Name: Alexis Target
Alias: Blitz; Ms. Target
Age: 45
Position: Headmaster, Ki Instructor
Years at School: 18
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Mutant
Natural/Racial Abilities: superior than human durability to blunt force trauma; increased natural healing; superior than human speed, strength, and hyper awareness (i.e. almost a sixth sense that allows her to navigate her surroundings without needing to rely on her eyesight, can even help her identify who may be around her without looking, and act as kind of a “danger sense”.)
Height: 5’5
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red-orange
Distinguishing Features: Scar across her left eye from hairline to cheek bone, piercing red-orange, X shaped scar across her back, barcode tattoo on the back of her neck just at the base of her hairline
Appearance Notes: While she doesn’t look like much overall, looks are generally deceiving. Outside of class, she dresses as most would attribute an administrator would, but for class - she dresses for movement in training shorts and sports tanktop that show her muscle tone she otherwise hides. She wears sunglasses most of the time, both to hide her scar and just cover up a recognizable face. It’s exceptionally rare to see her smile.
Magic Type: Ki
Magical Focus: She’s known for being a pretty much savant of all things Ki, though healing seems to be just as painful for the recipient as it is draining for her - so she leaves any healing training for Ms Harper.
Brief Personal Overview: Cold and stern are just two of the things students have noted about her. She doesn’t have much for sense of humor, and has a low tolerance for rule breaking. She does, however, understand the need for kids to be kids and doesn’t put as strict and expectation on her staff to uphold her level of vigilance for delinquency, but any that are caught do not see easy punishment at her hand. She has always been very goal oriented, and as an instructor gives instructions as succinctly and clear as possible; she seems tough on students, but that’s mostly tone of voice over an overemphasis on perfection. While she does adhere to the school's no smoking policy, students that leave campus have seen her exit the grounds to fuel her nicotine habit with a cigarette or two each day.
Alexis and her twin sister - Sophia - had normal childhoods for the most part. Until they were teens, anyway. Their parents were away a lot and they spent their early years in boarding schools, until they were finally brought home. Or, rather, not home but a lab. It turned out their parents had been working with an organization that was trying to mimic superpowers in ordinary humans and they had a part to play. Genetically modified and experimented on, she wished to block out the worst of the years they spent testing and training her to utilize her powers. They came easily to her, her sister was not so lucky. The experiments killed Sophia where they hardened Alexis. By the time the program was brought to public light in ‘93, there was not much left of the normal kid she had once been - but a hardened soldier. The program was quickly shut down, and she spent the next year of her life being evaluated by the LVA while working with a member of the Legion of Hope to verify she wasn’t going to pose a threat to anyone after the pain she endured.
Fast forward a few years and Alexis has been operating as Blitz. When the LoH received word there were rogue planes headed to destroy major landmarks - Blitz was the first to respond. She made headlines, much to her chagrin, for taking down the two targeted at the WTC while her mentor Dawnstrider - a telekinetic that had been working with the LoH since the cold war - managed to stop the one aimed at the Pentagon. When Anepool Academy for the Gifted was first opened, she started off as just an instructor, working with students to learn Ki abilities while still operating as a hero with the Legion of Hope. As time went on, and the LoH wanted to keep a heavier hand at the academy; the original one was getting old and needed to retire. Alexis was the obvious choice, already protective of the students and staff at the school and vigilante to make sure their school security was top notch. She became acting headmaster in 2013, officially took over as headmaster in 2014, and has been in the role ever since.

Name: Wayne Coleson
Age: 33
Position: Civics, & Speaking/Writing/Research Teacher, as well as school legal council and runs a few clubs
Years at School: Alumni + 6 years.
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Natural/Racial Abilities:
Height: 6’1
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Features: 3” scar on the right side of his jaw, his glasses
Appearance Notes:
Magic Type: Ki & Personal
Magical Focus: Force Fields, Telekinesis, and Persuasion - the exact limits of which are not known to the students or newer staff as he generally only uses small portions of his magic when desired - generally only the force fields and telekinesis at that.
Brief Personal Overview: A laid back, almost apathetic teacher - Mr Coleson tends to be a favorite of students that don’t enjoy daily homework assignments and standard tests that require studying. He prefers assignments and tests that show active knowledge of the curriculum, and delivering engaging lectures over just reciting information from books and giving tests that require tons of studying. Many find that they can slack off in his classes but just engage in parts they enjoy and still do well; homework counts for so little as do tests, that it’s easy to maintain a B+ so long as you just do projects and speak up every so often in class.
He was kind of an enigma as a student. While he was a social butterfly, no one ever really knew what the real truth was of anything of his home life. His father was a lawyer with rumors of connections to several different crime families in Anepool and beyond but nothing was ever conclusive; his mother was more mysterious with no one ever really certain exactly what she did or who she worked for given her entire life was essentially top secret. They died his senior year - yet another mystery he never let the truth come to light.
When he graduated from AAG, he set his sights on what people assumed was following in his father’s footsteps of going to a top school and eventually getting a law degree from Harvard law. What they didn’t foresee was that he majored in secondary education and would apply back at AAG to be part of its legal team as well as an instructor. While he continues to keep much of his life a mystery, there is no small secret that there is an aura to him that helps act as a warning to anyone that actually manages to break through his laid back personality and actually trigger an angry reaction.

Name: Damian Smith
Alias: Glitch, Mr D
Age: 34
Position: Head of Security
Years at School: 18
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Mutant
Natural/Racial Abilities: Can see electromagnetic wave lengths, and hear noises produced by such frequencies even if they aren’t visible. Nervous system was augmented to alter how his brain processes pain, making him able to keep going without realizing he’s injured (and thus can make something minor into a serious injury). Susceptible to DoS if someone overloads the frequency he’s accessing.
Height: 5’10
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Scarring all over his body, most notably on the inside of his right wrist, as well as a minor spasm in his right arm that makes his hand twitch every so often
Appearance Notes: He hides a well toned muscular physique under - typically - jeans and a plain t shirt, with his always present jacket. Outside of his office, he generally also wears a compression sleeve on his forearm and a fingerless compression glove on his right hand to help reduce the amount of twitches he experiences.
Magic Type: Personal
Magical Focus: Electromagnetic transducer - can intercept communications and encrypted messages with his mind. He can bypass encryptions and access any type of frequency - it just is a matter of time. Can only focus on one wave at a time, and closed circuit communication requires him to be on site at a terminal to access, but otherwise can use this ability to bypass firewalls/encryptions/password protections/etc with relative ease.
Brief Personal Overview: A very open and friendly person despite his role, Damian has never hidden much about himself. He started with Anepool Academy for the Gifted as soon as it opened its doors. As a student, he helped design the state of the art security system that keeps the students and staff safe from prying eyes, and after graduation stayed on to eventually become the head of campus security.
For how social and kind he may seem, there is a darker side to this staff member though. When he first started attending, it was kept secret what his homelife was. Until he became comfortable enough to talk about it. The truth of the matter is, he didn’t have one. He was a test tube baby, conceived and raised in a government funded experiment program trying to custom make metas in the hope of creating indoctrinated, loyal super soldiers. His formative years were spent learning more than just reading and writing, but in learning multiple languages and various skills related to espionage and combat.
But his powers gave him an advantage the others in the program didn’t have - he had access to the outside world. This was what led to the end of that experiment program, and his eventual freedom. So as he developed in Anepool Academy, he sought to continue his efforts to stop metahuman experiments. He is outspoken against experimentation on meta-humans, and runs a club for students that have experienced discrimination due to magics, as well as offering to be a confidant to students that may have been abused as well.

Name: Dakota Harper
Alias: Ms Harper
Age: 25
Position: Art Teacher
Years at School: 3
Gender Identity: Female
Race: human
Natural/Racial Abilities:
Height: 5’8
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Honey Brown
Distinguishing Features: Her skin tone and beaded hair, as well as her heirloom choker and bracelet.
Her ruddy tan skin tone darkens the more time she spends out in the sun - typically taking on a nice, rich mahogany color during the warmer months. Long black hair falls in layers to roughly her lower back; chin length bangs frame her high cheek bones and oblong face. Sections of her hair are braided with beads and leather thread - both beads and leather in white, blue, red, and black- and left to hang down along with the rest of it. She also wears a choker and bracelet both designed with beads that are far more faded than the ones she uses in her hair.
Modest bust and slight curves are typically covered up/down played during the school year with conscious wardrobe choices; generally it’s nice blouses with cardigans/long cardigans matched to flowing skirts or sometimes knee length sweater dresses and properly coordinated leggings. She prefers comfortable flats over heeled shoes - more likely to wear slip on shoes or flat soled boots over sneakers; aside from just being comfortable, it helps keep her from feeling too tall since she stands five foot eight already. Rarely seen without a smile on her lips, even if it is a tiny one, when it brightens it can even put a sparkle in her honey brown eyes. She doesn't wear much makeup, generally just some black eyeliner to accentuate her almond shaped eyes and a nice natural lip stain a shade or two darker than her natural color; if she does spruce it up, generally it's just adding in a nice rustic color for a smoky eye effect.
Modest bust and slight curves are typically covered up/down played during the school year with conscious wardrobe choices; generally it’s nice blouses with cardigans/long cardigans matched to flowing skirts or sometimes knee length sweater dresses and properly coordinated leggings. She prefers comfortable flats over heeled shoes - more likely to wear slip on shoes or flat soled boots over sneakers; aside from just being comfortable, it helps keep her from feeling too tall since she stands five foot eight already. Rarely seen without a smile on her lips, even if it is a tiny one, when it brightens it can even put a sparkle in her honey brown eyes. She doesn't wear much makeup, generally just some black eyeliner to accentuate her almond shaped eyes and a nice natural lip stain a shade or two darker than her natural color; if she does spruce it up, generally it's just adding in a nice rustic color for a smoky eye effect.
Magic Type: Ki
Magical Focus: Healing
Brief Personal Overview: A warm and friendly person, she is kind of a free spirit and gravitated toward a teaching position as an art and music teacher over what many would assume would be a better suited job as a school nurse. While her classes do get the standard ‘traditional’ instruction most would attribute to art and music taught in most schools, she also enjoys introducing the styles she grew up with and incorporating more than just standard teaching methods for all the classes she teaches.
While she is a meta-human, she didn’t go to Anepool prior to coming here to teach. Instead, she lived in a small town just off the Cheyenne reservation her mother grew up on, with her parents and twin brother - Neka. While her maternal relatives weren’t happy her mother married a non-Cheyenne, they still helped her mother raise them with a strong sense of heritage and Cheyenne traditions. This included learning from her grandmother when Dakota took an interest in the holistic medicines her grandmother used to treat sick tribe members, and actual healing when her family felt it was appropriate to start teaching her more. While they wanted her to stay and continue to assist the medicine women with work on the reservation, Ms Harper felt too free spirited to be locked into such responsibility. Instead, she went to college to be a teacher - originally planning to just teach at a local college before being offered a position at Anepool Academy. Adjusting to life in such a big city was hard for her, but she adjusted quickly.
While she doesn’t actually work with the school nurse staff, she does assist from time to time when there is a serious injury at the school. She is always willing to help out a student that is feeling under the weather but doesn’t want to actually see the school nurse - but usually offering up only her holistic medicine instead of store bought medication - and has an open door policy for anyone just looking to chat.

Name: Alexandra Reed
Alias: Ms Reed, Cortex
Age: 30
Position: Director of Admissions; Teaches tech classes
Years at School: 6
Gender Identity: Nonbinary
Race: Human
Natural/Racial Abilities:
Height: 5’4”
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: right eye is slightly red-ish due to being cybernetic
Appearance Notes: She dresses however she feels, generally preferring pants and a nice top to business suits. She does dress business formal for special occasions (such as first day of school.) She lost her right eye when she was younger and has replaced the missing eye with a cybernetic one to regain full visual ability. She likes having her nails painted, but not much else for makeup, and generally does it with whatever color she happens to feel like at the time. Some weeks she sticks with the same color Monday through Friday, while others she may change her nail polish every day.
Magic Type: Intellect
Magical Focus: Tech - her specialty is organic replacement, but she helps with teaching basic tech and blueprint drafting. She helps students that look to get into med tech stuff in advanced classes and has classes that are both for Intellect based magic tech and non-magic classes relating more to vocational lab tech training.
Brief Personal Overview: Ms Reed may seem short with students despite her best efforts to try to be approachable as a teacher, but it’s more in how she phrases things with an expectation they understand the material at hand, over needlessly explaining it. She never takes issue with needing to explain if someone asks for it, but it does take someone raising their hand to ask the question or stay after for an explanation rather than her realizing someone might not be on the same page as her lesson. It can be very apparent this woman has more than one thing going on in her brain at a time, and while her classes never seem unfocused, basic level classes may end see her skip steps of instructions and need to go back over them because she neglected to say those steps out loud.
Alexandra was always a studious child, progressing ahead in school faster than her peers. She was on the fast track to graduate by the time she was 14, and had her sights set on becoming an astro-physist or study quantum mechanics or a geneticist, until a fateful day when she lost her eye. She would have loved for it to be some big dramatic accident that led to its loss, but unfortunately the tale is much more mediocre; she wasn’t paying attention while on a hike with her family and a tree branch caught her in the eye. The doctors did the best they could, but the damage was too severe to help her retain her vision beyond just seeing the difference between light and shadow. The loss of her eye sparked her to shift gears and dive into a vastly different field of biomechanics. She still graduated as scheduled, but had become focused on recovering what had been taken from her. By the age of 16, she had crafted her own working eye and corresponding brain chip to ensure it functioned; it was installed in her a year later. She still holds the patent to that, and several other cybernetic prosthetics she developed for survivors of wars and other misfortunes and licenses them out with explicit instructions for them to be produced and provided affordly through a charity she set up with her father and his employer called Life Lines, which provides these prosthetics to those in need for free* (*exceptions do apply, but the vast majority qualify.)
Instead of proceeding into that career, though, she was intrigued by Anepool’s School for the Gifted. She hadn’t attended it, but a lot of what she heard about it and those with gifts for magic made sense to her. She visited a few times on tour, spent a week auditing classes, and decided that was what she wanted to do - teach others that were gifted. She got her teaching degree and ended up with a double major in business administration. The school, at the time of her application, wasn’t looking for teachers, and she was hired as part of the admissions department. Two years ago, they came in need of a tech teacher and she took on that role as well with plans to fully transition over into being just a teacher next year when she finishes training her replacement.

Name: Col. Yuri Kovalenko
Alias: Col. Kovalenko, Col. K, Mr K.
Age: 46
Position: Head of Auxiliary Security
Years at School: 2 Months
Gender Identity: Male
Race: Human
Natural/Racial Abilities: natural athlete, expert marksman, trained in several forms of hand to hand combat, speaks multiple languages
Height: 6’6
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: A few scars, but mostly the look in his eyes of someone that has seen way too much
Appearance Notes: He has a couple of scars scattered on his body from wounds sustained during his time in the military, as well as from having his appendix removed. He keeps his body in great shape and while he’s abiding by the request to not remain visibly armed, he is never without a weapon.
Magic Type: -
Magical Focus: -
Brief Personal Overview: A rather stoic person, people have noticed it tends to be difficult to elicit a proper emotional response from him. He keeps conversations on track, and only as long as necessary. If there is small talk to be had, he’d prefer silence. He is always attentive though, studying situations and working out strategies with them. When there are tempers flaring, he keeps a level head and is one of the first - if not the first - to step in to de-escalate when the situation calls for it.
Yuri’s parents defected from the Soviet Union to Canada in 1960. His father negotiated to become an American asset in exchange for citizenship for him and his wife. Shortly before the birth of their first child, they were awarded their citizenship. His father continued to work with the US government for most of his life, while his mother ran a daycare to help with the raising of Yuri and his 4 older siblings. Most of his life was mediocre, being taught to stand up for himself and what he believed was right, to not let others push him or anyone else around, and such being drilled into his head by his father and mother. He showed the same teachings on the school grounds - often disciplined for taking decisive action against bullies.
While his brothers went off to pursue other careers and only signed on with the National Guard, Yuri sought to follow in his father’s footsteps and enlisted in the military. There, he received specialized training, and after rising through ranks, was offered an opportunity to join the US branch of the IPL. In 2009, he began his work with the IPL. While not as physically intensive as his former tasks, it gave him opportunities to use more of his skills than before. Until the highly secured task that saw him acting as a hands off overseer of a special project. While he wasn’t directly involved with the subject, he was one of the commanding officers overseeing Subject X-40012010-Σ. He - like others - was not pleased with the decision to allow the lifeform out into public, around school children, and volunteered to set up a task force to oversee it be safely done. As part of it, he acts as point for the IPL agents - both scientist and military assets - that have come to assist in ensuring this experiment go smoothly, and has taken on the role of being the head of the auxiliary security force. As such, while his task is ensuring the experiment is successful, he has agreed to assist Mr. D and other school security in de-escalating problems and ensuring the safety of the students outside of his IPL requirement.

Name: Arilyn Coleson
Alias: Mrs Coleson
Age: 35
Position: School Psychologist
Years at School: 5
Gender Identity: Female
Race: Human
Natural/Racial Abilities: Multilingual
Height: 5’8
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray
Distinguishing Features: Freckles
Appearance Notes: She doesn’t like to wear a lot of makeup, sticking mostly to lip gloss if anything, and tends to only do the bare minimum of using some moisturizers to keep her skin soft and a good cleaning routine to keep blemish free. Outside of that, she likes jewelry, but nothing too flashy and will generally dress to her mood with a preference to a colorful, comfortable wardrobe that can be seen as fashionable in its own eclectic way than anything standard like business suits.
Magic Type: Personal
Magical Focus: Empath - innately senses the emotions of those around her; she has honed this gift to be able to identify which emotions belong to which individual, and can completely block herself off from feeling other people’s emotions. She also can use her empath abilities to enable others to feel the emotions of someone else.
Brief Personal Overview: A friendly and open person, she enjoys being around others. She likes to brighten the mood of others and sees to it to try to help those that may seem down. Helping others makes her happy, and she is always willing to set up time to talk to anyone and everyone that wants to stop in, whether it be about adjusting to life in the school or having a difficult time with a class or even just trying to figure out prospects for after graduation. Like many of the teachers, her door is always open and if it’s not (because she’s already speaking with someone) - she has a drop box right next to it for the person to leave their information and she will reach out as soon as she is free.
Arilyn grew up an only child to two very career oriented, well off parents. She never wanted for anything - material wise - and had the best care and education growing up. That didn’t stop her from being lonely. At school, she felt isolated from many of the others - many treating her as an outcast for not having the same superiority complexes they did. It wasn’t until she started experimenting with magic in her free time that she found she had a knack for Empath magic. That became a game changer in high school, when she could secretly use it on the elitist others and realize they were as phony as they sounded. It also sparked a desire to understand the workings of the human psyche and put her on the path that got her to where she is today.
She met her to-be husband while in college. The way her magic didn’t quite have the same effect on him that it did on others intrigued her and was what initially sparked their relationship. She was still working on her post-graduate degree when Wayne started working at Anepool, and after looking into multiple ways to apply her doctorate, she settled on applying to Anepool as well as an adjustment counselor. She took over the role of School Psychologist last year after the previous one - Dr Drakof - left for a teaching position at Oxford.