"GENTLEMAN! The TALL-TREE FELLING GUN! Capable of firing at a rate of over two hundred rounds a minute. With its rotating barrel and its handcrafted loading system. This marvel of Summer-Island engineering, is named after its ability to fell an ebony tree in just one volley. Created by the renowned Inventor Zhalhar Daa, it is capable of providing a reliable and continuous barrage of high-powered fire. A single team armed with such a weapon can take the work of thirty trained riflemen, reducing costs of your forces while also increasing their effectiveness. Well then, gentleman....Are you ready to sign!"
Jadhalhol Rhalos presenting the Tall-Tree Felling Gun to representatives of House Bolton near White Harbor
It has been 20 long, humiliating years, since the battle of the Strait. Twenty years, since the world has learned, to never again fear the dragon. The banners of the Summer Empire, the Union of Leng, and the powers of the west, fly high over the ports of Oldtown, White Harbor, Lannisport and even King´s Landing. Iron Ships now cross freely along the coast, and sell their goods untaxed by the crown. The Crown and the Starks, its most valiant champions, seem weaker than ever, incapable of performing anything but the most meek protest against the new masters of Westeros.
Ten years ago, a young man from Flea Bottom had a vision to be the Warrior reborn, and cause a fired that would need six years to extinguish with an event that would be known as the "Seven Colored Banner" revolt, under the battle cry of "Raise high the gods, expel the demons and kill the dragons". Six years, the Crown had battled against the rabble, while foreign merchants and mercenaries earned a fortune selling to both sides.
In the end, there would be a crown victory, but the realm had been shattered. And while, de-facto the dragon on the throne still rules, and the Stark's of Harrenhal are still the masters of the realm, nobody has any illusions, that its the great houses that once more rule their petty realms. All it will take, is a little push.
For the age of the dragon is over, and the era of iron and coal has began....
OOC: This is the most basic of interest checks. I can understand that a lot of people are really burned out on a Song of Ice and Fire, and I will most likely take a week or two to get anything serious started, but the Idea stuck in my head, and I love the time period. So just want to run it by and see who likes the idea.