Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Blackfridayrule
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Blackfridayrule One Who Plays With Fire

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Mejor is largely a tropical land boasting dense jungles and a warm, humid climate. Its capital, Jalek, lies in its southern region, though not quite as far south as the coast. It is connected to the port city of Raihas by a river that is the main highway of trade for the whole of Mejor. Long ago, Mejor was divided into multiple smaller tribal lands with shifting borders, as the tribes often fought amongst themselves for land or resources. Eventually, the tribes became less distinct and split into a much larger northern and southern tribe. About three hundred years ago, Mejor's first queen united the north and south into one nation. The royal family, along with regional governors, have kept Mejor united and stable ever since.

The Mejori people have been nocturnal as far back as any recorded history. Their eyes evolved to be highly sensitive to light, and as a result they must shade their eyes if ever they have to be out and about under the sun. The Mejori also have a row of 4 articulating antennae, called 'headspines' that run down the center of their skulls. The spines are inflexible, though a mucscle at their base allows them to be raised up or lowered flat against the head. Other smaller sensors, called 'nodes', run down their backs. Both spines and nodes serve to sense vibrations and changes in air pressure.

The Mejori also developed stripes of bioluminescent photophores that run in patterns across the face, in rings at the tip of their headspines, down their backs, and down the length of their arms. Exact patterns, particularly facial patterns, differ slightly from person to person, though those of northern descent have more curved patterns while those of southern descent have more angular ones. The photophores are capable of producing a full spectrum of colors depending on physical status or emotion. Mejori Colorspeak, or the significance and meaning of the various colors or combinations of colors are a major part of Mejori communication. With a little focus, a person may keep their stripes dark, though feigning colors is an extremely difficult thing to do.

Kaija Tezusha

Average height, slim build. As is common with most Mejori, her hair is black, shaved into a long mohawk, and braided down to her mid back. The braid is clasped with a wide gold band at the end. Her stripe patterns mark her as southern. Teal eyes.

Kaija grew up an orphan in the streets of Jalek. At a young age, she was taken in by the Raven's Guild--a network of information brokers run by a man who goes by the moniker of Vahl. The Guild collects information that can then be legally purchased, often by utilizing the open ears of the many youngsters who roam the streets, serve in taverns, salons, shops, and even the royal palace. Kaija worked her way up to the uppermost ranks of the Guild, becoming an agent that would travel or seek out information in Vahl's stead.

Through a series of grim events, Kaija was caught red-handed in the murder of a northern governor and five of his entourage. She was immediately imprisoned and slated for execution, but Kaija escaped and used her connections with the Guild to gather information on the candidate chosen to explore the new land across the sea, Iasha Rhenuvi. On the morning of the expedition's departure, before the crew had the chance to meet one another, Kaija took Iasha captive, stole her gear, and showed up to the docks in her stead. Since Kaija fit the vague description of Iasha closely enough, she was able to pass as the scholar and departed for the new world.

Iasha Rhenuvi

Similar features to Kaija--long black hair, average height, slim build, teal eyes, though they lean more blue than Kaija's. Her stripe patterns mark her as having northern heritage, however.

Mejor decided to choose their emissary for the expedition by hosting a series of contests that tested strength, combat prowess, and knowledge. The goal was to find someone with a balanced set of skills and the potential to be trained further. Many entered, but in the end, Iasha was chosen. Her work as a biologist was her biggest strength, though she proved adept enough in other areas. Her knowledge of herb lore would be essential in determining the viability of the newly discovered land for future colonization, as well as her broad knowledge of fauna. After her selection, Iasha quickly became a bit of a celebrity, and the royal family practically adopted her during her training. She is popular among the common people and well respected in the academic community.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Neianna86


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Haelion Magnameara
Age: - not yet known
Race: Uisge

Personality: A well informed young man, intelligent and speaks with a calm demeanor asserting his control over a situation. His wisdom has grown from his experience in the Holy Augur’s Palace and whilst his outward appearance may appear secretive or deceptive, he is far from it.
He also easily offers his trust when it concerns those of higher rank as they were raised to uphold honour and unquestioning loyalty.
He is rather serious and does rarely laugh or lose his composure genuinely.
He is hotheaded when it comes to disloyalty and disdains lying or the breaking of oaths.

Country: Uiscean
A gorgeous place where water literally is the lifeblood of the land, it is ruled by His Holiness, the Holy Grand Augur Primereon Muire Maerenre. He serves as both their spiritual leader as well as their King, wise and revered throughout Uiscean.
The people hold a strong connection to the water and call upon its Gods for blessings.
The people are predominantly fairskinned, though it is customary to hide once's visage due to myths and lore surrounding looking upon one's face or reflection.
If you were to see them unveiled they are said to be enchanting, their eyes capable of pulling you in and demanding your attention. Their smile capable of causing comfort or fear, depending on its meaning.
It is said they drowned their enemies to suck out their souls and feed upon them as they had none of their own, but this is not true.

City: Vahadash Le’ti (Dawn’s Crown)

Fyrst Mece; A position of honour and trust, it is basically something similar to a head of the honorary guard as it means ‘First Blade’ in Eiagho the language of the Uisge.


• He speaks several languages as it is common for the Fyrst Mece to understand and pick out potential threats.

• As the Fyrst Mece he is a skilled swordsman and trained in combat tactics.

• A love for Wulai a specific game requiring strategy and dice.

• A love for lore and ancient myths.


Born from a noble family his position in life was always a precarious one. It was imprinted on them early to be obedient, honour bound, dutiful and brave.
Sadly it is a simple fact that other the middle children get overlooked, where the Eldest has had expectation put upon them and the youngest allowed to find their own path, often the Middle child falls into this void of in between and often left to their own devices, not praised or concerned about, nor the secret favourite.
They must suffer the simple truth of indifference and silently accept the fact that they are simply ‘the spare’.
The only way to escape this fate is if they gain some sort of reputation and gain fame or infamy by either their deeds or their associations.
Advantages marriages are oft not only a strategic alliance, but it also allows the middle child to escape their fate and potentially shape something more out of it.

Haelion is the middle child. His Elder brother is heir to the Magnameara fortune and title of Lord of Tintagel, the Seashore Keep.
His younger brother meanwhile is rather infamous and his rather ‘free spirited nature’ is a blemish on their family name, say nothing of his many dalliances.
Despite this Haelion loves them both deeply, though perhaps also quite capable of murdering them as well, figuratively speaking of course.
He received a noble’s education and training, never truly needing to worry about whether he would eat that night.
When he started his journey to become a Mece however this changed. They were put through all sorts of trials, those of the mind and those of the body all meant to strengthen one’s resolve, devotion and understanding of their position and power.
It was humbling to say the least.
It took him years to finally be deemed ready and be ordained, receiving his Mece title when reaching adulthood. From thereon he continued to impress the Holy Grand Augur and his fellow Mece’s until he received the most honoured position of Fyrst Mece a couple of years hence.
His Holiness had to decide upon whom he would send as an emissary on this particular important mission and this was when Haelion was ordered to become Uiscean’s Emissary.

How's this?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blackfridayrule
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Blackfridayrule One Who Plays With Fire

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Excellent. Did you have an interest in playing our villainous third? If you don't want to, I can, or we can just kind of share them. Up to you.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Neianna86


Member Seen 1 yr ago

I can play him or her unless you want to play it real badly, I hadn't decided on particular motive just yet so I would need a little longer for the villain's char post.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blackfridayrule
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Blackfridayrule One Who Plays With Fire

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sure, works for me. Take your time
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Neianna86


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Sendor Xercysq
Age: 28
Race: Creshinni
Appearance: Humanoid; dark greyish skin generally wearing some sort of hood, harnas or helmet and thick leathery robes.

Personality: Sendor though pleasant in conversation, holds an air of intimidation and coldness. He is intelligent and persistent, eager and relentless, but also rather cutthroat and merciless when opportunity strikes. He is quite pragmatic and businesslike to the point where he can be considered coldhearted.

Country: Creshinibon

City: Traghar

Occupation: 8th of the 14, a powerful order of cultists who have been running the Country as the major political power, their money and knowledge have created a cutthroat society where it literally is a land for scorpions and wolves.


• Lying
• Reading people’s expressions and mannerisms
• Shadow work
• Poisons


Sendor is a young upcoming marksman in the rather dog eat dog world of the City’s notorious society. The Traghar 14 is a cult of some significance, being responsible for some serious changes over the last couple of years.
They’re notoriety is of such a level that they are the stuff nightmares are made off, mothers tell their young children of the Traghar 14 and their ritualistic practices, praying to the Darkness of the Void and worshipping Gods that would sooner betray them than pay their prayers any heed.

For now this will be the set up for the villain.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blackfridayrule
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Blackfridayrule One Who Plays With Fire

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sounds good to me!
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