Name : Shade Raymore
Age : Unknown
Race : Space Nexus Dragon
Powers or abilities
- Shade is able to control white flame also known as soul flames that burns past your skin and muscle and bone and goes straight to what keeps you alive
- Shade is very knowledgeable and very secretive, able to speak to his brother in a language others do not know if they don't want others to know
- Shade glowing white eye is able to see into the future, or the past of anyone he comes in contact with
- Shade is skilled in almost every known way to battle, rarely being caught off guard

Name : Splinter Raymore
Age : Unknown
Race : Void Dragon
- hard to express emotions
-Very hostile to new people
-hard to get along with
-Curious creature
- Realistic
- Solar winds - Create micro solar winds or blast around him, winds up to 210MPH
- Screech of Insanity - His screech can cause those that can't block it out to go insane
- Eyes of Terror- Looking into his eyes create the immediate reaction to flee or run away
- Primordial Magic - Knowsn very dangerous and very old magic
- Pure true Darkness - Makes others be inside of a void of actual true and real darkness, something no one can escape from.