V I N C E N T G I D E O N J A C O B S ♦ M A L E ♦ 2 0 ♦ C E N T R A L C I T Y

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"All roads could lead to Rome...but I'd rather they lead to the bedroom."
A snarky, pain-in-the-ass, happy-go-lucky, turbulent mess of a young man, Vincent is extraordinarily gifted and extraordinarily un-practiced. Aware of his abilities, he's been using them to make his life easy for the past few years, since leaving his drunk of a father, but he's only really scraped the surface of what he's capable of; his biggest enemy is his reluctance to try, in case of failure - and besides, what he can do currently is fine enough to maintain his lifestyle, and with his city being The Flash's home haunt, any fancy showing-off might bring the wrong kind of attention from beings he is woefully under-equipped to deal with.
Vincent liked - or convinced himself he liked - his footloose-and-fancy-free life, and Julian's recent intrusion has been poorly received; Julian's clever architecture design to keep Vincent confused enough to be unable to turn his bedroom door into the main security gate is another particularly irking bugbear. Vincent finds himself at-odds with Julian's objectives, but there is enough of a moral streak in him - or enough spite for his father, who made a point of ensuring Vincent knew he would never amount - to keep him around, regardless of the countermeasures against him. Julian sees potential in Vincent, potential Vincent himself refuses to acknowledge; but silently, he is deeply appreciative of having someone believe in him.
Vincent liked - or convinced himself he liked - his footloose-and-fancy-free life, and Julian's recent intrusion has been poorly received; Julian's clever architecture design to keep Vincent confused enough to be unable to turn his bedroom door into the main security gate is another particularly irking bugbear. Vincent finds himself at-odds with Julian's objectives, but there is enough of a moral streak in him - or enough spite for his father, who made a point of ensuring Vincent knew he would never amount - to keep him around, regardless of the countermeasures against him. Julian sees potential in Vincent, potential Vincent himself refuses to acknowledge; but silently, he is deeply appreciative of having someone believe in him.
A B I L I T I E S:
Vincent is a reality warper. By which I mean, if you take 'The Space-Time Continuum' as a concept, Vincent takes the 'Space' half of said continuum, and turns it into putty in his hands.
Euclidean geometry means very little to Vincent. Pick a point in space; pick another point in space. Do what you want with the space in-between. Shorten it, and fast-step your way 2 miles down the road; lengthen it, and get your daily steps in while you walk from the kettle to the fridge to fetch the milk for your coffee. Darts championship at the local bar? Bend that space in front of the dart, and it'll never not have been on its way to bullseye. Balloon out your pocket space when you really need to shoplift that third case of beer for the kegger house party you're crashing tonight.
Naturally, this is incredibly powerful, and Vincent is practically a physical god walking the Earth...or at least he would be, if he took the time to practice with his powers and experiment with what's possible. Unfortunately, this would require effort, and leave him open to failing an attempt at something, so he has avoided this at all costs. Right now, his powers are limited to spaces he can see, or is extremely familiar with; he can bend, stretch, and shorten space, and alter the space within his pockets and some bags, but isn't capable of much else right now; and he is unable - and unwilling - to mess around with biological matter.
It's Julian's hope that the Renegades might force Vincent to push his limits; it's Vincent's hope that he'll be able to get away with as little as possible.
Euclidean geometry means very little to Vincent. Pick a point in space; pick another point in space. Do what you want with the space in-between. Shorten it, and fast-step your way 2 miles down the road; lengthen it, and get your daily steps in while you walk from the kettle to the fridge to fetch the milk for your coffee. Darts championship at the local bar? Bend that space in front of the dart, and it'll never not have been on its way to bullseye. Balloon out your pocket space when you really need to shoplift that third case of beer for the kegger house party you're crashing tonight.
Naturally, this is incredibly powerful, and Vincent is practically a physical god walking the Earth...or at least he would be, if he took the time to practice with his powers and experiment with what's possible. Unfortunately, this would require effort, and leave him open to failing an attempt at something, so he has avoided this at all costs. Right now, his powers are limited to spaces he can see, or is extremely familiar with; he can bend, stretch, and shorten space, and alter the space within his pockets and some bags, but isn't capable of much else right now; and he is unable - and unwilling - to mess around with biological matter.
It's Julian's hope that the Renegades might force Vincent to push his limits; it's Vincent's hope that he'll be able to get away with as little as possible.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
I've been gasping for OC for a while, and this is close enough. Honestly, enough of my friends are here for me to want to get involved purely on the basis of writing with you guys again, but also I wanted to try and get a little sillier and a little looser and try not to take myself or my writing so seriously, in hopes that it may open the door to just writing more and chopping it up, rather than agonizing over the perfect, most believable, most interesting story-arc, and then never writing it because my plotting is always so much better than my prose.
I figure the answer to that is to throw plotting out the window, and just have some fun with it.
I figure the answer to that is to throw plotting out the window, and just have some fun with it.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Effectively homeless without the Renegades; his powers did give him access to hotel rooms and empty holiday homes after he ran, but though he'd rather stay on the streets than return to his father, he's still not sure the Renegades life is for him, even if Julian is comping room and board.
Julian has set Vincent some pretty rigorous schedules to explore the nature and capacity of his powers. Vincent isn't very good at sticking to them; Julian isn't very good at pinning Vincent down for 'encouragement'. The two have a mutual respect, but find each other equally frustrating at times.
Vincent is one of the only reluctant members of the Renegades, and has no real experience 'in-the-field', so to speak. His abilities give him a natural edge, but half of his prescribed regime is basic combat drills.
Julian has set Vincent some pretty rigorous schedules to explore the nature and capacity of his powers. Vincent isn't very good at sticking to them; Julian isn't very good at pinning Vincent down for 'encouragement'. The two have a mutual respect, but find each other equally frustrating at times.
Vincent is one of the only reluctant members of the Renegades, and has no real experience 'in-the-field', so to speak. His abilities give him a natural edge, but half of his prescribed regime is basic combat drills.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
Short summary of your characters thoughts, feelings and regards for the rest of the cast. Optional and can be added to whenever.