Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

Some more Reiyk terminology:
Reiyksvahrus - Wehrmacht.
Maresvahrum Reiyk - Navy
Luftvahrus - Air Force.
Excheertio Reiyk - Heer.
Magniimperium Reiyksvahrus - OKW.
Frumenti - Gestapo
Fuhrikssoldaten - SS.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Not A Step Back - A WWII Inspired NRP

Friends, comrades, today the enemy is at our gate. For years, for decades, we have watched as armies were ground to dust, as civilizations crumbled to ash beneath iron nailed jackboots of the Alfheiches Reiyk. The Empire of Aelban reduced to a rump state desperately fending off annexation. Their forces marshal for war like never before now, confident in their ability to subjugate all the world. Many of us have already seen our skies darkened with their planes, wept as our homes were consumed by roaring flame and the relentless march of millions. It is not merely for our way of life we must fight, but for our very survival, the continued existence of one and all. The darkest hour is upon us, but so too is it our time to shine brightest against such odds.

The year is 1939 TC (Third Cycle) and the world teeters on the precipice of catastrophe. The rising empire of the Alfheiches Reiyk is bent on world conquest. Moreso than that, they are bent upon the destruction of all peoples other than themselves upon it. The Alfheichen, having become almost the sole race upon their home continent, now seek further living space. For this they look to the broader world, and see a world of mongrel sub-beings, fit only for enslavement and destruction. It is this threat against which the world must unite - and even then, it may not be enough.

The Premise

United we stand, divided we fall. It is as simple as that. No single nation alone stands a chance in war against the Alfheiches Reiyk. Their population is vast, their industry immense, their armies without end, their navies preeminent. Only united can the people of the world stand against their encroachment. Only united can they resist their mutual enemy. Some may take longer to realize this than others, and longer still to swallow their mutual dislike for those they must now call their allies. But realize it they must, lest they wish to be wiped from the world.


  • Use common sense.
  • No godmoding, powergaming, etc. You get the point. We’re in this to write a fun story.
  • What the GM and Co-GMs say, goes. Please don’t push things this far. I don’t like having to put my foot down but I will.
  • No meme nations (why do I have to make this a rule?)
  • I expect you to have a basic understanding of history and how things work.
  • Don’t be a piece of shit.
  • You have not officially joined the game until your sheet is written and you have made an IC post. Once you do that, you will be added to the map and to the list of the Allies.
  • If you fail to post without giving a reason and instructions on what to do, your inactivity will be transferred to the IC and your nation will suffer consequences from the sudden and inexplicable cessation of communication with central command.

Background Lore

Welcome to Not A Step Back, a world teetering on the precipice of the darkest times in history. Whether the world plunges into the depths of the abyss or claws its way back into sanity? That is up to us.

The Arcane:
This is an original setting, and one that I’m calling “Formerly Magical”. Fantastical races exist and continue to thrive within this world, monstrous beings and even strange artefacts from the prior age still linger, and there technically remains a minute amount of the supernatural within the world. However, this is at its core a grounded RP, and while you are more than welcome to join me in including supernatural elements within your nation’s history and cosmology, and it is even welcome for them to be true - the supernatural will remain a background piece of detail. War will be fought with bombs and bullets, rather than the power of the arcane.

Alfheiches Reiyk:
I want to try something new with this RP, and as such I would like to introduce its principle antagonist: The Alfheiches Reiyk. Its inspiration is probably pretty self evident and as such I will not bore you with it. The Reiyk first emerged in the year 1701 in the aftermath of the dissolution of the Great Empire of Sueben, following civil war and invasion by another power on the continent. It was famed for its strong military and rigidly hierarchical social order. Without the influence of the other states of Sueben to keep it in check, it rapidly grew out of control. In time, an ideology of elitism grew amongst its ruling class and began to germinate amongst the general population too. They came to see their growing dominance over the continent as a sign of their innate right to rule, and the inferiority of other peoples and cultures. War first came with the empire of Aelban in 1853, wherein the Reiyk decisively defeated the Aelban forces on land and held them in stalemate at sea. Since then, the Empire of Aelban had been forced back on steady defeat after defeat, losing their colonies in the vast subcontinent they had referred to as Ehfragich. In turn, these colonies were taken by the Reiyk, who began to enforce the same brutal measures of purification and population replacement they have employed with almost total success on their mainland continent. Unlike their real life inspiration, their victory is in fact a distinct possibility. They represent a threat to the world never before seen. A quarter of the world population is ruled by the Reiyk, and though many of these are considered “undesireables” and subject to the same horrors they wish to visit upon the whole world, they will not easily run short of warm bodies with which to supply their war effort. Boasting a massive and formidable military, a robust and potent economy, a powerhouse industrial base, modern technology, and much more - to stop this global threat will take a global response in turn.

The Alfheichen are the largest racial group within the Reiyk. Tall and powerfully built, they are a strikingly visually distinct people. Averaging 180-190 centimeters tall for males and 145-155 centimeters for females, the Alfheichen display significant sexual dimorphism beyond that of the human norm. They are noted for their pale, almost snow white skin. Large, tusk-like lower teeth that protrude from the lip to degrees varying on the individual. Strangely, almost every Alfheichen is bald, and those who do grow hair are usually forced to shave it to maintain compliance with strict societal dress codes. Additional features about them include the addition of a sixth finger and toe on each hand and foot, their tapering elongated ears, sharp and angular facial features, and more. Alfheichen can expect to live an average of a hundred and forty to a hundred and seventy years of age. As such, many Alfheichen within the upper echelons of government have been climbing the ranks since before the proper beginning of the Reiyk’s “Imperial Age” in 1853.

Their society is extremely strictly regimented. Coalescing in a recognizeable iteration of its present form in 1861, the ruling ideology of the Reiyk has pervaded all facets of Alfheichen society. Perhaps the most patriarchal society extant today, the role of women within the Reiyk is very narrowly defined as that of mothers, housewives, and caretakers. Women are barred from all professional and academic fields, and are forbidden to hold property or to allow their faces to be seen in public. This doctrine is strictly enforced and deviation from this norm is swiftly punished.

Empire of Aelban:
Formerly the most powerful state in the world until their defeat at the hands of the Alfheiches Reiyk in what would come to be called the three hundred days’ war, the Empire of Aelban has been reduced to a rump state on the southernmost reaches of their home island, desperately fighting off the advances of the Reiyk. Predominantly made up of a human ethnic group known as the Sakseneich, the Empire was itself formerly an aggressively imperialistic world power. It clashed with many of the great powers of the world in bloody colonial wars seeking to expand its influence further. Many initially welcomed the end of their rule over their lands, until it became obvious that an even crueler tyrant had taken power in their stead. While their influence on the global stage is no more, the legacy of their empire is still felt throughout much of the world, especially within the subcontinent they dubbed Ehfragich during their annexations of much of its land.

The technology of the world is grounded in reality, plain and simple. You are welcome to create your own weapons and designs, of course! But I do not want to see flying battleships, mech suits, or a mass produced Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte. You are welcome to use concepts that are a bit beyond our current time but perfectly feasible with the current technology, provided you have an acceptable reason for it. However, I do not wish to see anyone pulling out M16s or M134 miniguns mounted on attack helicopters.

Other Information

This is the basic formula for the sheet I would like you to follow. As you play the nation, if you wish to add extra details and inform us of them you are of course more than welcome to do so. I love worldbuilding as much as anyone. Want to add some detail about your army? Go for it. Want to describe your culture in detail? Be my guest. But before you go into such minutiae, please do this first, and begin to write in the IC. Instead of being trapped in the endless limbo of writing character sheets my priority is to get to the roleplaying, the real reason we’re all here.

This is a sample sheet, my original sheet, free of extra embellishment or extra sections detailing things like the army or anything else. I would like you to use this as a guide for essentially what I am looking for (minus the pompously long list of names) in your own sheet. If you have questions, please ask me and I will do my best to answer them.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Yam I Am
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Yam I Am Indefinitely Retired

Banned Seen 12 mos ago

Name of Nation:
Kingdom of Akiya

Federated Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy


Summary of Nation:
Distant relatives of the Longguo draconids, the Akiyans are forever the enigma of the East. Its economic and industrial might can hardly be questioned, yet what good shall all the lions armed with the most fearsome tanks and firearms do if they are led by donkeys? The Akiyan soldier can be brave - heroic even - yet this shall all fall apart of its politicians do not soon come to head. While its internal society may be deadlocked, the pressure of the war shall certainly drive it together...or rip itself apart.

Pre-War: When the first contact between Akiyan and Aelban merchants had been made, many centuries ago, the haughty merchants of Akiya - for perhaps the first time in their life - experienced the emotion of humility. Before their mightest crimson-sailed ships floated iron behemoths, from their immense masts bellowed fumes like the fiery breath of the Sacred Dragon. They carried with them spears which howled fire and cracked with lighting at every use. It was here, in their first experience so long ago with these foreigners that Akiya learned its most valuable lesson of the early modern era: Akiya would industrialize, or it would die.

Since then, Aelban and Akiya would long-after be rivals on the global scene, the two continuously fighting over what the other saw as interference within their respective spheres of influence. The most recent of these clashes came about along in their respective colonies, along the eastern coast of Neifangha - known to the foreigners as Ehfragich. What started as a skirmish over mineral rights boundaries in their colonies was all of the justification either side needed for war, and with neither side about to give ground in their long-standing feud, the Karasan Wars begun in 1920. While the war had initially gone in Akiya's favor, the tenuous grasp upon the colonies' internal politics had led to a complication of supply lines, which eventually made the situation untenable, leading to Akiya suing for peace four years later. The 1924 armistice between Aelban and Akiya demanded considerable reparations between the two. In exchange for their exit from the conflict, Akiya was demanded to forfeit its sole colonies of Karasan and Tamara, in addition to monetary reparations of some 26 Million Kyat - or about a year and a half's worth of government income for the time.

The humiliation of the Kingdom losing its only colony, coupled with the economic stress of treaty repayments and the already residual tensions growing between the rifts in Akiyan society, quickly threatened to tear the Kingdom apart. Unable to cope with the sudden shock of both Akiya's lost prestige and the discontention of the Akiyan people, King Lang Seon VIII abdicated the throne in favor of his 14 year-old daughter, Princess Ashina Sun Seon, who would coronated later that year as Queen Seon IX.

Outbreak of War: Upon hearing the outbreak of war between Aelban and Alfheich, the reception within Akiya at large was that of pleasant surprise. There was little love lost between the recently-beaten Akiya and the quickly-losing Aelban nation, and many within Akiya found the outbreak of war to be a crucial moment of opportunity. The National Diet briefly considered joining the war on the side of the Reiyk in a bid to reclaim their lost territories from the Karasan Wars. However, political realities inside Akiya coupled with their poor diplomatic influence over the Reiyk and a still-recovering national spirit made such alliances untenable. Few in any position of office would have publicly declared their outright support for Alfheich, yet even fewer sensed anything to hold back from their former enemy. In 1936, the Akiyan government formally announced that it would default on its reparation payments, citing the rapidly changing circumstances of the Neifanghan colonies. Concerned that such a response might enact harsher responses - either from the Aelban in violation of such a treaty, or from the Alfheich, or even both at the same time! - The Akiyan government approved a program of full rearmament in late 1936, initially prioritizing the Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force.

Recent History: Alfheicher forces - in a surprise attack upon Akiyan forces - launched a pacific campaign aimed at several of Akiya's east island territories in 1938. Caught in the midst of their rearmament program, Akiyan generals were initially very mixed about how to respond to the sudden onslaught, leading to most of their island territories being under-reinforced and the local garrisons swiftly overrun. Before long, the invaders would make incursions along Akiya's north and southwestern coasts, before being bogged down. The brave army has managed to keep the invaders mostly at bay, if not without some considerable sacrifices. Akiya's difficult interior and its powerful navy have hampered the invader's forces from advancing far, yet neither side has managed to gain the upper hand in land initiative.

As war plans are drawn and Akiya consolidates herself into full mobilization, she soon prepares herself to drive back the Alfheicher invaders. With much of the world in the hands of the assailants and the National Diet still fiercely divided on how to proceed, the 1940 Elections may be the most pressing of all Akiya's history. Her darkest hour may very well be upon her, but many within still remain confident that this is simply the passing of the storm, for the Great Akiyan Dragon shall rise from the heavens to drive back the darkness from whence it came.

Pressing Issues:
Even before the nefarious Alfheicher forces made landfall along Akiya's shores, the past decade of Akiyan politics have been none short of utterly tumultuous. Akiya's modern laws have stemmed from a veritable assortment of ancient customs, combined with "carryover laws" adopted from the prior Imperial Administration of 1861 as well as more contemporary republican laws. This has resulted in a simply bizarre legal landscape within Akiyan society which only grows more and more apart as calls for an abolition to the old laws grow louder and louder. Largely popular measures have yet to be largely implemented, as reforms are continuously deferred due to lack of political will and deliberate gridlock as political parties incessantly undermine one another's influence. In particular, the influence of the Kyushen - a group which one started as an elite corps of slave soldiers which grew into an aristocratic pillar in their own right - hold disproportionate influence among many pillars of Akiyan societies. Kyushen clans hold some of the most powerful positions in the military and own some of the largest industrial conglomerates in the nation. Coupled with the monarchy, an increasing number of people in Akiya view the Kyushen's influence over society as a sign of Akiya's social stagnation, while its defenders claim that the Kyushen have a long and proud history towards contributing towards the country, and such an opportunity should never be stifled.

Commonly dubbed, "The Still Decade", the past four election cycles have resulted in a sporadic, hodgepodge political composition in the National Assembly. No coalition nor party have managed to gain a majority since the 1928 elections, and have accordingly shared incredibly divisive policy. With the onset of war, it remains to be seen if the current government can be merged into a more effective coalition...or if this perfect storm of factors will result in usurpation from within.

The question of the monarchy in particular has plagued the country's political climate for years, and immense rifts between the pro-monarchist and anti-monarchist elements in Akiya have long proved a contentious affair, often culminating in brawls and spouts. Many a progeny from the latent Seon Dynasty - such as Princess Naemi and Prince Taekon - now serve in the Akiyan Armed Forces, where they hope to lead their troops toward inspiring victory. Whether they do so in stride or in failure may very well decide the fate of Akiya...

Notable Strengths:
By far, the greatest weapon at Akiya's disposal are its factories. One of the most densely industrialized nations in the world, from the incendiary furnaces of the Taihyan steel mills run rivers of ingots, as do the factories and dockyards toil as out come the supplies the war effort so desperately requires. Untold thousands of guns, planes, trucks, and tanks all seam from within its mighty industrial parks, while ships and submarines construct with haste like the bean-stock stretching toward the sun. With such industrial might, Akiya more than amounts to a powerhouse, as its industrial fumes soar like the dragon to the heavens.

Such a formidable industry comes with numerable benefits, as such a strong production base must too come with a strong infrastructure upon which it is built. Since the most ancient days, the Akiyans have long utilized their land's many rivers and abundant coasts, and from their most humble days as simple fishermen have Akiyans grown into shrewd explorers and fantastic mariners. It would do great disservice to both their ancestors and the modern people to call the Royal Akiyan Navy anything short of redoubtable. Pioneers of naval aviation since the Karasan Wars, Akiya have used their many hard lessons learned with their loss to Aelban to further drive forward their naval doctrine development. With such a strong maritime presence, the capacity of their merchant marine to deliver the equipment from Akiya's many factories to the desperate armies of the world can hardly be questioned.

National Priorities:
  • The Army
  • The Navy
  • The Air Force
  • The Economy: External Trade
  • Technology
  • Industrial Output
  • Espionage and Intelligence
  • Agriculture
  • Cultural Issues
  • The Upper Classes
  • The Common People
  • Diplomacy
  • Resource Extraction
  • Religion
  • The Economy: Internal Trade
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Skwint
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

How fantastical can we get with the races in our nations?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

How fantastical can we get with the races in our nations?

How fantastical do you want to get?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Skwint
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Skwint>

How fantastical do you want to get?

Just curious as to how wild our imaginations are allowed to run.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Monochromatic Rainbow>

Just curious as to how wild our imaginations are allowed to run.

Tell me whatchu got fam, let's hear it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Skwint
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Skwint>

Tell me whatchu got fam, let's hear it.

I don't got anything until I know what limits I'm working with.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED32084


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Working up a CS.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED32084


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

@Monochromatic Rainbow and just confirming, we’re on a Different continent? If so, what direction are the baddies coming from as I intend to be right in their path!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Monochromatic Rainbow>

I don't got anything until I know what limits I'm working with.

Fair enough. I'll put it this way - if you want your people to be literally knockoff Elder Things whose technology devolved and are now stuck on this world, I'm fine with that. I'd prefer no flight, no immortality, etc. You want to worship Cthulhu and have it be that Cthulhu is real? Be my guest. The primary thing is that the supernatural is a bygone era, now. Want your people to be catgirls? You're in good company. All I ask is it be fairly reasonable, and they be well fleshed out.

@Monochromatic Rainbow and just confirming, we’re on a Different continent? If so, what direction are the baddies coming from as I intend to be right in their path!

Correct, but they have landed significant forces on our continent now too. If you recheck the OOC you can see that I have added the maps, since I apparently forgot to do so initially.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kood


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED32084


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

@Monochromatic Rainbowworking on a CS that plunks me right in the danger zone. Should be up tonight or tomorrow.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Pagemaster I look forward to it!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ever Faithful
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Ever Faithful Will always be Ever Faithful

Member Seen 19 days ago

Name: The Mouchard Republic

Flag of the Republic

Summary of Nation:
Mouchardy or the Mouchard Republic is one of the most modernized nations in the world since the turn of the century. Through ruthless industrialization and constant wars of conquest, the nation has fought to gain its place under the sun. By exploiting its fertile plains and resource-rich mountains, Mouchardy’s economy and the military are highly comparable to its contemporary neighbors. Its alliance with Aelban, mostly done out of necessity in order to curb Reiyk influence, has brought the three hundred day war upon the Republic. Its ally’s defeat has both shocked and terrified the Mouchards as they are now left alone to deal with the rising empire

Pre-War: Since the last great continental war ended in Mourchardy’s defeat and the forced abdication of its God Emperor, the nation has transitioned into an uneasy 2nd Republic. Since the first one was couped by said God Emperor during the Mouchard Revolution, the liberal government has since tried to subvert the remaining monarchist sentiments in the country. But with all the intrigue and scheming, the monarchists manage to get the grandson of the former God Emperor as President of the Republic. This autocrat wasted no time restoring imperial titles to the country and centralizing power into the capital, Villeneuve. However, his skills as a diplomat and commander were mediocre as his conquests overseas ended in humiliating defeats at the hands of the Reiyk. The autocrat was eventually forced to abdicate and the Third Republic was formed in his place, ushering into the first golden years of liberalism for Mouchards.

Outbreak of War: Being allied with the Empire of Aelban, the Mouchard Republic was one of the first to engage with the Reiyk. Despite defending their ally quite fiercely, the Reiyk eventually triumphed over the alliance through superior tactics and technology. A million Mouchards dead was a terrible pill to swallow and the now terrified Republic was living under the dark cloud that they were next.

Recent History: Taking lessons from the Three Hundred Day War, the government and high command wasted no time reorganizing the armed forces into something more combat-ready. Although the doctrine of attrition was still in place, the weapons and vehicles were modernized to deal with this new threat. New programs were given the initiative if they promised new technology to turn the tide. It was total war upon the republic; everyone must contribute.

Pressing Issues:
Unity of the Mouchard Republic was many a political joke as the nation was infamous for short-lived governments. This is the third time, Mouchardy became a republic. The only thing that is keeping it together is the sheer terror the Reiyk has inflicted on the people and government.

While being a rapid breeder race is beneficial in some regards, it is a double-edged sword since it would put the Republic closer to a breaking point sooner than most nations. If left unchecked, the birth rates can easily spiral out of control and plunge the nation into a food crisis.

Notable Strengths:
The Mouchard Republic despite its reputation as the Reiyk's punching bag has a very modern military. Its army is completely mechanized with a fully-kitted out tank corps. The Grande Murraille, a series of fortresses along the Reiyk border, serves as a testament to Mouchard's military engineering, the best in the known world. Semi-automatic rifles have fully replaced the bolt action, the old gun being used for snipers or reserve forces. The heavy artillery is fully capable of crushing the thicket walls of bunkers and while the Mouchard Navy unveiled its first carrier.

Yet, the biggest strength of the Republic is its population. Despite losing millions upon millions of soldiers to the Reiyk in the past, nation recovery can take one year to replenish all the losses before hitting a population boom the year after. Because of the fast maturity of the Mouchards, the nation would always find replacements.

National Priorities:
The Redtide is consuming the world and all of its inhabitants. Once a pariah among the great powers, the Mouchard Republic is one of the last defenders of liberty. Everything must be done to secure the final victory or all will be lost.

National Defense
Industrial Output
Military Innovation
Agricultural Reforms
Social Reforms
Party Loyalty
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED32084


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

@Monochromatic Rainbowwhere are the remnants of Aelban now? And might they be a playable faction?

I was thinking of requesting the remaining territory in the Africa shaped continent to the south, where the Reiyk has already conquered half of it, and have my folks fighting an absolutely savage war for survival.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

If you'll check out the updated political map, I realized after a friend mentioned it that I had forgotten to include the tiny remnant of Aelban -it's that smol spot on the island south of the Reiyk. My intent wasn't really to make Aelban playable - but PM me and we can discuss it.

I can't guaranteeyou any spot on the map until I see a sheet however, and the IC will be starting this weekend for getting those IC posts out. If you can get it done,though,you're more then welcome to it if I understand you correctly and you want the unoccupied piece of land in the south of the subcontinent.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED32084


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

@Monochromatic RainbowYou are correct.

And is playing that desert attached to the Reiyk on the far West an option?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Noblebandit


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Here's my sheet. Please tell me if anything needs reviewed or added!

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Pagemaster Indeed it is! I intentionally left it open as an inhospitable shithole that someone might be desperately holding out in. Get me a good sheet and an IC post once it goes up, and you're welcome to it!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED32084


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

I’m on it
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