<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
*Maximizes it*
*you see a man with what appears to be twin lances*

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
*Maximizes it*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>
Shinji: not a problem... If I had been available, I could've done more saving. You did well in calling me, thank you.
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>
*you see a man with what appears to be twin lances*
<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>
hmm.... Can you fight? Rather, are you a skilled fighter?
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
...Sure. I'll talk to you later.
*Hangs up*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
*Raises an eyebrow*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>
Oh, It seems like 'Yari' has been dispached. Hopefully he survives.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
*Nods, my expression becoming stoic once more*
Of course. I would not live up to my true potential if I could not, although I specialize in hand-to-hand combat specifically.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
What are his chances?
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>
.... not likely, but he is a great placeholder for shinji. He will buy us time.
<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>
...I see. We of the Amaranthine challenge you. If you win in combat against one of our own, we shall leave this planet to its own self-assured destruction. If we prevail, we shall free your people of the shackles of their rulers.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
Shinji will figure something out. He has to.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
*Ponders for a moment, then smiles*
*My eyes take on a dangerous glint as the joy leaves my face*
But you'll lower yourself to my level. Show me that even in a lesser state your self-proclaimed potential shines true, that way even if you beat me I will gladly accept your rule. This means that you cannot use Amaranthine of course, nor anything above, say, a superhuman level to fight me. That also includes any items you may have on your person which could affect the outcome...
*Pauses, my gaze locking with yours*
Do we have an agreement?
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>
-..... we hope. For now, let's get moving towards our destination. Our meeting with the IA could very well effect the entirety of existence, and is of utmost importance....
<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>
To stop using the Amaranthine would to simply seize to exist. Isnt the point you are trying to make is that you are better than us as is? That you dont need our power to be better? Or are you admitting that you are weaker than those among the amaranthine? As far as items such as weapons, our fighters are just as good without as is with. They need not a weapon to win a fight.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
Ah, and there it is. Now we truly have no need to fight.
*Chuckles, then runs a hand across my face with a sigh*
You're powerless without your precious Amaranthine, and thus not worth my consideration nor time. How utterly...
*Turns and walks away, taking notice of the mysterious new arrival as I do so*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
*Rests a finger against my lower lip*
This will be close. No matter what happens.
<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>
*as you turn around, a man in full night armor excluding the helmet forces your head into the ground*
King: you talk and try to persuade a lot, for someone who claims to be able to reach their full potential. Show me what that talk really means.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
Very well.
*Plants my hands against the ground and slowly pushes myself up, gaining speed with every inch gained until the weight seems to lose all effect on me. From here I turn and rush head long towards you, my fingers poised to pierce both of your eyes*
<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>
*as you rush me, I sidestep and knee you in the chest with incredible force*
Rushing headlong into a battle you can't predict? Interesting.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
*Takes the hit surprisingly well as I plant both of my hands against your leg near the hip and push myself upwards into a scorpion kick, my heel flying right into your jaw*
Adaptation is just as important as a well formed plan. But surely you already knew this?
<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>
*flips my bead back to avoid the blow as best I can, and thrusts open palms into both of your sides*
Quite the martial artist.