'D U S T Y R H O D E S'
'D U S T Y R H O D E S'
'D U S T Y R H O D E S'

C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ![]() ![]() C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y ![]() Duston Rhodes Jodes _________________________________________________________ 23 | ♂ | Bi-Sexual _________________________________________________________ Unmarried | Smuggler/Solo | Jodes Family P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E ![]() ▼ P H Y S I C A L T R A I T S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Build - Tall, broad shoulders, well muscled ► Ethnicity - White suntanned ► Hair Colour - Auburn hair and beard ► Eye Colour - Brown eyes ► Other - Cuts, marks, and burns dot his body, mostly healed. - C H A R A C T E R N O T E S C H A R A C T E R N O T E S ![]() ▼ C H A R A C T E R I T E M S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Custom Quadra Type-66 Avenger "Clydesdale" - Custom tuned Nomad Cruiser, faster and more durable, it's been armored more than average. Built for border jumping, ramming Shiv off the road, and out running anything that it doesn't like though it eschews onboard weapon systems other might enjoy. Hand built and tuned by Dusty. Milspec ► Nomad .44 Magnum Revolver "Sam" - A rebuilt and retooled Colt fourty-four, old and tested with modern actions and equipment onboard it's as lethal as anything you'd pay an overblown gun store for. Basic ► Nomad gun kit - This kit carries the part for two unfinished guns, a grenade launching platform and high end anti-vehicle rifle. As well most tools to service and strip guns even basic spare parts for many fire arms. Expensive ► Nomad .44 Magnum Lever-Action Rifle "Henry" - A common rebuild these shorted rifles are more commonly seen on the bike holsters with cut down barrels for Outriders. Featuring stronger lever with a larger ring allows Dusty to spin it forward then back. Basic ► Jodes Leather Jacket and Bullet proof vest - Nomads gotta Rep there families, their rides and their looks are designed to do just that. Jodes especially take care of their own who range far from the family, as such Dusty has a proper Kevlar vest in with the heavy leather jacket. Basic ► Grafted Muscle - Grown muscled implanted into the body, increasing strength basically undetectable. Basic ► Muscle & Bone Lace: - The result is that the tissue is both stronger (physical strength is enhanced) and more resistant to damage. Muscle and bone lace will enhance overall strength and durability, but not to the degree of an actual artificial cyberlimb. Expensive ▼ K N O W N A S S O C I A T E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Name - Description/Relevance ▼ S K I L L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Nomad Mechanic - From guns to cars to generators or more, Dusty has fixed them all time and time again. Life among Nomads means everyone has to help however they can, Dusty found his talent for gunsmithing and automotive work early and quickly had many fast friends among the convoy. Guns, Bikes, and Cars are what Nomad life revolves around, thus Dusty's skill meant he became someone they depended on greatly. Nomad mechanics are often asked for in town and cities, the Jodes have some of the best from mostly farming and rural background they know how to fix and keep things going long after the corps have intended them to fail. ► Tire Squeal'n Smuggler - Most of the best drivers have to chip in and run the car with their chrome and if you knock systems it out suddenly their as shit as they come. Manual control, hands on the wheel shifting it up and down at just the right moment. A symphony of engine whines and gear changes or quiet long hauls across empty highways, Dusty can do it all and happily. ► Jodes Cowboy Charisma - Charming and none to easy on the eyes, Dusty has the Jodes backing for his job and knows how to sweet talk his way through. Unlike many others he is really that generous, polite, sensitive about how he makes others feel. The Jodes are more welcoming than most other nations, many link to the remnants of their southern hospitality in trying to make everyone comfortable and welcome over fretting over little things. ► Fast hands, strong hands - The Bioware isn't just for bar fights and mechanic work, his increase strength of hands means his well practice lighting draw is backed up the strength to it on target if they prefer to get closer a mean bash to the skull with three pounds of steel in hand. Practiced in brawling with his siblings and family back home he knows how to throw hands. Shooting and brawling are things you learn growing up, though he's made more friends than corpses in bar fights. ► Pic'n and Grinning - Music is something else that differs between nomad tribes but with their roots firmly placed the South and agriculture. Jodes have loved the sounds of guitars, mournful songs, and other sweet melodies played in that old classic country style. So the music that Dusty brings with him is often different to much of the Night City life, almost alien yet he finds many with Noamd connections or true lovers of sound are quick to ask him about it. He'll sing and play a song a too from his own ability on occasion if asked by a friend. He prefers Blues, Bluegrass, and just about any variation of older country tunes. - | C H A R A C T E R H I S T O R Y C H A R A C T E R H I S T O R Y ![]() Born North West territories Duston's earliest memories is of the open road, endless fields of crops, cows, chickens, pigs and more. Early years were spent moving around, as his folks moved between the harvests and the job sites. Taking work everywhere, he never lacked for company and his mother under his constant pestering during their time trapped in the RV together would teach him about how guns worked. The middle child of five his mother was realized when he would sit quietly as watch her work on repairing and servicing the guns of the clan. By the time Duston was ten he had started to repair and build guns right there next to his mother when they were on the road. When they were in camp he spent his time learning about the vehicles they operated, he was incessant so soon when ever vehicles were getting repaired you'd find Duston right next passing tools and asking questions. His siblings took to farm work, gunslinging, and ranching like he did to cars and gunsmithing as his parents proudly watched them all grow up. The other four still with the clan, when Duston declared he wanted to become a smuggler for the clan. By sixteen he was learning to tear rubber and shoot Shiv out windows, he'd taken to riding shotgun in convoys like many of the younger members he was eager to take of the Raffen Shiv. Learning to throw grenades, shoot guns, and lead targets while moving at more than a hundred miles per hour. When he wasn't on the road, working on guns, or tuning up his car, he was singing music around the campfire or helping herd cattle. Duston was fast tracking his career after they had taken Quadra Avenger off some Wraiths he'd set to work trying to get it running. It took him nearly two years, more parts, swearing, and whacking the damn thing with a wrench when it wouldn't listen to him than he ever thought it would. However when it was his baby, his pride and joy "Clydesdale" he called it after the big fucking charger horses Knights to bear down on people with, this beast of a car could matched the name. While a normal Javelina is refined for speed, combat, without losing it's racing pedigree Dusty took the car to it's logical extra adding extra too in the interior for rear seating/storage, increasing truck space, and up armoring it. Of course if you increase the weight you need more power, so adding two turbo chargers to the Avengers much more massive engine. Finally changing out the automatic gearbox for a manual and getting a proper old school wheel in the thing. The Clydesdale is one of those nomad vehicles where people look it and drool, with it's better shocks, fuel economy, and ride comfort it has become the perfect mile muncher for Duston to cruise between home and Night City. Of course, opting to run without weapon systems and targeting computers like others meant that he had to depend on speed and armor to make up the difference. Or whatever weapons he brought with him, as he modified the passenger windows to be able to open up, mostly for being able to pick up fast food but shooting is good too. As such before he set out on first run to night city, his mother presented him with a Militech Cowboy Grenade launcher they had acquired for him to defend himself. Taking his older sister with him on his first trip to Night City they were moving shipment Nomad made firearms for the city's gun dealers. As restored older firearms are fairly popular on the second hand market, especially among those not looking to pay corporate prices for guns they don't have the chrome to handle. The goods made it safely across with no issue, during his first trip he got the bioware upgrades he wanted turning an already well built farm into an impressively muscled and strong young man. His sister spent most of the trip in the Aldercado's camp trading news and gossip while Duston got to work making contacts in the big city. It was during his first trip he met 8ug 8ear, or as he would to know her Bea, a good Netrunner with a penchant for merc work. Though he would meet a few others over the years T-Bug and Jackie Welles a pair of mercs who worked with on separate occasions during the coming years. Panam was another he remembered from the Afterlife and her partner Nash, in reality though he found himself around the middle of the rung for mercs and that was where he liked it. He came into town to make cash and send it home for when times got back they had a stash to rely on. Over the years, he drifted in and out of the city, but found himself working for just one fixer more and more, Rogue. Rogue lied that she had someone who kept a low profile, who did the job the right way and if it went bad got out of the city for a few months. Dusty was someone she could depend on to handle problems and never bring any to her door. Unfortunately the problem with a seasonal Merc is that they aren't always here when you could use'em and the problem when you go in and out, is that when things get really bad and you go back your never quite sure what you're walking into. However, Duston didn't stay away long, making yet another trip in to the city chatting with 8ug 8ear most of the way in only to find out most of his contacts were missing, dead, or gone. So... He got in touch with the Aterlife's bartender Claire sent her over a his Resume, namely a list of completed jobs, NCPD reports, payment records, and more on his previous jobs smuggling, solo work, and driving jobs. This Eddie character, he knew nothing about her or really if they even carried that he was one Rogue's regular Mercs. Most of the people who could vouch for him weren't around anymore and Bea wasn't gonna be able to help she was more on the info gathering side than anything. Especially after her close encounter with the Tyger Claws, he'd need a new Net Runner backing him up at least. Maybe he could look up some of T-bug's friends she was the best he'd met in the business, hell maybe even get answer on what happened to her from someone. Whatever happens next, Duston has what a nomad needs to survives guns and his ride. D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E ![]() Duston stands around six foot six inches, well muscled from years of labor combined with his bioware has made him strong as an Ox, with broad shoulders to match he's handsome in the classic way tall, broad, and strong. Along his face a well trimmed auburn that matches the slightly shaggy short hair he keeps bundled up under his broad Stetson hat. Moving down across his chest is usually a plain black T-shirt with a kevlar vest over it. Over his shoulders a heavy set brown duster of leather with the Jodes symbol emblazed across the back for all to see. As his hip sits his revolver and on his back rest the lever action both ready for use at a moments notice. A pair of heavy steel work boots with worn syn leather adorns his feet, if you watch him long enough you'll him produce a cigarette and twirl it between his fingers, he's trying to quit smoking again. A flask hidden in the pocket over his heart holds whiskey in it for when things in the city weight him down to much. Occasionally he'll tap the wood finished handles of his pistol just to occupy himself also like a nervous tic. Regularly running his fingers through his beard he is often slow to start a conversation but sincerely interested and intent once he does speak with someone. P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) ![]() Duston has a handful of goals at the moment, one rebuild connections here in the city, two find out what happened to all the folks he used to and give them a send off, find a new Netrunner to run support for him someone whose not gonna sell him out either, make good money to send him to the folks and earn some good will from other mercs and fixers once again. |

Went back through and finished things up.