Our party is looking for one or two more skilled writers for our campaign: Winds of Fate - A Thieves' Adventure. The premise for all of the playable characters is that they are some sort of petty criminal or common street thug, pirate, or some other sort of your run of the mill sort that makes a living by doing less than honorable work. They are underachievers and by no means professionals in their respective trades, and they all have to deal with some sort of major character flaw for the entirety of the campaign.
Original Premise:
The Premise
The story starts off in Guillan, a huge capital and port city. It is the crowned jewel of the Lands of the Nine, and home to the High King of The Lands of the Nines. All the subsidiary kingdoms of the Nines must answer to him as the top authority. Guillan is a grand port city, sure.. but it is dense, and dirty, and extremely corrupted. There is a major divide between the rich and the poor which is very disproportioned, and acts very much like great bellows, only fueling the fires. As a massive port city, it is also a great trading hub, and almost anything from even the furthest bits of the Nine's can be found here, if you have the coin for it.
It's crime syndicates are plenty, and range from petty criminals to vast, and infinitely powerful groups. The Black Hands are at the top of it all, and are all but untouchable.. Pirates and cutthroats, scoundrels. All manners of outfits. The streets are constantly soiled robbers and pickpockets, piracy on the trade routes, rape and murder.. even rumors of slaving and human traffickers from the very bowels of the city. Nothing is off limits to those consumed by greed, and everyone seems to have an angle, or a finger in something. Mind you keep your wits about you, or as best you can..
Your Party, is a small outfit of thieves and petty criminals who operate out of the Faded Lantern Tavern and Inn, which is ran by Lord Vargas. He fences loot but charges a hefty fee. The Black hands have taken most of the jobs in your line of work so things are looking quite scarce for the crew. Some jobs get prospected to smaller groups by the Black hands, but dealing with them was always sketchy at best. The group gets a lead about an archaeological site that has just begun excavation and seems to be ripe for the pickin's, but you'll have to get to it first. The tip off mentioned loads of loot to be plundered and has been rumored not to have been opened for a thousand years. The group decides to go after it, with the color of gold in their eyes. Better to do that than to keep things as they were. There'd be money on the seas as well, if they can keep their heads above the water...
The game setting and genre is a mix of swashbuckling and pirateering era, low to mid fantasy, minimal magic to start with and some minor elements of early machinery/steampunk(minimal). All playable characters will be human, as this is definitely a low to mid fantasy rp. It is intended to be gritty with mature content and comedy. All playable characters are as I stated above less than proficient in their skills and will write in many failures with as much comedy or aggravation as possible. This rp is intended to be a good read with lots of sharp and witty moments as the party members are less than fond of each other.
The RP campaign is to be an epic saga, long term campaign with several chapters. Individual character growth as well as growth within the party is the overall goal, and the rp will facilitate a few dice rolls and mechanics to keep this campaign from being just a write through, and player inventories and statuses will all be meticulously kept by each player. The campaign will utilize elements of traveling and sailing, and there will be a lot of it as this is a complete, globe-sized realm, with many different regions and ethnicities to explore.This campaign is for seasoned rp'ers, and writers who are capable of creating well thought-out characters and posts. As GM I have taken a great deal of time in creating a very detailed and in-depth realm with a very loose main story arc, with lots of room for backstory side plots, and I've intentionally left a lot of room for this as I find it to be important to incorporate as much of the players I can into the environment and the story as well. I'm also running a character within the party as well. I have made up a complete list of services and goods, some history, religions, ethnicities, as well as a growing list of antagonists, places, and npcs. The antagonist's list is a growing compendium of encounters the party will have to deal with. I also like to add lots of visual aids that I create myself.

The story thus far has the party of underachieving thieves gearing up to head out to an island some three weeks away by sea. The party is going to an archaeological site that has just been discovered to pillage it of its treasures. The party is indebted to a prominent fence named Lord Vargas, and owner of the Faded Lantern Tavern & Inn, a local hotspot for thieves in the slums of the great Capitol city of Guillan. He has fronted the money for this excursion in which they are about to embark with hopes of a huge return on the expedition. The party has just geared up at the markets and they are about to board their vessel to leave.
We've had one of our writers go MIA on us and we have all been discussing adding a few more players for some time now so I am writing this post to inform the masses that we have a few openings available. I can get new players in immediately so long as their character could fit in as one of the ship's crew, or perhaps a stowaway who jumped aboard while the ship is in harbor, otherwise new players will have to wait to be introduced once they get to the island.
Here is a link to the RP Campaign so you can get a better idea and feel of the genre and setting to see if it's something that you'd be interested in joining, and as a good example of the skill level that we are looking for:
Winds of Fate - A Thieves' Adventure
Here is the zero post to explain the rules and the dice mechanics that we've incorporated:
Please post your interest on the OOC page in the campaign or here, either one is fine. We also have a discord set up as well, link will be provided.