Squid Game
This roleplay is going to be based on the T.V. show "Squid Game" along with my twists to make it not fully the original thing. The host and Frontman will be played by me or as non-player characters. This will help me be able to interact with all of you without playing the games myself ~ I like to watch.
Speaking of watching, this roleplay does not require you to have any knowledge about the Squid game or anything to do with it. You will be perfectly fine not ever watching the T.V. show if you do not want to; it will help you if you do have prior knowledge.
This will be a fair game, meaning if your character dies in the game, they are dead. We will decide this by rolling dice for each game or other tactics that make it fairer than not.
- You can have as many characters as you want
- Characters can die by permission or overseeing of the admin (me.) If you do not want your character to die, you might not want to make a character for this game/roleplay.
- No one-liners. Please write above 150 words each post.
This is an idea for now, and I hope we can make this happen guys!