling within her, and moved to check on the orange-haired classmate that she had been pulled in with. Short of breath, visibly nauseous, and no doubt in a greater deal of shock than those who happened to be dragged along with him, she approached him from the front so he would see every step she took in his direction rather than accidentally spooking him from his side or behind.

"If you're going to vomit, do it in a corner or something so I don't have to look at it," she unhelpfully commented while her gaze moved from her classmates pale expression to the glasses entangled in his hair. Slowly, as if dealing with a frightened animal rather than with another person, she reached up to help retrieve them. Though it would've been faster just to yank them out and let him deal with the pulled hairs, she took her time disentangling his orange locks before pulling the glasses out of his bangs and handing them back so he can put them on himself. "These belong on your nose, by the way."

After looking him once over, her eyes lingering a little longer on where the amorphous hands had grabbed his ankle, Yori sent her attention back to the feuding duo, of whom Noriaki seemed to have finished blowing up on the cat-turned-cosplayer and was headed to the door. While making no move to stop him, she couldn't help but peer around his figure and at the door himself, no doubt hoping to get a peek at what awaited them outside of the room without moving up to the door herself.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

April 10th - ???

Daigo paid little mind to the rest of the room, as lost in his own head as he was. Anything to avoid having to face the reality - or whatever this was - in front of him. In a way, it wasn't that different from the gym they were just standing in; Hoshino was yelling at the cat - who may or may not have been a demon trying to eat him, Genki was trying to figure out what the hell was even going on, and the girl... well, Daigo was surprised she even followed them to the gym in the first place given how dismissive she was back by the lockers. Yeah, just like the gym. The nice, safe gym. There was a joke about curiosity and cats to be made here somewhere, but Daigo definitely wasn't going to be the one to make it while he was still panicked.

He needed to calm down, everything was gonna be fine.

No it wasn't. They were stuck there. He'd gotten all of them killed by virtue of being gourmet demon food. All the hyperventilation had him a bit lightheaded at this point; maybe he'd get lucky and be fast asleep while they ate him. The green-haired girl obviously blamed him, he could tell by her tone. Wait, when did she get so close? He hadn't even noticed her move.

Daigo winced a bit as she extended her hand upward, more out of nerves than any genuine horror in her direction - that was reserved for the purple thing and the catgirl. Still, she might smack him or something. His eyes followed her hand upward until it actually made contact with his fiery locks, then lazily drifted back down to rest on her face. For a moment, he was utterly transfixed on the girl in front of him; his breathing normalized and the tension gradually bled out of his frame with every tangle she worked out of his hair. The motion was weirdly soothing, like he was an animal being petted. It wasn't until she finished and a weight was dropped into his hands that he even processed what she'd been doing.

"Y-yeah," Daigo responded, dumbfounded but far more lucid than he was previously. He turned the glasses over in his hands a few times contemplatively. Sure, seeing was great, but if everything around him was a nondescript blur, he could pretend he wasn't currently stuck inside a magic death mirror somehow. At least until he saw flashes of movement outside the ten-ish foot radius he could comfortably make out and stressed himself out even harder while he waited for his inevitable demise.

Fine, he'd look. He swore Hoshino mentioned a way out, which meant they'd be fine. Naturally, he should help them look for the exit so they could get out sooner. Nothing to worry about! Wait, how did Hoshino even know that?

The redhead slid his glasses back onto his face and immediately recoiled in surprise. Purple demon man looked way too much like Hoshino for comfort. And... Hoshino himself wasn't in the room. So the only explanation was...

"Um, guys. W-why does Hoshino-kun have a tail?" Daigo nervously asked. Unless Osaka was the secret tenth layer of hell, there had to be something else going on that Daigo himself wasn't privy to, even beyond the evil hands and transforming cats.

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rubbing her temples for a second, clearly the girl had to resist the urge to whack Noriaki upside the head. The other three weren't helping much, either; judging by their uniforms, none of them would be of much help until they Awakened. And Purle McGee was being outright hostile. As he stomped off, however, she let out a tiny gasp, lunging forward to grab his arm. While she was acutely aware that he was probably going to explode any second now, she needed to make one thing clear.

"Okay, enough!" She raised her voice, making sure everyone was paying attention to her. "First of all, this mirror is the only way out of here. This world only ever supports one doorway, and if it's blocked like this, then that means we have to find the big Shadow that's blocking it. Kill the Shadow, the mirror opens back up. The hand that probably grabbed this boy is the likely culprit, but charging in alone is only going to end up getting yourself killed."

Releasing Noriaki, she turned her attention to the other three. "The only people that can cross over successfully are those who have Awakened or those that are Corrupted. The former means you transform and have a Persona--something like the blue lady that I summoned before--" She gestured to Noriaki, addressing his change. "But if you're Corrupted, it means the Shadow is starting to influence the real world. It might've decided to target the school for now, but if left alone, it'll spread over the city. It could affect your friends, your mom or dad, your siblings--and it will end up killing them eventually."

Approaching Daigo, the girl knelt down, her hands on her knees as she inspected Daigo. "...you're not directly Corrupted, but someone close to you is," She told him, reaching out and poking his chest. To her surprise, a blue card formed, though unlike before, this one was blank. "...and you have the potential, too. No wonder the Shadow decided to pull you over. Persona users becoming Corrupted would be really, really bad."

She stood up to her full height, stretching her arms above her head before turning back to Noriaki. "I waited for you because I saw you had already Awakened. Which means whether you like it or not, you're involved," She stated as plainly as possible. "You signed the contract, didn't you? Are you really going to run away from your responsibility?"

As Kazu entered, Momoji perked up, excusing herself as she walked over to him. "There you are, Asakura-kun," She shook her head. "I thought you were skipping out on us!"

At the mention of his name, however, Taniguchi saw fit to join the conversation. "Yes, good of you to decide to finally join us," He mused dryly. "It's good to see you're taking this year as well as everyone assumed."

"I'm sure Asakura-kun had a good reason for being late," Momoji said, looking at the boy. "Right?"

Sora hastily clamped up, squeezing his eyes shut as he realized what he said probably didn't make much sense. He decided to start from the beginning, trying to remain calm, but it was obvious by his antsiness that he was a little bothered by the situation.

"I ran into Mina-senpai from Photography Club crying in the stairwell," He explained. "She was really, really shaken up. I tried to ask her what was wrong, but she just mentioned Yamamoto and--I got this bad feeling. Mina-senpai's a nice girl, I don't know exactly what happened, but it couldn't have been good."

At that point, Sakuya exited the stairwell, noticing the trio gathered around. Was she really the last one to arrive?! The thought alone was mortifying, and she had to hold back a groan. As she quickly made some attempt at looking dignified, she managed to catch the tail end of Sora's explanation. While it was probably smart to ask, she felt like she was a little too aware of what they were speaking of.

"If you're talking about Yamamoto, I've already...spoken with him," Sakuya stated to the three. "I suggest avoiding him, he's been incessantly irritating. Moreso than usual, I mean."

Sora turned to face her, frowning. "That doesn't mean he can go around harassing people!" He protested. "We should say something to a teacher, at least!"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Entityx
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

April 10th- Afternoon

As they had been speaking with each other, Nakano-san had finally made her appearance. It was odd that she’d be late for a second time. What has been going on lately? She listened as Kinoshita-san continued to further explain the situation with Yamamoto. For one, he may have been an irritating slimeball but violence? She had never heard of him doing that before. He may have said a thing or two to the students and stuck his nose where it shouldn’t have been but Yamamoto was a smart student. He was good at sneakily causing trouble for others without getting his hands dirty like that.

The more she thought about the situation, the more she didn’t like it. Today was even more bizarre than yesterday. Oka looked over at Nakano-san, who’d suggested that they all just avoid him. But since when should the Student Council now turned Disciplinary Squad turn a blind eye to someone actually showing signs of being a delinquent.

“I disagree.” Oka spoke up, her attention turning to Nakano-san. It was one of the few times she’d actually gone against the grain. Usually she would’ve heeded her advice and just went on about her business. Oka was not one to get involved in things that had nothing to do with her but something about this just didn’t sit well with her. ” I think we need to confront him about his behavior. If the administration wants us to crack down on delinquency, the Valedictorian should be no different. What if he goes after some other girl, then what? Kinoshita-san said she was pretty shaken up. He sounds unstable.” Oka grew quiet for a few moments, mostly because she was surprised she was so gung ho about going after this guy. Something in her just said, ‘Nah, something ain’t right.’

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by psych0pomp
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psych0pomp DOUBT EVERYTHING / except me... i'm cool

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Maki contained the need to roll her eyes at the Vice Principal. She instead laced her fingers behind her back and leaned into her arms. She compressed and released her digits, using them as a way to distract herself from the rage in her chest. They kept talking about her future responsibility to the Student Council and Nakano, and then there were the words that Maki didn't want to hear. Suzuki-sensei stated her disappointment in Maki. Those fingers tightened. Kaibari-sensei. That name picked at a wound that festered in her.

The old art teacher had seen her potential and encouraged her. He’d taught her some of the tricks in his old books. There were ways to turn your brush. Ways to flick the paint on the canvas to get your desired effect. How dry painting could add another layer to your art. Maki hadn’t forgotten. Instead, she’d used those techniques on her street art. She’d even gone out of her way to buy different diffuser nozzles for her cans, sponges to give the paint a textured look, and mineral oil to remove the paint at the end of the night. It stunk to high hell. She hadn’t abandoned Kaibari-sensei, she’d just pursued her idea of art. It was something he always told her to look for—her style. Her style was murals that swept people away from the boring, gray walls. Vandalism they’d called it.

Suzuki-sensei brought up going to counseling. ”Sure,” she said, the venom in her voice. ”While we’re at it, why don’t we invite my esteemed parents. I’m sure they’d love to be ensured that it wasn’t their failings that led to me ‘acting out.’” In the name of love—assholes.

Maki was about to say something else when she heard someone else enter. She jerked her head over to see the blue-haired idiot from last night. Her brow rose. What the hell is he doing here? It then dawned on her that this was the other person that had been called to the office alongside her.

The teachers seemed more than elated that he showed up. What the fuck? They had a favorite delinquent now? Ugh.

It was then proposed as to why he was late. ”Sampling more garbage chicken with your friends?” Maki asked, smiling coyly.

| 𝖳𝖠𝖦(𝖲) : @Hero @WXer|
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 12 days ago



April 10th 2018

The Hall of Mirrors

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@RiverMaiden
It seemed as though, on that day, Noriaki could do no right. The little bitch had gone through the trouble of luring him and his classmates to this godforsaken place to fight some monster or another, yet when he tried to go do just that so he could go home, she seemed intent on stopping him. If she was so worried about him and his safety, why the hell did she decide he needed to be brought against his will to another mirror?! Had she not warned him to stay away from them the time before? The irate teen yanked his hand from the now cat-eared pest, turning on his heel so he could affix her with another glare.

"If a dumb ass like you can kill one of them hundreds of times, I think I can manage once. Besides, who else is gonna do it? That one," He thrust a finger out towards Daigo, the very reason the lot of them had ended up tumbling through the mirror in the face place, "Is seeing things, for fuck's sake. Probably hit his head coming in. I do not have a... tail?"

As he berated the girl, the occasional flicker in his peripheral vision had grown more and more noticeable. Only when he bothered to lower his gaze from her face to see what it was did it finally occur to him—a long, slender, spade-tipped tail whipped to-and-fro to his side. One which seemed to lead all the way behind him as he traced its origin with his eyes.

"What the fuck are you?!" He exclaimed with wide eyes, grabbing at it as it only continued whipping about in his shock. It took quite a while for him to get a hold on the newly discovered appendage of his, which seemed to have a mind of its own, and even when he did manage to grab it and give it a hard tug, the resulting pain radiating from his tailbone only caused his panic to grow. Why the fuck did he have a tail? Did she think this was some kind of funny joke? Call him a devil and then give him a little cartoon devil tail? What next, a little pair of horns to go with it?!

"Do not tell me—God DAMMIT!"

The moments that followed a cursory touch to his forehead were spent spitting a string of profanities, as he reckoned absurdity of these new acquisitions with the dire situation he found himself in. There was vague recognition that their gracious host had been waffling on about something or another to the handful of students who had accompanied him, Daigo among them, but he was too caught up searching his body for any other unwelcome additions to his physiology. He had just finished checking for little wings when the girl spun back around to confront him about obligation.

"Responsibility? My fuckin' responsibility is to go to school, go to work, and not break my paro... parent's expectations! I don't owe you anything! Hell, you should be the one owing me! If I hadn't gotten grabbed a few days ago, you'd be a fuckin' corpse by now!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 20 days ago

April 10th. Whereabouts unknown.

That was... a lot to take in. So, first off, there was only one way out of here: the mirror behind him. Problem is, it's out of commission right now, and the only way to get it back up and running was to kill the "Shadow" blocking it. Presumably that big hand thing was said Shadow, but considering all four of them only seemed to just slow it down, then the cat lady was right: it would just be suicide.

Secondly, there was the talk of "Awakened" and "Corrupted" people. Apparently, devil boy was Awakened, and so was the cat lady. Apparently you could transform and you get a personal ghost thing. Well, he didn't have anything like that, and he looked exactly the same, so... was he Corrupted? He's never encountered anything like this before, so he couldn't be Corrupted, right. Or at least, he didn't think so. Then again, there was that strange sense of familiarity with those butterflies.

Then the cat woman began talking to Hoshino again. She said something about signing a contract. A contract... Genki's eyes wandered down to the ground as he thought and muttered to himself. "Contract. That sounds familiar. Did... did I sign one of those recently?" he wracked his brain trying to think of anything like that, but only that strange sense of familiarity remained. Maybe if he had more to go on.

As he lifted his head, the cat lady and Hoshino were arguing again. He seemed surprised that he now possessed a tail and a pair of horns. He also seemed pretty angry about the whole "responsibility" thing. He also apparently saved the cat woman at one point a few days ago. Speaking, or rather, thinking, of the cat lady. There wasn't really a whole lot he knew about her. Just that she apparently knew Hoshino, had a magic ghost lady, and could apparently turn into a cat.

Once Hoshino had finished speaking, Genki decided to interject once more. "You know, cat lady, just who are you anyways? What's your name, and... where exactly are we?" Genki pondered for a brief second, before realizing he basically knew nothing about these people. He thought he recognized them as classmates, but he didn't really know much about them. "Actually, if we're going to be stuck here together, we should probably get to know each other a little better. I know you're my classmates, but that's about it. My name is Mori, Genki, though I usually go by Genki."

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by WXer
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WXer オラ・オラ・オラ!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A phony yet visibly nervous smile was painted across Kazuyoshi's face before letting out an equally forced chuckle. He was on thin ice due to the summer incident but everyone seemed content to dance around the issue, not unlike figure skaters on a freshly frozen winter lake. However, that remark about assumptions did worry him a bit since meeting expectations without doing anything good lately can only be troublesome. Before he could stew on this even further, he needed to explain where he had been. Uh oh.

Kazu's mind raced to find a plausible explanation for his tardiness since spacing out in the supposedly locked off roof of the school would definitely lead to suspicion. Even before he could begin to forge a fictitious fibbery, the fashionable five-to-niner female had given him an idea. "As a matter of fact, yes. I was, uh, meeting up with my good buddy Hinari-san at the Cooking club room since we were going to cook chicken. Something about how he could do better than Family Mart." A smug smirk now etched itself across Kazu's face, content with the sequence of events he had just fabricated. Perhaps he will indeed ask Daigo-kun to cook him some chicken at some later time.

Focusing back on the present, Kazu tried to move the conversation along before his facade would unravel. "Also, saying we were sampling chicken might seem sketchy. We totes paid for those Momoji-sensei, I might even have the receipt on me." Kazu would state as he rummaged through his pockets, finding only lint and loose candy wrappers. Definitely not a good second impression for either his teacher or schoolmate.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Crossing her arms, her ears flattened as she stared at Noriaki's outburst. She perked up slightly at Genki's introduction, opening her mouth to reply before promptly closing it. Her eyes darted to the mirror and back as she scratched her cheek, giving him a shrug. "...Mira. I'm Mira," She introduced herself, clearing her throat. "We used to call it the Other Side, since you have to go through a mirror to get to it. This place doesn't have human inhabitants, only shadows--creatures born from the human psyche and fueled by negative emotions. They usually keep to themselves, but one of them's going crazy enough that it decided to pull the poor kid in."

Once she finished her explanation, she gave Noriaki a wary look. "You might be my Devil, but this is the first time we've met," She told him. "Seeing as how you already have your Persona unlocked, though, I'm not surprised you've been here before."

Suzuki gave Maki a frown, shaking her head. "Ito, that isn't the point of counseling," She stated the obvious, trying to find the right words as it was clear her student was agitated. Kazu's arrival ended up putting a pause on the conversation, though she felt that she could tune it out for a moment to try to see what she could say.

Momoji let out a small laugh, shaking her head at Kazu's attempt to defend himself. "I'm sure you did," She assured him.

"Theft would be a step up from reckless driving," Taniguchi replied, albeit he decided to get right to the point. "You'll be joining Ito here in the disciplinary committee."

Of course it would be two on one. Sora wanting to leap to justice wasn't much of a surprise, but Naomi joining him was troublesome. She couldn't really hold back her sigh as she looked between them. Once upon a time, she would probably have lead the way, but she wasn't entirely sure that was the smart thing to do right now. It was hard to look at either of them, and she ended up having to avoid their gaze for a moment just to compose herself.

"Yamamoto sticks to the rules too much to be a delinquent," Sakuya had to point that out first and foremost. "Confrontation also often leads to more aggression. If he ends up lashing out at you, then what?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 1 mo ago

April 10th—Afternoon

Emi stayed quiet and listened to Kinoshita’s explanation, nodding along absently as Nakano arrived and added her portion of the story. She didn’t know much about this Yamamoto boy aside from his father’s influence on the school, but it wasn’t like a powerful man’s son to behave outwardly badly—and even if he did, she would surely have heard about it before now. No, assuming it wasn’t just a few cruel words that were taken harshly by a sensitive girl, this had to be a recent change; one among many, it seemed. A year ago, she would have taken this information to her friends as grounds to scout out the school for Shadow activity, but now? With the mirror unyielding and no one to turn to, Emi wasn’t sure what to do.

She perked up when Naomi spoke up, brow furrowing with concern. “No, we can’t go rushing in and punishing people ourselves. Nakano-san is right, it could be dangerous and we're not equipped to deal with that. Besides, we’re not teachers; we might be the Student Council, but we still don’t have the authority to independently discipline fellow students like that,” she reminded her fellow councillor. Turning in Kinoshita’s direction, she added, “If you’re really that worried about what happened, then you should go report it to the Principal, but…”

Emi trailed off, chin in her hand as she thought. The signs were undeniable: this had to be shadow activity, she couldn’t think of any other way to explain it. But without a team who understood the issue to consult with and very little background information with which to reference, she was feeling much less sure of her conclusion than she’d like.

“Would you say that this is a new development?” She asked suddenly, not addressing anyone in particular. “Not just Yamamoto-san, but everything. The Principal says there’s a rise in delinquency, but since when? How long has it been going on?”

She tapped her cane on the floor in thought for a moment, but suddenly snapped her head back up, holding her hand out to her fellow councillors. “I need you three to tell me everything you know about the recent rise in agitation. Anyone or anything acting out of the ordinary, and where in the school it happened, if you can.” Her tone was urgent, and her demeanour changed, suddenly more confident than she was before; a little closer to her old self, with some extra determination to boot. “I might have an idea as to what’s going on, but I’ve been gone too long to know for sure. But if I can figure it out… I might have a solution.”

It was a gamble. A huge one, in fact. Emi still wasn’t sure how much she wanted to divulge—about the Shadows, corruption, Personas, any of it—and honestly, every last student in the school would think she was crazy no matter how little she revealed. But a terrible feeling that she’d seen this all before nagged too loudly in the back of her head to ignore any longer. There was a good amount of hope that this could lead her to her friends, too, and she’d be a liar if she claimed that wasn’t a good part of her motivation, but regardless, something needed to be done. Corruption bleeding over into the real world threatened everybody, and someone had to deal with it, sooner rather than later.

Even if she had to deal with it alone.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Entityx
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

April 10th- Afternoon

First Nakano disagreed then Ueno. Now the numbers were tied. She couldn’t understand why her fellow upperclassmen were against confronting him about his behavior. They had just had a meeting yesterday about the adults wanting them to help take care of the issue. Sure, she was against the idea to begin with but now that something had come up they were the two that were backing off. Oka felt a tinge of irritation come over her but she remained cool. She was very much used to following orders and this situation seemed like a direct contradiction.

She didn’t care what Yamamoto’s previous behaviors were. She cared about how he was behaving right now. Initially she opened her mouth to argue back with this point in mind when Ueno’s demeanor shifted and there was a sense of urgency to her. Oka wasn’t sure what angle she was getting at as she asked about details about the rise in delinquency and that she might actually have an idea of what may be going on.

What kind of insight could she possibly have to correct their current situation?

“I’m not sure I know of any other incidents other than yesterday. That was pretty bizarre--the writing on the board. Really, in general, the fact that the administration is asking us to help take care of these issues has been a concern of mine from the beginning.” Oka tapped her chin, thinking hard on if she had noticed anything else. She had been so used to keeping to herself that her awareness of the students around her was low. She had done her very best all this time to keep to herself and stay out of trouble. Sure, she may have voiced a complaint here and there but it never stopped her from completing any duties assigned to her.

Her hazel hues narrowed over to Ueno as her thoughts circled back to her statement about how she may have known what was going on. "What do you know about all of this?” She inquired curiously. Moments before Kinoshita had showed up, when Oka had brought up the strange occurrences, Ueno shrugged it off. So she knew something all along? “I recall earlier when I made note of how strange everything was these past few days, you shrugged it off as the storm potentially riling the students up. So you’re saying...you know something else?”

Oka was right to find this girl peculiar. Aside from her ability to differentiate individuals in a room, she wondered what other skills she was hiding.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

April 10th - ???

There was a certain point where it seemed easier to just clamp his hands over his ears than listen any further to the cat... girl... thing's explanation of the shit creek they'd just drifted up without a paddle. He didn't know what 'corrupted' meant, or who she could possibly mean when she said someone close to him, or what that made him tasty to demon hands. Last he checked, nobody he knew was friendly with some giant shadow monster, unless it was Hoshino and his new tail, but kitty seemed to think he was on her side. Daigo believed her too; if he wasn't, he probably wouldn't have bothered to pull Daigo away from the mirror, futile as the act was. The glowing thing she pulled out of his chest was more worrisome anyway. Was Potential what made Hoshino look like that? Daigo didn't want to be turned into... whatever his new friend was, but if devil horns was the preferable transformation, he'd hate to see what corrupted potential looked like. And of course, the only way out was blocked.

The redhead stayed rigidly in place until the girl had walked away. Friendly or not, he didn't want her anywhere near him until he figured out what exactly was happening, and maybe even after that. It didn't sound like anyone really understood what was going on, and everything Mira, apparently, explained left him with more questions than answers. Genki at least seemed to take everything in stride, or maybe he just had a good poker face. He looked like a good person to hide behind for the time being; at least he was still fully human. Then again, if that hand wanted Daigo specifically, he wasn't sure hiding would do him any good. Quite franky, he wanted to pass out and rip up that stupid contract he'd signed while he was asleep if that was the cause of all this. William couldn't just put 'evil hands will murder you' in the fine print and expect to not get a complaint or two!

"Hinari Daigo," He introduced himself bashfully, "Um, thanks. For trying to help. Sorry I got you all roped up in... whatever this is." The boy fidgeted with his sleeves, keeping his gaze downturned rather than make eye contact with anyone. Once he'd collected his confidence a little, Daigo upturned his head and forced a sheepish grin, "I'm sure we'll be okay." He didn't believe it for a second, and his resolve faltered as quickly as it came.

"So how do we kill a shadow?" Might as well get straight to the point; more questions about where they were only led to more answers he didn't like and more stress. If they had a chance, it'd be less time spent in this place. And if they didn't... well, same result.

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by psych0pomp
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psych0pomp DOUBT EVERYTHING / except me... i'm cool

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Maki knew that wasn’t the point of counseling, and she knew that her teachers were just trying to have her best interest at heart. Yet, it didn’t stop her from bristling up like a thorny bush and trying to protect herself from the manufactured feelings of the “good teacher mode.” So, she was happy the entire conversation was derailed more than a train could ever get—without the tragedy. Though it was a tragedy the way that her new “cellmate” seemed to be sweating under that question.

Honestly, it shouldn’t have been a matter of pride he had so thoroughly shit on the chicken that he thought he could do a better job, but here she was anyway. Maki rolled her eyes at his excuse, not caring if he was being earnest or not. He was still here to be punished alongside her, and she didn’t know if his tardiness warranted a different sentence. He sure as hell wasn’t getting out of it.

Annnnnnnnd… there it was. He was to join her on the disciplinary committee. Maybe they’d get matching collars and the whippings would be given per square inch. He sure had a lot more than her. “Woo,” Maki said after the sentencing.

She then turned towards the teachers. “Are we finished?” she asked in a tone that was a little more optimistic than her usual sardonic one. “I would hate to be late for the leash training, I mean the committee meeting.”

| 𝖳𝖠𝖦(𝖲) : @Hero @WXer|
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

| April 10th, 2018 | Unidentified Location |@Scribe of Thoth@Asura@Lord Orgasmo|

Though relatively silent, Yori couldn't help but twitch at the mention of a contract, and display visible trepidation at the blue card that had seemingly been pulled out of her orange-haired classmate. Even with everything else that's happened, and was still happening, it was no doubt difficult to keep a steady balance with more and more supernatural stuff being piled on with every passing moment. It seemed like every time someone blinked there was another improbable event happening around them, and it was only the familiar and (mostly) human figures of her classmates that kept the sophomore from merely closing her eyes and denying reality.

It didn't stop her from pinching herself, an act she should've done earlier in hindsight, just to be sure she wasn't just dreaming.

"Sasaki," she eventually said after everyone else had introduced themselves, not divulging her full name as she waved her hand back and forth at Daigo's apology. "We're the idiots who kept holding on when we could've left you alone, so don't kill yourself over it. Whatever happens, happens."

Despite what her words would lead one to believe, her mouth stayed in a perpetual frown and her eyebrows drawn together, not showing any level of levity in the slightest. It may have been more an expression brought about by deep thought rather than despair from their situation, however, as she throws her own question into the pile a few moments later. "If being brought here means that one can be 'Awakened' or is a 'Shadow', does that mean the rest of us have potential like Hinari-san and Hoshino-san?"

And though she attempted to hide it, her distaste was clear as she glanced over at the latter's demonic figure, "And, if we did, would we all have to look like that?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mira was amused by Daigo's question, a finger on her cheek as she tried not to laugh. "You really wanna jump right into it, huh?" She couldn't help her response, though she decided to address Yori first. "Supposedly, the way you look here is how your soul interprets your 'reborn self', but I see myself as human, not cat, so you can take that with a grain of salt," She held her tail for a second, shuddering as she released it. "Like I said, if you're here, you either have the potential, or you're Corrupted. I'm only assuming it's the former because if you really were Corrupted, you'd start turning into a shadow, and you're still human, so...we'll stay optimistic."

Turning back to Daigo, Mira extended her left hand, gripping the air. Flames burst forth and formed a silver sword. She gave it a swing, deciding it was okay as she gave Daigo a grin. "Shadows die to Persona users by either magic or attacks--at the very least the outfit usually comes with a weapon," She informed him as she motioned towards the door. "Since Mr. Devil and I are the only ones with those things, we'll take the lead. Normally, I'd suggest staying behind, but I think coming along would be safer. Staying in one place for too long isn't good here. At the very least if you're with us, we could stop you from getting grabbed."

Despite being well aware Noriaki was liable to go off on his own and the other three likely had more to ask, Mira decided it was best to move along. She motioned for the trio to follow, looking around as they walked. The hallway bore windows that seemed to lead 'outside'--or at least whatever this world decided was outside. Even if one were to get as close as possible, only strange silhouettes could be seen amidst a red background. The catgirl paid no mind to the windows, instead focusing more on what was ahead.

At the end of the long hallway was a red curtain with a golden rope on one end. Once Mira spotted it, she paused, looking back at the group. "So the Shadow hasn't formed a dungeon yet--that's good, it means we can get rid of it here before it causes more damage to the real world. But I also don't know what to expect aside from some grabby hands, so..." She trailed off, holding her free hand up as she looked around. "...it's sending the welcome party."

Several black dots formed on the ceiling, growing larger and larger in size until they began to sag down. Once the weight was too much, they dropped down and bobbed in the air until it stabilized itself, gaining several white stripes. A red line cut through and opened up to reveal a long, red tongue, the strange creatures completely formed.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 12 days ago



April 10th 2018

The Hall of Mirrors

@Hero@Scribe of Thoth@Lord Orgasmo@RiverMaiden
It was difficult to parse exactly what Noriaki felt in that moment. It was like a cold fury prickling up and down his spine, one which took a great deal of might to restrain? Animosity, perhaps? It didn't matter. He was never very good with synonyms, or classifying his emotions for that matter. All he knew that it was very, very potent, and directed almost entirely at this stupid cat-eared thing and her innocent act. That much was obvious from the wrath in his devilish eyes.

"I fuckin wish it was, believe me," The teen spat, glowering at her as she decided to turn her back to him.

It seemed as though addressing the lambs that had followed him into the slaughter was more important to her than continuing her charade with him. He had half a mind to address them as well—the little shit with the green hair had decided to deride his appearance of all things, as if she didn't look like a houseplant that had sprouted stumpy legs. Legendary in his restraint, the teen managed to keep himself from shouting her down as well, settling on a fang-filled snarl instead. Yelling at morons all day wasn't going to get them out of there, after all, and he needed to settle this business fast or risk losing his job opportunity.

Luckily, the cat-girl's preamble came to a close soon enough, and he found himself filing in after the others as she led the charge through the doorway she had just been so insistent on him not going through. Hands stuffed into the pockets of his newly created jacket, Noriaki brooded quietly as the group made their way towards an eerily familiar looking curtain. Whoever was responsible for this bizarre world certainly had a very distinct set of aesthetics, and it certainly didn't appeal to Noriaki. Talk of dungeons and shadows didn't interest him very much, but what did manage to bring him out of his sulking was the appearance those ugly black blobs.

"What a gentleman," He muttered bitterly in response to Mira's assertion as he muscled his way through the assembled students, pulling his hands free from their constraints, "Guess I don't have a choice—SWORD!"

As his voice boomed, he outstretched a hand, half expecting nothing to happen. To his surprise, his command seemed to reach whatever ears it needed to reach; a blaze of azure exploded onto the scene just before his fingers, the radiant blue fire molding itself into suspiciously solid form. He grabbed at the ethereal display, and his digits found purchase, wrapping around the grip of a blade that rapidly appeared amidst the wispy curls of fading flame. He held the wicked looking weapon before him, placing his other hand on the lengthy hilt.

As his purple spheres darted between the assembled monsters, there was a strange sense of strength that came along with holding the sword. A confidence in himself that felt as intoxicating as it was empowering. These things weren't half as terrifying as the demon he had faced off with before, and he had survived her just fine. That knowledge spurred him forward. Pushing off his back foot, the teen charged the nearest sphere, reeling his blade back and bringing down in a powerful overhand swing meant to cleave it in two.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

April 10th - ???

No, he didn't want to jump right into it. He wanted to wake up and forget any of this ever happened. He didn't care about his 'potential' or corrupted people or anything, he just wanted one of them to drag him out of this hell already before those hands came back. Mira just reinforced what Daigo already knew; they couldn't even hurt that thing, they'd just have to play damsel in distress until Hoshino handled it. He hated being powerless, he never knew what to feel or how to act in that situation. His eyes stung, but he knew he shouldn't cry - no one else was crying. It wasn't his failure to cry over, he was simply a victim of unfortunate circumstance, as usual.

He forced an uneasy smile. "Please take care of us, then." It sounded lame even to him. The redhead trailed along with the group as they moved, wringing his hands together in a constant nervous fidget to stop himself from outright clinging to Genki. Maybe that girl - Sasaki, right; she gave her name - would play with his hair again if he asked. No, he'd just look pathetic if he did. The shadows that descended from the ceiling shortly after left any hopes of comfort unfulfilled anyway.

Mouths were even worse than hands; hands would drag him off to some dark corner, but these shadows left no question whether or not he'd be eaten if they got to him. He was nothing but a burden here. The only act he could manage was to not break down again, no matter how much he wanted to. Hoshino seemed agitated enough that he had to protect them, he'd only start to resent the fiery-haired boy if he had to stop and comfort him every time he was spooked too. Demon or not, Daigo really didn't want his new friend to hate him after only a day. It was easier to just pretend he was coping well enough.

As a shadow swooped past, Daigo finally collapsed on his ass in his best attempt at fleeing. Luckily for him, the creature refocused on the more pressing threat as Noriaki sliced one of its brethren in half. The redheaded teen turned and crawled away on his hands and knees as he sucked in shallow breaths, fighting back tears the whole time. He probably didn't have enough air in his lungs to start wailing that he didn't want to die. Maybe they'd call him brave at his funeral.

That face you wear doesn't suit you.

A voice that sounded almost like his own reverberated through Daigo's head, each syllable rattling in tune with a throb of sudden pain in his skull. The boy clamped a hand to his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut on instinct, curling in on himself on the floor. Was this the demon hand's doing? Or one of those mouth things? He dared a glimpse back up at his surroundings, his eyes now alight with a familiar golden hue. At least the mouths hadn't begun circling him like a pack of hungry dogs yet, but that was a small comfort.

Your mask is a poor imitation of the real thing; you don it only because you believe you have no recourse but to meet your bitter fate with dignity. That forced optimism will offer no solace to you. To do nothing in the face of calamity is to reject every outcome more favorable. Even if your demise is assured, the other self within you longs to discard the facade and resist to the very end.

The second bout of speech forced his eyes closed again in a futile attempt to alleviate his headache. Renewed nausea followed, which caused Daigo to instinctively clamp a hand over his mouth and left only a wobbly arm to support his slumped-over torso - not that he could bring himself to even sit up. What did the voice even mean? He had no choice but to cower behind Hoshino, unless it thought suicide was preferable to whatever those hands wanted to do to him.

But are all endings not also beginnings? The hour of creation draws near; the moment where vapid echoes of possibility may be actualized from nothingness. The cycle cannot be broken, yet each morning brings the promise of something new. Will you hold to this pitiful course as all you hold dear fades into the night? Or do you possess the resolve to seize the day, knowing your radiance may still be extinguished come twilight?

When he peeked an eye open again, Daigo was greeted with an unexpected visitor; a butterfly, glowing an ethereal blue. The insect descended listlessly to the ground and perched just within arm's reach. That was what started it all. That damn butterfly. William, Mira; they were all connected somehow, they all tricked him into a fate he didn't want. Daigo reached out tenderly at first, a pleading hand extended to beg the little creature to save him. His limb paused just before they touched. It was this thing's fault. It led him to the mirror on purpose. The cat might've wanted Noriaki, but this thing had wanted all of them in here. It wasn't salvation, it was just taunting him in his final moments. Steeling the rest of his resolve, Daigo forcefully slammed his hand down to crush the butterfly underpalm. It didn't feel like he'd just splattered a bug into paste. It didn't feel like anything but the ground, as if he'd imagined that anything appeared in front of him at all. Even so, he hoped the little bastard had felt even a fraction of the pain reverberating through the ginger's skull.

A genuine face at last. Very well. Let us begin the contract.

I am thou, thou art I.
If thou hast chosen this dawn to begin anew,
let thine emergence from thy false shell pierce this darkness
and stand astride the world as the brightest light of all!

The pain shooting through Daigo's head ceased immediately as he curled his fist around the butterfly he'd crushed. But it was no longer a butterfly; it was a key - the key from that weird dream, from that damn contract that dragged him into this mess. A card laid on the ground before him, depicting a sun with a face on it. It didn't interest him; he knew what he had to do now. Daigo rose to his feet calmly, despite the shadows now closing in on the easy prey.

The key felt smaller in his hand now, lighter. It wasn't a key. It was a match now. He didn't question it, just struck it along his sleeve to produce an unnatural flame of the same cyan hue as the butterfly. Daigo extended the match out toward the encroaching shadows, letting his eyes briefly follow the hypnotic dance of the fire rather than size up the foes before him.

"Carve a path," His mind supplied a name as surely as he knew his own, "Khepri." He dropped the match with the intuitive knowledge it would land right where he desired - right on the sun card. It caught with the same turquoise flame as the match, which smouldered only a moment before the whole card flared in an inferno that engulfed Daigo utterly. A horned figure rose out of the blaze, all sharp points and chitinous armor, glaring down at the shadows before it as intensely as the sun beats down upon the desert at noon. Daigo swept his arm aside as the looming creature mirrored him, dispersing the pyre around them in a single gesture.

The boy stood now in archaic clothing, his hair catching the light in all the colors of the sunrise as it shifted in the updraft of the supernatural flames. Gold-trimmed black lamellar, reminiscent of samurai of old and emblazoned with a prominent orange sunburst across the breastplate, rested over a dark shitagi that clung to his form despite its bagginess. Daigo was still hardly the picture of a fierce warrior; the cuirass lacked spaulders and provided nothing to hide his narrow shoulders, and his glasses still framed his face as boyish and unthreatening, though the rims had darkened a few shades. Nevertheless, there was a determination in his eyes that promised he wouldn't stop until he'd reached some far-off goal, as if the enemies before him were negligible obstacles that could be bypassed effortlessly.

A mote of light burned to life inbetween the forked horns of the Persona at Daigo's back, and its elytra spread angelically like wings about to take flight. A thin beam shot forward from the glowing ball above its head that seared a trail in the ground as it swept right through a shadow before him, which left the bisected halves of the monster to fall to the ground in a sizzling heap before dissolving back into the formless goo they'd originated from. Daigo then took an assertive step forward and Khepri responded, gaining altitude as golden flames burst forth from beneath its elytra like thrusters on a rocket.

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo
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