Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Madeline sighed.
"You know I am still upset with you for making a decision without me...AGAIN."
She frowned.
"I could have sworn we were supposed to be equals. However...as of late....it has not felt like it."
It looked like a tear was about to roll down her cheek. She was upset for more than just what happened with their daughter. That much would be clear.
"I...am sorry."
She started to turn away.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Galenodel reached out, but pulled his hand back.
"I only want what's best for our daughter."
" When I was her age, I had a lot more studies than she, and my father knew that everything that I learned, would be put to use in my destiny to become King."
He folded his arms across his chest,"Did I get upset, when you wanted to teach her magic?, no I didn't because she needs to learn everything she can, cause one day, We wont be there to help or save her."
Sighing, he added "From now on, I shall speak with you if and when it needs to be, I'm sorry dear."
Galenodel turned and walked away with his hands in his pockets, "I may go and do a little hunting, clear my mind, be back before dark."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Madeline sighed and nodded.
"...Very well...dear."
She took a breath. She walked up to him.

She managed not to sigh again before she kissed him on the cheek.
"Be careful. Do NOT come home with all those cuts and bruises and such like last time. You know I worry."

That loving look was starting to return to her eyes.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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" Yes dear, I will be careful this time....hopefully."
Galenodel strolled outside, and told one of the young stable hands to fetch his horse.
The boy brought his horse, "Goin for a ride today your Majesty?"
"Hunting trip." replied the king.
"Majesty, don't you need your bow and arrows?"
The elf king laughed, he had forgotten to grab his bow, after the incident with Madeline.
"It would seem so.
"I can go get them for you, Majesty."
"Just lend me yours son."
"Yes...oh, yes sir, your Majesty!" Said the boy as he ran inside the barn, and came back with his bow and arrows.
The king examined the bow "Magnificent craftsmanship."
"My father made It for me."
"I shall take good care of it, and I'll make you proud."
"Thank you Majesty, happy hunting sir."
Galenodel galloped away, across the drawbridge, and into the forest.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Madeline sighed as he left.
"I...am sorry, my love."
She frowned sadly and watched him leave.

She headed for the castle gardens after that. She was rather silent for a time. Then, she found herself looking up at the sky. She sensed something amiss, but was not sure what it was, at least, she sensed this after a while.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Allisara nodded as she took in his instruction, having trouble at first but kept her mind open and calm and her breathing free and steady as within the few hours she had the motions down in the same rythm and movement , mirroring Soo Tek with Ease. She enjoyed such things as It was much like dancing with making her movements like breathing, Allowing them to freely flow and follow as instructed.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Galenodel tied his mount to a tree, before he bent down and examined the deer tracks on the ground.
"Fresh, less than ten minutes ago."
He quickly moved thru the underbrush quietly with each step, something that came natural with all elves from the forest.
It wasnt long before the king came in sight of a massive buck sipping water froma creek.
The elven king removed the bow quietly, and notched an arrow.
The sun was setting, and he knew Madeline and Allisara would be worried if he didn't return soon.
He let loose the arrow....*Whooooosh*
The arrow would have dropped the buck had it not been for the large wolf that ambushed it.
The beast was on top of the buck before the deer even knew what was happening.
"Shit!" exclaimed Galenodel.
The beast looked in his direction, then flung the dead buck from it's gaping mouth.
It's piercing red eyes met the Elf's green eyes, and they stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.
Suddenly the massive wolf stood on its hind legs, and the King knew right then, he had crossed paths with a Werewolf.
The elf let loose, one after another with arrows at the beast, which just pissed it off more.
The werewolf howled, it's baneful cry could be heard throughout the countryside.
The chase was on, as Galenodel ran towards his mount, with the beast hot on his feet.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SpaceByn
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Markula watched the king hunt a buck from the treetops. The elf's subtle, almost elegant movements seemed impossible. He breathed in, smelling the blood of everything around, the bland blood of a few rabbits and the buck, The sickly sweet smell of the kings elven blood but above all the stench of lycanthrope blood filled the air. Jean Luc had served Him well but Markula hated the smell of him.

"Good boy." Markula grinned as he watched Jean stalk the king "Now get him."

Jean took down the buck. The king ran towards his horse and Jean let out a howl and followed. Jean caught the king just before he reached his horse. Jean roared in the kings face before howling to celebrate his achievement. The kings face locked in a state of terror.

"Hello Galenadol. How's the family?" Markula Smirked.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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"You....what the hell are You doing on my land?"
The elf king was calm, even his tone with the evil abomination.
" You are trespassing on my land, and if you know what is good for you, you'll take your mutt and go while you can."
The king reached for his sword, but forgot that he left it behind at the manor.
"I may be weaponless, but don't count me out yet, scum."
The elf king chanted in his native tongue, and slowly his body evaporated before the werewolf and his master.
But what really transpired was, the King used misty step along with illusuion magic.
He knew they wouldn't be fooled for long, but it was long enough to get to his mount, and ride like he has never ridden before.
Unfortunately, Galenodel turned to look back, and didn't see the low hanging branch in time.
The king was knocked from his horse, hitting the ground hard, as he laid there unconscious.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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@HEAVY METAL@Hybridjelly@BlackMaiden
Madeline got worried. It seemed like quite a bit of time had passed. She was waiting for him in the main hall, as she sometimes usually did. She frowned. She wondered why he had been gone for so long. She also wondered what could have possibly happened. She was about to go ask someone when a guard ran in and told her about his horse returning all by itself. She almost gasped, and loudly. Something was wrong. She was certain of it. The horse NEVER returned without him!

And so, she followed them outside......
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Allisara spent a few hours relaxing in the garden, after the hard sessions with Soo tek and her other tutors that had been lined up. Allowing the calm gentle day claim her off the nap land. The sound of a gentle control choas rang to her ears bring her back from her sleep land, finding her self to roughing caught the guards speaking with her mother about the fact her father's horse has returned but he didn't. She allowed it to sink in her mind for a few seconds before getting up following after, quickly catching up to her mom "Mom...Where is dad?"she asked wanting to confirm what she possibly feared
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@HEAVY METAL@Hybridjelly@BlackMaiden
Madeline stopped in her tracks. She looked and saw her daughter there. She sighed.
"I am afraid I do not know, my daughter."
She looked, and sounded, as worried, concerned, upset, etc, as she felt. She turned towards the guards. They were ready to lead her to where the horse was.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Allisara looked down and to the left in thought "then...Let me go with you...I can fight, I can help just like the guards and you."she said hoping to come along as much as she felt better to stay, she just didnt want to risk losing both parents for the simple fact, she was no where near ready to run a kingdom. Sure she had been taught some here and there with her various tutors but she wasnt confident in any of her ability to rule over anyone who would actually listen to her
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Madeline sighed.
"I do not think so. I do not want something to happen to you."
She was acting like a mother again. She loved and cared about her daughter. She did not want anything to happen to her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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"But then what is the point of learning any of this slef denfese in the various arts and tutors you both want me to learn. I can learn to my hearts content but if I can't actually use any of it then what is the point. and I-I dont want anything to happen to you or father.Please. I'll stay out of the way and with the guards."She said wanting to go even though she knew her mother was saying now out of pure love and care for her own safety
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Madeline sighed.
"We can not risk you."
She was being a stubborn mother. She was very protective of her daughter. It was going to take a lot of effort if one was to convince her. She was not being convinced easily.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Allisara sighed, knowing she has never been able to convince her mother of much of anything, which in her preceptive was annoying but she knew it was necessary. "Fine.."She muttered in defeat "just be safe and come back soon"she added softly before turning away on her heels back into the castle
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@BlackMaiden@HEAVY METAL
Madeline sighed.
"I just want you to be safe."
She turned to leave.

A guard whispered to the princess.
"Her offensive magic has waned in the last few months, the strength of the spells that is. I am surprised you are not sneaking off to follow after her."
He turned to leave as well.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Master Soo Tek appeared from behind the Queen, "Your majesty, please allow me to find Galenodel, I belive he would want you to stay with Allisara."
He mounted one of the guard's horses,"I shall return with the king, this I swear to you."
He grabbed the reigns of the King's horse.
Master Soo Tek spurred the horse into a gallop, heading in the same direction as the king took.
It wasn't long after, that he came across his first tracks, unfortunately, they were not the King's tracks nor his steed.
These tracks were left by some sort of two legged creature, much like a giant wolf.
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