Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 16 days ago

Sorry to hear that life is trying to keep you down. So please make sure that you dont ever worry about posting if life is throwing jabs at you. Actually, I am more than happy to just chat if you ever need it. Arn can't get all the action lol. I will faithfully wait.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Oh life isn't keeping me down, it just likes to screw up the little plans I do make. Particularly the little work scheduling I try to do.
I had to bring a meeting forward because 1 higher up decided to interfere with our planning. My colleague and I had looked at schedules and taken care of everything, including replacement so people had nothing to bar them from attending, we even planned it after the yearly summer sports weekend, so we wouldn't have any issues with that.
But nope apparently we were in the wrong so the meeting was pulled forward. Any plans I had at that point had gone out the window (free time included).
As I told you before I love writing and my escaping away from 'this world' and I am particularly blessed with such a good fellow writer such as yourself.

So if I am silent for a while, it has usually to do with work being demanding and preventing me from writing.
I love this story and the world and want to take it as far as I can and I am thankful to have you as a co writer.

Also...here is a little song for the unslaught:

*Yes Metal, I'm a lover of good music after all ;)
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 16 days ago

Hey I posted. sorry it is too short. I feel I am not providing much to the RP recently.

regarding the RL issues. I am sorry. As a supervisor myself I hate it when some simple issues are not handled correctly. I feel that I owe my personnel the ability to do their job without me throwing wrenches in them. I exist to guide and train them but I should give them the freedom and trust of doing their job.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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I don't doubt their good intentions nor yours, they just caused a lot of work and in my opinion unnecessary, since we had everything sorted. But since it happened, best to move on and in my case I'll store the 'action/reaction' regarding this whole ordeal.
It has at the very least given me a good sharp insight in how 'they act'.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Now what could be happening here hmm?
Before you ask Arn can tell something is amiss with Eilis, but he can't see what she sees. He just feels her energy is disturbed.
But the battlefield will demand your time as you fly into the warzone again, so questions later...provided that we all make it.
(And no that is not a joke, now don't fret about right or wrong ways to go at this, all I am saying is like a real war the stakes are high.)
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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More troubles brewing on the horizon...
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 16 days ago

Now what could be happening here hmm?
Before you ask Arn can tell something is amiss with Eilis, but he can't see what she sees. He just feels her energy is disturbed.
But the battlefield will demand your time as you fly into the warzone again, so questions later...provided that we all make it.
(And no that is not a joke, now don't fret about right or wrong ways to go at this, all I am saying is like a real war the stakes are high.)

I am so sorry. I feel that you have been carrying the brunt of this RP lately. I just dont know how to best story tell this. I will try to post Tobi's version too. I understand about risks but I hope that my actions make sense. I am working under the assumption that even when she is in that persona, Arn still has some sort of connection to her. I am also inferring that she must run out of power eventually or her body get exhausted enough to make her pass out.

Please let me know any advice you have cus I dont want to feel like my posts are just reactionary and not contributing much to the story you are so marvelously painting.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Oh I am so sorry you feel that you feel you're not doing enough.
I don't feel your posts are reactionary, I always look forward to them eager and curious at the innerworkings of Arn's mind.
Maybe your reactions are more responsive in a sense as of late, but that is because I have to set you up with bits and pieces of plot and information, not tidal-waving you with all sorts of history or lore, so that is doesn't become a 'lore fest' and also because I don't want to spoil too much (which I know I am going to do if I start blabbing; about what happened at the end of the Sorcerer King's final battle or why and how the Sorcerer King came to be in the first place.)

I am still trying to set the pieces on the board so you'll know the players involved.
But you're more then welcome to add more pieces to our little story or add in your own motivations and plotlines (it was why I suggested you'd bring Toby back in) since it will give you another character to shape his goals/future for like I said you can build plots of your own. I mean Arn and Toby must have had plans aside their Shooting Stars occupation?
Naturally Eilis changed all that in Arn's case, but maybe Arn himself has some skeleton's from his past coming to mess things up as well.

Also I hope my explanations of the sides; Vaim's Empire, the Tahjai and the involved individuals are clear enough?
Maybe I should post a bit more background info here in the OC so you can play around with it as well or add your own enemies to our list.
All the puppets I am currently stringing along will have their purpose. Ravros or Scylla aren't easy villains, they're meant to be rather grey, just like Uilles is shown to be fallible.

As for Arn and Eilis. Arn is connected to her, regardless of the other side. The problem is is that 'that other side' currently doesn't care about You, Eilis or Belisio for that matter.

But it can be influenced, talked to, even persuaded, provided you wish to try that out.

You could also go the opposite route strengthen Eilis, this other side is so dominant because Eilis herself isn't. If you strengthen her mentally either by word or magic you can achieve the same thing as well, however keep in mind that this would be a constant struggle for Eilis since it doesn't really accept 'its state of being'. (I know I am being vague but I want to at least surprise you somewhat).

Then there is the let it ride out she'll tire eventually approach.

And last but not least you can go into the Thread and try to battle it there. 'However' I must state that it is pretty much like 'warging' from GOT, you will be entering Eilis's body/mind in order to combat it. Result of it is your magic will also activate the bindings, thus causing pain for her just like 'the other' does when it uses magic.
Also you'll be very vunerable if your body dies in battle you'll be stuck in Eilis as well and you won't be able to help Tyrhallan and Uilles.

Hopefully you don't feel like I am hogging all the storywriting, cause I wouldn't be able to do this without you. Again don't be afraid to go crazy, you might even decide to kill Eilis, but it will be over rather quickly then...
I just hope you don't see our writing as a chore, like something you have to do, but enjoy it as much as I do.
Anyway I rambled on long enough again...
Just let me know what you need of me I will give you as much information as I can without spoiling the plot, unless of course you don't care for surprises I will roll out the entire plot then should you wish to know it before hand.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 16 days ago


It is not your fault and I hope you do not see my comment as assigning blame. I very much enjoy your story telling and am amazed by how much lore you are able to craft. I was just saying that I feel like my contribution is not as much. Please dont feel bad, I will try to do better so that we are both contributing to this project.

I have been having a bit of hard time trying to come up with decent players but I will try to come up with something. As you know, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are usually the time I have the most time to dedicate to playing so I do apologize if my replies are not so quick.

I will try to keep the RP interesting by throwing curve balls at you as much as you are throwing them to me lol. Keeps me on my toes.
I definitely do not see our writing as a chore and I do enjoy it very much. so much in fact that sometimes I forget I am part of it and want to see what you will come up with next lol. And dont ever feel like you ramble, you can ramble. I will never ask you to reveal hints of the plot, it like being surprised. I think I just want to be able to surprise you too.

So I ask you the same question you asked me and let me know what you need so that you can feel that this RP is worth your time.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Well, take your time for your posts, I'm quite busy and occupied with work too, but I am going to hopefully help you somewhat by adding some more lore and extra stuff in this tab this weekend.
I have been mulling over a taste of music, a soundtrack for the character involved, so you may expect that too.
Still working on my map, since the first didn't sit right with me with how it looked, but yeah I'll try and post a good deal of that stuff this weekend.

As I have stated before I draw a lot of inspiration from the Dark Crystal and showed you the clip of the emperor before. So don't be surprised to see some influences in here.

As you've also added Alexa and Toby to the mix, I quite enjoyed their post and am curious whether you'll keep them as side characters or whether they will have a whole storyline for themselves. It would be fun to be able to properly split the party up and allow them to discover more of this world as we continue.

So for now posts that are coming up: Tyrhallan, Eilis and Uilles/Ravros as well as 'one other person' aswell.
What I need from you is give your thoughts and ideas on the Lore I'll submit this weekend, your speculations up until this point as to what is going to happen with everyone and...

Also I need you to roll a die for me. Just an ordinary die will do and tell me the number.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 16 days ago

Also I need you to roll a die for me. Just an ordinary die will do and tell me the number.

IF dnd has taught me something is that the above request often leads to death lol. Ok cool. I will also try to work on Lore and submit it so that we can both create the world. One question I do have is the Tajai are like a ruling cabal of wizards in charge of the Viemese empire or are they an order all on their own? I am guessing the Tyren is the leader of the coven where scyllia comes from and Eilis escaped from? Has any of the girls ever gotten pregnant by the Tyren and if so, what happens to the children?

I look forward to your posts and I will try to be better at posting. I am not sure what will Happen to Alexa and Toby yet but I think they can be interesting as long as they last.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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As for your other questions:

The Tahjai currently are an order of magic users (though not every magic user is automatically part of the Tahjai)
They have several divisions but I'll explain that a bit better with the lore expo.

Whilst they have great power and dominance, they do not rule the Empire, but manipulate quite a great deal behind the scenes.

The Teryn is basically another word for Lord/Nobleman & it is also a title for the leader of representative of a house/family.
So currently Scylla's master is the young Teryn Varros Avitus, since Eilis killed his father Teryn Balbus Avitus.
As for the girls, the 'covenstudents' they are essentially sold into slavery, their parents often are promised wonderful lives, whilst in fact most 'common magic users' go to these covens, depending on their skill or talents. They are observed at these places and there they determine what happens to the students. Whether they will serve a patron or family or whether they follow a more rigorous path with the Tahjai order itself becoming enforcers and such.
Most get sold into slavery though.
As for getting pregnant by the Teryn's well naturally it happens, but it is frowned upon by the right society, depending on the situation they decide what to do. Sometimes they kill the baby in the womb, other times they wait for it to be born and dispose of it then. But there are also more 'gentle-hearted' Teryn's that merely send the child away or sell it off into slavery as well. Technically they are his property so he can do with it what he likes.

One extra thing though: Scylla and Eilis did not go to the same coven. Scylla is also quite a bit older her path in life has been rather turbulent.

Also if you should need me to play Alexa to have some more romance time for Toby you'll just need to let me know.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Broken Skies Lore.

A 100 years ago the world was transformed, because of a last great War between the powers that be.

A 100 years ago the Sorcerer King, the Emperor of the Viemese Empire was defeated.
In a final attempt of spite he pulled down the moons from the Heavens and caused the great destruction of Ith.
Continents were torn and blown apart and for a moment it seemed as if all life would be lost.
But the core of the planet held and the magnetic field shifted to find its stability again. Whether by luck or sheer tenacity the planet held on. Though most of it was blown into space and the planet was but a shadow of its former self.

Water became a scarcity, Air dominated and filled its place to be known as the Layers of Sky. The Layers of the world.
New continents and islands floated and the world and the remnants of those that survived tried to rebuild or maintain their power.

Kingdoms and Countries reshaped and reformed and the world would never be the same again.

So it is recorded by the Chronicler Kantenay of Illitiah.

The Different Countries of Ith:

Capital: Olysium
A fairly large, stable and wealthy kingdom, its wealth lies mostly in their resource of sweet water and sustaining water wells.
Forged around intertwined bonds of allegiances and known for its battle prowess.
It was one of the few places Vaim hadn’t attempted to sack yet, due to its reputation and strength.
Ruled by a King and Queen and a cast of noble families that kept the peace and order through the ability to rise in station within the Kingdom, through the Mage and Knighthood’s, it maintained strong defensive abilities.
But when Vaim’s great conquering began, refugees fled to them, assimilating into Belisian society by taking on the lowest jobs they still had to prove themselves and were quite shunned by society.
Its main power are the Knights and Dragon riders, accomplished fighters swearing themselves and pledging their lives to defend the kingdom. Still very feudalistic in nature it has maintained a crude balance amongst the tides of war and change.
Though accepting of Mages, they have always had a good deal of prejudice against them, finding their strength deceiving and unnatural. Those that show signs of the gift often have a difficult road ahead for them, since they don’t actually have a recognized station at court, unlike their counterparts the Knights. Mere individuals of great capability and strength are allowed to spend time at Court and loyalty must be proven first.

Capital: New/Old Victus
A rather turbulent Empire, once it was a relative large but weak nation, its rule was placed into the hands of a child Emperor who would be advised by the most powerful orders within the Empire.
The Nobles, The Magical order and The Common Man.
Each would supply representatives and advisors to speak for their faction.
The Nobles did most of the ruling, strategizing and maintaining order. The Magical Order was focused on representing magic and ways for it to be used to the advantage of the Empire. They were also those that helped with the recording of history and laws. They helped the Nobles govern and brought a more spiritual side into the argument, trying to maintain a balance to counter the clinical and cutthroat thinking.
And last were the representatives of the Common Man, often well-spoken business men of low birth or farmers. They would report on the troubles brewing within the Empire or stop the Nobles from grasping too much power.
But all of that changed as their lands became less and less resourceful.
Scarcity arose and the balance in power shifted.
People spoke of a curse that plagued the land, one that would alter Vaim’s history forever…
The Child Emperor the symbol of innocence and unity, grew sickly and perished.
For the people this was a great loss, their symbol of hope and life, their spiritual leader was gone.

A power vacuum suddenly appeared and the factions were eager to take their chance for change.
Within the Magical Order voices whispered more ambitious tones and spoke of radical thoughts, whilst others clung to the traditions and truths of the past.
A split happened creating those that called themselves the Faithful (Ahj-an-dhali) and the Reborn (Tahjai) and they became bitter rivals of one another.
This grew to such extremes that they actively sought to oppose the other side regardless of their intent.
In those turbulent years the Faithful managed to ally themselves with some of the more prestigious Nobles.
Their intention was that they would create a Republic, they would return some freedoms to the people, offer them a ray of hope in those dark days.
Vaim would become a place of freethinkers and intellectuals, a place for those with the ambition and will to rise, a place where there would be justice and education, a place where poverty would become a thing of the past.
They would drag the crumbling Empire out of its misery and promise it a future it would have seized all on its own…
Unbeknownst to them the Tahjai had noticed their plans and realized that if they wished to maintain their level of power they would have to undo themselves of their greatest opponents.
They warned the lower Nobles and the more gullible of the Common people of a coup that they (the Faithful and some of the more prominent Nobles) would perform, they lied and manipulated the truth to fixate their hold on the ‘truth’ of the matter.
A purge followed.
The Lower Nobles went to challenge the more powerful houses, they tore them down and destroyed them. Whilst the other Noble Houses resisted, they were used as scapegoats their names dragged through the mud and family members sold off into slavery.
The Commoners were send against the Faithful, the individuals dragged from their home and brought to the Tahjai to receive punishment for their treachery, if they were lucky. Most of them were beaten to death, hung or murdered terrible ways.
Through all the chaos the Tahjai and the New Noble houses started making laws and reconstructing society, eventually becoming known as the Vindicated. (The Xulnorpate)
5 of the most power houses would rule, the lesser houses would attempt to gain strength and try to unseat one of the 5, whilst the Tahjai had more or less earned their immunity.
They told the Teryns they could rule the Empire, all the Tahjai wanted was to focus on their studies and on those that possessed the gift of the All Mother. They promised they were always willing to offer assistance or advise on matters and that they would be preferred to be seen as one entity instead of different individuals.
Sated on their newly promised power the Teryns took it without thought or question.
They didn’t bother The Tahjai and soon enough started their expansion of their territory.
The Common Man, thoroughly mislead and betrayed, attempted to rise up, but were beaten down harshly and told to serve the great Empire.
Voices of dissent disappeared, public examples were made and compliance was rewarded occasionally to keep the people silent and obedient.
People were forced to promise loyalty and service to the Empire. Becoming essentially slaves to the system…
After a while unwavering loyalty was all that remained, no one being around to remember the crimes of the past or to be able to find and read the true history of the Empire instead of the ‘history that was taught’.
And so it went for decades even a couple of centuries…until a new figure rose to power…

When the Sorcerer King rose up and appeared he at first was a Hero of the Common Man earning their loyalty first, with his honour and courage and offering the Viemese someone to root for.
Alarmed the Nobles at first weren’t sure what to make of him, but as he started to grow his own followers and promising them a more prosperous Future, some of the Nobles started switching sides. The Tahjai not being fools had already allied themselves with him as well and so the relatively corrupt Empire formed and altered into a motivated superpower hell bent on ‘Claiming their Right’. And so his need for conquest and subjugation began
The man had a vision and a goal in mind for his Empire and soon enough they officially crowned him as their Supreme Ruler, their Emperor, though he never accepted that title and preferred to be known for his first title The Sorcerer King.
He started with a few small nation states first to test their battle readiness, before taking on the bigger fish in the pond and those quickly fell, swallowed and assimilated by their hungry war-machine.
Revendahl was next and its destruction would unify the rest of the Nations of Ith to band together and try to defeat this terrible evil.
Ultimately they succeeded, though no one knows what really happened the day of the cataclysm, when the Heavens fell and created the world anew.

Capital: Sensaridh (Mound of the All Mother)
A smaller neighbor of Vaim, once independent and spiritual hub of the World. It was ruled by the Scholarly, Wanderers of Ith. The Druids of Revendahl ruled with relative ease, being the spiritual leaders for the common folk and gifting them opportunities to learn and study when the individuals sought them out and showed promise.
Village elders and Guild leaders would come to them for advice, counsel and blessing. They healed the injured and sick when they could or would tend to them, bringing them into their sacred Palace known as Ezoiya (The Hearth).
All that is gone now, with merely ruins remaining.
Vaim sought to make an example of them, crushing them beneath their boot.
Whilst the Druids and their followers held them off for a while in the end they were no match for the might that was thrown at them.
Whilst the Rhevendahli were enslaved and forced into Vaim’s Empire, the indoctrination began, the Tahjai made sure to find every single magic user that would be born from this conquered people knowing that through these means they could maintain control and dominance.

Capital: Hyfell
A small group of islands that form the nation Illitiah, that helped by being part of the allegiance in the war against the Sorcerer King.
Ruled over by Zeraphina Stormgard, the appointed leader of the ‘Floating City’ and the Lightning Garde. A stubborn old lady that helped her people find a place within the Broken world of Ith.
Harnessing the power of Lightning they are able to move their nation, turning them into Sky-farers, wanderers and traders of the Skies.
They are rather skilled techno-mages, combining both to their own advantages, such being the first to have electricity and were the ones capable of capturing lightning and harvesting water. They are also one of the more free spirited people of Ith.

Capital: Sternecrans
A nation of relative size, mysterious and not much known about them.
It is ruled by someone called the Anchor.
It is said they value the rule of Law, Faith and Order and that it is maintained by the Senechai.
Others that know them either sing their praises or curse them all.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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As a little side joke, now you know what I imagine they sound like:


Eilis: Sophia Myles

Tyrhallan: Craig Parker

Arn: ?

Uilles: Ciaran Hinds

Ravros: Bill Nighy's

Scylla: Catherine Zeta Jones

The Sorcerer King: Robin Atkin Downes (Nergal)

Tourmaline: Ralph Fiennes

Teryn Varros Avitus: Dan Feuerriegel
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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The Tahjai.

Once they belonged to the Order of Magic users of Vaim, before they split themselves off seeking more power and control as well as more freedom.
The leaders of the Tahjai, several powerful archmagii decided that if they were to win this war for dominance from their rivals the The Faithful they needed to kill off any allegiance to its teachings.
So they declared them traitors and claimed the children gifted with magic as quickly as they could.
The younger the better…That way they could stamp out any opposition.
There were those that the Tahjai formed, but that did not necessarily mean they became part of the Tahjai themselves. The order was rather particular in accepting new blood.
They could be divided into several groups.
The Enforcers, these were those on the ground doing the menial tasks of maintaining order and checking new potential magic users.
Then there were the Educators, they could be leaders of covens or schools, instructors within the wealthier families.
There were the Imperii, the judges and magical priests, they performed rituals or judged criminal cases involving magic.
The Battlemages were different set, though often found crude by their fellow Tahjai, they were the ones who were given command over others and free reign, allowing them to pass judgement as they saw fit, regardless whether the Imperii agreed upon it.
And then there were the Scolare, the eternal students, scholars and scientists who were not afraid to get their hands dirty in order to satiate their own hunger for knowledge.
Their stronghold is known as Waelwold, a place of terrible rumours, a place where even death itself would have trouble finding you. By the time it had, you had already longed for its embrace over and over again.
All those that were born with magic would serve the Empire, if not as a Tahjai then as a simple servant or even slave to a master.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 16 days ago

I Just came back from visiting a family friend who is in critial condition cus of Covid. I will look over what you wrote and will formulate a response. It may be a bit slower that normal but I will make it happen. Hope you and yours are staying safe during this crazy D strain.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Having seen and experienced Covid in our elderly home up close twice I know your thoughts might not be to writing right now.
Be assured I can wait.
Focus on your family friend, stay safe yourselves.

Most of my family already have had their vaccinations with in our case a wide range of variety: I and my Mother have Pfizer due to availability and me working in healthcare and my work offered us the opportunity to get the first wave of shots.
My sister in law has had one shot Astra Zenica and one Moderna (before the news came up that the Astra Z gave some complications to those under the age of 50/60 and she herself was too late for the first rounds of vaccinations) my Dad had Astra Zenica (He got his jab from the local MP/Village Doctor. My husband (Pfizer) and Brother received theirs (second jab) last month.
We live quite rural, with a lot of the folks already having had it during the first and second wave or already having had their shots, but if it comes it comes... we'll have to see how to deal with it then.

Maybe a too personal a question but did he /she turn critical quickly?

Stay safe and again take care of your loved ones and family first, I can wait.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 16 days ago

Hey, so update and to answer your question. Yes she had a previous condition of Cerebral Palsy so she got really sick very quick. Her husband had it too and he had bad pulmonary effects but was able to recover in a few weeks.

Unfortunately, he passed day before yesterday. Thank you for your concern. She was a close friend and though I get bouts of sadness and tears I know that there is not much I can do other than support her family. I am sure the sadness will never go away and that life goes on.

I am glad you and yours are vaccinated. I wish you the best and safety.

I will post when I can, her funeral is next week.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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It is never fair when death claims so quickly, when you can't really say good bye and feel rather helpless and distraught in the aftermath.
Your grief will stay with you, try to remember the good times so that her memory isn't tainted, keep that as your core memory of her.
At least that is my way of coping with death maybe it will help you too.
I am sorry for your loss and offer you my condoleances, though the words might seem hollow, you're always welcome to talk or vent if you need to.
And I hope the funeral will run smoothly with fair weather, as I said take your time, I'll keep myself busy, though I still need that dice roll (wink)

As for my family, well it is pretty much all we can do up until this point. It is not like the disease will go away from it considering the fact that you still might be carrier and pass it on, but at least I hope that this way they're better protected against the more extreme effects of it. Hopefully you and yours are still well.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by TheMerlin
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@Omni5876 I had no idea you've been dealing with this heavy of a burden this whole time... I can't imagine how terrible it must feel right now, but like @deia876lat, I'm here if you want to talk.

Also, this comes a bit late, but I just want both of you to know that how things ended with Broken Skies is no one's fault but my own. I started the roleplay with a lot of half-baked ideas and simply couldn't decide what to set in stone when the time called for it. Moreover, I couldn't decide where to go after we left off, whether it was to keep the focus on our characters at the time or move to a new setting with new characters. There was probably nothing wrong with having both, but for some reason I thought it had to be one or the other and in the end, it was my own indecision that stalled the roleplay. I think you guys have faced similar challenges before judging by the gaps in activity here, but the difference is that the both of you overcame them. I failed. That's all there is to it.

@deia876lat, I promise you, you did not mess things up. You were a driving force for the roleplay and I'm grateful for it. Grateful still for continuing it here with @Omni5876. I'm glad my ideas didn't go to waste and I deeply regret not saying all this so much sooner. I've actually been meaning to for a while now, but just kept putting it off and putting it off and, well, at some point it felt like it was too late. It was only out of idle curiosity that I came here to check how things were going and after reading up on some old posts, I realized I should have just spat it out months ago.

Now that I'm here, I guess I should just lay out the rest of what I've been putting off. Bit late for it, I know, but you're both free to use my characters as your own if you want and I came up with a reason for why medieval things are still hanging around despite all the advanced tech going on: any weapon, piece of armour or clothing that is repeatedly imbued with ki over time will eventually inherit a portion of their owner's power. This means that ancestral equipment would be particularly powerful, even in the hands of an ordinary person, mage or ki user without a focus on imbuement, but they'll lose their stored power if neglected for too long, so at some point they'll need to be 'recharged' in a sense.

I have a few more final notes, but I'd like to send em through pm to you @deia876lat, if you don't mind. What with you being the gm and all. On that note, I should probably also mention that I've considered rebooting Broken Skies. Many times actually, I was a bit torn between doing that or working on my new roleplay, but after everything I've read here, it wouldn't be right to reboot and ignore everything you've built up with Jewel of the Skies. I'm also now committed to working on my new roleplay, so with all things considered, I just wanted to say that it's all you from hereon out @deia876lat. You are the captain now.
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