A Song of Ice And Fire - The Bleeding Years

It is 74 years since the Doom of Valyria, and Westeros and Essos are still dealing with the consequences of the disaster.
In the North, the Starks of Winterfell fend off attacks from the Wildlings and rival kingdoms. King Edric Stark, the Spring King, is blessed with a seemingly-able son, Torrhen, and a realm in good order except for the occasional Wildling raid. Through him and his son run the blood of the First Men, which would not brook submission to those mixed with the blood of the Andal Invaders. Facing them are the Arryns of The Mountain and Vale, whose hostility towards him and his line are absolute. Tracing their lineage to the very foreigners of Andalos the Starks are opposed to, the Arryns strive to maintain a beacon of chivalry and martial might that honor their lost homeland, forever gone. But their King only has a daughter, the ten-year-old Sharra Arryn, and thus his house's hold on the throne is endangered.
To the south, the Riverlands are under the control of interlopers from the Iron Islands, who are spending blood and treasure to build the Castle of Harrenhal in order to glorify King Harren Hoare, their oppressor. King Harren intends to make this castle last forever, a testament to his glory and that of his family. The growing power of the Iron Islanders is opposed by Argilac Durrandon of the Stormlands, whose strong arm, backed by fierce and loyal men, is spent trying to fend off raids from all nations around him. The strongest of these nations are The Reach, where the Gardeners reign in great prosperity after a series of good harvests. Their King rejoices at the birth of a son, Mern Gardener, and sees no troubles on the horizon except the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, whose great wealth allows them to equal The Reach in all but numbers.
To the furthest South, Princess Meria of Dorne has reached her middle age but shows no sign of diminishing vigor - Far from it, she looks at events east of Westeros with interested eyes. For Volantis, or as they prefer to call themselves, New Valyria, is showing signs of strain. As her realm enjoys a period of modest prosperity, Meria watches as the Volantenes deal with rebellious sentiments from Lys and Myr, as well as alliances between Norvos, Qohor, and as it is rumored, Braavos and Pentos, the two age-old enemies. Nothing would please her more than to see Argilac 'The Arrogant' sail over to the Disputed Lands to try and prevent the Volantenes from solving their problems, but that is a distant prospect.
But in Dragonstone, a birth occurs that would shake the very foundations of the Seven Kingdoms. A birth not of a Dragon, but of a baby boy, one Aegon Tarageyen...
Basically, this is a Game of Thrones NRP set during the birth of Aegon the Conqueror, with entire houses and dynasties ranging from the Kings in the North, the Sealords of the Braavosi, and the Triarchs of Volantis being playable. Rules are below:
1.) Do not be an asshole.
2.) No Godmoding or Powergaming, aka no controlling other players' actions, no defeating your enemy in one shot, and no shrugging of all hits without an enchanted shield.
3.) Do not make your nation overpowered.
4.) Do not ignore Logistics or Economics.
5.) By the same token, only a few nations can have a 'High' or 'Very High' Economic Strength (see below).
6.) Most Rulers will be OCs. Do not make them Perfect.
7.) Multiple characters are allowed, while as for multiple nations, one player can control one Westerosi country and one Essosi country as long as they are sufficiently distant from each other (aka not right across the Narrow Sea). For example, the Volantis player can take the Starks if they want, while the Mallister player can take New Ghis if they want.
Character Sheet
[b]Mundane Skills:[/b]
[b]Magic (If Any):[/b]
[b]Is he/she a Ruler?[/b] (Yes or No.)
[b]Heir(s):[/b] (Merchant Republics like the Free Cities can name a non-family member as their heir.)
Kingdom/Free City Sheet
[b]Canon Name:[/b]
[b]Canon Flag/Badge:[/b]
[b]Canon Military Strength:[/b] (Up to 10,000 to 50,000 men.)
[b]Canon History:[/b] (Optional.)
[b]Headcanon History:[/b] (Include stuff you made up to fill in the blanks in Canon, like OC Kings and Nobles and the policies they pursue.)
[b]Economic Strength:[/b] (Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Absurdly Rich - Only Volantis/New Valyria and Braavos can be Absurdly Rich.)
Vassal/Custom House Sheet
[b]Coat Of Arms:[/b]
[b]Vassal of:[/b]
[b]Military Strength:[/b] (Up to 2,000 - 10,000 men maximum)
[b]Economic Strength:[/b] (Low, Average, High, Very High)
[b]History:[/b] (2 paragraphs minimum)