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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zealz
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Zealz Charlotte

Member Seen 8 days ago

<Snipped quote by Zealz>

There were a few maps from upstairs that I managed to grab... I think I can find my way through these lands... But I'll have to rely on these people... Outdated knowledge may be the end of me. Luckily, the magic here works very similarly to magic in my world.

Exiting? I can make a path if need to be. And I know our way back.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Online

@Dark Cloud@Fractured

*Honestly, it was only the fact that my senses were basically gut punched by an overwhelmingly pure source of immateria that gave me any warning at all.*

What the fu-

*A familiar, white-rimmed gap in space opened beneath me, even as my armor sprang forth in the same moment my soul mutation whirred to life at stage one, eyes flashing green with a single black spoke rotating around each pupil. Between my suddenly quadrupled reflexes and the flaring thrusters on my armor's soles roaring to life, I had all the time in the world to reorient and reach for the edge of Doormaker's porta- My body rocked forward from a strike to the back of the head.*


*I'd certainly been hit harder before, but despite my armor nullifying the pain and most of the kinetic energy of the blow, my midair positioning meant I had none of the normal footing I'd need to just take such a hit and be utterly unmoved and unfazed. As a result, I found myself hurtling through the portal and impacting the ground with explosive force before I could so much as blink, Overclock not yet anywhere near ramped up enough to perceive the speed of my own forced movement.*


*Two seconds had passed. Overclock whirled into stage two, a second spoke rotating around each of my pupils, as I ripped my arm free with enhanced strength from where it had been imbedded firmly within the soil. Glancing up, I barely managed to contain a snarl at the sight of the black-costumed woman with a grey tower emblazoned across her chest.*

Alexandria! What the hell?!

*The frigid bitch didn't seem to deign me worthy of a response, as Doormaker's portal disappeared without so much a whisper. I felt my jaw dropping open in disbelief, as I looked around, half dazed, at the vast and thickly-grown expanse of flora around me. My eye twitched, as I felt at the immateria around me, boggled by its utter purity, even as a kernel of rage built in my gut. I knew, because I could feel it, dammit, feel the very core of this seemingly untouched world around me, a land, a planet so untouched by mortal hands that it was palpable. There was no point denying it. I'd just been banished from my home dimension... again!*


*The sheer purity of the immateria was all I needed to feel to understand the truth of the matter, and there was no point in giving myself pointless hope, not when- OHWHATTHEACTUALFUCKISTHAT?! My skin almost burned from the- the Presence. And indeed, it quite deserved the capitalization. Once I'd sensed it, I almost couldn't imagine how I'd possibly ignored it before. Despite this planet being the richest source of immateria and spiritual energy I'd ever sensed in my life, it utterly paled in comparison to the Presence. This thing was practically to the planet what the planet was to me in terms of energy, and even that was merely the best comparison I could make with such a limited grasp of scale. Even now, I suspected I was lowballing it, as I resisted the urge to bodily cringe from the equivalent of having my nonstandard senses locked into staring at the sun.*

Cauldron, you fucking assholes, you better pray I don't ever find a way back to you. Just sweet motherfucking baby Bhuddha, I was ready for a damn vacation! I swear to shit, if it's a third fucking world-ending plot I have to foil in a row, I'm going to probably scream... and give due consideration to having a cry.

*Overclock whirled smoothly into stage 4, and I decided I probably wasn't going to be deactivating it anytime soon, as I grit my teeth and began trekking through the greenery towards the source of the Presence. As I did, I was drawing immateria from nature and the planet around me as fast as I could spend it, even with both my armor and Overclock V4 active. Under normal circumstances, my reserves might struggle to support both at once -and certainly had on fucking half-dead Earth Bet, but here, on this fresh green world? In this situation, I could potentially even maintain Overclock V5 completely indefinitely, and by the time I finally reached the Presence, I would be at my absolute best. Speaking of which..."

Well now, I'm hardly sure what I was expecting, but a castle seems a bit out of place without a society to support or build it. Then again, if this thing is as strong as it feels, nothing is off the table as far as capabilities. For all I know, it sneezed the damn thing into existence.

*I hummed aloud, as the outdated structure swam into sight several minutes into my walk. Overclock V5 was by now humming merrily, my body jittery like it was filled with static electricity. With the absolutely ungodly amount of immateria I was currently drawing from the environment and pumping through my form, even the Presence wasn't so utterly overwhelming to my senses with the planet's energy wrapped around and within me. That said, however, I still couldn't help but be omnipresently aware of it at any given moment, no matter how much effort I put into turning my attention elsewhere. My senses were simply too attuned, too sensitive to such things. Though, given that I'd managed to tune the feeling down to a low simmer instead of a fry, it no longer felt like my body was legitimately cooking in a spiritual sauna. The Presence was warm, in a way I couldn't quite recall ever sensing before... Or rather, if I had, it was so rarely that I couldn't remember it. Walking up to the gates of the keep, I debated the merits of walking in with Ex-caliber drawn and its seals at least partially released and then dismissed the notion. If there was a fight to be had, I wasn't Prideful enough to assume myself the victor. Better to avoid one at all. And if I was wrong, really, what was the worst that could happen? Death? Been there, done that.*

Once more, unto the breach...
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Dark Cloud@Fractured

*Honestly, it was only the fact that my senses were basically gut punched by an overwhelmingly pure source of immateria that gave me any warning at all.*

What the fu-

*A familiar, white-rimmed gap in space opened beneath me, even as my armor sprang forth in the same moment my soul mutation whirred to life at stage one, eyes flashing green with a single black spoke rotating around each pupil. Between my suddenly quadrupled reflexes and the flaring thrusters on my armor's soles roaring to life, I had all the time in the world to reorient and reach for the edge of Doormaker's porta- My body rocked forward from a strike to the back of the head.*


*I'd certainly been hit harder before, but despite my armor nullifying the pain and most of the kinetic energy of the blow, my midair positioning meant I had none of the normal footing I'd need to just take such a hit and be utterly unmoved and unfazed. As a result, I found myself hurtling through the portal and impacting the ground with explosive force before I could so much as blink, Overclock not yet anywhere near ramped up enough to perceive the speed of my own forced movement.*


*Two seconds had passed. Overclock whirled into stage two, a second spoke rotating around each of my pupils, as I ripped my arm free with enhanced strength from where it had been imbedded firmly within the soil. Glancing up, I barely managed to contain a snarl at the sight of the black-costumed woman with a grey tower emblazoned across her chest.*

Alexandria! What the hell?!

*The frigid bitch didn't seem to deign me worthy of a response, as Doormaker's portal disappeared without so much a whisper. I felt my jaw dropping open in disbelief, as I looked around, half dazed, at the vast and thickly-grown expanse of flora around me. My eye twitched, as I felt at the immateria around me, boggled by its utter purity, even as a kernel of rage built in my gut. I knew, because I could feel it, dammit, feel the very core of this seemingly untouched world around me, a land, a planet so untouched by mortal hands that it was palpable. There was no point denying it. I'd just been banished from my home dimension... again!*


*The sheer purity of the immateria was all I needed to feel to understand the truth of the matter, and there was no point in giving myself pointless hope, not when- OHWHATTHEACTUALFUCKISTHAT?! My skin almost burned from the- the Presence. And indeed, it quite deserved the capitalization. Once I'd sensed it, I almost couldn't imagine how I'd possibly ignored it before. Despite this planet being the richest source of immateria and spiritual energy I'd ever sensed in my life, it utterly paled in comparison to the Presence. This thing was practically to the planet what the planet was to me in terms of energy, and even that was merely the best comparison I could make with such a limited grasp of scale. Even now, I suspected I was lowballing it, as I resisted the urge to bodily cringe from the equivalent of having my nonstandard senses locked into staring at the sun.*

Cauldron, you fucking assholes, you better pray I don't ever find a way back to you. Just sweet motherfucking baby Bhuddha, I was ready for a damn vacation! I swear to shit, if it's a third fucking world-ending plot I have to foil in a row, I'm going to probably scream... and give due consideration to having a cry.

*Overclock whirled smoothly into stage 4, and I decided I probably wasn't going to be deactivating it anytime soon, as I grit my teeth and began trekking through the greenery towards the source of the Presence. As I did, I was drawing immateria from nature and the planet around me as fast as I could spend it, even with both my armor and Overclock V4 active. Under normal circumstances, my reserves might struggle to support both at once -and certainly had on fucking half-dead Earth Bet, but here, on this fresh green world? In this situation, I could potentially even maintain Overclock V5 completely indefinitely, and by the time I finally reached the Presence, I would be at my absolute best. Speaking of which..."

Well now, I'm hardly sure what I was expecting, but a castle seems a bit out of place without a society to support or build it. Then again, if this thing is as strong as it feels, nothing is off the table as far as capabilities. For all I know, it sneezed the damn thing into existence.

*I hummed aloud, as the outdated structure swam into sight several minutes into my walk. Overclock V5 was by now humming merrily, my body jittery like it was filled with static electricity. With the absolutely ungodly amount of immateria I was currently drawing from the environment and pumping through my form, even the Presence wasn't so utterly overwhelming to my senses with the planet's energy wrapped around and within me. That said, however, I still couldn't help but be omnipresently aware of it at any given moment, no matter how much effort I put into turning my attention elsewhere. My senses were simply too attuned, too sensitive to such things. Though, given that I'd managed to tune the feeling down to a low simmer instead of a fry, it no longer felt like my body was legitimately cooking in a spiritual sauna. The Presence was warm, in a way I couldn't quite recall ever sensing before... Or rather, if I had, it was so rarely that I couldn't remember it. Walking up to the gates of the keep, I debated the merits of walking in with Ex-caliber drawn and its seals at least partially released and then dismissed the notion. If there was a fight to be had, I wasn't Prideful enough to assume myself the victor. Better to avoid one at all. And if I was wrong, really, what was the worst that could happen? Death? Been there, done that.*

Once more, unto the breach...

*The doors swung open themselves.*
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Online

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*The doors swung open themselves.*

*I couldn't help flinching at the sudden occurence, as my hands jerked towards the reflexively opened shoulder-flaps of my armor. But after nothing further occurred, I cleared my throat and tentatively stepped inside, the hilts of Bakuhatsu and OWCH retracting back within my armor's storage.*

Right. Cool. They know I'm here, because of course they do.

*In hindsight, there's no way they could possibly miss me if they had even half-decent sensory abilities. The sheer amount of immateria I was channeling could have twigged even an untrained normie's senses, and it's not like the Presence's senses were hindered by themself. Taking the invitation for what it was, I stepped into the castle's bounds, frowning at the lack of population within, as I made my way deeper, following my senses towards the epicenter of the overwhelming energy.*

I swear, Cauldron, I ever see you again, we are going to have a lot more than words...
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fractured
Avatar of Fractured

Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*I couldn't help flinching at the sudden occurence, as my hands jerked towards the reflexively opened shoulder-flaps of my armor. But after nothing further occurred, I cleared my throat and tentatively stepped inside, the hilts of Bakuhatsu and OWCH retracting back within my armor's storage.*

Right. Cool. They know I'm here, because of course they do.

*In hindsight, there's no way they could possibly miss me if they had even half-decent sensory abilities. The sheer amount of immateria I was channeling could have twigged even an untrained normie's senses, and it's not like the Presence's senses were hindered by themself. Taking the invitation for what it was, I stepped into the castle's bounds, frowning at the lack of population within, as I made my way deeper, following my senses towards the epicenter of the overwhelming energy.*

I swear, Cauldron, I ever see you again, we are going to have a lot more than words...

*Drops down in front of you, meeting your face with mine, hanging upside down from a chandelier*
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
Avatar of Dark Cloud

Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*I couldn't help flinching at the sudden occurence, as my hands jerked towards the reflexively opened shoulder-flaps of my armor. But after nothing further occurred, I cleared my throat and tentatively stepped inside, the hilts of Bakuhatsu and OWCH retracting back within my armor's storage.*

Right. Cool. They know I'm here, because of course they do.

*In hindsight, there's no way they could possibly miss me if they had even half-decent sensory abilities. The sheer amount of immateria I was channeling could have twigged even an untrained normie's senses, and it's not like the Presence's senses were hindered by themself. Taking the invitation for what it was, I stepped into the castle's bounds, frowning at the lack of population within, as I made my way deeper, following my senses towards the epicenter of the overwhelming energy.*

I swear, Cauldron, I ever see you again, we are going to have a lot more than words...

*Turns in an armchair resting by a fireplace set in a chamber full of musty tomes and dusty artifacts*
Welcome, and good day...Collin is it? Have a seat.
*An armchair opposite to me materializes.*
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
Avatar of Lewascan2

Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Online

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Drops down in front of you, meeting your face with mine, hanging upside down from a chandelier*

*Despite Overclock being fully ramped up, I almost didn't notice the blue-haired girl dropping towards me until she was right on top of me, such was the absolutely stifling existence of the Presence and the ridiculous amount of immateria I was running across my own senses. That said, even though I only noticed her at the last possible second, even a second was a very long time in the face of my Overclock V5 senses, and it was fairly trivial to step back and put a meter or so between myself and her intended destination. I moved carefully and very much nowhere near my current maximum speed, as at this stage, it could be difficult to keep a safe hold on my own physics interacting with my surroundings. To say the least, considering my movement during Overclock V4 alone could make the air explode from simple friction, I had to move at a truly glacial pace to my own perception. The... rather odd -and objectively pretty- girl finished her movement, as my own resolved, and I couldn't help a fairly lame and confused response.*


<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Turns in an armchair resting by a fireplace set in a chamber full of musty tomes and dusty artifacts*
Welcome, and good day...Collin is it? Have a seat.
*An armchair opposite to me materializes.*

*My eyes flicked towards the fireplace and the admittedly compelling decor, spying a figure I'd almost taken for a prop when I entered the room, were it not for the absolutely ludicrous energy they were casually emitting just by existing. A... skeleton... Okay, not the weirdest thing I'd ever seen, but now that I thought about it, it was honestly pretty up there. Top spot was still reserved for the sociopathic genocidal alien space whales though.*

So... you know who I am? You've certainly got me at a disadvantage.

*I eyed the conjured chair warily but strode over and carefully sat regardless, unwilling to needlessly offend the Presence. Combat-wise, things already weren't looking good for me. The chair had appeared effectively between one frame of reality and the next. Instantaneous conjuration alone could be a hard counter to me, depending on what the limits of his conjuration were.*
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fractured
Avatar of Fractured

Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Fractured>
*Despite Overclock being fully ramped up, I almost didn't notice the blue-haired girl dropping towards me until she was right on top of me, such was the absolutely stifling existence of the Presence and the ridiculous amount of immateria I was running across my own senses. That said, even though I only noticed her at the last possible second, even a second was a very long time in the face of my Overclock V5 senses, and it was fairly trivial to step back and put a meter or so between myself and her intended destination. I moved carefully and very much nowhere near my current maximum speed, as at this stage, it could be difficult to keep a safe hold on my own physics interacting with my surroundings. To say the least, considering my movement during Overclock V4 alone could make the air explode from simple friction, I had to move at a truly glacial pace to my own perception. The... rather odd -and objectively pretty- girl finished her movement, as my own resolved, and I couldn't help a fairly lame and confused response.*


<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>
*My eyes flicked towards the fireplace and the admittedly compelling decor, spying a figure I'd almost taken for a prop when I entered the room, were it not for the absolutely ludicrous energy they were casually emitting just by existing. A... skeleton... Okay, not the weirdest thing I'd ever seen, but now that I thought about it, it was honestly pretty up there. Top spot was still reserved for the sociopathic genocidal alien space whales though.*

So... you know who I am? You've certainly got me at a disadvantage.

*I eyed the conjured chair warily but strode over and carefully sat regardless, unwilling to needlessly offend the Presence. Combat-wise, things already weren't looking good for me. The chair had appeared effectively between one frame of reality and the next. Instantaneous conjuration alone could be a hard counter to me, depending on what the limits of his conjuration were.*

*Waves in response, and walks behind you during your stride to the chair, remaining upside down and suspended by nothing, as if the level of the chandelier were the true floor for me*
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
Avatar of Dark Cloud

Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fractured>
*Despite Overclock being fully ramped up, I almost didn't notice the blue-haired girl dropping towards me until she was right on top of me, such was the absolutely stifling existence of the Presence and the ridiculous amount of immateria I was running across my own senses. That said, even though I only noticed her at the last possible second, even a second was a very long time in the face of my Overclock V5 senses, and it was fairly trivial to step back and put a meter or so between myself and her intended destination. I moved carefully and very much nowhere near my current maximum speed, as at this stage, it could be difficult to keep a safe hold on my own physics interacting with my surroundings. To say the least, considering my movement during Overclock V4 alone could make the air explode from simple friction, I had to move at a truly glacial pace to my own perception. The... rather odd -and objectively pretty- girl finished her movement, as my own resolved, and I couldn't help a fairly lame and confused response.*


<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>
*My eyes flicked towards the fireplace and the admittedly compelling decor, spying a figure I'd almost taken for a prop when I entered the room, were it not for the absolutely ludicrous energy they were casually emitting just by existing. A... skeleton... Okay, not the weirdest thing I'd ever seen, but now that I thought about it, it was honestly pretty up there. Top spot was still reserved for the sociopathic genocidal alien space whales though.*

So... you know who I am? You've certainly got me at a disadvantage.

*I eyed the conjured chair warily but strode over and carefully sat regardless, unwilling to needlessly offend the Presence. Combat-wise, things already weren't looking good for me. The chair had appeared effectively between one frame of reality and the next. Instantaneous conjuration alone could be a hard counter to me, depending on what the limits of his conjuration were.*

I know you also come from my favorite reality, Earth too.

*Tips top hat in greeting as you take a seat, an ornate cane in my other hand rests on the arm of the leather-bound upholstery of the seat.*

This is my dimension, I'm aware of everything in it.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Online

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Waves in response, and walks behind you during your stride to the chair, remaining upside down and suspended by nothing, as if the level of the chandelier were the true floor for me*

*I raised a single brow at that, but my attention was -rather unintentionally granted- fairly dominated by the Presence sitting across from me. That said, simple politeness dictated I favor her with a small two-fingered wave of my own, still being careful not to move too quickly, lest I superheat the air. My gaze flicked back towards the skeleton, but even now, I was struggling to reach my senses out towards the quirky girl, trying to get a feel for her own energy even through the utter tsunami before me.*

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

I know you also come from my favorite reality, Earth too.

*Tips top hat in greeting as you take a seat, an ornate cane in my other hand rests on the arm of the leather-bound upholstery of the seat.*

This is my dimension, I'm aware of everything in it.

*Omniscience? Why was I even surprised at this point. Every time I finally became the big fish, I'd get thrown into a brand new pond where I was at the bottom again. Combine even just that power with his instantaneous conjuration, and this utter monster of a being could be considered the closest thing to utterly invincible that there was. If he didn't want you to reach him, you weren't reaching him. It didn't matter your size or numbers, his sheer sensory range meant he had the advantage every time... assuming his reaction and perception speeds were similarly up to par... and also his conjuration range for that matter.*

You're from an Earth? I wouldn't doubt it. I've been to two thus-far -well, maybe three if you count Cauldron's base, but that's beside the point. My original home and the last were two very different places on both a cultural and power level, so I have to say that, in hindsight, I'm not exactly shocked someone like you could exist.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fractured
Avatar of Fractured

Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Fractured>
*I raised a single brow at that, but my attention was -rather unintentionally granted- fairly dominated by the Presence sitting across from me. That said, simple politeness dictated I favor her with a small two-fingered wave of my own, still being careful not to move too quickly, lest I superheat the air. My gaze flicked back towards the skeleton, but even now, I was struggling to reach my senses out towards the quirky girl, trying to get a feel for her own energy even through the utter tsunami before me.*

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>
*Omniscience? Why was I even surprised at this point. Every time I finally became the big fish, I'd get thrown into a brand new pond where I was at the bottom again. Combine even just that power with his instantaneous conjuration, and this utter monster of a being could be considered the closest thing to utterly invincible that there was. If he didn't want you to reach him, you weren't reaching him. It didn't matter your size or numbers, his sheer sensory range meant he had the advantage every time... assuming his reaction and perception speeds were similarly up to par... and also his conjuration range for that matter.*

You're from an Earth? I wouldn't doubt it. I've been to two thus-far -well, maybe three if you count Cauldron's base, but that's beside the point. My original home and the last were two very different places on both a cultural and power level, so I have to say that, in hindsight, I'm not exactly shocked someone like you could exist.

*Stands on the tips of my toes to poke you in the cheek twice, then skips toward Alna and does the same to him*
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
Avatar of Lewascan2

Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Online

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Stands on the tips of my toes to poke you in the cheek twice, then skips toward Alna and does the same to him*

*Having been unable to avoid her without leaving my seat, I resisted the urge to flinch away violently from the girl, who was still walking upside-down and defying gravity quite nicely. Maybe it was just paranoia, but some of the nastiest powers I'd ever encountered relied on touch. Luckily, I was, as far as I knew, utterly immutable physically and mentally. If that was intended to cause some sort of change, it should wash off me like water on a duck's back... But again, paranoia. The skeleton certainly didn't seem bothered by her oddities, but then again, he was so powerful that she was probably as little of a threat to him as I was. I really had no reason to assume malice beyond being uncomfortable with my lack of control in this situation... I still performed a personal sensory self-diagnostic however, just in case.*
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fractured
Avatar of Fractured

Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Fractured>
*Having been unable to avoid her without leaving my seat, I resisted the urge to flinch away violently from the girl, who was still walking upside-down and defying gravity quite nicely. Maybe it was just paranoia, but some of the nastiest powers I'd ever encountered relied on touch. Luckily, I was, as far as I knew, utterly immutable physically and mentally. If that was intended to cause some sort of change, it should wash off me like water on a duck's back... But again, paranoia. The skeleton certainly didn't seem bothered by her oddities, but then again, he was so powerful that she was probably as little of a threat to him as I was. I really had no reason to assume malice beyond being uncomfortable with my lack of control in this situation... I still performed a personal sensory self-diagnostic however, just in case.*

*Gazes at you, but instead of making eye contact, focuses on a spot just behind your eyes*
*Points at you and a cartoonish question mark materializes above my head*
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
Avatar of Lewascan2

Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Online

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Gazes at you, but instead of making eye contact, focuses on a spot just behind your eyes*
*Points at you and a cartoonish question mark materializes above my head*

*Markedly perplexed, I couldn't help turning my head to briefly glance behind me, just in case she was looking at someone else I also couldn't sense through the skeleton's spiritual deluge. Nothing popped up, so with a small frown, I raised a single brow at the girl and the... literal 2d question mark that manifested above her head, like she was some kind of silent Disney film character. Her gaze continued to look almost... past me, despite being quite focused on me specifically. I voiced my confusion.*

What is it?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fractured
Avatar of Fractured

Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Fractured>
*Markedly perplexed, I couldn't help turning my head to briefly glance behind me, just in case she was looking at someone else I also couldn't sense through the skeleton's spiritual deluge. Nothing popped up, so with a small frown, I raised a single brow at the girl and the... literal 2d question mark that manifested above her head, like she was some kind of silent Disney film character. Her gaze continued to look almost... past me, despite being quite focused on me specifically. I voiced my confusion.*

What is it?

*Rolls my eyes and sighs before reemphasizing the gesture, swirling the question mark once around your head before returning it to me*
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
Avatar of Lewascan2

Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Online

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Rolls my eyes and sighs before reemphasizing the gesture, swirling the question mark once around your head before returning it to me*

*A frown overtook my features, as I had no real context for what she was getting at. Furrowing my brows, I considered what I did know. She'd gestured to my head with her little construct, which meant... She wasn't looking past me; she was looking at my brain... mind? What did that have to do wi-? I paused. My paranoia was... actually right for once?*

That poke was meant to do something, wasn't it?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
Avatar of Dark Cloud

Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fractured>
*I raised a single brow at that, but my attention was -rather unintentionally granted- fairly dominated by the Presence sitting across from me. That said, simple politeness dictated I favor her with a small two-fingered wave of my own, still being careful not to move too quickly, lest I superheat the air. My gaze flicked back towards the skeleton, but even now, I was struggling to reach my senses out towards the quirky girl, trying to get a feel for her own energy even through the utter tsunami before me.*

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>
*Omniscience? Why was I even surprised at this point. Every time I finally became the big fish, I'd get thrown into a brand new pond where I was at the bottom again. Combine even just that power with his instantaneous conjuration, and this utter monster of a being could be considered the closest thing to utterly invincible that there was. If he didn't want you to reach him, you weren't reaching him. It didn't matter your size or numbers, his sheer sensory range meant he had the advantage every time... assuming his reaction and perception speeds were similarly up to par... and also his conjuration range for that matter.*

You're from an Earth? I wouldn't doubt it. I've been to two thus-far -well, maybe three if you count Cauldron's base, but that's beside the point. My original home and the last were two very different places on both a cultural and power level, so I have to say that, in hindsight, I'm not exactly shocked someone like you could exist.

I'm not from an Earth, nay son I'm from here where we sit.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fractured
Avatar of Fractured

Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Fractured>
*A frown overtook my features, as I had no real context for what she was getting at. Furrowing my brows, I considered what I did know. She'd gestured to my head with her little construct, which meant... She wasn't looking past me; she was looking at my brain... mind? What did that have to do wi-? I paused. My paranoia was... actually right for once?*

That poke was meant to do something, wasn't it?

*Deadpans, glancing at the skeleton before returning my gaze to you with a sigh and shaking my head*
*The question mark morphs into a clock winding backwards, before popping out of reality; I point at myself and make a zipping gesture across my lips, followed by a twist of my wrist at its completion—after the expression, I point at you and the question mark reappears*
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

*Deadpans, glancing at the skeleton before returning my gaze to you with a sigh and shaking my head*
*The question mark morphs into a clock winding backwards, before popping out of reality; I point at myself and make a zipping gesture across my lips, followed by a twist of my wrist at its completion—after the expression, I point at you and the question mark reappears*

Oh by-the-by my good guest, my dear friend is mute.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fractured
Avatar of Fractured

Fractured Foxtrot

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

Oh by-the-by my good guest, my dear friend is mute.

*A victory bell ring echoes throughout the chamber*
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