Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Well I guess the tales of the kin having no manners is true." grumbles Edusa as she turns to her new boss and cracks her knuckles. "What's up first boss? I'll just need to-" Edusa said as Cole shook his head. "Go and get yourself ready I'm going to go and talk with Rin, the Bow Hero, and then we'll consider what we're doing tomorrow. I want to see what the citizens need me to do. If those two are off to train I want to make sure that the people know despite this little outburst I'm still a hero they can look up to." Cole says as he unbuttons his shirt breathing in deeply. "Right gotcha boss don't worry I'll find where you are tomorrow I got a knack for knowing where people are around this city." Edusa says giving her farewells as Cole prepares to meet with Rin and her crew, alone as it seems, as Shay's playful tone sounded off next to him he figured maybe he wouldn't be alone. Cole strolled off confidently and he had a guard show him the way to the Heroes' Tower.


Some Days Later - A week has passed since initial summoning by Hans, and King Vincent.

Cole had spent the majority of his time the past week, instead of training, mingling, and assisting the various peoples around Melromarc, the city itself has been on edge and Cole presence along with a member of the Cadet Branch of the Kingdom of Melromarc, as well as a friend in her Shay'Min has done wonders for morale. The church, the kingdom, and the Legendary Sword Hero working in tandem with the guards to deal with criminals, and inspire the troops to work hard to keep order so that the people won't be afraid when the waves inevitably hit. The apocalypse was preventable, and it was the duty of every citizen to not bring panic, but a sense of stability to their every day activities. To not harm their neighbors, and to overall be the best human being they could be. Working was not all helping in soup kitchens, or visiting hospitals, or talking in the town square. He had also done his best to stop criminals, and had spent a few of the the nights training with Marcino alongside Rin improving his ability but not quite as much as he'd like. He had been working too hard to keep everyone in a good spirit which left him little time to improve his own techniques.

As of the moment Cole stood in the middle of the Square his 'new' teammate Edusa dressed in a steel chest plate, spiked knuckle gloves covering her hands, and a headband protecting her forehead. The Spear Hero had returned recently. His exploits had apparently been in tracking down a group of rogue mages trying to cause a shift in control of Melromarc. The mages he had found were weak according to the report given to him by a member of King Vincent's own. They were grunts but had leaked out the important fact that something was happening. And it would happen soon. It was odd to try and attack a city when all the guards were on high alert but...he supposed terrorists would be terrorists. Rin had positioned herself in the southern half of the town along the battlements for the day. The Spear would be meeting up with him and those with Cole soon enough. "Hey boss you know I get we got here a bit early but...couldn't we have stopped to eat lunch on the way here?" Edusa grumbled as she scratches her head. Cole shrugged, "I can't help it if the Spear take his time but if you wanna go get us something to eat I wouldn't mind Edusa." Cole states as the tomboyish girl grumbles in boredom. "Shay's helping at the hospital today so I guess all I got to hope for now is that the spear is fun I guess. Can't wait for next training though. I had fun trying to hit Marcino. Wasn't expecting that old fuck to be so quick." comments Edusa as Cole nods impressed with how she had handled herself the very close range combatant was brutal. Her strikes hit hard, and she didn't compromise footwork with her strikes. By all accounts Cole felt glad to have her by his side. It meant enemies would need to worry about two close range threats with Auriel at middle range...though he had seen little of her the past few days. "UGH! I just hope the almighty spear gets here soon." Edusa says probably in all likelihood faux admiration.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Rivia’s arrival had perhaps been a blessing for Fer. Cole was already shouldering plenty and adding one’s own personal misgivings would be uncalled for. Auriel would defer to them or if not feel horrible for having to counsel them. He had already gotten a taste of that medicine and he did not care for it. Having to explain things to Rivia was sort of having a sounding board. By explaining things to the wolf girl it enabled him to think about it again.

Also, he could not help but smile at the cute way she tilted her head. It went very well with the two ears that twitched on top of her head and the tail that communicated what she was feeling. That very same tail let Fer know that Rivia felt happy about sparring. Those innocent eyes widened and sparkled and almost seemed to hunger. Fer could not help but chuckle.

”Ok Rivia. I am in your care.” The Shield Hero took about ten steps away and then turned to face her. “Morph Shield!” He called and the bracer in his left arm glowed green and a small heather shield. Fer gave Rivia a nod to let her know he was ready.

Brimming with excitement and joy, Rivia wasn’t overly too familiar with this whole stepping away from each other thing humans liked to do, but she seemed more than eager to copy Fer in that same motion, though she did it more half turned as if it make the fact she was copying even more obvious.

”Rivia will try to be gentle, as Rivia hopes of Fer as well.” With a brief nod of her head, she seemed to almost flick a switch. Gone were the excited swishing of her tails, the joyous twitch of her ears, that playful innocent sparkle in her eyes. All of it, gone. Instead it was replaced by a stone dead, cold gaze that was almost disturbing to experience. It might’ve been jarring if not for this being a similar disposition to back in the ball room before when she had gone to fight Rin’s bard.

Rivia had switched from being the sheep to being the wolf that Fer had always suspected was under that cute exterior.

”Hunters Mark.” Even her tone had changed to reflect the shift in attitude, though nothing apparent had happened it was all too obvious that she had activated a skill of some kind. At his gesture, she began to close the gap like a lioness going in for the kill on a gazelle. A swipe with a dagger from her right hand, followed by a shift in her footing to change into an elbow directed at his face was her opening move.

The Shield hero chuckled as he watched her antics. Copying his distancing and stating she would be gentle. The assertion was perhaps as truthful as it would come. A certainty in her voice made him think he would later be thankful that she made it. Not knowing the wolf girl’s abilities meant he did not know how skilled or deadly she was to be. Better safe than sorry. “Don't worry Rivia, I don't think there is much danger from my side but yes, I promise to be gentle too.”

Fer watched the cute puppy-like girl with all her quirks and broken speech disappear. The shift had not been as evident to him in the fight at the ball room because he was half blinded and getting beat up by the Bow Hero. The change was quite obvious. In comparison with Auriel, whose martial prowess was out of duty and honor, Rivia’s was out of survival.

The air around the Wolf girl was dangerous as she suddenly charged forward. He would be a fool to just present her his shield because it would mean he would lose sight of her. Instead, he rushed her too, side stepping the swipe. Not being a close combat kind of guy, even in his previous life where he killed from a distance with bow and rifle, her elbow made him jerk back and lose his timing.

His footing slipped some on the sandy ground of the practice yard making his stance unbalanced forcing him to touch his left knee to the ground. His shield was held flat in front of him perpendicular to the ground. “Good opening Rivia….my turn.” He pushed hard with his right leg, looking to close the distance between them. Swinging his shield in a back hand motion trying to ram her. If she evaded that, he would try to follow up with a straight kick to the chest.

The Shield Hero hoped that his bigger mass and magically enhanced strength would be used to overpower the wolf girl. He also hoped that the fight would not be dragged on long because her speed and nimbleness was sure to win a fight like that.

Now, this was the first time Rivia was sparring with someone not from her clan. However there was a sense of familiarity as Ferr closed the distance on her. He was bringing the fight to her, something she was used to as was evident as when he went to backhand her with the shield, much like he had sidestepped her swipe she did much the same, though she also used her dagger to deflect it away to prevent any follow up much like she had done just before.

She had actually gone to grab the shield, but her instincts screamed at her not to for some reason. Right, she was sparring with a legendary hero. There was no doubt he was stronger than her, so trying to best him in physical strength was probably a no go. She had to try and use her more nimble frame to her advantage.

However the follow up attack was something else entirely. While trying to grab and grapple with his shield was bound to end poorly, taking this kick and holding his leg while something else entirely. She felt the wind go out of her sails for a brief moment as his heel connected with her, but she was quick to grab hold of his ankles and didn’t seem too keen on letting go anytime soon. She had him!

Now it was all too easy to just snap his leg from here, but she restrained herself. Like oh boy did she restrain herself, as evident by a slitch twitching of her eyebrows and right ear, instead going to pivot, spin and launch him as far she could throw him. Seeing as he literally was on one leg, there wasn’t much he could do about this.

Then once she had done that, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a half dozen of the exact same dagger she had been using. Like, the exact same thing. Same shape. Same design. Same sharpness no doubt as well. Well, he would be able to test that out if he didn’t do something quick as she threw three at him with one hand before throwing another three with the other while he was mid air.

Fer had been in one or two brawls. The hazard of being around drunken men with pent up frustrations. So he had learned a bit of the tricks to close combat fighting. It was expected that she would evade his shield, hence the kick. When he felt he connected with his foot, he felt a bit bad. The strength of his legs and the weight of boot pummeled the wolf girl. However, it would have been disrespectful if he held back too much. So there was nothing left than to fight with purpose.

He need not have worried too much however, Rivia handled the hit like a pro. No doubt, she had sparred against many opponents. She was so quick that it took him a second to react. That second would have been disastrous if she would have aimed for his knee. Soon enough, the Shield Hero was spinning in momentum with her throw. If he had wanted, he would have swung his supporting leg to try and get a heel near her face but it would have only been a glancing blow with not much force.

Instead, Fer opted to fling himself away from Rivia, tucking and rolling. As he landed, he presented the shield in her direction and huddled behind it. The three flying daggers clinked against the metal of his shield as they impacted. The sound caught him by surprise and he reared back in an unconscious reaction.

The daggers fell to the floor just in front of him. The Shield Hero reached for them out of habit and survival instinct. Unfortunately, the System issued him a warning and he was not able to pick them up. Gritting his teeth and cussing, he sprang forward again. Swung his arm in a back hand again hoping she would think he was doing the same front kick.

Instead, this time he launched himself in the air and would try to pinch her between his legs in a scissor take down. His weight and his momentum should help him bring her down. It was his intention to either mount her or if it was more practical, to grab a hold of one of her legs and submit her.

The fact he blocked her daggers came as no surprise. Though she didn’t even seem to scratch his shield…which was disappointing, however, he was a legendary hero. Suppose her weapons wouldn’t be enough to get through his defenses. Confused for a moment when he seemed unable to pick up her daggers, she didn’t get much time to dwell on that as he sprang forward again. Once again sidestepping the swipe with his shield, she went to slash at him with a dagger only to swipe at nothing but air.

She didn’t even have time to be confused as she quickly realized where he was, feeling his legs around her before she was slammed onto her back. Gasping as she felt the air leave her lungs, she began to beat into his leg with her fists, scratching, clawing at it to try and get him to let go of her. She wasn’t familiar with what he was doing, but she knew getting pinned like this was bad so she needed to get free.

As he flew through the air, his adrenaline already pumping, it was easy for Fer to forget he was sparring with an opponent that was probably much lighter than he. However, he would not give Rivia the discourtesy of not giving it his all. As his inner thighs collided against the wolf girl and his momentum brought them both to the ground, there was a slight wince, not in pain himself but hoping his armored body did not add too much to the impact.

There was a slight bounce as their bodies hit the ground. He felt her weight on his leg, as his back leg was trapped. Quickly he scrambled to try and pin her down. He could have chuckled if it had dawned on him that her reaction was like that of a feral canine. Her fluffy ears were pressed back, her teeth bared and her claws raking against his legs. Fabric tore but thankfully he was wearing his greaves which screeched as her sharp claws tried to help her free herself.

Deciding that climbing on top of her and straddling her to pin her would bring his face and other soft parts too close to those claws and seeing that the greaves were working well enough, he scooted backwards freeing his leg and at the same time wrapping the other one on Rivia’s own smaller leg. Fer aimed to force a leg lock on her. However, due to her quickness it was possible for the wolf girl to free herself.

Fer grunted with the exertion of keeping her pinned. Through gritted teeth and even though she was his current opponent the Shield Hero could not help but encourage her. “Come on Rivia…grrr….you can do it…argh…get loose girl…..”
His hands, sweaty already and dust turning into mud, were having a hard time keeping her ankles secured. His booted feet were having an easier time but Rivia was so toned and wiry that even that was taxing.

This was an issue. What she had been wishing to avoid happening was currently unfolding, trapped in the grip of the larger, stronger man which was Ferr. And while she was doing a number on his wardrobe, his greeves stopped the majority of the damage she was trying to inflict upon him. Even her squirming and wriggling, while it seemed more effective it too wasn’t getting her anyway. Well, she could try stabbing Ferr but she was at least conscious enough *not* to go that far. Her fathers words once more bubbling to the surface.

‘You need to learn self control and restraint. Only then can you progress’

Letting out an annoyed grunt, she went limp in his grip and reluctantly tapped his leg as if to give up. She had miscalculated. Not that she had underestimated Ferr’s strength, after all he was a legendary hero, but she had been careless and let him get a hold of her. She should’ve just scooted away and kept chipping away at him.

“Rivia gives up. Doesn’t want to hurt Ferr.” To confirm her surrender, she spoke up, slumping on the hard ground beneath her. Yes, the only way for her to escape proper would be to go beyond what one should do in a spar. Had she already technically done that, with Ferr only being saved by his greaves? Maybe, but we don’t talk about that.

It did not occur to the Shield Hero that Rivia was holding back until she said so. It was true that they were only engaging in a friendly and that they both had agreed to not hurt the other. Fer let go of the wolf girl’s foot and gingerly got up. He felt a bit embarrassed. His voice indicated this as he spoke. “Thanks for the spar Rivia. Though I think that it benefited me more than you. I think it was unfair to limit you. From what I saw, you are a very capable fighter. I would not say you lost this bout. Instead, I would say that you tossed me an easy situation. I think if you had been fighting seriously, I would have not stood a chance.”

The young hero smiled at her awkwardly. “If you would do me the honor,I would appreciate your help in training me more.” Over the next following days, Fer spent his days between the practice field besting and being bested by Rivia and the library learning about magic and how to cast it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Fer had spent his week in training body and mind. With the pending onslaught of the Waves that would descend upon them, there was little time to worry about the political repercussions of his actions and words. There might not be a Melromarc kingdom to hold him in contempt if he did not become strong enough to be of use. Thanks to his magically enhanced endurance, he was able to train hard and stay up long hours. Though every now and then while reading a book of spells or magic application, he did doze off. His once decent armor and clothes showed sign of wear. The same wear that was seen in Fer’s eyes. He was driven by a lone thought, survival.

Every now and then he would meet Cole either on the castle passageways or out in town as his companion and his new entourage made their rounds. He would greet his friend and even speak to him a little. The Shield Hero held nothing against his blonde friend and instead was glad to see the good he was doing. To Fer’s eyes, the Sword Hero brought peace and hope to them. Even these encounters were brief. The eyes of the onlookers always turned a darker shade when the Shield Hero was around. So Fer would move on, trying not to be a shadow that hid Cole’s light.

Speaking of light, he had not seen much of Auriel. She was probably doing some secret training in the Monastery. After all, as the emissary and representative of the Church, it would not do to have her lacking during the waves. Rivia was a welcome addition but he still missed their winged warrior. Perhaps he had relied too much on Auriel to bring him inner peace. Unlike the masses that looked to Cole for such a feeling, Fer felt he could not put that burden on anybody so he carried it himself.

The wolf girl was a huge help in training. Her skill kept him on his toes. Unlike the first time they sparred, each consecutive one after that seemed to grow harder to land a blow. Close quarter combat was her specialty. More often than not, she killed him a dozen times with claw, or dagger. It was scary how she went from killing machine to cute puppy girl.

Reading had been enlightening but it left him with a problem of trying to find somebody to teach him a practical application. Thankfully, one day when he was mumbling a simple spell, an old demi human lady, she seemed to be a racoon of sorts, had approached him. After a bit of elderly contempt, she had agreed to help him get a grasp on magic.

Fer would provide her with small “gifts” like fruit or sweets of what have you. Grumpy as the racoon lady who just asked him to call her Nan, though the shield hero knew that was not her name, she was a good teacher. She seemed to have a good grasp on the mechanics of magic. Lesson after lesson, the young hero felt mentally and physically exhausted.

Every now and then he would see the Bow Hero from a distance. Their eyes meeting more than once. His cold towards her and hers insulting. There would be no love lost between the two. Rin was powerful and at the very least, Fer had to acknowledge that. So, though it took him all the moral strength he could muster, Fer would incline his head ever so slightly and move on. The Bow hero was bound to fight the waves, the least he could do was not wish her ill.

Fer had been walking on his way to another study session in the library when he learned that the Spear Hero had returned. Perhaps the Waves were like magnets, bring all parties involved like a nexus. Tales of his deeds were easy to collect as the populace needed something to distract themselves before the inevitable fight that was approaching. “At least he has not been hiding under a rock. I wonder if he will get the same earful that Rin gave us?” the young hero wondered sarcastically.

A messenger from the castle found him at the library with a summons to gather. Fer nodded to the man. His annoyance was palpable but he knew it was not the messenger’s fault. “Here we go again. Last time I was summoned to a gathering it did not end well. Let alone a gathering of Heroes.”

He pushed himself up and made his way back to the castle. Only time would tell what he was to encounter there.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cole stood in the center mulling over his thoughts more as he considered what to do next. As he sat on the fountain in the center of the town square, he looked around, and his face curled up in disappointment hoping to see Fer here it appeared he wouldn't show like Rin. Edusa sat next to him kicking her legs back and forth whistling casually...a very unique sight seeing a royal family member sitting next to the Sword Hero in the middle of town, without much need for them to be there. The passerby people mumbled words of admiration that did not reach his ears. Probably also rumors of the two dating. Who knew? Commoners would be commoners. Even a week into this he knew that the people loved a celebrity and for lack of anything else happening that was immediately pressing them; Cole supposed this idle motion of the two would be on the people's minds.

Some more time passed as Edusa stood up and grumbled loudly before turning to Cole, "Hey! Boss Man! The shield some no show loser? I thought the rumors about him weren't true." Edusa growled in annoyance as she pounds her fist into her other one after taking off her gauntlets. "And here I thought he was this decent guy turns out he's going to waste our time." Edusa grumbled as Cole wanted to admonish her but felt it would be both disruptive to him, and his reputation if he openly had an argument with regarding an unpopular hero in his favor especially when he was late. "We have our own reasons for being here anyway. I'll let you punch him as hard as you want later if it makes you feel better." Cole commented plainly as he stood up as he looked over he saw a man approaching. He had light cyan colored hair, it was slightly spiky, and blew in the wind. A spear he recognized as the legendary spear hero's hung from his back. His armor plating covered most of his body was steely silver, and gold. Probably a gift from the king. His face was covered by a white mask that hide his face, and only let through his steely grey eyes. As he approached he pulled out his spear, and twirled it around him before holding it out in front of Cole who stood there watching him a bit confused. "I see only one hero here has seen fit to answer me. Mighty Sword Hero I thank you for considering my worthy of your time. The Shield must be scared of his duty, and the Bow is an arrogant bitch. I am the Spear Hero. The Man of Prophecy, and Lev Egorov is my name! Let us save this city together." he says with excessive confidence from his voice. His followers were not there with him but he heard that the Spear did have a few.

Edusa leaned into whisper into Cole's Ear. "Lord Spear is faking I can tell...this is a show." Edusa says in his ear as if to inform him that whatever his initial opinion of the spear hero may be, the way he acted may be a show. "I am the Bandit Hunter, The Sword Hero of Legend, Cole Smith at your service!" he states as he pulled out legendary golden sword from its sheath at his side, and taps it against the Spear Hero's spear. The Spear Hero pulls back and throws his arms into the air his cape flowing behind him. "Then it is time! You and I shall join forces, and the waves shall be no more! Together then!" He states confidently as Cole nods and lifts his sword into the air. Hoping to play along with the Spear's little game here. At least he imagined it was a game. Cole wondered for a brief moment...was this guy actually playing around here for the crowd? Or was Edusa mistaken and this was how he was?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The gathering crowds were getting thicker as Fer neared the center of town. At first he thought nothing of it. After all, the capital city was a big and with the nearing of the Wave, the citizens were sure to seek refuge inside it’s walls. However, the current multitude did not seem to be your run of the mill market going fest. Something was drawing them to the center of the Square. Sudden realization made Fer utter an “AH…”.

It was not something but SOMEONE. Or maybe even a couple of someones. After all, from what the messenger had said, this was a gathering of Heroes. Fer had assumed it to mean he and Cole but perhaps that bitch of a Bow and maybe even the Spear would be present. Already, the Shield hero was growing tired of this gathering.

The young hero managed to push past the outer rings of the crowd who were trying to get a good glimpse at the celebrity status heroes. The closer he got the tighter packed the crowd. Soon enough he had to force himself through uttering his apologies. Once, a big man looked at him and it seemed as if he was going to cause trouble but then man seemed to recognize Fer and stepped aside grudgingly.

Soon enough he heard a few mutters of disgust and contempt as people began to realize who it was that was pushing through them. He could see the top of the fountain now, the water creating tiny rainbows. Cole’s head also came into view and the Shield Hero knew he was almost there. A sudden excited murmur went through the crow moments before he heard a voice as loud as a herald.

"I see only one hero here has seen fit to answer me. Mighty Sword Hero I thank you for considering my worthy of your time. The Shield must be scared of his duty, and the Bow is an arrogant bitch. I am the Spear Hero. The Man of Prophecy, and Lev Egorov is my name! Let us save this city together."

Fer did not know whether he should feel amused, annoyed or angry. He had known the Spear very briefly before the other man declared he would pursue his own fortune. The young Hispanic would hav hoped that this hero was not as infuriating as the Bow. He hoped that despite the flamboyant and over the top introduction, the Spear might still be better to deal with than Rin.

The Shield pushed his way past a few more spectators and stepped into the ring that was left around the other two Heroes. Following in their footsteps and in a way making fun Fer raised his own voice. “And here I am, the completely useless, villainous and waste of a summon, Fernando Gutierrez, the Shield Hero.” He bowed.

Compared to Cole and Lev, his own way of dressing was much subdued. The green cloak that had been so shiny and new when he bought it a week ago, was startint to frey on the edges and sported some holes. His armor cuirass, greaves and vembrances were dinted and not polished. His face sported a few days of stubble and his hair looked like in need of a hair cut.

“So other than a gathering to announce our titles, what exactly are we doing here?” Fer asked, a bit serious now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Don't fret my surely shielded friend! You'll be the protection that shrouds this city in your warm protective veil! Haha!" Lev states as he claps his hands together walking over to Fer he claps him on his back, and brings him over to the group. "They see you as a useless weapon? Then you must prove them wrong friend! Glory, valor, strength, and ability are all earned through hard work, and training. No matter how useless your weapon is to these people that surround us I see you as valued in your own!" comments the Spear as he looked to Cole who nods in affirmation of the Spear Hero's words. Cole figured that all of this had to be for some reason. Surely? He wasn't this care free could he? Lev didn't seem the type to be too carefree as he was still wearing armor.

However as Cole prepared to speak the masked Spear Hero leaned forward, "The walls have ears, and they hold evils far worse than your bandit girl." he mumbled with a deadly serious tone into Fer's ear as he pushed him to the side and strolled forward his hands up raised to the sky. Cole speak up next while Edusa stayed quiet. "I'd like to know why we're here too. Surely if this was big Rin would be here as well." Cole asks the Spear Hero who twirls his "Worry not! Today we shall purge, ripple, and destroy! But first...this is our first meeting is it not!? The waves cometh but we shall not meet them quite yet! For now we must become friends so that chaos shall tremble!" Lev declared as he pounded his chest very firmly loud enough for Cole, who was standing near him, to hear it clearly despite the mumbles.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rivia Silvermane

For much of the week, Rivia would continue her sparring with Ferr. She was more than happy to after all; he was more than capable of taking hits from her she found out and thus consequently stopped holding them back. Perhaps unsurprisingly really, considering he was the shield hero. It was his job among the heroes to be the best defensively. So Rivia saw it fit to see what he could do offensively, after all they went hand in hand. Though it was hard to judge it entirely based off such a short amount of time, her best theory was that he was simply lacking in experience in close combat to make proper use of his defensive capabilities in an offensive manner. At any rate, time was running out and for now he was at least getting better at handling his agile partner, even if he found it difficult to land any meaningful blows back. She had spent just about her entire life training after all, though her skills seemed more raw and instinctive than something disciplined or well drilled into her, which also made her such a handful. Predicting her movements was a waste of time, for she just seemed to go with the flow and embrace the chaotic methodology behind a scrap. Even if she didn't realise it.

So what did she get up to during the times Ferr was busy doing other things? Well, it seemed like Cole and Auriel had also been busy so she didn't get to do much with either of them though she was certainly eager to spar with them as well, curious about the difference in fighting styles and strengths they had. But alas, she actually spent most of her time learning how to read. It was rather inconvenient after all that she seemed pretty incapable of reading their language, she seemed to pick it up at a decent pace. Though maybe saying she couldn't read wasn't entirely fair; she was just completely unfamiliar with their language and had barely begun picking it up as a spoken language. It seemed like her tribe had their own language and methods of communication, though her father had taught her some basics on how to deal with people from the outside this was more to build on that basic knowledge.

Like a sign with a big red cross to signal do not enter? She got that much. But a street sign or a fork in the road telling you where you are or where you're going? Well, she knew numbers but not the words. So with these lessons taking up much of her free time, she spent whatever remained of it roaming the city. Just getting used to the place and trying to practice her speech and the like with the townsfolk. Though most of them seemed to either ignore or avoid her for reasons she seemed completely oblivious to. But her fellow demi's seemed happy enough to help her, as did some normal more open townsfolk.

In fact, the girl was currently happily munching on some skewer like food she had gotten from one of them as a gift as she wondered the streets as we spoke. She wasn't sure what this was, but it wasn't meat but something sweet? Which speaking of which, sweets wasn't something she was familiar with till she came to the capital. She was used to a diet of meat and then whatever else she could forage, whether it was plants, herbs, berries; whatever. So her first interaction with a sweet....and she seemed to melt away with bliss. Turns out she had a massive sweet tooth. But back to the food currently being savoured by the wolf girl. She was told it was called a dango? It was delicious anyway, and she had another few in a small bag as well she was going to bring back to the others.

Tail and ears switching and swaying happily as she walked, she was certain the others would love it as well. Well, assuming they weren't too busy that is. If not...well more for her then!

Though she came to an abrupt stop, her ears standing on end as she overheard some people walking by. Something about the spear hero being back? And that the other heroes were meeting with him in the town square? Rivia had been away since the morning so this was her first time hearing this, but she figured if that's where the others were going to be she might as well head on over as well! Then they could share in this...uh dango was it? Whatever it was called together!

It didn't take long to find them, they sure drew a crowd didn't they? Slipping through with ease and the dango stick still sticking out of her mouth, she left a couple of startled onlookers in her wake as to them she just seemed to appear from thin air. She was good at erasing her presence, after all that was a necessity as a hunter. Though when she arrived, a strange man seemed to be beating his hand on his chest in front of Cole, Ferr and uh...she had already forgotten the red heads name but she recognised her from the party at the very least.

"Ferr, Cole, Rivia was given something called 'dango', did you want to try?" For now she didn't seem interested in the man talking to them and instead approached the two heroes, also offering a look towards Edusa. "Did Coles friend want one as well? Rivia, by the way." Pointing at herself as she spoke, she reached into the bag and offered a dango to each of them before also offering one to Lev. Though she didn't seem to know who he was. "Are you also a friend of Cole and Ferr? Rivia has more if you wanted one?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fer had never been to a theatrical play. Once, a travelling circus had come to town and the mannerisms and overly flamboyant way the Spear hero was talking reminded him of the Circus Master who had exaggerated the actual abilities and show that the people were to experience. The young hero had to admit though that the show as appealing to the current audience. A look around showed him that the town’s people were gleamy eyed.

The Shield Hero clasped the Spear Hero’s hand firmly. Despite the extravagant nature of the man’s speech, what he was saying was truth. So Fer had no reason to show any type of resentment towards the man. Actually, the young hero would rather a snowperson than a rude jerk like Ren Matsunaga.

Fer’s face sobered a little as Lev leaned in. So this person was not as foolish as he appeared. In fact, the Spear showed he was smarter than he appeared. To be able to discern that even Heroes such as they were still mistrusted or at the least kept tabs on. He remembered the shadowy messengers that had delivered the quest to hunt down the Bandit Queen.

He followed the lead and walked next to the new hero. This new Edusa lady seemed to at least understand that they should be doing more than just lavish introductions. Fer shot her a glance. Why was she so willing to be following Cole? Surely, it had to be more than a national pride. With royals, everything was politics.

Hearing, Lev’s proclamation the Shield hero almost rolled his eyes. “Friends huh.” At the least they had to work together. Though, friendship seemed something too far off. “We can certainly at least be civil. After all, I assume we heroes are not from this world.”

The young voice of the wolf girl soon reached his ears. A smile appeared on Fer’s face as he turned to look at her. “Speaking of friends and allies. Here comes Rivia” He told the group. As she offered him the sweets he smile and took one. “Thank you Rivia, I have had dango once or twice.” He took what was offered and put one in his mouth. The sweet dougy morsel making him smile again. “It appears you have found the hidden treasures of living in a city.” He took another dango off the skewer.

“We are only missing Auriel….oh and Rin Matsunaga” The Shield Hero said, a tone of distaste in his voice. “I must say, meeting the Spear hero was much more pleasant than when the Bow Hero appeared so already Lev, you are in high standing in my book.” Leaning a little closer he added. “Now what is the plan? I am sure you want to talk to us about something”

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you hear my words than you should know dear Shield friend! The worth of one is not just by their actions but their history! One can comment on the brazen Bow Hero's actions, and their words but do you really know the cause of that fire? That hellish damnable spirit to be the best? I have no clue either. But until that day Rin chooses to give me her true feelings. I will only judge her as need be. Blunt, and brutal she may be but to save the world? It takes many indeed." The spear hero says twirling his spear around in his hand dexterously. He moves it around his back, and around him as he stretches out his arm to allow him to pass it to his other hand and back around his back where he places it on his shoulder. "Definitely I would consider my words, or should these people take you for just a big walking target that follows the Sword around?" Lev comments further as he points a finger at the shield hero. His smile still plastered on his face ignoring Fer's comments towards the Fox girl approaching the shield.

Cole chooses not to intervene in the talks between the spear, and the shield it would be best that these two work out their "Oh hey there been a bit Rivia. I hope you're well, and sure I'll take a dango...whatever that is." Cole said as he gratefully took it and took a bite of it. Surprisingly it was pretty good! He didn't think a treat like this would be this tasty he half expected too much candy flavor. Instead the strawberry flavoe was pretty nice on his. "Bitching! I guess this will make up for going after shieldy so quick the other day. Alright then! I'm pumped up and ready when you all are to do whatever it is we're doing!" Edusa said as she took her own and ate it so quick she started to choke a bit before she took a flask from her hip and chugged down the contents. "Chill a bit I don't need royalty keeling over on me." Cole says dryly and sarcastically towards his follower who sticks out her tongue at him. "Look just find me something to punch boss I'm getting antsy!" comments The fiery royal as they bounce around and throw mock punches at surprising speed. Cole felt impressed as he watched her pull off a full combo like a boxer who was professionally trained. "Of course we may head out at anytime assuming there is no questions for the legendary Lev of the Spear?" comments Lev with pride as he scratches his own chest none to modest about his own skill.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fer took a deep breath as he listened to what sounded very much like admonition. He patiently waited for Lev to finish and then just nodded at the Spear Hero not wanting to get into a debate about the fact that Rin was the one who had judged them first. Despite any challenges in her past life or even current questing, nothing gave her the right to come barging in and start using Cole as a punching bag.
Still, he could agree with the Spear that a united front would be much more successful against the waves than broken bands of Heroes. If it meant extinction or working with that hyped up bitch, the Shield Hero was able to swallow any resentment if it meant that their victory would not only mean survival for this world, but that he could be returned to his.

At Lev’s mention of being mindful of what he said Fer merely shrugged. “I stand by what I said. And I don’t mind people thinking me as one who just follows the Sword around.” He turned to Cole as he said this. “I would gladly follow Cole around and protect him.” He kept in pace with Lev as they walked. Like a true charismatic person, the blonde Sword Hero was amiable towards the wolf girl.

The smile disappeared at Edusa’s comment. It was a gentle sort of back hand implying that Rivia had been in the wrong to follow him and spend time with him. He narrowed his eyes at the girl. Of course a Royal would think that the other person is at fault and overlook their own complicity. Still, he was glad that Rivia could at the very least not have to worry about animosity on that flank.

Fer tried to ignore the playful banter between the royal and Cole. After all, it was in the Sword’s nature to be friendly. He would not begrudge him that. Nor would he begrudge him the fact that he had chosen to stay with the new pair instead of seeking him out to train. The other hero did not have any contract or any other such reason to be bound to Fer. Still, there was a slight burning sensation in the Shield’s chest.

The Shield Hero looked towards Lev at the question. “I don’t really have any questions. I am sure you are quite capable with that spear. I am just glad you are willing to work together. As far as I am concerned, we can head out any time. However, I will not begrudge you any information you wish to share. Especially if it will somehow help us during the upcoming battel against the waves.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Do as you will but remember if you wanna be more than just your friend's shadow, and want to inspire people you have to make your own destiny not just tread in his path. Those without ambition may as well be spectators." Lev responded a bit more seriously this time as he looked to Cole.
I'm impressed my man. I really am. In a short time to get your feet dirty with other humans? That's something to be proud of."
he told Cole who felt a bit more happy hearing some sort of validation from outside his inner circle. Rin had made him worry had had gone complacent. The Spear at least seemed to be happy for him. He valued Fer, and the others but...you know what they say about yes men, and close friends right? "I'd like to know where you've been I've heard conflicting stories of your heroics Lev." Cole questioned his new ally...well if you could call him that. The four of them were bound by the prophecy they would fight, and win together or all fail. He heard of the legends since the incident at the palace and he was none to thrilled about being the practical defacto boss. But it was his burden to bare now it would seem. Lev in return shrugged mischievously his face hidden by the mask. "What do I say? I've got a hand full of cards, and a joker up my sleeve. I've been up to...stuff...but nothing you should worry about Sword Hero. Now then I would ask that you follow me. No need to bug the citizens with Hero business right? Oh yes, and the wolf kin is free to come too if she's with you Shield." Lev said as he postured, and turned about on his heel walking to a location in a direction neither Fer, nor Cole came from.

Cole looked to Ferr for a moment before nodding, and following Lev he had nothing to lose, and all to gain. It was doubtful this place they were heading to was meant to hold them captivate, or hurt them in some way. Besides having the spear help them meant the world was coming together a it faster. It made him feel like this wave, whatever it may be, would be something they could beat. Cole followed him as Edusa kept up a quick fast paced walk. "Ugh more talking...well fine as long as we get to do something later." Edusa grumbled as Cole turned his head to face her. "Why so eager?" Cole wondered aloud as the royal retorted, "Mom never let me be a knight. Now she's got no reason to complain now that i'm officially with a hero. This is my chance to show the world what I got for real instead of a bar fight after sneaking out." she responded in a casual fashion. "You have spirit miss but violence isn't all there is to battle." Lev pointed out punctually. "Don't worry I'm more than just a brawler. I've been around knights my whole life I know how to handle myself."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rivia Silvermane

Seeing as the group was happy to share in the dango with her also brought a smile to the wolf kins face. Nodding at Ferrs mention of finding the wonders of living in the city, she couldn't agree more with him. While the wilderness was always her home, the city was new and big to her. So even small things like a sweet vendor or hell even a mural or a park bench seemed to draw her attention at times. Let alone the vast varied individuals that wandered the streets; despite her probabaly being the most outlandish in the entire city. But at the end of the day, she was enjoying her time in the capital it seemed.

"Shieldy?" Tilting her head at Edusa, it took a moment of pondering for Rivia to realise she was talking about Ferr. Though with that realisation out of the way, she watched Edusa tried to speedrun not just only eating the dango but life itself it seemed as she began to choke and sputter before downing what only could only assume, or at least hope, was water from her flask. She seemed a lively one at any rate, though as she talking about being a brawler that piqued the wolfs interests. While sparring with Ferr was fun and challenging in its own rights, he was little more than a punching bag considering his....she couldnt say it was unwillingness, but it seemed more like a lack of offensive options? Mayb there was more to the story, she couldnt comment.

But at any rate, the prospect of fighting a fellow warrior was quite enticing the wild girl. Not that now was the time to be having such thoughts as it seemed like she had interrupted a meeting of sorts between heroes? Though it seemed like the spear was happy enough to have her around, she did frown a little. "Rivia is with Cole and Ferr, not just Ferr." She was quick to correct him, thinking back to when she joined them. She was told to work with the both of them after all, not just one or the other. She had mostly just been with Ferr because Cole seemed busy and Ferr wanted someone to train with.

At any rate, Rivia was happy enough to follow them, putting the bag that contained the last of the dango away. There was at least one more member of their party to share this with after all, so she was saving the last one for Auriel. And maybe also another one for later. Making sure to keep pace with them, she took this moment to approach Lev as they walked and take a few sniffs from the air around them, and also did the same to Edusa. This was her first time meeting them both proper, but they seemed fine enough by their scent? At least, nothing fishy stood out to her despite something seeming....off about the way the spear talked? Not that she was an expert on interactions or the like, so maybe it was just her.

"Right. Rivia, pleasure to meet the both of you. Are you friends of Ferr and Cole as well? Can Rivia also be your friend?" Taking a moment to introduce herself to both Edusa, seeing as they didnt talk last time, and Lev who she was meeting for the first time, she looked to Cole and tilted her head again. She seemed to be asking what they were doing, or maybe why they were out here? After all, she hadnt heard of any meeting nor knew of its impromtu status.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Eh! The heck you talking about fuzz ball? I was at the royal ball just like you were? What don't remember me?" Edusa said confused as she cocked her head and then grunted and shrugged before taking a look at Rivia. "Edusa D. Melromarc. At your pleasure Miss Rivia. I'd be happy to be your friend. Even if you have fuzzy ears. Not common 'round here and many folk don't seem to like those like you but I'm definitely not 'most people'. I'm Edusa and that's all I'll ever be." The royal spoke with confidence, and carefree happiness as she seemed more worried about enjoying herself than bothering with any sort of public opinion as she walked along with excited glee following the three heroes in front of her. "We're almost there! Don't you dare get lost got it!?" comments the Spear Hero as cole speaks up rather plainly. "What's the deal anyway? Shouldn't we meet up at the castle not some random place in town?" he asks as the Spear Hero shakes his head waggling a finger back and forth. "Safe doesn't mean smart dear sword." the spear hero comments cryptically.

As the group approaches an alley the spear hero ducks into a nearby shop, and motions for them to follow him quickly. As the large group huddle into a nearby clothing store the clerk simply allows them to move into a backroom. It is a simple storage area but as soon as they arrive inside a young boy with purple hair comes out from beneath the clothes, and shuts the door saying a incantation the door, and room around them light up with a purple magic aura. The Spear Hero sits down on the table itself but there are stools around for those who choose to sit on them. The masked hero then speaks up considerably more seriously. "Now that we're not being overheard I suppose I better tell you what's up." Lev says his voice's cheer gone as he speaks plainly without any hint of emotion. "There's a gang here intent on ruining the King's reputation. Being a man in a woman's world is hard enough but they don't believe he'll lead the country to glory. To that extent they're trying to set up traps all around the city. Melromarc shall not burn to the ground but it will limp its way into the waves unless we round up a few of their mages. I'll need you all to cooperate if you want the good boy king to keep his throne and his life get me?" Lev says to them plainly as the boy with purple hair says nothing.

Edusa for her part grumbles, and folds her arms. "Always with boys, and their shit right? Ever since Aunty died and left only a male heir instead of one of the sisters everyone's been pissy. Saying a older woman should sit the throne instead of the direct descendent of the former queen. I've heard whispers but I thought they were just that. Man I thought blood was thicker than water...Alright I'm in I'll save Vinny." comments Edusa making up her mind rather quickly as she folds her arms. Cole was surprised by how quick she was to go all in but then again it seemed on brand. "I'd like to know more info." Cole asks as Lev nods. "How many?" Cole asks as Lev shrugged not really committing to a singular answer. "Enough. Enough to have everyone in here, and then some looking for their smug faces."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rivia Silvermane

When Edusa brought up that they had met at the ball, Rivia couldn't help but shrug. She remembered them from then, but she hadn't talked with them at the time so this was their first proper meeting. Though a smile soon graced her face as the royal agreed to be her friend. "Indeed! Some people don't seem to like Rivia, though Rivia doesn't understand why...but it's good that Rivia is friends with Edusa!" She didn't really understand the fuzzy ears comment though, and her hands reached up to touch her own as she pondered on the thought.

Suppose they did feel somewhat fuzzy....oh, they were almost there? Well, that was good. Following after the spear hero as he brought them to a shop in an out-of-the-way alley, some people might've been nervous or concerned about this but Rivia seemed nonplussed as she just followed after. Shown to a back-room, she watched with a slightly tilted head as a young purple-haired boy closed the door behind them and began chanting. No, this wasn't the first time Rivia's seen magic used per say, but such a thing wasn't common where she was from so she seemed fascinated by the strange presence and aura he gave out.

She only paid half attention to what the spear hero was saying as he began to explain the situation they had found themselves in, wandering around the room and absently pawing at the purple hue that filled the room, looking up and around with awe. She wanted to learn how to do this! Wait, wait, wait. Now wasn't the time for that! Or at least, that was the feeling she got as a serious tone seemed to set in. Now, politics was completely lost on Rivia. What difference did it make he was male or female? Wasn't he the strongest around? Whether or not he was, Rivia thought he was so that should be it right?

"Rivia is good at hunting and tracking. Maybe Rivia can find them?" She would speak up, still pawing at the purple that filled the room. "Though Rivia is more used to wildlife....not humans. Otherwise Rivia can umm....beat them up?" She wasn't too sure what else she could add to the conversation at this point, mostly because she didn't have much info to work on.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"That's a promising start but I'd think it'd be best to leave it to my party. I've got a few of them running round the city doing what they need to. I've earned a bit of respect by the beggars here. My first thing I did after showing up was train. The second was help a bit of the homeless using the allowance money. Armor, and stuff is nice but buy a friend a bit of food, and a drink and he'll never forget it. Having friends in low places is better than high sometimes. We'll just need you to beat up their guards. Let The Sword Hero do his thing with their boss. Me? Once they get the info we need I'll be heading out to confront a group of corrupt guards. I got info from a regretful guard wanting to repent to one of the 'Four Heroes'. If the crew I assembled " comments the Spear Hero as he cracks his knuckles he keeps his spear wedged in between his legs as he looks to Rivia and then to Edusa. Taking a moment to breath he considers something for a moment before Cole speaks up.

"So what do you want me to do kill him?" Cole asks hoping he wouldn't need to kill a man so quickly into his journey it would be...less than satisfying. He wasn't a cold blooded killer. Doing so would hurt him even if it was for a good cause. Or at least that was how he felt at the moment as he considerate what was going to happen. "Prefered but not needed. Could have friends in the guard, or the royalty who could try and get him out. The little king's reach isn't far. He's only in his spot because of the nature of his birth. The conspiracy against the main family pretty much succeeded according to...sources. But for now it is our duty to make sure these people have no issues on the inside so the end of the world doesn't catch them slacking because if we die here? Everywhere is doomed.
So Swordy here better not die...and the shield of course."
lev says off handed.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rivia Silvermane

Rivia tilted her head at the spear hero side to side, tapping her chin as he told her to leave the tracking down to him. But it was what Rivia was good at right? Then what else was she meant to do? What else could she do? She could fight I suppose, however with two or three legendary hero in the fight, she doubted she was needed much right? Though when he mentioned beating up guards...her eyes lit up. So, take out the small fry...and leave the big fish to Cole? She could do that!

She remembered training for such situations before! During the hunt, the alpha would take on the bigger, stronger prey themselves with the others only helping if required; while this was going on, the others were meant to hunt down the smaller, weaker ones. Not always the case of course, but it was one of the scenarios they had been taught to be ready for.

"Rivia can do that. Small prey should be easy." She sounded confident as she crossed her arms over her chest and nodded, turning to Edusa and seeming to size her up for a moment. She didn't seem much at first glance....yet Rivia could sense it. A warriors spirit, a strong ally. Yep, she could fight alongside this girl pretty easily. Returning her gaze to Lev, she furrowed her brows and tilted her head again as he was staring at her....


She didn't get a chance to vocalise that question before Cole spoke up, her attention moving to the sword hero. She pondered his one for a moment....he seemed hesitant on killing? But he was a legendary hero wasn't he? She thought that killing would be second nature to them wouldn't it? She knows it was for her.

"If Cole doesn't want to kill...Rivia could? Rivia doesn't mind." For such a dark statement....her tone was surprisingly innocent and genuine. She wanted to help Cole however she could, and if he didn't want to kill...well she didn't mind getting her hands dirty. It was clear she didn't understand why he didn't want to kill, though perhaps this was a matter of her upbringing? After all, killing in her tribe was their way of life. The way they survived. Though that was more animals than people, it seemed like she didn't know the difference. That could be an issue in the future.

The whole of the world, dooming everyone on it part mostly flew over her head. That was just obvious wasn't it? Besides, no way a legendary hero could die easily right? In the stories she had heard, they were almost always entirely invincible, and obviously highly exaggerated to the point of being ridiculous shounen levels of legends and rumours by this point.

"Cole won't die, neither will Fer or Edusa. Rivia will protect them with Rivia's life. They're Rivia's friends after all."
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