The world of Broacien, as far as we know it. There exists more lands to the north, east, south and west, but this is as far as the titular kingdom has explored it's surrounding realms. Where will you strike your mark?
This RP will be based off of Broacien, so reading the linked thread is a requirement, not a request. If you think there's too much info in that thread, feel free to click the back button on your browser now; we won't be a good match. I expect effort from my partners and actually reading what I wrote/write is a start. Once you've read through that, we can continue.
Now we get to the juicy bit, which is the plot. In short: it's up to you. I have an entire world for us to play with, and we can do anything we want in it. I'm not picky about what we do. Wanna introduce some new civilization, then send me a concept for it and a rough idea of where they're from. Want to play around in Broacien, or a small village there? Let me know. Want to write about grand politics and court intrigue in the civil war of Broacien? Dope.
Either way the whole world is there. If you don't have any ideas directly but you have something that you find incredibly interesting about the world let me know and perhaps I can help set us on our way.