Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Still One Mile Up

The guy was a Super, alright. She didn't follow the lives of people like that in the comics nearly as much, but he had the strength, the flight, and the ability to see the inner-workings of this weather machine. The two of them got to the central structure and he seemed to see right through the place, seeing that there was enough room for a person inside to physically access the core. This was good. It meant that their plan didn't have to involve either of them hunting down all over the place for an access panel to try and hotwire this thing from a precarious position. They could split their efforts and work that much faster on the problem at hand. Raimi smirked as the Super ripped open a hole for her, stating his intentions as she prepared to drop inside.

"Alright, let's do this."

As soon as she entered, the field that was accelerating Jon retracted, and everything moved around him at a normal pace. He could take it, though. The cold would never bother him, anyway.


Inside The Machine...

The rip in the weather machine was through outer-plating, some wiring, and heavy insulation, leading the inside to appear smooth with plastics and ceramics lining the floor, walls, and ceiling. In the center was a thick plexiglass tube surrounded by two metal supported from above and below by metal rods. Inside the tube was what had to be the power generator...but also the computer and what looked like a few cameras. With no warning at all, Raimi then found out the reason for all the insulation: A built-in security system. The rings had a series of outlets that fired lasers, or a pinpoint particle beam. It didn't matter which it was. The first shot stabbed into her left gauntlet when she reflexively blocked, and would've gone further if she hadn't ducked away. Amidst the roll, she produced a slow-time field in the chamber and...

"Whoa... That's not good."

The machine was still firing at her, and even at a slow speed, several more beams of light were moving in her direction. They weren't less harmful just because they were slower, only easier to avoid. Raimi moved around the room and found that the rings were meant for an omni-directional coverage. As soon as her image resolved on camera to this thing, it would open fire from whatever laser port on the rings happened to be facing her. Not a terrible problem, except for one thing. She couldn't maintain this field for too long. There was a rumble in the floor that indicated the physics of the room were clashing with the outside. If the Super was moving the machine now, it meant that the room was trying to stay in place from the effects of slow time. And while she could just envelope herself in faster time instead, this thing was going to chew itself to bits with the lasers. Even with the insulation, the room was starting to take on a burnt quality, meaning the machine would eventually damage itself, at some point.

Quickly, she moved closer, stepping on the bottom ring and grasping the upper ring from its underside, so she could pull back while being out of the line of fire. Lasers fired rapidly, but with a grunt of effort, her claws pulled off a chunk of the ring. She did this with the lower one as well, feeling immediate heat from lasers going off close to her feet as another chunk came off in her hands. Both times, the electro-shocks in her gauntlets were going off, and it fried the wiring inside. Raimi fully-expected to have to do that after pulling off parts of the rings, but apparently not. Of course, the reason for that was something a little more Weather Wizard. Arcs of electricity now fired off of the two rings, in seemingly random directions before delivering a shock directly to her noggin!

"Hot, hot, HOT!"

The inside of her helmet was also insulated, but of course the heat would transfer, and that made Raimi back the hell away. This room was now like one of those leaded glass balls with arcing volts of electricty inside. The two rings were spitting electricty all over the place, preventing her from getting near. She gritted her teeth at this. Even in slow motion, this was bad, and the room was starting to rumble quite badly.

Dammit, what do I do? The thing might burn itself out eventually, but that'll take too long! And even if I rigged up an acceleration that WOULDN'T hit me with more energy than my body has room for, the effect would DEFINITELY tear this place apart way too soon! God, if I could just get it to short itself out... Wait...

This weather man had done a pretty good job insulating the place, but the one thing he couldn't do that with was his own security measures, and it was a duel system, above and below. The bolts above and below were repelling one another, but if she completed the circuit... Well, one removal of her damaged gauntlet later, there was a clawed metal hand thrown between the two rings, a HUGE volt reaction as the energies collided violently, and something backfiring above and below. Time returned to normal, though Raimi now prepared to accelerate herself to deliver enough force to break the tube from its housing - or break it off - and snap the core from its connected systems. In a minute, Jon would find the machine no longer rotating outside, and things beginning to calm down.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Green Lantern

Smashing their way to the control center of the weather machine, a yellow drill punched through the door and Sinestro stood, having ripped the door apart "Even with all of the damage, it still flies, can't say i'm not impressed." appoaching a control pannel, he pressed some buttons, running a diagnostic on the system. "Interesting, this machine is designed to be mostly autonomous, it would be able to stay airborn and still effecting the weather, even minimally, with 80% of it rendered inoppreable. I might hesitate to call this Weather Wizard a genius, except i'm in the room." he smiled.

"So, let's just smash 81% of it." Hal grinned, his ring glowing as a large claw appeared over his hand.

"I commend you using your ring the way it was meant to be, but i dislike your overeagerness to destroy everything in your path. Sometimes you need to slowly take thins apart piece by piece. Interesting, several have gone down already. London, Beijing, Tokyo, Metropolis... One in Gotham is going dark..." He slowed his words as he continued to type. "Hmmm, he's trying to kick me out of his systems... But now i know that he has a direct connection... And all it takes is a few little spikes... Got his location... Oh, he's in Gotham."

"Cool, let's get over there and take him out personally. First proper Supervillain fight." Hal pumped his fists.

"As tempted as i am to throw you into the deep end of this Superhero business, we do have allies around the world and we don't wish to step on their toes. So, let's give some help to our allies in Gotham..." He pressed a few more buttons. "Alright, let's get this thing shut off and go back home. You've got school tomorrow." The weather around Coast City began to go back to normal, the clouds parting and a normal California spring day appearing, the snow beginning to melt, the thunder disappearing. The only thing in the sky was the sun and a green and yellow speck shooting across the city.

Above Gotham

The ring outside of the weather machine had stopped with Superman pushing it over the Ocean, clearly getting ready to destroy it. As he did so, the machine managed to cough to life for one last push, a powerful spotlight shining over to a large building on the waterfront, as the machine was pushed, the light continued to follow that warehouse with Sinestro hoping that the Gotham heroes would figure out that Weather Wizard was hiding there.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DragonofTheWest
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

With measured breaths Jon continued to push the weather machine further away from Gotham. It was delicate work pushing a machine of this size but such a display of strength had to be measured to ensure he didn't accidently damage the structure further. As the weather raged around him, Jon took the occasional peak behind himself towards Gotham, hoping that the work he was putting in was having some sort of positive affect on the city as well as hoping that his companion inside the structure was having better luck than he was. While he was more or less unaffected from the supernatural weather, it wasn't exactly fun trying to keep focus while getting pelted by a combination of rain and hail with thunderbolts exploding all around him.

"Almost. Almost done." the kryptonian reminded himself, over and over again, trying to remain composed in his peculiar situation. Jon had been pushing for sometime and after taking a brief moment to check behind him, Jon had managed to cover a considerable distance with the weather at last beginning to clear. The thunderclouds which had plagued Gotham were now parting, the snow and rain easing off as rays of sunshine pierced through the clouds. The young Superman smirked, knowing that he played his played along with beginning to feel a surge of energy. The kryptonian welcomed the rays of sunlight pour in all around him. With a rejuvenation of strength, Jon felt like he could merely throw the device out into orbit though that would hardly be fair to his companion on the inside. With the weather returning to normal, Jon heard a faint whine as the weather machine had taken it's last breath. The mission had been a success.

"Look at that. She did it." Jon said aloud in a mix of mild shock and amazement. Yet as Superman debated what to do next a spotlight emerged from the machine... back towards Gotham. Jon's eyes narrowed in focus as he traced the spotlight back towards a warehouse on Gotham's waterfront. "That must be it." Looks like he knew where to go next.

Knowing what had to be done, Jon took a deep, concentrated breath as he began to lower the machine out of the air and towards the ocean. The kryptonian did his best to ease the descent as he didn't want to completely alarm Raimi that the machine she was in was falling out of the sky. Guiding the machine downward was proving to be more difficult than pushing it considering now he was the only reason the machine remained high in the air but none the less, this was yet another test of strength that Jon had prepared his whole life for. As his armored boots touched the water, Jon prepared himself for his own submersion. As he disappeared under the waves, Jon guiding the weather machine to the ocean's surface. Despite rocking back and forth for several moments and Jon was relieved to see that the structure's overall design kept it afloat. With no need for a potential rescue mission, Jon figured it was best to keep it upright anyway... he figured S.H.I.E.L.D would want to take a closer look upon this and it was best to stay them the trouble of helping them drag it out of the water later.

With a brief burst of speed, Jon emerged from the water and landed back on top of the weather machine as it rocked slowly back and forth atop the ocean's calm ocean's waves. Placing a pair of fingers to the communications piece in his ear Jon began his communications with his allies and other associates back at Gotham...

"This is an open message to all S.H.I.E.L.D assets in the area. The weather machine is down. I'm requesting that any and all available agents move immediately towards the Gotham waterfront. Possible location on the Weather Wizard has been determined." Jon took this brief moment moment to close his eyes and continue to soak in more energy of the solar energy... it felt good to be rejuvenated physically but he wanted to mentally brace himself for the confrontation to come. Walking back towards the hole he made earlier, Jon crouched down and called out to Raimi...

"Hey you alright? Sorry for the rocky descent but good job in shutting this thing off. Looks like you also find where our wizard is hiding."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Gotham Harbor

At about the time that Jon was facing the pier, his ears would've picked up something like "Oh, that's what he meant." from further up and behind, but upon turning his attention back in that direction, he would find nothing there. Funny. It was the same voice as the stranger he'd sent inside, and as far as anyone could tell, she was still inside. And this was true. Our fair Timekiller was currently hauling out that jumble of computer hardware and cameras out of the now-dislodged plexiglass tube. It wasn't that hard to overcome said tube. A precisely-controlled acceleration of time gave her impacts shockwave force, a variation on how her father's moves worked. By the time Raimi had removed the unnecessary bits - camera, extra wires, etc. - and had just the computer, the Super was calling down to her. She appeared below the hole he'd made, helmet singed in the middle-front area and the left gauntlet looking severely burnt all over.

"I did what? I didn't see- Hold on."

This would be the first time the Kryptonian had actually seen one of her portals open. It had a glow that was silver, white, or blue... Maybe all of them at once. And there was a shimmer, as though a constant movement occurred within. Raimi entered, and the portal closed. Then, she re-emerged from another portal to stand atop the weather machine with him, having gone to the point where the spotlight had appeared and realized what he was talking about. Upon returning, she had a thoughtful expression on the part of her face that Jon could see...providing he wasn't x-raying her mask right now. (It wasn't lead-lined.)

"Yeah, no. I've got no idea why that happened, unless a freak short-circuit did it. But hey, if he's there, let's go get 'im. The guy damaged my suit."

She wasn't too happy about that, especially while officially stranded in time for the second time in her life. Stating that she'd meet him there, Raimi dropped down into a portal and - as soon as Jon looked over at the waterfront - another one formed near the warehouse in question, looking things over. She was against the wall, for now, figuring that if she took to the roof or was particularly out in the open... Well look, the guy liked to mess with weather, right? If he had any short-range weather devices - and he might, if he wasn't just naturally empowered - the first thing he'd want to do is gust her around the place. The Super could just charge in, if he wanted. Her attention to stealth was after a certain bat-themed crimefighter who would take advantage of ample distraction or go in with some sort of a plan first.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Sinestro was sat at the computer in the lair, scanning the internet for mentions of the rings. Suddenly, an light started flashing as it showed that the door bell was being rung. A camera-feed popped up showing Detective Stewart at the door. He rolled his eyes, before heading up the stairs and re-adopting his disguise. He walked over to the door and opened it. "Hello... Can i help you?" He asked. Stewart flashed his badge.

"Detective Stewart, CCPD Special Victims unit. Is Hal here?" He asked. Sinestro stared at him.

"No he's at school, but i'm his new fos-"

"The gold one..." Stewart responded. Sinestro stared at him. "Hal finds a magic ring, gets adopted by someone, doesn't run away from them and then shows up with a partner?" Sinestro looked into Stewart's eyes, seeing that there was absolutely no way to bluff his way past this.

"You're a very sharp person, come in." He said, turning around. "Of course, now that you know who i am, i can't let you live." Stewart followed him in, regardless of whether Thomas was lying or not, power like that meant that if he wanted him dead, then there was nothing John could do to stop him. They went to the living room and sat down. "Can i offer you some refreshment?" He asked.

"I'm fine, thank you. What i do need is for you to keep Hal out of this Superhero business." He said, bluntly. They locked eyes again.

"That's not possible." Sinestro responded. "He wields the Green Ring of Will. It chose him and he has accepted it. There is nothing that i can do."

"Don't give me that destiny bullshit." Stewart responded. "I don't know who you are or what planet you come from, i don't know how you treat children there, but on this planet, we keep them out of war." Sinestro looked him up and down.

"You have seen the horrors of war... I know the look of a man concerned about his child." He got up and walked to the window, staring out at the street. "My daughter is currently fighting in a war on my homeworld. Trying to keep a despot called "Arkillo" from taking my people to war against the rest of the universe." He turned to Stewart. "I understand exactly how you feel, but i accepted the fact that she was going to fight that war and there wasn't a damn thing i could do to stop her. You need to accept that about Hal. I have never seen someone so eagerly take to the ring as Hal. He's had a taste of glory and he likes it." He leaned against the window and crossed his arms. "There are two kinds of people who take to the rings. There are people like you and me, the soldiers, the ones who know how to fight and know how to kill. Men like us make great lanterns... But then there are people like Hal. The young ones, the impressionable ones with all of the imagination in the universe and a need to do what is right... Those men become legends." Stewart looked down. "I wouldn't take that ring away from him, even if i wanted to. Because he is never going to stop fighting for what he believes in. If i take that ring away, then the only difference is that he's just going to be fighting without any means of winning."

"You... You seem to have figured him out quickly." John said.

"He reminds me of my little daughter..."

"Was she also stubborn, bull-headed, completely overconfident and always right, no matter how wrong they are?" Sinestro smiled.

"It's like you've known her all her life... And she still is all of those things." They sat for a minute.

"Can you promise me you'll keep him safe?" John asked, breaking the silence. Sinestro looked up.

"If i can't, then everything i have worked for will be for nothing and none of us will live long enough to mourn him. And by the way... Call me Sinestro..."

Green Lantern


It was lunch time, Hal had come close to blowing his brains out during Math class. He found it hard to concentrate in school before, but now... It didn't even seem to matter. He was a Superhero, his job security was absolute. Maybe he should just skip out, do a little hero work. After all, he needed to act normal, and always used to skip out on school... As he was headed for the cafeteria, he slowed and then stopped, before turning around and heading for the front door. As he was about to push open, he felt himself stop and getting pulled back by his backpack.

"Wooow there squirt." Said a familiar womans voice. "Is someone planning on skipping out on lunch with his favourite girl?" She asked as she held him in place.

"Carol! Look, i was just heading out to-"

"Skip out on school? Bad boy." She grinned. At that point, the door opened and John walked through. "Uh oh, it's the po-po." Carol laughed. "Got him right here, officer." She called. Stewart approached them.

"Hal, just the man i was coming to see. Come with me, i'm going to take you for a ride." Carol starred at Hal for a second.

"Oh, wasn't being serious, but ok." She threw him into John's arms. John caught him and the two walked out together, to the squad-car.

"Get in." He called to Hal, before getting in the driver's seat. The car pulled away. "You want to get some MacDonald's?" He asked. "I mean, Horace went nuts because they were screwing him around..." They continued to drive for 5 minutes, Hal didn't say anything. "I said that we were going to talk later." There was more silence. "I talked with "Sinestro"" He said.

"So he told you?" Hal asked.

"Everything... But i want to tell you now, i'm not happy with you fighting bad guys."

"Hey, i've only faught 2 bad guys so far." He replied. They continued to drive.

"Look, i know i'm-" He started, before the radio began to chatter.

"All units, be advised, we have a 207 in progress at 29 Salsibury place. Code P."

"Need some back up?" Hal asked. Without missing a step, he pulled over.

"Not from you, get out and go back to school." He ordered. He then grabbed the radio "Detective Stewart, responding." He turned on the lights and sirens and drove away at breakneck speed. Running a few red lights and almost crashing twice, he finally reached Salsibury place and pulled his gun out and began to approach the door. He pushed it open, he could hear crying inside. He then saw a purple light flash and something ripped through the roof and shot away. He moved in, still hearing the crying of a man inside. The man rushed towards Stewart. "HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE 'EM!" He ordered. The man stopped.


"Is the assailant still here?" John asked.

"NO, SHE'S GONE!!! THAT CRAZY BITCH TOOK HER!" The man broke down onto his knee's sobbing. John grunted, holstering his gun, before pulling the radio to his lips.

"This is Stewart. Perp is 135. Send forensics and backup." He said.

"Can i be of assistance, citizen?" Asked a voice, descending through the hole in the ceiling. John looked up with fuming anger to see The Green Lantern descending. The man fell over onto his backside and began shuffling back against the wall, terrified out of his mind. "Do not be afraid, i'm The Green Lantern, protector of the innocent, champion of will." He said. John looked at the man.

"He's a superhero." The man slowly got to his feet.

"Th-th-thanks..." He gulped hard. He then looked at Hal's chest. "Is... Is Holly related to you?" He asked. Hal stopped dead. Holly was the name of his social worker. How the hell did this guy know who he was?

"Who's Holly? Did you know the perp?" John asked.

"Y... Yes, she's our social worker... My wife is in jail for drug dealing... She was just checking up on us..." He took a big snort to get rid of the snot oozing from his nose. "She was staring at... Little Mary and..." He burst into tears again. "She started speaking in tongue's, some fucking mexican shit or something... Then she started glowing purple and had... That kind of costume." Hal looked down at his own costume. He flashed his ring around the room, a green light emanating.

"Where did this happen?" He asked. The man pointed through to another room. Hal floated into the room, flashing the ring everywhere. "You say it was Purple?" He asked. The man nodded. He then floated back and motioned John to come over. He whispered in his ear "This is weird, it says there is purple energy in there... But there is no purple ring... Just Red, Green, Blue, Gold, Indigo, Star Sapphire and Orange" He looked puzzled as John stared at him.

"Indigo is purple..."

"Oh... OH SHIT!" He threw his hands over his head. "I've gotta... No..." He straightened himself as he turned back to the father. "Have no fear, i'll search out this villain. Stay sharp, Detective, i will be in touch." He then flew out through the hole in the roof, following the energy trail that the Indigo had left as it escaped. He followed it down-town to see another apartment with a woman crying inside, with a hole in the roof. Floating down, he looked at the woman. "Did a woman in purple just fly through and steal your child?" He asked. The woman nodded. "Fret not, i'll return your child, i promise!" He called. This time the trail was much fresher. He followed it to another part of the city, this time to an apartment block. He arrived just in time to see Holly floating out of 4th story of an appartment building, 3 pods of purple energy following her. "STOP!!!" He called. Holly was carrying what looked like a sleeping child in her arms. A pair of green Gattling guns appeared next to him. "DROP THE KIDS AND WALK AWAY!!!" He yelled. Holly looked at him. Her eyes were glassy and glowing purple.

"Nok, Abin Sur..." She said, her arms raised as the child floated out of her hands and a construct of a beautiful woman surrounded her before forming into a pod. Behind Holly, a man ran to the hole in the apartment with a shotgun in his hands.

"GIVE MY BABY BACK YOU BITCH!!!" He pointed it at her. Holly's head cocked to the side.

"Murkasha ivitha esticos" She said, As he pumped the shotgun, A whisp of Indigo energy floated over to him and took the form of the same beautiful woman.

"K...Katie?" He asked. The woman kissed him on the forehead and he fell asleep, the gun went off as he dropped to the floor, shattering the construct, Hal seethed as he watched this, he couldn't shoot, if he did, then she might lose concentration and then the children would fall several stories.

"GOD DAMMIT, HOLLY, LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE!!!" He yelled, before rushing forward. She cocked her head again.

"Tibellu, Abin Sur? Imshaski dostach?" She asked. Several alien women appeared to him, he constructed a large sword, slashing them as they approached him, destroying them as he rushed forwards. Finally making it to Holly, the sword changed to a baseball bat with the words "Goodnight Irene!" running down the shaft, he swung it at her, when suddenly a Staff appeared in her hands and she blocked it. "Shakshaka, Abin sur!" She seemed to be getting frustrated now, ""Tubtak shumi aha Arin?" she asked.

"LOOK, LADY, I'VE NO CLUE WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" He yelled, trying to swing the bat again and again, each swing getting easily parried by the bat.

"Hal..." A voice Hal had never heard before, but seemed oddly familiar. "Hal, don't fight it... These children are better off with the Tribe..."

"I'LL STOP FIGHTING WHEN YOU GIVE THE KIDS BACK!!!" He yelled. He summoned a boomerang and threw it off into the distance. He then summoned a second bat to keep swinging, he kept swinging, keeping her distracted, the boomerang came around the other side of the building, before Holly raised a hand and a construct dog jumped up and grabbed the boomerang in its mouth. Suddenly, a warm hand was placed on his shoulder, he turned and swung, but the bats went straight through the construct. It was a face he hadn't seen outside of his dreams. He hesitated as he tried to contemplate the face, before getting the staff to the back of his head and the world went black.

"Nok, Abin Sur"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DragonofTheWest
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Well then..." was all Jon could say now that he had gained another look into Raimi's abilities. In a world filled with individuals with incredible abilities, Raimi had to be up there in terms of uniqueness. It's a good thing she was on his side at least... or better yet, that he was on her good side. The young kryptonian was confident when they first met but has only been impressed and confused all at the same time as he continued to learn bits and pieces of his companion. It also came to a surprise that Raimi would go on to admit that she wasn't the one responsible for the spotlight that led back to the harbor. Perhaps it was an innocent mistake when she was messing with the inner workings of the weather machine or perhaps there was an exterior force that had provided help, whose presence remained unknown to them. So many possibilities, so many things to contemplate but it was Raimi's mention of getting the Weather Wizard that brought him back to focus. As Jon had nodded in agreement to return to the harbor, Raimi was already in another portal, beating him to the water front.

It's been a long time since he was the one coming in second to a destination. The thought in itself caused Jon to smirk...this day continued to grow more interesting. With a small push off the weather machine with his feet, Jon hovered in the air for a moment like a sprinter ready to explode out of the blocks. And just like that an invisible gun had gone off in his head and Jon was once more ripping through the air towards the waterfront as all of Gotham could hear the roaring thunder of air struggling to keep up.

In just a few quick moments Jon landed with a hard thud, the concrete sidewalk underneath him cracking from the pure force of his landing. Jon's eyes glared towards the warehouse in a quick preliminary search... someone was definitely inside but the innerworkings of the insides of the warehouse were similar to the insides of the weather machine. Raimi was already here, waiting for him, back against the wall... ready to act based on his own actions. The Weather Wizard had to know at least he was here... Jon made it rather obvious that he was coming and his display of force was partly intimidation but also to keep any sort of focus on him. If Raimi could get to the Weather Wizard while he distracted the initial defenses, perfect... or if necessary, the two should have been enough to occupy the Weather Wizard as S.H.I.E.L.D agents from Gotham remained on their way.

Knowing time could possibly be against them and the plan being relatively simple, Jon gave Raimi a subtle nod... he would go in first. Approaching the main metallic doors of the warehouse, Jon took a quick peak around, searching for any signs of some sort of camera or observational device. With nothing seemingly out of the ordinary, Jon shrugged and with a press of a hand, sent the metallic doors flying off the hinges.

"Knock. Knock." Jon stated. His voice would have been more menacing had it not been for the obvious sarcasm his tone carried. Yet just as the blue armored hero walked in, Jon came under immediate fire as bolts of light showered him in a beautiful, destructive display.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
Avatar of FalloutJack

FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Gotham Harbor

There was a brief moment of anxiety on the part of Raimi as this guy came in and made a dynamic thump on the paved ground. What the hell was he doing?! The bad guy didn't have to know anyone was there! They could've both been sneaky, but the Supes wanted to be a target, it seemed. Yeah, she picked up what he wanted to do, but she felt that a little more stealth could've done them both a good turn. Raimi was in position as he slammed the door off of its hinges, and was bathed in lightning bolts. She winced, but he didn't seem overly-harmed as he stepped in. Well, that's Supers, for you. Walking granite walls, they were.

Jon would see the man, his machinery, and all. Right now, he was seeing alot more than the time traveler outside could glean. This room had the full setup, alright. Various parts of the room - walls and ceiling - had weather emission gear, the immediate source of the volts that ran through him. Weather Wizard had installed it as sort of a point defense grid against unwanted intruders, which is to say all intruders. Obviously, the bolts of electricity weren't enough for him at the start, but they ramped up in intensity briefly before being cut off.

He could see him in the middle of the room, the Weather Wizard.

Standing by a large machine that could only be a high-powered weather generator was a man in a padded green suit with a mask of a lightning flair, green and yellow. His actual suit was padded and insulated against possibly redirecting weather against him, a 'W' in a lightning bolt on his chest, and he wore a sleek black cloak that was meant to be further resistant to attacks, especially of the heat and energetic quality. It was designed to help against backfires and such-like. Might give him just a couple seconds under the old heat vision scrutiny. In his hand was a weather-caster wand, the compact device that carried not just its own power, but could remotely control all weather generation devices on a whim...and it had a tether to the man's wrist. Looks like he'd learned from past mistakes against telekinetics and people slapping the device from his hands.

"You can just stay right there, where I can see you. You and your friend. Oh yes, I saw the camera feed. There's no point trying to fool me. The defense grid would keep you from just infiltrating, anyway."

There was an exasperated sigh, and a quick shuffle as...Jon's super hearing would pick up the sound that Raimi's portal made...before she nonchalantly walked in. There was something different about her, something that the Weather Wizard didn't pick up on immediately: Her suit wasn't damaged. The left claw looked perfectly fine.

"I didn't expect someone with time-acceleration abilities to show up, but then I'd only seen that happen once with the Clock King."

"Oh crap. You know the Clock King?"

"Only by reputation. I haven't gone into this business without a little study. For instance, I know that this man here loves a nice sunny day, but if you hit 'im with ionizing particles of a wavelength that occur in the red spectrum of light, he balks at it."

Dammit, too many people learn about the things that actually harm a Superman. Granted, the Wiz here obviously took the time to do his homework, but it's because he was a superhero in the light that so many people recognize him and what he can do.

"I don't suppose the fact that your cornered here will make you give up, will it?"

"Hardly. This machine is set to bring about a powerful storm in an instant, one that will wipe out this harbor and anybody that decides to interfere."

Now, if Jon's been using his x-ray vision right now to try and figure out a weakness in the room's defenses, he would - of course - see that the point defense emitters were all working in a series. He'd also see a version of the time traveler beside him climbing up a wall outside to make it to one of those little high windows that warehouses tend to have towards the ceiling. This one had a damaged claw, indicating that it was the he'd been talking to, while the one that was IN the room was from some point before assaulting the weather machine, before they had met. Once the one outside had made it to the window, she could see the Weather Wizard from behind and make eye contact with the two inside. As an indicator of what was about to happen, she held up a few flashbangs and a smoke bomb.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Green Lantern

Hal came to, it felt like he had fallen asleep in the shower, laying in the street with a man stood over him, his clothes soaked through from the, now pouring, rain. "Green Lantern you alright?" He asked, reaching down towards Hal's mask. Hal rolled over and gasped heavily, the rain running down the back of his head and dribbling off of his chin, he sneezed as a few water droplets had gone up into his sinuses.

"What the hell...?" He slowly struggled to his feet, the man helping him. He turned to see the man was actually John with an umbrella. "I..." There were police around, bright red and blue lights flashing through the downpour as he looked around. He shook his head.

"It's ok, take it easy and tell me everything."

"She was using weird constructs that looked like people. She was kidnapping children. Why the hell would she be doing that?" He asked. He thought back to what Sinestro had taught him about the ring colours. "Indigo is... Love?" He wracked his brain. "No, it's... Con... Com... Compassion! that's it. Why the hell would she be kidnapping children if she's now ruled by her compassion?"

"I've been asking around the victims. She's nabbed 6 more since you left me at the first ones house and we're trying to confirm a few more reports." He said. Hal stumbled a little as everything seemed so unreal right now. Like he had awoken from the most real dream he had ever had. "But i have a theory." Hal looked at him. "I know these people. They are all Holly's clients. All of them are single parents of young children." Hal nodded.

"So, she's convinced that these children would be better in her care than of their parents. So we just follow her cl-" At that point, Hal jumped in the air and rocketted away in a flash. John watched for a few seconds. Then immediately ran for his car, getting in and speeding away. Speeding through the pouring rain, Green Lantern's face was determined, he was one of Holly's clients, meaning that she would get to his house soon, if Sinestro was unprepared, he didn't want to think about what might happen. Floating high over his street, he saw the soft glow of the Indigo and a glow of gold near it. "Sinestro..." He gasped, the pouring rain pounding against him, but luckily, the green light seemed to keep him comfortable. Diving to the door, he rushed up the stairs to see Holly in the living room, with Sinestro sobbing uncontrollably as the beautiful woman he had seen in his first confrontation with her was holding Sinstro's head in her lap.

"I'M SORRY!" He sobbed. "I COULDN'T PROTECT YOU AND I COULDN'T SAVE ABIN!!!" Hal tried to rush forwards, but ran straight into a wall of Indigo energy.

"HOLD ON, GOLD, I'M COMING!!!" He yelled. a Pneumatic drill appeared and he started to drill into the wall. "I don't care who you are, my will is stronger than your compassion." He grunted. Holly approached Sinestro, her rod turning into a spear as she raised it. "GOOOOOOLD!!! SHE'S ABOUT TO KILL YOU!!!" Hal screamed. He looked around, desperately trying to figure something out. Then it hit him. he pulled the ring off and his green costume and aura disappeared. "HOLLY!!! ITS ME!!!" He screamed, waving his arms. "IM HERE!!!" He beat his fists against the wall. She turned around, the spear disappearing. "Alright... I'll go with you... But you've got to let him go..." Hal blurted out. He was visibly shaking. Holly cocked her head to the side.

"Ge Hal, decastu iesta srernt fe Arin yu Abin umtak." She said.

"I don't know what the hell you are trying to say..." Hal seethed. The Indigo wall disappeared and Holly began to approach him. A pair of constructs of beautiful, identical women that he didn't recognize began to approached him. This felt warm... Good... He was feeling sleepy...

"HOLLY!!!" Came a yell as John rushed through the door, pistol raised. "You've got to stop this."

"Nok, John Stewart. Hal tubtak shumi aha?" She waved to him.

"I don't know what the hell you have done with her, but if i have to pry that damn ring off of your fingers, i will to get her back. You are forcing her to do things she would never do." He said.

"Calanact caliou, Indigo 1 currish shmee bugraan." She stated. Indigo energy began to seep towards John, he shot at the energies, firing two rounds, before pointing it back at her.

"I can't stop you... I know i can't, but i am not going to just let you take every child you want." He said. Holly floated towards him.

"Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur,
Natromo faan tornek wot ur.
Ter Lantern ker lo Abin Sur,
Taan lek lek nok--Formorrow Sur."

She said as she approached. She smiled at him before she floated through the door, Hal now cocooned in a pod of indigo energy. Holly floated into the air and sped away. John stared at her, he wiped his nose, before running over to Sinestro.

"Come on, Gold Lantern, you need to get up." He wrapped his arms around Sinestro's chest and pulled him to his feet. Sinestro panted heavily, before staring at John.

"Did... Did Hal defeat her?" He asked.

"No, Hal's been caught. She's taking him to god-knows where. You need to help me track them down, because i've no idea what the hell is going on and you might." Sinestro wiped his nose, before looking at John.

"Alright..." Sinestro whispered. "Come with me... I'll track the Indigo energy to find where she's keeping them..." He slowly moved towards the cupboard under the stairs. Sinestro and Stewart made their way down to the lair. Stewart looked around in total awe.

"How the hell did you get all of this down here?" He asked. Sinestro looked back at him with an eyebrow raised to question if John had even looked at him. "Right... Alien..." He nodded. Sinestro walked over to the computer and sat down, beginning to punch in commands, a map of the city appeared, showing different energies that had been active.

"How long has she been at this?" He asked.

"First kidnapping was about 12:15. It's been 4 hours now." He replied.

"The sensor's are showing a hell of a lot of Indigo energy all over the city, it's a smoke screen, there's no way to track it to its source right now... This doesn't make sense. The Rings that latch onto the unworthy let go quickly. I've never seen them hold onto a host for more than 2-3 hours, but she doesn't show any sign of slowing down." Sinestro continued to type away, trying different filters to see if he could narrow down where she has been from where she is heading.

"So... What did she make you see that broke you?" John asked.

"Don't ask a question you don't want to know the answer to." He replied. Sinestro placed his face into his palms and sighed heavily.

"What?" John asked, looking at the screen, not seeing any difference.

"There's nothing i can do from here..." He groaned. "Just prepare for when she strikes next. Go after her then... I won't be fooled by those constructs again..." He seethed. John looked over to the console to see the red ring.

"You're going to need backup on this." He said, walking over to the ring.

"Don't touch that ring..." Sinestro said, raising his own and pointing it at John.

"We don't have time for this, Hal and all of those other children are in danger and this," he pointed to his gun "Isn't going to be able to cut it. I'll need something to give me a chance against her." Sinestro stared at him, before walking over to the red ring and taking it out of the containment tube. He dropped it into Johns hand. It sat there.

"It hasn't chosen you. Your heart has too little rage in it." He said. He picked up the ring and put it back in the tube. "The rings choose their wielder, not the other way around." He then turned his attention back to the computer.

Green Lantern


Everything was purple... A deep, soothing purple. That was all that existed. Hal floated in this sea of calm. "What is... Going on?" He asked no-one in particular.

"You are safe." A voice that sounded almost like Holly's said, but there was something wrong with the voice... Distorted a little. But Hal was finding it hard to assosiate the voice...

"Oh... Good..." He muttered, trying to concentrate. Everything was difficult to focus.

"Yes, safe. Now, let's rejoin the others." She said. Hal smiled as everything became clear, he walked into a wide open field, the other children were running around, screaming and laughing as they chased each other. It looked so nice here. It was nice to be with his family. He walked into the field. Little Mary ran past him, followed by Joseph.

"Wow, slow down or you'll hurt yourself." He laughed, calling after her. Hal looked around, something seemed... Off... It was probably nothing. He continued to walked through the field. He then saw Janie sat crying. That was strange, he had known this little girl his entire life and she had never cried before. He walked over to her. "Janie, what's wrong?" He asked. She sniffled back a tear.

"I miss my daddy..." She cried. Hal put an arm around her. Her daddy... What did she mean by... Hal grabbed his head as something began to hurt. "DADDY!!!!" She cried. Hal stared around,

"This... This is wrong..." He got to his feet, just in time to see Indigo energy swarm around Janie, before she was pulled to her feet. She then laughed and began to run back to the fun, as though she had never been crying to begin with. She turned back to him.

"Hal, come join us!" She called, waving. Hal looked around. at everything... This wasn't real.

"No... You go ahead." He said. He then looked down at his hand. "HOLLY!!!" He called out. "It's time to end this!" Balling his hand into a fist, he tried to summon the ring.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you..." Said the voice

"Of course you wouldn't. Because you never want to leave this fantasy..." He grunted, desperately calling to the ring. "Come on..." Indigo energy surrounded him. "COME ON!!! I WILL NOT GO DOWN WITHOUT A DAMN FIGHT!!!"

"Your will is strong, Hal... But you're not in a world where your ring can reach you... Maybe you need to feel more at home." Everything started to change.

"DON'T!!! NO!!!!!" He screamed as everything went black.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Skittlez
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Skittlez The Finest Corruption

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Nikita sat before Coulson, arms crossed defensively. It had taken everything in Daisy to haul her in. She wasn’t a troublemaker, necessarily. Just over enthusiastic to help in a situation not made for her, not willing to be held back. She hadn’t heard what she’d wanted in the discussion.

“Kid, I can’t deal with your tantrums while we’re trying to save the world,” he attempted.

Nikita didn’t offer a response. She was thinking about how much time was being wasted on this lecture that could’ve been better utilized with her helping the others. It was frustrating to continually be told she wasn’t ready but called in when it was convenient for them.

“I’m not saying you won’t get there. You’re just not there yet,” Coulson added.

“I’m sorry,” Daisy apologized, she felt partially responsible. She knew she couldn’t be there all the time but it was clear Nikita needed more frequent guidance.

“Don’t be. I like her spunk. As a matter of fact, I’m making her an agent. At least, for the time being,” Coulson said, nodding towards the teen. Nikita bolted upright in the chair. Daisy wasn’t sure she’d heard him correctly. “That’s right, you’re to be reassigned with Daisy. Your first mission is back on your home soil,” he confirmed. “Anderson, you’ll be joining them,” Coulson said, looking expectantly to the man leaning in the corner. Jason Anderson seemed just as surprised as the young women before him. “Here’s the file. Let’s revisit this after you’ve had some more experience under your belt, sound fair?” Coulson offered, dropping a hefty folder before the trio.

“Yes, sir,” Nikita answered triumphantly.

It was time for a new adventure.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
Avatar of mattmanganon

mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Green Lantern

Oa, the great home of the Green Lantern corps, the police of the entire universe. Hal Jordan had recently arrived as the brand new recruit to the Corps, along with his mentor Sinestro, a fellow Green Lantern. The pair of them stood before the Guardians of the Universe, diminuitive blue people with white hair that floated in the air. They wore red robes with the Green Lantern logo in the center. The one known as Ganthet floated to the front. The Guardians were known for their holier-than-thou attitude, but Ganthet was known for his more gentle and nurturing approach to the Lanterns. "Sinestro, it is with great pain that we finally accept the death of Abin Sur into the annals of the Oan Great Archive. But as with all Lanterns, a new light shall rise to take his place and bring light to dark. Step forward, Hal Jordan of Sector 2814." Called the central Guardian. Hal stepped forward, bringing his hand up. "Speak the oath and join our ranks."

"In brightest day, in blackest night
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's light,
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!" He called.

The immense green battery behind the Guardians began to glow and Hal was engulfed by a beam of light. "Feel honoured, Hal Jordan. Your gift shall give you the power to save countless. You shall bring law to the lawless, dethrone tyrants and you shall bring peace." The Guardian Called. Hal looked around. Of course he knew this place very well, he had spent several months here training under the tutelage of Sinestro, but also, his best friend that he could NEVER imagine his life without, the large Bolovaxian chief Green Lantern Cadet trainer, Killawog. Bolovaxians were large, bipedal creatures, a deep pink skin, very large and intimidating and with a face that looked somewhere between a Hippopotamus and a Pug. "You shall receive your first orders as a full fledge member of our order soon. Please, take some time to celebrate" Gathet ordered. As Hal turned back to the Guardians, he looked saw that Ganthet's clothes had changed. The red robe had been replaced by a Red Trenchcoat and a blue tie that adorned a new symbol, very different to Green symbol he was familiar with. "Hal... This isn't real..." He whispered. His voice was different, almost taking an Indian accent to it. "Have hope and you shall escape." He nodded.

"What did you say?" Asked Hal. As he blinked, Ganthet was back to normal.

"I said to go and celebrate with your friends. I shall join you shortly." He smiled. Hal shook his head. That was weird, but probably just some residual effect from the Grand Battery zapping him. He walked with Sinestro and Killawog.

"I say we grab Tomar, head down to Bolovax and i'm gonna treat both-a-ya's to da best and MEANEST drinks that ever crawled outta the gutters of the most deadly bars in the universe. Then, after a stomach pump, we go for round 2." Killawog laughed. Tomar appeared as if from no-where next to Hal. Tomar was a goldish orange coloured alien with a large fin on his head and a chicken-like beak, with a fairly skinny body. Tomar had been the very first friend that Hal had made here, but Tomar's friendly demenor made him one of the most well-liked of all of the Green Lanterns. No wonder it was his duty to greet all new recruits.

"It has been quite some time since i have gone drinking with you, Killawog, and that's because i think i've just about gotten over the hangover from the last time." Tomar stated, he spoke eloquently and to the point. He turned to Hal, his costume, changing to blue, with the symbol again appearing. "Hal, she can only hold you here if you want to be held." Tomar said.

"Tell me how to escape" Hal asked.

"Escape?" Tomar replied, his costume being back to normal. "The only escape from one of Killawogs drinking sessions is to animate your own liver and beg it to wave the little white flag." He smiled.

"And there is NO escaping for our bet." Sinestro replied. "I said that if you passed, your final test would be to drink Killawog under the table. I do not envy your stomach or head in the morning... Or the entire rest of your body to think of it."

"And who pulled the stick out of your butt?" Hal laughed, Tomar and Ganthets words of warning slipping away from him almost instantly.


Sinestro and John sat staring at the computer, waiting to see if the Indigo energy would dissipate. "Are you sure there is nothing better that you can do?" John asked.

"Not unless you know how how to track her." Sinestro stated, not moving. "I'm just as worried about him as you are."

"Yeah, but are you as worried about him as you are that ring on his hand?" John asked. Sinestro didn't move. "You've known him for all of a week, i've been looking after that kid, on the streets, for 7 years. So, i highly doubt you are as worried about him as you are about that ring."

"I understand that you are still holding out some delusions that being angry will allow you to become the Red Ring's champion, so i will let that obviously inflammatory statement die here and now, but do not repeat it. If i cared only for the ring, i would not have invited him to live with me." John kept his eyes narrowed on the alien.

"Nuts to this, i'm going to track him down the old fashioned way." John turned around and walked to the door. "You coming?" He asked. Sinestro said nothing and didn't move. John sighed, before walking out of the house. As he got upstairs, he noticed that the house was relatively fixed. "What the hell..." Nothing would indicate that, just an hour before, a possessed, superpowered social worker had torn this place to hell. He walked out of the door and to his car, opening the door and getting in, he sat, before putting his head on the steering wheel and thinking. He turned the keys and the car roared to life, before he began to drive. No particular place, just driving, trying to think of anything that he knew about her and where she might be able to keep a bunch of children without anyone getting suspicious.

"Help..." A voice came to John, he looked around.

"What the hell?" He asked. He suddenly felt a twinge of something.

"Help, John Stewart..." It wasn't Hal's voice. But there was something familiar. He immediately turned the car around and put on the lights and sirens.

The Green Lantern

Hal and the other Green Lanterns sat down at the bar, it had been a surprisingly quick trip to Bolovaxia. Immediately, Carol Ferris approached him. "So, stud, what'll it be tonight?" She asked in a sultry voice that... Well, didn't really belong on her.

"Uh-" Before Hal could answer. Sinestro leaned over.

"a round of Badoonian Louse-Spit." He ordered. As Carol turned and walked away, Hal couldn't help but get the feeling that... Something was off... Maybe something Tomar had said... Probably nothing. He watched Carol walk over to the Bartender, another friend of his, Jon Stewart. That guy had been a loyal friend helping him get through boot-camp. Stewart shot him a pair of thumbs-up and a wink, before calling to him.

"HOLD ON HAL, I'M ON MY WAY!" Hal managed to make out over the loud music and aliens talking and dancing. The lights seemed to be changing around here. Blue... Indigo... Blue... Indigo... It was as if the lights were wrestling with one another. Hal got up.

"I'm gonna check what's on the Juke-box." He walked through the crowd, aliens all around him were having a good time. As he approached it, he saw a list of songs.

I Want To Break Free by Queen
Escape by Rupert Holmes
We Gotta Get Out of This Place by The Animals
Getaway by Earth, Wind & Fire
Breakout by The Foo-Fighters
You Got To Run by Buffy Sainte-Marie & Tanya Tagaq
Freedom by Pharrel Williams
Fly Away From Here by Aerosmith
Rescue Me by Fontella Bass

Something was... No, every time he thought that, something happened and he stopped thinking about it. He looked around. Suddenly he was in Carol's arms as they were slowly dancing on the floor to the sounds of If You Leave Me Now by Chicago. Hal looked around at the others, Sinestro, Killawog and Tomar were all giving him a thumbs up. "I... Can't stay here..." Hal sighed.

"Of course you can." Carol said. "Here, you have everything you've ever wanted. You have Sinestro and Killawog and Tomar and Jon... And you have a family. Most importantly, you have me..." As she said that, her waitress outfit changed to a slinky, pink satin dress covered entirely sequins. "You have absolutely EVERYTHING that you have ever wanted. So, why not stay?" Hal looked at her, she was so beautiful. He let a tear roll down his cheek.

"Because... I know it's not real." He stiffled back any more tears. "But... Let's finish this song. It's a dream i don't want to forget anytime soon. I'm gonna make this into a reality." He said, his ring beginning to glow brightly. As the song faded away, Carols mouth opened as Indigo energy poured from it, trying to engulf him. But Jon appeared in front of him, along with Ganthet and Tomar, they were all dressed in the blue outfit.

"Green Lantern Hal... All will be well, Hal. Just speak the oath..." Everything seemed much clearer now. Hal raised his hand up.

"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight!
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!"

The world erupted in green light and then...

Hal awoke, wrapped in the Indigo light, he was in his Green Lantern outfit. He grinned as he brought the ring up, a green buzz-saw appearing and cutting through the Indigo cocoon. He poked his head through to see they were in a warehouse. 10 other cocoons were in a circle around Holly who was in the center, meditating. Hal floated up silently and slowly moved towards her. If he could get the ring, then he could end this now. As he approached the ring, suddenly, her eyes opened and she smiled at him.

"Abin, yi fostew li mesta." She said. Hal floated backwards as she stepped out of the circle, following him, but leaving the children.

"Heh, stupid move!" Hal grinned. He could now go all out without having to worry about the kids caught in the crossfire. A pair of huge, green gatlings appeared on his shoulders as he flew to the side of her and opened fire. she raised an barrier of indigo, but the barrage of green was relentless. He charged in, the Gatlings morphing into a pair on the side of a monster truck that charged at her, smashing straight through the indigo shield, he smashed straight through the walls of the warehouse with her on the bonnet. As ehty got outside, Hal could hear the pounding rain on the outside of the construct, the skies almost black from the rainclouds. The Monster-truck turned into a tank with her on the end of the gun, it fired, sending her propelling away at immense speeds and creating a visible shockwave in the rain from the recoil force. Hal burst out of the tank and followed her, she finally regained composure, staring at him, she waved her staff around her head and an immense whale appeared, lunging for Hal. Hal, in response, created the giant gorilla form around himself, grappling the whale, he threw himself over it, using the momentum to fly high enough to get next to Holly, before the Gorilla swung its fists around in a double-axe-handle blow to her, she tried to block with the shield, but again, it was shattered and she was sent spiralling down to the floor. Hal descended through the sky to the empty parking lot, just outside of the warehouse. "Alright, Holly. Just give up the ring, nice and easy."

She opened her eyes and tried to fly, but he quickly snapped a large ball and chain around her ankles, then another to wrists, she struggled in her bonds as Hal moved around to her hands to grab the Ring. As he did, the constructs disappeared, as did Hal's costume. He looked down at himself. "Oh no, not again." He paniced as he looked at her, his clothes almost instantly soaking through as he felt the biting cold. She raised up again, smiling as the alien women appeared around him. "I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE!!!" Hal screamed as he rushed forwards and tried to tackle her, only to be caught in the constructs arms and he fell asleep again. She smiled as she looked down at Hal's sleeping form, before hearing the screeching of tires. She looked around to see Johns cruiser speeding towards her, she quickly had the constructs carry Hal out of the way, before waving the ring and an elephants foot stamped down on the front of the car, crushing the engine and bringing it to an instant halt. She turned back to Hal, only to hear the sound of the door of the car fall off. She turned around again, to see John stumbling out of the car.

"I'VE GOT YOU NOW!!!" John shouted, the rain loud enough to almost drown out his threat. He pulled his gun. "I'm not going to stop hunting you... I'm never going to give up." He said. Holly stared at him before approaching, he pulled the trigger, she easily deflected the bullet. At that point, a Blue light flashed. John and Holly looked around to see Hal and the constructs gone. John took this opportunity to rush and tackle Holly to the soaked ground, splashing on the concrete, he tried desperately to get the ring off of her finger, but she was stronger and not nursing a concussion, getting the upper hand. As she just began to point the ring at John, Hal landed on her in a groggy state, grabbing ahold of her hair and pulling it as John wrenched the ring off of her finger. Holly fell unconscious as well. The pair of them rolled over and lay, painting heavily as the sky pelted their faces with raindrops. "You... Doing good, Hal?" He asked.

"Yup..." He sighed. "Had her on the ropes... Then the ring... ran out of... Juice..." He panted heavily. The indigo ring began to raise into the air. "Aw damn..." Hal grunted. This meant that they would have to do this again later. But for the moment, he was content with just laying and regaining his strength. The Ring looked at John, "Oh... Hot... Damn..." He grunted. "John... Can you run?" He asked. "Because... Give it a... Minute... I think you're... Gonna kidnap me..." He gasped, trying to shift himself to roll over. As the Ring moved towards John, a blue ring of energy appeared around the ring. "Uh oh..." Hal sighed. He rolled over to see where the ball was being generated from, only to see a glowing blue light. He could also see a strange outline, like a man with an elephants head. "What in the..." He sighed. The Indigo ring floated towards the elephant man.

"Excellent." The voice said. "I will keep this safe. Thank you for your help, Green Lantern." The accent was strange, an eastern accent could be heard in it. The rain and the glow of the light made making out faces difficult, but not impossible. He could see tusks, but apart from that, he couldn't see much else. He watched the elephant man take to the skies and fly away Hal watched a gold light approach as he slowly slipped back into unconsciousness.
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