Current Story Arc:
Chapter 1: The Mages Guild of Pandarosa

The night seemed darker than usual as howling winds whipped back and forth against the stone walls of a battle ruined castle. In the great hall large enough to fit over a hundred men, numerous lords gathered in quiet conversations as they waited for everyone to be accounted for. Despite having just fought a great battle together, the various heads of state of numerous countries sat divided in anticipation. Never has there been a gathering of so many great rulers in one setting. The objective of the gathering however was simple… how does the gathered assembly here formulate a plan to combat the great threat known as the Void. The discussions went stable at first, but it was not long till the arguments, threats and accusations began. There was venom in the words spoken and tensions were reaching a boiling point.
“I’ve had enough!” one king announced, earning the complete attention of the room. “Before this war began, I was slaughtering Asterions! Now half of you beckon me to make peace with them?” The great king was a giant of man and battled scarred, armor as thick as his beard, his voice a booming echo. The voice belonged to King Tobran, a giant of man in stature.
“Is that how you disguise the truth? Last time I checked my heir sent twenty thousand of yours fleeing into the hills just two years ago.” A high elf named Amerion replied. Amerion was the current High King of the Asterions and while he paled in comparison to the rival king in terms of stature, Amerion was smooth in the delivery of his words and his calm demeanor was infuriating. “It’s evident great king you lack the foresight and the wisdom to properly access the situation at hand. I am no happier than you are but if we are all to survive this apocalypse then I concede…This coalition will have my army.”
King Tobran stood up and spat on the ground in defiance, the hostility between the two ever so clear. “I spit on the graves of your people. I lost two sons because of your greed. I would see you dead before I ever march alongside you false dragon!” The words were aimed to cut deep but instead of the High King, it was another who took the insult grave. Stepping away from his king’s side, a golden armored knight stepped forward into the center of the room, eyes locked with the great human king.
“Grandfather give the order and I will take this man’s head.” the knight stated, his hand placed on the hilt of his sword. Tobran scoffed at the threat. “You would do that for me Aratheon? Every day you impress with your boldness.” Amerion replied, taking the sudden turn of events to be quite amusing.
“I’ve always heard King Tobran misses his sons dearly. I’ll be glad to reunite them.” Aratheon replied, his eyes never leaving the opposing kings but his tone and delivery matching that of the Asterion King. The sharp words earned several smirks and amused looks from the foreign gathers. Despite Aratheon’s age, his charm and confidence were infectious, it was obvious why many here gathered despised the Tassarion led Asterions. The great king gripped his war hammer, his mouth trembling as if trying to find the proper words. The audacity of the young elf before him demanded action, such words demanded blood. The room was now on the very brink of explosion until a calming voice filled the room, a voice from an Arch Mage of the Mages Guild. “My Lords, my great many lords, now is not the time for any more bitter fighting. If we continue to trade words, we will eventually trade steel. I ask that we all look deep into ourselves and remember what’s important. We need each other. The world needs this Coalition.”
Knock, Knock
Aerendyl’s sat up gasping, eyes wide open as he scanned the room. Instead of that firelit council room, he was in the bed of his cabin. “That damn dream again.” The young elf muttered as he rubbed his temples. For some reason Aerendyl kept having dreams of the past, dreams of events that he did not even witness because he was not even born. A pair of knocks rung his door again but this time a voice followed.
“Aerendyl, wake up! We’re closing in!”
“I’ll be out in a minute.” The elf replied half as he shuffled out of bed, stretching his limbs as he wrapped an ornate cloak bearing the symbol of his people around his shoulders. Before taking another the young prince took a deep breath as his dream raced through his mind again. He was grateful to be awake... despite knowing of such past events through stories and what he was told, the dream felt so real as if he was physically there. Aerendyl eyed his hands and touched his face as if to check to make sure he really was awake and that perhaps he had fallen into some other cruel nightmare. Feeling satisfied and aware, Aerendyl exited his cabin as he tried to shake off the effects of his slumber though the salt air caught his attention right away.
“You alright? You look like you didn’t sleep well.” A voice called out. It was Gloin Thunderhammer, a mighty dwarf who was a friend of Aerendyl since childhood.
“I’m alright. Just had that dream again.” Aerendyl replied, continuing to stretch as the pair walked towards the top deck of the ship.
“The one where your nearly father tried to take Tobran’s head to impress your great grandfather?” Gloin knew this story well. He had heard the story before and had an ancestor who attended that very same meeting.
“That’s the one.”
“You been doing a lot of reading to prepare for our little adventure.” Aerendyl nodded. What ever happened to Tobran?”
“Died shortly after that meeting if you would believe. The Chosen got him and High King Amerion shortly after.” Aerendyl paused. There was a depth of sadness though admittingly Aerendyl only knew of his great grandfather only from stories. “And then my grandfather after that.” The mention of his grand father however cut a deeper blow. As elves, they were physically immortal from aging yet fate dictated time and time again that his ancestors were not immune to those skilled enough with a weapon.
“That Chosen… must have been one hell of a fighter to have killed so many on his own.”
“My father tried looking for him in the final battle. I think that was his biggest regret… not being able to personally kill the one responsible for the death of Two High Kings and over a hundred Dragon Knights.”
“So, who did?” Gloin asked, taking interest in this little history lesson. Aerendyl shrugged. “I forgot the names. I have read so much recently, learned so many different names that sometimes they all blend. But it took quite a few of them, plus several members from the Guild.” Aerendyl paused again as he gazed out towards the approaching harbor as the Iron Spire of the island of Pandarosa was visible out in the distance.
“You sure you are alright?” Gloin questioned. The dwarf meant well but Aerendyl was too shy to tell him he wanted to be left alone for a bit to gather his thoughts. This whole trip had made him uneasy and reality was settling in.
“Yeah just… I don’t know. I guess I am just nervous. I don’t know what to expect.” It was an open admittance and a subtle attempt reset his attitude towards the whole situation at hand.
“You should be honored. You’ll be the first of Asterion royalty to come to Pandarosa.”
“We trade with them sure and every once in a while, a few of them are allowed to visit our shores but ever consider why my father didn’t want to come here? It’s well known my father doesn’t like them. Same thing applies with my mother. Ever since I was born the Mages Guild has been pestering my father for a “better business” relationship. I know I volunteered to do this, but I can’t shake this feeling that maybe I was foolish to leave home.”
“You worry too much.” Gloin was maybe half of Aerendy’s height, but his strength was evident when a reassuring hand gripped the elf’s shoulder. “Relax. I hear there is plenty of taverns at the port. We ought to get you drunk.” Aerendyl let out a small chuckle. “Please Gloin, I know what’s what you want to do.”
A mighty horn originated from a tower that overlooked the harbor signaled the arrival of the Asterion ship. The grand vessel adorned with white sails and a great banner of the Asterion people at the top of the mass for all to see would make quite the impression as the ship sailed into an empty dock as the crew aboard eagerly prepared to touch land after a week long journey. It was here, peering over the ship's railing that Aerendyl was beyond astounded now that he was right next to the mystical island that he had heard so much about. Like any Asterion, Aerendyl would have proudly proclaimed about the size and beauty of harbors all across his homeland, but Pandarosa was different. The port of Pandarosa was larger than any he had ever seen, surely it was the grandest in the world and everywhere you looked ships and banners from all over the world, each bearing different symbols decorated the view.
“I’ll give them credit.” Gloin said, a certain giddiness in his tone. “I can see how people can lose themselves here.” Aerendyl nodded in reply. Even from his view he could already tell that the harbor contained all sorts of pleasures and sins. Among the crowd, merchants shouted above each other, each attempting to sell whatever exotic good they carried. One stood out among the rest.
“Basilisk eggs! Yes you heard right! I have over a dozen Basilisk eggs, the mother was over a hundred feet long and could pluck a wyvern down from the sky!” Aerendyl curiously waited to see if anybody would take the merchant up on his offer but then other shouts from the crowd from drunken sailors who stumbled in and out of the various taverns as uniformed guild mercenaries walked in pairs just to ensure the peace was kept.
Aerendyl turned to Gloin “Have the crew disembark the cargo in preparation. I’m expecting a representative from the Guild shortly.” Gloin nodded and stepped away from his friend and began to bark orders to the crew.
The flag of Asterion waved proudly against the sea's wind and for all it's magnificence those who cared or understood what that flag was had no qualms in watching the crew. It was natural behavior for those at port to see who had just arrived with strangers gossiping amongst themselves about some sort of rumor or story they know but this was different, Aerendyl could see it already. Aerendyl kept his position at the ship’s railing, his eyes moving from person to person and he could feel the uneasiness in some of them, some looked back at him with disgust. It was no secret why many did not like Aerendyl or his people… The United Kingdoms of Asterion proclaimed itself to have no equal and while many were unfit to challenge that narrative, there were many who wanted to see him dead. Aerendyl tried to give off the impression that he was above those who watched him and that he did not care for their jealous eyes but Aerendyl was honest with himself internally… were it not for the Mages Guild being strong enforcers of their policies, Aerendyl and his crew would have been walking dead men.
Chapter 1: The Mages Guild of Pandarosa

The night seemed darker than usual as howling winds whipped back and forth against the stone walls of a battle ruined castle. In the great hall large enough to fit over a hundred men, numerous lords gathered in quiet conversations as they waited for everyone to be accounted for. Despite having just fought a great battle together, the various heads of state of numerous countries sat divided in anticipation. Never has there been a gathering of so many great rulers in one setting. The objective of the gathering however was simple… how does the gathered assembly here formulate a plan to combat the great threat known as the Void. The discussions went stable at first, but it was not long till the arguments, threats and accusations began. There was venom in the words spoken and tensions were reaching a boiling point.
“I’ve had enough!” one king announced, earning the complete attention of the room. “Before this war began, I was slaughtering Asterions! Now half of you beckon me to make peace with them?” The great king was a giant of man and battled scarred, armor as thick as his beard, his voice a booming echo. The voice belonged to King Tobran, a giant of man in stature.
“Is that how you disguise the truth? Last time I checked my heir sent twenty thousand of yours fleeing into the hills just two years ago.” A high elf named Amerion replied. Amerion was the current High King of the Asterions and while he paled in comparison to the rival king in terms of stature, Amerion was smooth in the delivery of his words and his calm demeanor was infuriating. “It’s evident great king you lack the foresight and the wisdom to properly access the situation at hand. I am no happier than you are but if we are all to survive this apocalypse then I concede…This coalition will have my army.”
King Tobran stood up and spat on the ground in defiance, the hostility between the two ever so clear. “I spit on the graves of your people. I lost two sons because of your greed. I would see you dead before I ever march alongside you false dragon!” The words were aimed to cut deep but instead of the High King, it was another who took the insult grave. Stepping away from his king’s side, a golden armored knight stepped forward into the center of the room, eyes locked with the great human king.
“Grandfather give the order and I will take this man’s head.” the knight stated, his hand placed on the hilt of his sword. Tobran scoffed at the threat. “You would do that for me Aratheon? Every day you impress with your boldness.” Amerion replied, taking the sudden turn of events to be quite amusing.
“I’ve always heard King Tobran misses his sons dearly. I’ll be glad to reunite them.” Aratheon replied, his eyes never leaving the opposing kings but his tone and delivery matching that of the Asterion King. The sharp words earned several smirks and amused looks from the foreign gathers. Despite Aratheon’s age, his charm and confidence were infectious, it was obvious why many here gathered despised the Tassarion led Asterions. The great king gripped his war hammer, his mouth trembling as if trying to find the proper words. The audacity of the young elf before him demanded action, such words demanded blood. The room was now on the very brink of explosion until a calming voice filled the room, a voice from an Arch Mage of the Mages Guild. “My Lords, my great many lords, now is not the time for any more bitter fighting. If we continue to trade words, we will eventually trade steel. I ask that we all look deep into ourselves and remember what’s important. We need each other. The world needs this Coalition.”
Knock, Knock
Aerendyl’s sat up gasping, eyes wide open as he scanned the room. Instead of that firelit council room, he was in the bed of his cabin. “That damn dream again.” The young elf muttered as he rubbed his temples. For some reason Aerendyl kept having dreams of the past, dreams of events that he did not even witness because he was not even born. A pair of knocks rung his door again but this time a voice followed.
“Aerendyl, wake up! We’re closing in!”
“I’ll be out in a minute.” The elf replied half as he shuffled out of bed, stretching his limbs as he wrapped an ornate cloak bearing the symbol of his people around his shoulders. Before taking another the young prince took a deep breath as his dream raced through his mind again. He was grateful to be awake... despite knowing of such past events through stories and what he was told, the dream felt so real as if he was physically there. Aerendyl eyed his hands and touched his face as if to check to make sure he really was awake and that perhaps he had fallen into some other cruel nightmare. Feeling satisfied and aware, Aerendyl exited his cabin as he tried to shake off the effects of his slumber though the salt air caught his attention right away.
“You alright? You look like you didn’t sleep well.” A voice called out. It was Gloin Thunderhammer, a mighty dwarf who was a friend of Aerendyl since childhood.
“I’m alright. Just had that dream again.” Aerendyl replied, continuing to stretch as the pair walked towards the top deck of the ship.
“The one where your nearly father tried to take Tobran’s head to impress your great grandfather?” Gloin knew this story well. He had heard the story before and had an ancestor who attended that very same meeting.
“That’s the one.”
“You been doing a lot of reading to prepare for our little adventure.” Aerendyl nodded. What ever happened to Tobran?”
“Died shortly after that meeting if you would believe. The Chosen got him and High King Amerion shortly after.” Aerendyl paused. There was a depth of sadness though admittingly Aerendyl only knew of his great grandfather only from stories. “And then my grandfather after that.” The mention of his grand father however cut a deeper blow. As elves, they were physically immortal from aging yet fate dictated time and time again that his ancestors were not immune to those skilled enough with a weapon.
“That Chosen… must have been one hell of a fighter to have killed so many on his own.”
“My father tried looking for him in the final battle. I think that was his biggest regret… not being able to personally kill the one responsible for the death of Two High Kings and over a hundred Dragon Knights.”
“So, who did?” Gloin asked, taking interest in this little history lesson. Aerendyl shrugged. “I forgot the names. I have read so much recently, learned so many different names that sometimes they all blend. But it took quite a few of them, plus several members from the Guild.” Aerendyl paused again as he gazed out towards the approaching harbor as the Iron Spire of the island of Pandarosa was visible out in the distance.
“You sure you are alright?” Gloin questioned. The dwarf meant well but Aerendyl was too shy to tell him he wanted to be left alone for a bit to gather his thoughts. This whole trip had made him uneasy and reality was settling in.
“Yeah just… I don’t know. I guess I am just nervous. I don’t know what to expect.” It was an open admittance and a subtle attempt reset his attitude towards the whole situation at hand.
“You should be honored. You’ll be the first of Asterion royalty to come to Pandarosa.”
“We trade with them sure and every once in a while, a few of them are allowed to visit our shores but ever consider why my father didn’t want to come here? It’s well known my father doesn’t like them. Same thing applies with my mother. Ever since I was born the Mages Guild has been pestering my father for a “better business” relationship. I know I volunteered to do this, but I can’t shake this feeling that maybe I was foolish to leave home.”
“You worry too much.” Gloin was maybe half of Aerendy’s height, but his strength was evident when a reassuring hand gripped the elf’s shoulder. “Relax. I hear there is plenty of taverns at the port. We ought to get you drunk.” Aerendyl let out a small chuckle. “Please Gloin, I know what’s what you want to do.”
A mighty horn originated from a tower that overlooked the harbor signaled the arrival of the Asterion ship. The grand vessel adorned with white sails and a great banner of the Asterion people at the top of the mass for all to see would make quite the impression as the ship sailed into an empty dock as the crew aboard eagerly prepared to touch land after a week long journey. It was here, peering over the ship's railing that Aerendyl was beyond astounded now that he was right next to the mystical island that he had heard so much about. Like any Asterion, Aerendyl would have proudly proclaimed about the size and beauty of harbors all across his homeland, but Pandarosa was different. The port of Pandarosa was larger than any he had ever seen, surely it was the grandest in the world and everywhere you looked ships and banners from all over the world, each bearing different symbols decorated the view.
“I’ll give them credit.” Gloin said, a certain giddiness in his tone. “I can see how people can lose themselves here.” Aerendyl nodded in reply. Even from his view he could already tell that the harbor contained all sorts of pleasures and sins. Among the crowd, merchants shouted above each other, each attempting to sell whatever exotic good they carried. One stood out among the rest.
“Basilisk eggs! Yes you heard right! I have over a dozen Basilisk eggs, the mother was over a hundred feet long and could pluck a wyvern down from the sky!” Aerendyl curiously waited to see if anybody would take the merchant up on his offer but then other shouts from the crowd from drunken sailors who stumbled in and out of the various taverns as uniformed guild mercenaries walked in pairs just to ensure the peace was kept.
Aerendyl turned to Gloin “Have the crew disembark the cargo in preparation. I’m expecting a representative from the Guild shortly.” Gloin nodded and stepped away from his friend and began to bark orders to the crew.
The flag of Asterion waved proudly against the sea's wind and for all it's magnificence those who cared or understood what that flag was had no qualms in watching the crew. It was natural behavior for those at port to see who had just arrived with strangers gossiping amongst themselves about some sort of rumor or story they know but this was different, Aerendyl could see it already. Aerendyl kept his position at the ship’s railing, his eyes moving from person to person and he could feel the uneasiness in some of them, some looked back at him with disgust. It was no secret why many did not like Aerendyl or his people… The United Kingdoms of Asterion proclaimed itself to have no equal and while many were unfit to challenge that narrative, there were many who wanted to see him dead. Aerendyl tried to give off the impression that he was above those who watched him and that he did not care for their jealous eyes but Aerendyl was honest with himself internally… were it not for the Mages Guild being strong enforcers of their policies, Aerendyl and his crew would have been walking dead men.