so I think I can let the vampire lord go before me then the elf king and human queen in that order? that way things can get stired up nice and good like
@HEAVY METAL Sorceress, but yeah sort of. lol sorceri have a different life span, according to some tales anyway, than regular ordinary humans. It varies from tale to tale as far as I know.
@HEAVY METAL Sorceress, but yeah sort of. lol sorceri have a different life span, according to some tales anyway, than regular ordinary humans. It varies from tale to tale as far as I know.
Sorcerers depend on magic to live long lives, elves do that naturally in the D&D world. I have a Wizard who started when he was 18 years old, he is still 18 years old thanks to magic and potions, his real age without the aid, is 126. He is human, so he would be dead, maybe lol