Name: Darcy O'Connel
Age: 21
Birthplace: Limerick,Irleand
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Reltionship: Open for pre-existing
Bio: Darcy was born in Ireland but didnt spend long there as her family moved to America before she was even two years old. She spent her childhood being ridiculed all throught school until she met a group of friends in highschool that made her feel like she belonged. While growing up, Darcy often watched horror films and even started sudyung the occult as a teenager. She also discovered she had a talent in writing, persuing writing courses in college with the goal of becoming an author. When it comes to P.I.C.S. Darcy would never give up, not only was this a childhood dream she was close to acheiving, but it was a promise she made all of her friends.
Likes: Punk Music, Weed, Acid, Skateboarding and Candy
Dislikes: Suits(Narcs), Government talk, and Snobby people
69'Pontiac Trans Am

Name: Darcy O'Connel
Age: 21
Birthplace: Limerick,Irleand
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Reltionship: Open for pre-existing
Bio: Darcy was born in Ireland but didnt spend long there as her family moved to America before she was even two years old. She spent her childhood being ridiculed all throught school until she met a group of friends in highschool that made her feel like she belonged. While growing up, Darcy often watched horror films and even started sudyung the occult as a teenager. She also discovered she had a talent in writing, persuing writing courses in college with the goal of becoming an author. When it comes to P.I.C.S. Darcy would never give up, not only was this a childhood dream she was close to acheiving, but it was a promise she made all of her friends.
Likes: Punk Music, Weed, Acid, Skateboarding and Candy
Dislikes: Suits(Narcs), Government talk, and Snobby people
69'Pontiac Trans Am