Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

As Sean is prepping the Jeep, and the girls are making plans, at the same time that Hayden is making his way back towards where he figures Sean is. There are old cellphones going off. Everyday looking people answering.

It's interesting.

Really interesting honestly.

That something odd can cause in a normal situation.

And the four foreigners, are definately off in this community.

A phone beeps, "Weapons?"

Another phone dings, "Clubs and nets, no blades or bullets."

Fingers dance over a third phone's surface, "Kill or capture?"

Another phone, "Boss wants to talk to them."

And again, "Worried? Fine. Twelve. Hurry."

The first phone beeps one more time, "Muzzle the one with the big Gun. He looks like trouble."

Several people across the slums start to move. A pair of cars rolling up to neighbourhoods and people jumping in. And soon rolling. One car with six in it heading over to where Sean and Hayden are. While another head towards where Kat and Beth are located.

As Hayden comes up the street, Hayden notices as a rickshaw passes by him. He follows it's path, unable to see as a pair of grey eyes look out the side of it watching him. And then the person pulled buggy is off down the street. It passes right by where Sean is handling the Jeep.

Elsewhere, the girls may see a long red POS car roll by, and park up the street someways, maybe a block away. Casual in fact. Unassuming. And six jump out and onto the sidewalk. Three crossing the street to be across from the girls. While another three pace up to a nearby mystery meat stall.

At the same time Hayden quirks, odd...two women and a guy just posted up on a corner. Huh. Strange. And another three have just posted up near Sean.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 25 min ago

“Being bullshitted? Since I was about eight. Also known as ‘Tuesday’ in Russia. Why, thinking of Sean, or something about this place?” She joked.

Bethan's wry look seemed to suggest it was all of it, the Welshwoman realising Kat was as cynical as she was, although perhaps the direction of travel was a little different. Bethan remembered what a decent life looked like, shit, one even outside of Sean looked a million times better than this. Getting the fuck away and moving on, that would have been the plan. Hell, she had something about her, the circles she was in, it would have gotten her to a better place. But now here she was, dragged into this pile of mess, unsure of what the hell she was even being offered. If SIS's offer was legitimate, then Bethan knew that this would take her to the very depths of hell. Despite the fact that whatever was in store for her after could involve working against Kat's people, she couldn't help but feel some level of solidarity here.

"Fucking try my luck to ask a Russian what it's like...some bits Sean, some bits that he might be right. We stick out like sore thumbs. This is a fucking stitch-up, no matter what we do. I don't know about you, but we're in a neighborhood nicer than the one we were in run by a guy supposedly more psychotic. It doesn't stack up, Kat." Bethan simply retorted, watching as across the road a car appeared on the other side as Yekatarina spoke, Bethan keeping an eye out.

“I may have just thought of a way of learning more about this place though. On my way here, the official line of bullshit I fed to customs along the way was that I was a humanitarian worker going to Matanbai to see how all this is affecting the locals. If I leave my gear with you, I might be able to ask how life is in this part of town without raising too much suspicion while we wait.” She offered a suggestion, “Unless curiosity kills the cat, this is all a very elaborate ruse and Edik tries to turn me into a hat for my trouble.”

Bethan nodded to the suggestion, looking underneath her own veil at the garb she had on, very clearly not being able to pull that line of reasoning.
"Agreed....but I think there's someone watching us before you can do that. What's our play? If this guy is as psychotic as she says...I'm not sure I want to get crucified. But something tells me we might be able to take a chance to play dumb." Bethan replied, watching the men, staying by the wall and allowing her to have eyes laid on, but return the favour in due course.


Sean in the meanwhile hadn't clocked any of this- and driving down the road was trying to look for Hayden, aware he was more likely than not still trying to keep half a trail while on the road.
"Guys, what are we waiting for?" Sean asked, spotting the Canuck, but not spotting the rickshaws, other vehicles or other people following. It was innocous, Sean not realising what was coming but nonetheless sticking to the plan to grab Hayden. At a crawling speed given the traffic, he had the chance to pull in onto the kerb by the Canadian's side, a stern look across to him but a certain cheshire cat's grin on his face to actually have a motor to drive now.
"Tangayi Taxi, special rate of fuck you, how can I help?" Sean called to Hayden, still unaware of the situation, and more likely than not, in a position where they could be caught.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Yekaterina allowed herself a brief laugh at Bethan’s reply, listening to her partner’s worries. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place, the arguments being sound, but any attempt to switch allegiances was an uncertain shot in the dark, with the only certainty being leaving a pissed off Victor, with the added possibility of Conan’s sisters coming for their scalps. That would’ve been some encounter. ‘Yeah, bossman is a cunt, but money is money.’ The only silver-ish lining was that since Victor wasn’t being straight with the rest of SAMC head honchos, his resources might be limited if it came to mopping them up. But maybe there was a way. After all, Melani sent them here to gather information. They could do that, and then decide what to do with it.

"Agreed....but I think there's someone watching us before you can do that. What's our play? If this guy is as psychotic as she says… I'm not sure I want to get crucified. But something tells me we might be able to take a chance to play dumb." Bethan replied, watching the men, staying by the wall and allowing her to have eyes laid on, but return the favour in due course.

Yekaterina had the presence of mind to not turn around to look at whatever made Bethan think they were being watched, instead looking past her on the lookout for suspicious activity behind the Welshwoman, but seeing nothing for now, paying no mind to the trio at the meat stall. Since she hadn’t seen them getting out of the car together with the others and split up, they completely failed to register as something new or in any way out of place. “What do you see? You think we can bullshit our way past local thugs?” She asked, obviously skeptical, “I think our best bet is to shoot as many as we can before they close in. As soon as they get close enough to grab us, we’re fucked.” Definitely figuratively, between getting hanged, crucified, skinned alive, beaten to death with a broomstick or whatever the locals considered a fun way to kill time and people they didn’t like, and Devil only knew if not literally, she didn’t add, “Remember our earlier agreement. I don’t want to become a wall decoration either.” She reminded Bethan, retrieving her phone, selecting Hayden’s number and putting it back, keeping her hand on it inside the pocket. If something went down, one button press was all it’d take to at least alert the boys that there was trouble. “I’ll follow your lead, but someone as much as twitches, we’re pulling out if we can.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

It wasn't quick, nor was it slow. But it was definitely precise.

Amazingly so for what people were calling a gang.

They moved to make it look they were part of the crowd around them.

The girls being more aware of the things going on and planning clearly, may have noticed something off. Two groups of three. One group for each of them. And they move as if they know what they are doing, while still blending with the crowd. And it's swift. The groups move in, under cover of the crowd. Until the last moment, two in each group run up, while a third pulls some zip ties and a sack hood. There is time to fight back but they move to overwhelm quickly.

Two grab each grab the girls, force them into positions of distress and subjugation. And then the zipties, and the hoods. And the last member of their teams beings up a van. They are carried inside and soon the van is racing off. Almost like nothing happened as the groups fade into the crowd.

Elsewhere it's much the same for Hayden and Sean. Hayden is walking around the Jeep to get in when his team run up and force a wooden dowel with a leather strap on it into his mouth, muzzling him. He lets out a sound of shock and warning before he feels his head slam into the side of the jeep and the sack goes over his head. His vision blurring about the edges. Sean is yanked from the Jeep flat to the ground and then the ties and sack. They are both thrown into the trunk area of the jeep someone gets in and off they go.


Time can feel fluid when you can't see your surroundings. Time can feel like it's a rushing torrent or a super slow flow.

So who knows how long the two groups are n transit before their modes of transportation stop, and the pairs are ushered out. Hayden snarls into his muzzle, trying to see if he can get Sean to respond or anyone really. He gets a smack on the back of the head for his trouble.

The four are lead into a room, and the snap of those big four light contruction light fixtures come on with cracks and bangs. Several bodies moving about, casting shadows.

one voice rumbling, "Who are they? What do they want?" A second voice, female, the first was male. The female hums, "Mercenaries? Hmmm some pride grade meat if they are. And their weapons. Someone came into some gems since they got here. The beast. He had a very large gun." Yet a third voice, young, male, "Practically impractical. To be on the recieving end of that would be a death sentence." And yet another voice, strong, male, "Can we trust them? Dare we trust them? Didn't Father Okoo, say he saw them come from Melani's territory? Are they tainted? The Beast is for certain."

A final voice chimes in, Strong, confident, powerful, Male, "Then we should find out. Unhood the other three. Leave the Beast muzzled and Hooded."

Moments later Sean, Katerina and Beth are unhooded, light from the spot lights making it hard to see for abit. But as they adjust the find themselves in what looks like a hotel lobby, it's clean, well kept, drapes are pulled to shield from the outside. What is actually seven people standing before them. But they all seem to be centered around one man, in a tailored suit, with short coarse black hair, piercing grey eyes, "I am Edgar Malkia. I run the Mal Boys. And you four are in my territory. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

No big machete, not blood and gore, no drinking blood from a skull.


Hayden lets out another growl, trying to shake the hood off his head.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

She spotted the threat too late. The Gesha left the holster, and almost got in position to hit the legs of one of the bastards rushing her, but the 21-foot rule was king, and she had maybe six. A baton made of PVC pipe smacked her wrist, sending the pistol flying out of her hand. A similarly painful object held by the other guy smacked her in the gut, making her double over. Before she could recover, someone yanked off her backpack and a brick house fell on her back, or at least that’s what the knee between her shoulder blades felt like, and then the lights went out. She felt a hand reaching into her pocket to remove her phone and probably cancel the call. It happened so fast Hayden likely wouldn’t even notice someone tried to call. Or wouldn’t have if he hadn’t been on the receiving end of similar treatment unbeknownst to Yekaterina. Resisting being moved worked for about two seconds before the attackers simply picked her up by shoulders and ankles and carried her into the van like an oversized garbage bag. She landed on something soft and probably Welsh. All she had left in that moment was impotent rage and Russian curses, and a length of duct tape quickly put an end to the latter as well.

Well that encounter went down about as well as a pint of brake fluid. Next time, no splitting the party, as if there would be a next time at all. Unless they saw the whole thing happen, the lads had no realistic way of tracking them, and if they had been that close, they’d probably have been shooting before either of them got loaded up. Trying to keep track of left and right hand turns soon proved a hopelessly confusing mess. At least they weren't being beaten during the ride and she couldn’t feel plastic sheets on the floor, but that was only a small comfort.

The ride came to an end, and they were led somewhere shady and colder with a hard floor. Not a basement, no stairs. A stone building? The duct tape and hood came off. The first things she recognized were the shapes of three other bound individuals. Crap. They were on their knees and with their wrists ziptied, not seated with their hands and feet duct taped to the chair. At least there was that, but considering that a victory clearly spelled how bad their situation was. She tried to reach the pocket where her phone should’ve been, but couldn’t reach far enough. One of the goons even had the presence of mind to pull her jacket down over her elbows before they led them out of the van, practically immobilizing her arms. Yekaterina tried looking around, but was poked in the ribs with the stick again and reminded to stop squirming and pay attention. “No meathooks, Hayden. Yet.” She informed the still-blinded Canadian.

Their captors’ conversation further muddled the waters. What was that about trusting them and taint? She was rapidly growing sick of this damn city. “You have pretty shitty PR, you know that?” She replied to Edgar’s questioning, the mix of fury, unease and confusion evident to the other three operatives from her native Russian sneaking into the way she pronounced English words. Before she’d say anything else, she chanced a glance at Sean and Beth, hoping to catch a look or some other attempt at communication, trying to figure out how much they should say.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 25 min ago

It happened too fast. Both Sean and Bethan didn't have the time, nor response to fully understand what had happened. Sean knocked into the floor meant he was unconcious for the second time today, and Bethan, well, she got a full gut punch, gagged, and thrown in before Yekatarina got thrown into her in the back of a car, and from that point on things went black.

Not a great afternoon in a wartorn slum, but well, here they were. About to die and get put on meathooks, Bethan reasoned, as the hoods came off, and the sight of the well-trodden hotel floor and the spotlights making it feel like they were about to get put on a bad bit of the internet. But the tone felt odd. Seven people, and the cold floor felt a little more civilized, if not a little more terrifying, with the zip ties and bound down, a situation Bethan knew they couldn't run away from.

RTT training was something both Sean and Bethan had experienced, and Bethan knew it was never anything you wanted to think about. In any given situation, if you were about to get tortured, it was probably best to talk, but stall, play give and take, and not talk when you could stretch it out. Don't ever bullshit, ever - or that was you dead. Wait it out, hold on, and find a way out. That was all that could be done for now, because if they wanted to play games, they weren't just going to put loud music on, pour cold water on them or force them into a stress position. Bethan knew it could be so much worse, and that would be even with giving them the truth. Life might become horrid, and she knew it as much as Sean did, the anger coming back into sway again as she remembered- oh yeah- it was that asshole was the reason she was here about to die.

The captors did seem less brutal than expected, Sean reasoned. Melani wasn't telling the whole truth, it seemed from what was going on so far. Unless he was a real classy cannibal, this guy looked too sane. Too screwed on. And his men definitely seemed to believe some crazy shit, but whatever they thought of Hayden, they must have really had it in for him. Katarina's comment gave Sean a wry chuckle, as he nodded, looking over, knowing he could take some steam out of the moment.
"Seems like they're saving the best for last." Sean joked to him, knowing he wouldn't be able to see, but the comment would ring out, as Yekatarina replied to Edgar's line of questioning, the Russian more pissed than anything, more annoyed, frustrated than before. Bethan couldn't help but agree, and nodded to Sean, who seemed keener than the others. He might have been a scumbag, and she fucking hated his guts, but in this moment, the Northern Irishman seemed unusually like he might be able to play onto Yekatarina. Plus....he was the one who had the stupid fucking idea from earlier. It may as well be him to get killed first, Bethan reasoned as she looked at her former spouse.

"Name's Sean, she's Bethan, and the Russian is Yekatarina. Bunch of mercs working for SAMC, I think, it all doesn't make sense to me. We got told to go around the neighborhood and take a look at what's going on, then get out." Sean started, knowing it'd make sense, it would add up, and it would at least start the rapport.

"So that's us. A bunch of Westerners with no idea what the fuck is going on. Like she said, we heard your rep wasn't great so this is quite a surprise for us. Can't say I'm complaining." Sean wasn't exactly lying, but then again, he didn't need to say more, the charm trickling in, yet the elephant in the room was Hayden, still tied, still bound, and whatever the fuck was going on, he'd been marked for a reason. Sean did not want to think about why that was, but he had an awful feeling Hayden hadn't been entirely honest either. Something had happened and all he knew was that them living or dying might depend on what they knew of him so far.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hayden perks his head to the side. He casts about without sight and without voice. They're int he presense of Edgar Malkia. But Victor said they'd be in major danger. But then Melani was anything but what Victor had said as well. So this is all like completely out field and even as he sits there blinded and mute. He listens carefully though as his partners and teammates chat with well the guy they were told is a blood thirsty bastard.

After a time Hayden can hear a clatter. The three unmasked watch as one of Malkia's people bring in their weapons. Malkia getting up to look over the guns, "A street cannon, and several rifles. Not the best, but decidedly well chosen. It's almost as if you expected trouble. But from whom? Me? My people? My people who simply fight for their liberty and independence from a harmful problem?" He snarls and starts to pace, "Melani, a thorn in my side. Killing my people and my neighbours. All because we have it a little better then her neighbourhood. She it a jackal. A scavenger of the poor and pained. She cares more for her."

And there's an explosion without. Edgar unsheathing a combat knife, and a large pistol in the other. His people around him drawing weapons as well.

A member of Edgar's gang comes running from outside, "Sir! There's been an attack!" Edgar growls, "That bitch Melani?" The gang member shakes his head, "No sir! It's the SAMC and COGS mercs sir! They are attacking each other!" Edgar sighs and puts his pistol away, "That's nothing new." The ganger shakes his head, "Sir you don't understand, it's happening all over the city!" Edgar blinks then looks to another person in the room with them who walks over and switches on an television, one of those old CRTs, almost ancient honestly. But serviciable. As soon as the picture comes up it's clear this is all pirated and spliced, someone cut into an official TV line somewhere and are feeding it to this CRT. The picture isn't great at all. And as the person flips through maybe 5 channels at the most they come to a local news station. The words are in french. But the pictures are clear.

The anchor on the screen is surrounded by banners that even in french is clear saying, "Emergency" and the pictures in the background are of fights breaking out all over Tangayi. COGS and SAMC going at it now without any kind of trying to hide it. Foriegn mercenaries fighting in the open. During one stretch of video, the tone goes from slightly tame with just rifle fire, too suddenly quite severe when a Isreali mercs steps out of hiding a RPG-7 at his shoulder and fires, hammering the opposing soldiers with a bright ball of fire. Another video shows a reporter hunched down behind a hollowed out car. Until there's a crash and burst of smoke. And the image comes back with the reporter laying there holding his chest, and blood on the screen.

Edgar shakes his head, "What the living hell is going on!?" He looks to the four, "Unhood the beast!" He finally says. And Hayden lets out a grunt through his muzzle looking blurrily at everyone then at Sean and Katerina, his words are slurred, "Hah fug?" Edgar sighs, "You have a choice, run back to Melani...or stay here, or...run away. Get out of the center of the city and maybe find refuge in the countryside." He points at Hayden, "Get that muzzle out of his mouth, and place their weapons by the door. They have a choice to make."

Hayden licks his lips and rubs his wrists as they are all unbound. He looks at the others, "Did...did a war just start?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The lingering sense of dread at their perceived impending execution had quickly faded. Now she was just confused. Confused by what was going on, why it was happening and how they were going to salvage this mess and get back on track. Fortunately, Edward started asking questions that could be safely answered, and whether he wanted answers or they were rhetorical, Yekaterina used the chance to regain some traction. “Our weapons aren’t directly related to our presence in your territory. However, it is true that we’ve been fed a series of apparent lies which, despite certain suspicions, we’ve had no way of verifying.” She tried to answer Edward’s questions. “You and your people took care of that, though you could’ve at least tried asking nicely first.” She knew there’d be a bloody big bruise on her right arm in the morning, and the others would no doubt have some souvenirs as well. “And what’s all this pish about ‘beast’ and ‘taint’? You sound like Gandalf’s better-dressed cousin.”

As if things weren’t difficult enough, all Hell broke loose outside, and by the looks of it, all over the city. Some of the images were dangerously similar to events that unfolded just three years ago: Open warfare in a shithole country, RPGs against soft targets and having no real clue what was happening beyond the immediate vicinity. All that was missing were tanks with ERA bricks filled with cardboard and some mass graves, and the latter was probably already there anyway. “Noise checks out.” She replied to Hayden asking about a war starting, “Best stay away from windows.”

Yekaterina wasted no time reclaiming her weapons. Pleased to see one of the kidnappers had the presence of mind to grab her sidearm after it got knocked out of her grip during the attack, she took care to move slowly as she checked over and holstered the weapons before pulling Bethan and Sean into a huddle once they had retrieved their gear, gesturing for Hayden to join. “By the sounds of what’s going on outside, getting out of the city would be some feat. Have to say you gents were right about Edik. If what we’re seeing here is true - and after the past thirty minutes I feel like it should be stressed that I’d second-guess if someone told me they breathe air - then taking up the offer to stay might not be that bad. If anything, if he’s not affiliated with either of the big companies like the situation implies, having a neutral ally can’t hurt.” She offered, pausing to ponder something before continuing. “Think we should bother asking about our goal here? If there’s no affiliation with either of the fighting sides, then what might he know about the Hyena and more importantly, does he want him or them around or not?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 25 min ago

Being lied to had felt like the last of the worries, but the team had rolled with it, the reply from Yekatarina hammering it home Sean imagined. Talk of the "beast" just seemed odd, but to give her credit, she was better read than he initially imagined, though he had yet to sit down and watch Lord of the Rings himself, or read the books. This whole situation could go to shit anytime soon, but sarcasm had so far not gotten them killed, Sean cracking a smirk at her comment, as the sounds of Edgar's thugs drawing guns killed any of that thought.
"The fuck is that?"

The sound of gunfire picked up outside, and soon more goons were running around in the lobby, the anarchy infectious clearly. It was immediate to Bethan what was going on, what was happening. Victor's bullshit now mattered nought, because the very mortars and guns they'd stolen were now in his subordinates hands and being used to shoot and kill any other mercs or authority figures left. She had seen close combat, much like Yekatarina and Sean - and in an urban area casualties mounted fast and anyone who wasn't getting out of the way that wasn't friendly was gonna get a bullet and then questions after. SOPs stayed in place when you were clearing streets, buildings and rooms in a usual setting - the British Army were professionals, after all. Mercs who were being paid the pleasure of it didn't have any rules to follow and Bethan knew there were no friendlies on their side.

Staying in town almost seemed like a death sentence, as she watched the screen, barely surprised, yet aware the situation had now massively changed. Their captor had a fairly sudden change of heart, and the fact they weren't being killed seemed a bit of a shocker now. Whatever leverage was left was gone, no doubt because Edgar had bigger priorities and didn't want to waste a round. Why he was keeping them alive and not wasting them was beyond her, because any chance of an escape plan had gone to shit when the goons had entered the room. Now there was just watching, listening, observing, and making a call, as they made their way across. Sean raised his hand to Edgar as if to suggest they were thinking, playing things out in their head.

Bethan looked to Yekatarina, freed and hearing what she had to say, nodding about her comment regarding the windows, and making her way over, finding her FNC on the floor and her Glock, as well as Sean's Sig and FAL. Throwing the latter rifle to the now untied Ulsterman, she checked her own equipment over, the chat from Edgar in the background almost as she simply gave a nod to him, Sean meanwhile silent and remaining compliant, predictable, and right now, looking to be someone who wasn't going to be a threat. What the Russian had to say was certainly interesting, Sean a little in disagreement.

"Big if, though Katarina. This situation just went bigger than gang warfare. There's no sides here, apart from the two of those groups fragging each other. Anyone else is with, against, or in the way. Including Edgar, if he isn't already. Those mercs won't fucking hestitate if they see us, SAMC or COGS, 'cos I guarantee you, Victor hasn't told a single soul about us. Which means....well, we're shit out of luck here." Sean seemed confused, although he felt like he had to get that off his chest, Bethan looking and nodding, then back at Yekatarina.

"Alright, we got proved wrong. Staying here might work for us. But long term, I don't like this." Bethan nodded, as Sean shook his head, looking over to Hayden.

"Well...they think Hayden is some kind of beast. There is some shady fucking shit our Canuck isn't telling us. If they want to gag him, he's capable of something he ain't told us. And he stays here, that's gonna be an issue. End of the day, we stay here, that means we might be the only thing between someone claiming a bounty on Edgar's head who wanted to look in at him. Like, oh, I don't know, Victor maybe?" Sean replied, looking directly over at the team, now a little less sarcastic, but a bit more considerate that it might mean the difference between getting killed or living.

"Fucking hell, you want to run back? Through that? First you think of selling her down river, now you think the opposite - and Victor's just gonna let us in like that? Are you insane?" Bethan's shock was probably appropriate, but Sean seemed confident.

"I'm saying we split here. We've got phones. Signal might hold, and end of the day, we don't get the Hyena, we don't leave. Gang warfare or not, Victor's thrown himself behind Melani, and she isn't going to stop. You might be able to figure something out, but Victor's a lead we can't let go of. He's a greedy, charming, narc little fucker, and the only thing he wants is someone to give him what he wants, no questions asked. If he wants to bend rules, he'll find there's a price for it if we play." Sean's thoughts seemed to suggest his street smarts, recognising what he had, perhaps a little different in the manner in which Bethan operated, a more cold, professional attitude would take.

"Sean, you've gone off the deep end. Okay, great, do what you want, you selfish, ungratful prick, and when they carve you up, let me know." Bethan sighed, looking to Yekatarina, Sean stopping her and putting his hand on her shoulder as she turned, nodding.

"Fine. I'm just telling you how it is.....but I'll stay with you. But I get one ounce this is going south, and I'm walking out that door. I suggest we do what we need to do, then leave once we have actionable intel. Find a meeting that is legit, or at the least, someone who can work with us who knows where he is. Otherwise, we are going in circles to try and live and you fucking know it." Sean clearly didn't approve, but Bethan's look was a wry one.

"Just like home?" Bethan's retort cut Sean dry, as he shook his head, then looking to the Russian, then to Kat, then to Bethan.

"You may as well say it then. But I'm telling you now. There are no sides here. You might think this is like Afghan, I can tell you now, none of these people would give a shit if you died tomorrow. Only person that matters is the Hyena, and right now, we are not going places." Sean seemed almost exasperated, a pragmatist yet one that didn't have a single moral in his heart. He'd happily walk out of that door, but knew he'd be dead if he went. That and despite everything in his better judgement, he didn't want to walk away from Bethan.

The Welshwoman nodded to Yekatarina, and then over to Hayden.

"That makes three then. I don't like this but we haven't got a choice but to stay. My thoughts are we get a contingency in place though to get into the countryside. Though...wait." Bethan said, looking back to Sean, chuckling a little, shaking her head.

"Though you might be right about something. Victor does at least half trust us. That might be enough. I might have an plan." Bethan retorted, unusual in that the gears from her were turning, but she understood what Sean meant. And well, she had it sown too.

"Victor's just made himself vulnerable...like you said, nobody backs him within SAMC when he does these little things. He hasn't told the directors the fiefdom he's trying to make. So, we might want to make a deal with Edgar to use that. He gets his rival dead and some chaos for him to use, we get our information on the Hyena. Or at least, a start." Bethan said, hoping the group would agree, or at the least, it felt like they were leaning that way.

"Well, well- you're doing it then. You're just gonna stamp on what gave us an in?" Sean replied, feeling a bit vindicated, but aware that well, there was no smug arseholery to be had here. The situation had changed, and as much as she was willing to walk, Bethan had a point here.

"The situation seems to change. You said that yourself. I'll sort this." Bethan wryly retorted, Sean shaking his head, looking at Yekatarina, not entirely sure this was a good idea, but let Bethan take the lead.

She wasn't very conciencous most of the time, but for an SFSG candidate, she made her point enough, and slinging the FNC over her shoulder, walked back from the doorway and through the lobby, and back towards Edgar and the rest were, up the stairs and where the TV had been placed, trying to remain as confident as she could, boonie back on her head, rifle slung on her side and out of reach to show she wasn't coming here to shoot.

"Alright then. Looks like we owe you some truth, if you're sparing us. Melani wanted to know what your area was looking like, and SAMC are behind them. You probably know that, but I can tell you SAMC will use mortars and serious tools here because we stole it for them earlier. Unsanctioned, because the person who backs Melani isn't with the board...and whatever deal they tried to cut with you, they will get with her. Now, if you need help, we don't need diamonds, but we want something else." Bethan said, knowing she was risking a bullet here, but it had to be done- there wasn't going to be much other shot here.

"All we ask is to get a few hours of sleep here, transport, some radios, and just one more thing....information on someone we are looking for. We'll bring you Melani's head on a platter if you give us what we're looking to know. It may buy you time with the fighting going on here if you want to protect your neighborhood, and we'll be gone after the job is done so the heat comes with us. Does that sound like a deal?"
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As they were released one by one Hayden looked around in honest to fucking god confusion. And then he could hear the fighting. Looking up at first as if expecting it to be in the room he wheels then spots the TV. Different clips of fight everywhere in the city. The SAMC and COGS compounds under siege. Check points in the city under fire. Foreign mercs not seeming to care too much as long as they are allowed to shoot and they get paid. It's not something someone who's gone through Special Operations training likes to see. They are goons. And it's disgusting. HE leans in to gather his heavy gun.

He nods slowly as the discussion goes about whether or not they should stay. He narrows his eyes, "I'm going to say this now, I can't leave this. Not just because trying to get out would be like trying to escape the Minotaur's Maze. But another reason, I don't get this Beast thing. These guys...see something in me. And I, I wanna figure this out okay." He growls, and is about to snap one of the 30 mags into his Bren, when one of Edgar's people lets out a hiss. Hayden hums and looks at the fighter and slowly very slowly slides the mag back onto his harness instead, "Fine...just wanted to be ready." He looks back at the others, "I, listen I know I'm not all here okay? Some shit happened back in my Spec Ops days that really worked me over I'll tell you, but now is not the time alright? Maybe that's what they mean beast. I don't know. But right now we got something to take care of here right. I like this idea of atleast taking out Melani. She doesn't feel like. And honestly the way she actted back there, I don't wanna come out like her somehow."

As the team stands up atleast seeming like they are in agreement Hayden hefts his Bren up onto a shoulder easily. His powerful form handling it fairly well. He hides his confusion when one of Edgar's people bites her lower lip as she looks him over even. It's interesting actually as the four stand there, well there are actually members of the people that are standing with Edgar right now looking at them less as prisoners and more like objects of desire. Maybe at the moment they are all exotic elements. And they do kinda exude a ferocity.

As Bethan outlines the deal, Edgar stands and watches, his hand resting on a large silvered pistol, something that must have cost a fair amount of gems and diamonds. He narrows his eyes, "I cannot pay you much. All of my assets are tied up in the community. But I can offer you relatively safe passage out of the city after the job is done. Kill Melani like you say, and cool the fued between our neighbourhoods, and I will do what I can. The rest and transport I think I can do, the radios easy enough. But Information? That depends on the information. Just as gemstones are the only thing worthwhile now, along with gold and silver, information is more valuable. And depending on what it is, well it's value rises or falls like the tides." He nods slowly looking around at his people there in the room with them, likely his administrative group really. They all nod. And one of them a squat dark skinned woman steps forward, "What are you looking for? When you go, I'll see if I can find the information you need."

Hayden nods slowly, and whispers to Sean standing beside him, "That worked, I honestly didn't think it would."
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“Toss in a meal on top of it if you can spare some, we’ve been running on hopes and prayers since sunrise.” Yekaterina added to Bethan’s bartering list, the stress of the previously dangerous situation washing away and reminding her the last time she’d eaten was at the SAMC compound before Victor approached them. “The person backing Bowaylo is one Victor Manar, head of SAMC human resources.” She added, thinking that maybe Edgar could use it somehow. “Had us steal a truck full of weapons from the Dry Trail, driver included, all apparently off the books.”

Hayden was onto something with the Greek allegory. Tangayi was their personal Labyrinth of Crete, with an awful lot of Minotaurs in it. It seemed like Edgar might be their Ariadne, getting them a line out of the labyrinth’s depths. Except a lot of things have so far seemed to be one thing and turned out to be something else and unlike Theseus, they weren't there to deal with whatever was in the labyrinth. They were after King Minos himself. And if she ever got out of there alive, she’d have a sternly-worded message for the Daedalus who engineered the whole mess.

“Right, okay, since we didn’t get a good look out the windows on the ride here, we’re either gonna need a good map or a guide to get us back into the den of madness. Given what’s going on outside, going on foot sounds more survivable, but time and distance do weird things when you’re blindfolded in the back of a van, so I don’t know if that is an option.” She started weaving an outline of a plan so they weren’t stuck trying to figure it out in the morning or making it up as they went like the last time, “If we’re lucky, most of Bowaylo’s cutthroats are going to be busy slaughtering or getting slaughtered by COGS mercs or your people, or both, leaving only a token guard to police the zones behind the front lines. Therefore, with the luck we’re having, her compound is going to make Fort Knox hide in shame. Either way, I suggest we go some extra distance and approach from a direction where the fighting is the lightest, if at all possible. One question though: Are you sure killing Melani won’t spur her lackeys into a vengeful crusade?” She wondered, “Yes, she doesn’t strike me as someone who commands undying loyalty from her people, more of a ‘rule with fear’ type, but you never know with nutters.”

Yekaterina then turned to address Edgar’s associate who asked about their desired information, carefully watching their reactions as she spoke. “The Hyena. Who, where, how, when, as much as you can get.”
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Bethan was a little taken aback by just how much Yekatarina knew, the way she was saying it seeming to come off her tongue like it was deep down inside her...and rolling with it. She was impressed, that she had to admit, it was observation that had kept her alive, and she'd certainly soaked up her fair share of what she could. She agreed with the Russian's comments, a good meal would be useful about now, as would putting a plan together. That and her goal of getting information, Sean stepping forward towards Yekatarina in regards to her comment.

"They'll be a vaccum no matter what. Kill the head and the body doesn't go limp straight away, but it won't know where to go. They'll have bigger matters to attend to, like how their main friend of their supplier is gonna be in a a bloody mess. Fuck's sake, this is crazy." Sean replied, Bethan nodding, albeit a little more resolute now, a little more screwed on and aware that they had to get something together.

"Aye, true that. A map would be good, I can retrace where we got to in the slums. Finding a way in will be tricky, we'll have to think about it logically. I'm thinking a dawn raid. Minimal visibility, a lot of confusion, and less bodies around, especially in the alleys, it means visibility works for us. The markets around her area will be empty so no doubt we'll know who's a foe pretty fast, no civilians in the way. There were a lot of rooftops, guys with guns on them that we'll have to also take out first. But we take those out, find an entry into the compound, and we'll find her there. She's likely focussing on taking turf here, more than watching her own back. Victor's probably promised her that, so I wouldn't be shocked to find a couple of SAMC mercs in compound." Bethan added, thinking it over a little, though not in any denial she needed food and sleep right now. Even in spite of the anarchy, from parachuting in at dawn to killing people in mid-day and now being captured, it had been a hectic one.

Sean in the meanwhile looked to Hayden, a steely look on the Northern Irishman's eyes, a little bit twisted by the environment here but still a little cautious of Hayden's mental state.
"Whatever you did must have given you a reputation. Yous' a scary bastard right." Sean gave a wry chuckle, checking his own FAL over, flicking a mag as he looked over to Bethan and the rest of the team, the plan taking shape as they then turned back to Edgar.
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Hayden shook his head, it didn't feel right he looked at Sean incredulously, "I don't think that's true." Hayden waves his hand, "No we got a mission, somemore potential pay. We go after Melani then? We better do this clean then." He looks up, already Malkia's people have split up and are trying coordinate a defense of their neighbourhood. Chatter can be heard as some talk on phones. Some ordering groups of their gang members to tighten up on strongholds and chokepoints into the neighbourhood. Others are being ordered to get the civilians to safety at public safehouses. There is talk about arming up, and making sure none of the fighting gets to bad. And if they have too, make sure kills are clean and bodies quickly cleaned up.

Hayden motioned, "We better move. Let's do this." Edgar looks up at them and motions to a dark corner of the room they are all in, "There is a door in the corner, which will lead you into a walled in courtyard. It will be locked behind you but it should give you an easy way out without being directly in a fire fight." Edgar tosses Sean a set of keys that might look familar, "You're vehicle will be out there. But with what's happening out there do not rely on it too heavily. Go. And if you survive we'll talk more." One of the high rollers of Malkia's gang takes Edgar's attention showing him something on their phone.

The trip out through the hidden tunnel doesn't take long, and soon they are coming out of a steel covered door leading into a courtyard. A thick concrete wall about 17 feet away separating them from the road by the sound of it. And the fighting beyond.

As soon as Hayden is out, he pulls one of the pan mags off his harness and attaches it to his Bren. Racking the bolt with a load Ka-Chak! He nods,, "I think we all know this isn't going to be a simple run in and gun." As if to emphasize there's the sound of gun fire just on the other side of the wall and the large iron gate set into it. But soon who ever was firing can be heard running away down the street, "This city is going to go to hell in a hand basket really fast at this point. The gangs fighting and the corporations going at it. We're likely in for a few fire fights on our way to Melani. So how do we wanna play this?"
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Sean cocked the FAL once again, sliding the rifle into both hands, the keys in his pocket and now ready to go. They'd have the pickup wherever they left it....and one of Malkia's guys had left it in the courtyard, ready to go for when they needed to leave. The situation had seriously detirorated, and going into the evening, he knew that time was going to run out for them.

"Sounds absolutely fucked out there. And so much for food for now. But if the bitch is dead, then we'll be quids in anyway." Sean replied, taking in the situation, aware Hayden was on board, and Yekatarina too. He felt tense, just like anyone, but same time, he'd seen warfare. He reminded himself of the US Marine, the one he took the piss out of, tell him about Fallujah. A hell on earth, a place that man wished upon nobody, fighting in tight, urban quarters, room to room, block to block, never knowing who was on the other side. Urban warfare was often the most brutal and bloody- when hiding spots were everywhere, it made every sector a dangerous one. So Sean had no doubt of what lay on the other side, no doubt Yekatarina knew of Grozny, and Bethan from her experiences in Afghan.

"Sounds like anyone who's anyone is carrying a tool out there. I'm glad we bought enough lead. We can scavenge whatever else we can, but if we don't move fast, we will get cornered. We need to assume anyone out there is hostile, shoot first, ask questions later...fuck." Sean commented, not exactly having a plan, but a comment of his own, as the Welshwoman replied with a confident nod to Hayden's comment, checking her own mag in the FNC, the Belgian-made weapon tight in her hands, mags ready to go in pouches.

"Yekatarina and Sean make a point, we should try and avoid going head on and around the fighting. I made a mental note of it, it's about eight blocks north to Melani's, direct road goes straight on the main highway but there's a series of what looks like slums and roads on the periphery of town. We go through that, we might be able to avoid the heat on the roads. There's no real reason for anyone to fight over turf there, maybe a few gang members but they won't have enough time to make checkpoints or stop us, though we'll need to keep on the gas. We get lucky and keep our weapons out of view, we might be able to pass off as civvies. And if not, return fire. Not like this is place has IEDs....yet.

"We can take it around to the eastern flank of her place, find a place to hide the vehicle, then get through on foot a couple blocks out. We go in, take down whatever fireteams are guarding the place, any guards in the market outside hers, and if we can scavenge grenades, explosives, IEDs, fuck, anything, see if we can blast our way in. Or climb in and clear the buildings, one by one. Frag Melani, take anything of value, and run. They're not trained in CQC, but we get this wrong, we're getting crucified....in this case, probably literally." Bethan commented, Sean pulling the keys and looking across to the other two, Sean nodding as he looked across to the Hilux, aware that as unstable a platform as it was, it wasn't a slouch. There was a reason it was a terrorist's favourite, a powerful diesel engine, good carrying capacity, four wheel drive, and reliability like nothing. Unlike the most of the Coalition's vehicles, designed for protection and comfort, this did speed and outright versatility far, far better. And right now, a useful thing to have.

"He will want proof we've killed her, too. That machete of hers looked fairly unique....I can't imagine many others have it, y'know." Sean commented, knowing while Bethan didn't want to go into the detail of how this world worked, it was going to be some sort of assurance. Their word wasn't going to be enough, it would be anarchy if they found out she was dead, after all and they other side would want to hide that.

"Jesus, I thought you were about to say we're taking her head back with us. After earlier, nothing's off the cards with you." Bethan barbed back, a wry shrug returning favour given the long day they'd had.

"Well, it looks like she might have already to a bunch of people. I don't think there's anyone normal left here." Sean replied, Bethan nodding in agreement, the two ready to go and aware that while a shit plan, it was at least going to get them into position, avoided the fighting and got them in. It was shit or bust, all or nothing now. No running back.

Part of Sean wondered if they should drive off into the distance, get out of this town and escape and risk that, while they had guns and a vehicle to hand. Shit, to hell with this contract, perhaps just flee far enough to join another mercenary team, maybe cross the border. But even then, there was little hope they'd get another lead on The Hyena if they didn't do this. They'd be starting again, and given how things were about to get sectarian, everyone was about to get paranoid without spilling the beans. So to put out an almighty oil fire, perhaps they just needed to start an even bigger one so they could at least get a lead out of town, and use whatever merc company they needed to get themselves further.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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It had been going relatively well, given the situation. Edgar even agreed to the terms without any discussion. She was looking forward to a bit of rest and a meal. And then they get booted into the rain. Wishful thinking, it was still as hot and dry as ever. And she still had no idea what that superstitious drivel was all about. “Yobannyy kusok chlena…” Yekaterina muttered incredulously with a shake of her head. She didn’t quite fancy raiding Melani’s pantry, worried it would turn out to contain the last guy who pissed her off. Worst of all it probably wasn’t even outside the realm of possibility with that broad. Military food rations were added to the wishlist. Some of the only food around they could be sure was safe to eat, not to mention other usual contents of MREs like coffee, water purification tablets and tissues.

“You want it, don’t you?” She jested, chambering a round and unfolding the stock of her AKS as Sean spoke of Melani’s machete. It was a good point though, bringing a whole body would be impractical and the odds of finding a working camera along the way looked slim. At least Victor and his skull crackers were pretty much guaranteed to be far gone, almost certainly hidden behind layers of reinforced concrete, mercs and razor wire. Not that she would mind an easy chance to crack him over the head with a brick if the opportunity presented itself. One day, perhaps.

Although they were headed back into the lion’s mouth, she still liked their chances. Urban combat was nasty, yes, but the same things that disadvantaged them also plagued the other side, and while the locals had quantity on their side, they had quality. They weren’t the only westerners in the country, true, but she’d expect most of those to be scooped up by the companies and not wasted on what was, by the looks of it, a proxy war using local gangs. More likely they were on alert to protect actual company assets from said proxy war. “One decently set up machine gun nest and they’ll turn the car into a sieve. The Hilux might survive that, us not so much. You think they’d buy that we’re journalists with escort or some such line of bull, or is that wasted effort?” Yekaterina wondered. And speaking of the Hilux…

She walked around the car, seemingly scrutinizing every square inch, “Not a bad catch. Not much rust, tires even and not too worn. Front brakes could use replacing. Nothing visibly wrong with the front springs and shock absorbers. Could steal a bed cap from another one if we find one…” The Russian reached down the driver’s footwell when Sean opened the door to pop the hood, “Battery even looks new-ish. Winch battery is missing though. Ah, well, you can’t win them all.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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Hayden helped pull the gate open then peeked outside, for now the area appears to be OPFOR free. So the quartet can head out and look over the Hilux. He hums, "For what we're going to need this thing isn't too bad." And as the others start to examine the truck, Hayden figures they need atleast one person one watch, he walks out a little into the narrow street, checking their surroundings. There's only two ways into the street. one to their North east and another to their Southwest, so only two ways to have to keep an eye on, all the builds but two show high walls along the street. And only on other entrance down near the North east mouth.

He listens as the others get things going. And it's likely only what ever paranoid spider sense he's developed over the years that gets him to turn, there's a cowled woman at the South west mouth, pointing down toward them speaking to someone he can't see. He watches then turns to make sure no one is coming from the other direction. He paces forward. he looks to make sure the others are okay, and upon looking southwest again, there are about four men, each of them armed, though only one with a gun, it looks like a short chopped down shotgun. the rest with clubs and in one case a mean looking serrated machete. As they begin to walk towards them, Hayden can see the grins on their faces as if they just found four fresh meat pies for the taking. Somehow having missed their weapons.

Hayden calls out, "Start the thing and lets get going right now, or knuckle up." He says to the other three, "We have Skinnys Southwest, 250 and closing." He still hasn't raised his LMG and another three are not walking from the southwest corner behind the first four, these three armed with small pistols. Hayden for a second thinks about just hosing them. But instead, keeps that dirty, dangerous beast under control. "200." He calls as he steps up and then raises the Bren to his hip, shouting down the street, "Stop right there!" And the sight of the big gun seems to give the first four pause, as they look at the muzzle of the great thing leveled at them, the three behind them though seek cover behind wall braces and debris on the street.

It's an indication of the situation around the city that these seven don't bolt at the sight of a LMG leveled at them, the prize of a truck, and whatever loot they can get off four people, must be absolutely enticing. Thinking they outnumber the four they see it as their payday.

And by the looks of it Hayden is just hanging on to what ever evil beast lays in his head and soul at the moment, his trigger discipline remains.
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Hayden’s call to action perhaps should’ve been expected, but still made her sigh in frustration. Fuck’s sake, always something in this fucking country. What were the odds they were Edgar’s people and could just be told to fuck off? Yekaterina made sure she wouldn’t crush anyone’s fingers, slammed the hood shut and swung her rifle into her hands. “Sean, get the car going, start moving North-east and take the first turn North. We’ll move alongside until we’re out of sight, then we mount up and scram.” She didn’t want to be in an unarmored car in plain view of multiple firearms, “If the shooting starts before then, park it across the street and tear into them. Beth, come with me.”

She jogged over to Hayden to get a look at what they were facing, “I’d rather not waste rounds on them, but if they get within 150 meters and Sean isn’t moving yet, we’ll light them up while they’re still out of their effective range. If any weapon gets pointed our way, go loud. Once Sean’s moving, get in the bed, we’ll cover you.” It wasn’t quite a turret, but with one of the 100 round pan mags in Hayden’s BREN, it should be good enough to allow him to cover their retreat, provided she and Bethan could keep the skinnies’ heads down long enough for him to get on and get set up.

She made a point to switch her rifle to semi in plain view of the locals and waved them away with her hand, not really thinking it would have any effect, but it couldn’t hurt to try. Then she moved behind cover and shouldered her rifle in low ready, keeping an eye on the guy with the bubba-fucked shotgun. He would have to be the first to go. At 100 plus meters, the melee brigade was a non-issue and she trusted the others to pick targets accordingly. One thing she didn’t understand was why they were this intent on taking them on when half of them couldn’t even fight at range. They couldn’t be simply stupid, could they? That would be too easy. She leaned back behind a wall brace and turned her attention to the North-east end of the street. Having friends flanking the people who outgunned you would’ve been a valid reason for their behavior. It would also put the brakes on her improvised little plan.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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And with that, Sean gave a gentle rev as the four-cylinder diesel chugged, the sight of skinnies beyond the gate making it clear they needed to get the fuck out, the Ulsterman pulling out and now moving.
"Get in!" Sean called out, hoping the team would take the rev as a note enough, right behind them out of the compound after the turn. The Welshwoman of the two lept into the rear of the bed, using the tailgate as a platform, grabbing a bullbar near the front to help hoist her in, raising her FNC and covering the rear angle, knowing that Hayden, as reluctant as he was, would take that bait.
"Yekatarina, time to go!" She called across to the Russian, offering a hand, and with that, hoping she'd take it. Sean had no premonitions. As soon as they were in, they were going to be out.

Bethan in the back looked across at Hayden and Yekatarina, and then on at the zombie-like mass of people coming down the road. Fuck, it seemed like a wave, people after people, they could fire into it but there'd be no doubt they'd be twice as dead if they did. She didn't like this. Thankfully, they were going the other way, and buying at least a little time.

The roads were shit, but Sean headed north-east, the dusty night streets hard to navigate with rubble, bricks and all sorts of shite all over the road, the mixed feeling of desperation, exhaustion and need fuelling him perhaps. But it was coming up, and with a rough sketch of where to go, and what to do. The road north at least led them to the outskirts, and into another slum, the houses becoming more scattered but plenty of skinnies everywhere. Sean did not let up, hitting a bump hard and turning, the entire frame of the truck feeling like it leant as Bethan had to hold to the side, yelling a comforting "Shit!" in response. The guy was driving like he'd stolen it, and in fairness, making ground. The night sky was filling occasionally with tracer fire, and the scene was etheral...and all too familiar. A hellhole in the night, and the darkness that filled the roads were only pierced by the dusted lights of the Hilux, keeping things in view.

The cross-over of a railway line threw the Hilux up again, the suspension creaking like it was about to pop, or perhaps just showing it's age. No matter what, Sean didn't let up, throwing it into a lower gear as the rear end skidded out onto the snap of tarmac once again, the intermittent movement of civies, and a few militants a blur. They were making good time, and anyone trying to stop them knew they looked as likely to be fleeing as they were going into the fight. Not worth expending rounds, given right now in this dark chances were nobody knew who was friendly or foe. Something to remember for themselves, Sean thought to himself, as he kept it back on track.

"Skinnies front!" Sean yelled, the sight of a small ramshackle checkpoint ahead making a fight or flight decision easy- it was flight. They had no reason to stop. If they had an RPG, they were fucking dead if they stopped. If they didn't, rounds were a hell of a lot more accurate in return, and they currently didn't have much apart from being a target that would be a waste of rounds. At least, that was the logic, until the rounds did fly, and Sean hoped the others would be able to get a drive-by on.

And that was what Bethan did, watching as Sean took the route around the ramshackle stop, Bethan blasting rounds back, a couple bullets slapping into the bed barely far away from the two of them, but the rounds were at least making the point clear that they had places to be.
"Fucking hell! Sean, how far?" Bethan yelled into the front, Sean giving a wry shrug, Bethan only fucked off that they were nearly getting killed over what felt like the third suicide mission of the day. A record, all things considered.

And Sean didn't know entirely. They had distance to cover, but the city was getting built up again, the suburbs were coming in close and they were covering distance. A couple of blocks in, and it felt about right to stop here. They'd taken their detour around and well, lived to fight another day. From here, they'd have to go on foot, and while Sean felt his Evasive Driving training had paid off, he knew even he wanted to be sick.

Pulling off to the side, Sean spotted a small alleyway and pulled in, noticing relatively little activity, going between a couple of buildings. A brick alcove seemed as good as an idea as any, turning around a thee-pointer in the alley and backing it into a small opening, so tight one side of the pickup scraped against it, and kept it out of sight, out of mind. Getting it out would be fun...and it wasn't going to be out of the driver's side, Sean reasoned, clambering through the passenger exit, FAL back in hand.

"That your idea of keeping a low profile? Jesus, how are we not dead?" Bethan's reaction said it all, the look of someone who was fairly surprised it hadn't all gone totally tits up.
"Like I said, getaway driving never gets old. This thing is WAY better than the Land Rovers we had." Bethan couldn't hold back a chuckle, hopping the tailgate, passing a hand to Yekatarina to drop down, walking out of the alcove and checking quarters, looking back.
"Sean, how you sure this thing is gonna leave, if it don't get stolen?"
"Well, that is a chance we're just gonna have to take. Unless we find some nicer wheels at Melani's. Which, given she's a bloodthirsty animal, unlikely." Sean added, looking across to Hayden and Yekatarina, then back at their way in.

"Best we get the fuck out of here. I put us two blocks east, give or take." Sean retorted, slapping a mag into the FAL, ready to go and aware they were now in the lion's den.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hayden edged his way back step by step. Keeping his big gun leveled on the rioters and looters. Finger on the trigger but no pressure. He didn't turn when he heard the engine rumble to life, he kept on moving as the Hilux edged forward. Trusting Kat, Beth and Sean to check the 1200 angle. While he kept their 0600. He kept moving, "They're staying at 180 over here, just edging closer as we move. Anything at the 1200?" He didn't want to chance a look, keeping his eye one the group edging along with them. He kept creeping back as the Hilux began to roll and the other members of their team started to board up. He called back, "Pump the breaks...let me jump in the back." Just long enough for Hayden to feel his hip bump into the rear of the Hilux, he gave a hop back planting his rear into the back of the truck, keeping his LMG pointed back behind them, "Go!" he called, and crawled in further as they roared into the street.

The Canadian had enough time to get his feet into the truck before they came onto the main road. He poked his head up as Sean called out the checkpoint, "The fuck...oh right Edgar did say they had check points." He figured it wouldn't be a problem, then the forces at the check point opened up on them. Hayden ducked a shot that pinged off the roll bar beside him. He growled and surged up, got his balance and placed the Bren on the top of the truck, getting it settled, then let loose. Oh people have seen Bren guns in games and on TV or in the movies. But it's something else when one opens up in a 20 round fuck you on your enemies. The skinnies at the check point ducked under the combined from himself and Bethany. The gangers jumping and ducking out of sight as the big rounds kicked. One of them going down holding a hole in his shoulder from a lucky round.

Hayden grabbed the roll bar and lowered the Bren to the side as they swerved and pulled into the back alley, scraping into the little side alley. He groaned and rubbed his forehead, "You know...back when I did my time with CSOR...I didn't get shot at nearly as much as this. We tended to do our work with knives instead of guns." He looked at the other three then out into the alley, "We hoofing it then? Okay I can get that." He climbed up onto the roof of the hilux, clambered over and then slide down onto the hood and down over the front. Once there he checked the pan mag, muttering, "80 rounds or so, this thing still has some use." He watches the others, "Want me to take point, I don't want to have to fan you guys from behind if we have to do some shooting." He hiked the Bren up, using the shoulder strap over one shoulder to help him carry it, "Two blocks you say? Well, let's go kill us a fuck off madwoman huh? I want off the radar and I wanna know where the Hyena is hiding. Before we get capped somehow." He heaved forward, briefly getting his bearings in the alley then heading east, "no time like the present!" He calls.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The plan worked. Few reasons it should’t have, it was simple enough, but fuck improvizing like that. With the help of an offered hand, she made it into the car and nothing held them back from leaving the local welcoming committee in the dust. Of course if anyone with a rifle in that crowd wanted them dead, the car would do them no good. It was like a child feeling safer in the bed than standing in the middle of the room. It was certainly better than getting trampled by a mob or having your face smashed with a brick because someone wanted your jacket. But once they rounded the first corner, they seemed to be in the clear. So much so she stretched her legs as much as the truck bed would allow, shoved the backpack under her head and tried to get at least some rest now that they were - however briefly - in control of their own fates.

Until Sean’s warning cry jolted her out of her stupor, the Russian rolling over to her side with the rifle pointing out of the car as if on autopilot. Given the speed at which they’d pass the checkpoint, she moved the fire selector to the middle position and sent a single long burst perpendicular to the car’s direction of travel, rolling back to her back once they passed and moving the selector all the way down where it belonged, ready to trade fire with any of the outpost defenders that would try their luck as they sped away. They didn’t seem to be in fighting mood, leaving her to try and rub away the ringing in her ear from a near miss.

“Put it in first gear so they can’t push or tow it and put the keys into a pocket we can easily reach if you get shot. Good luck to any would be thief moving this out of the alley without them.” Yekateina said as she bent down in front of the truck, taking thirty seconds to observe the underside, “Doesn’t look like anything’s leaking, I was a bit worried about the radiator.” She changed magazines, making sure there was still a round in the chamber. 31 to work with and back to shooting in a way that allowed her to keep track. “Once more unto the breach, dear friends…” the Russian muttered as she stacked up behind Hayden, “Let’s do this place a favor.”
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