Atsuko lay atop the roof of the Shogun's castle watching as the sun began to flirt with the western horizon. Already, warm pastel colors began to flow across the sky. Soon, the time would be that the people the Shogun was so interested in would show, and indeed, the Lady Hanabi was awaiting them at the gate. Perhaps Atsuko's presence would not be needed as an escort, but she was to ensure that nothing went wrong at the very least, whether the people on the ground below knew of her presence or not.
Her partner, a Sneasel whom she had named Koritsume, stood atop the crest of the roof, still as a statue as it watched below. "What do you suppose the Shogun wants with all these people, Kori-chan?" Atsuko asked, propping herself up on her elbow.
The Sharp Claw Pokémon turned its head only enough to see her and hissed, "Snea," in response. It had never been fond of the use of "chan" in association with its name. In fact, it seemed to take its and Atsuko's service to the Shogun much more seriously than its partner. The two weren't exactly a very compatible duo.
In the end, Atsuko ignored the cold response and hopped to her feet. "Looks like company is starting to show. Maybe we should go greet our guests, Kori-chan," she chimed as the Sneasel shot her another agitated look. She then nimbly jumped and flipped her way down to ground level, using various parts of the castle as footholds on the way. Koritsume followed close behind, and together they landed only feet from Lady Hanabi. "Hanabi-dono," Atsuko greeted, bowing deeply in unison with the Sneasel beside her, "My name is Higashi Atsuko. My partner and I are here on orders to serve you in any way you require."