▶ P R E M I S E
Five years ago, a comet came to the solar system and towards the world. A deflection mission by missile launch was attempted, but it eventually failed. However, the celestial body did not make impact. It assumed an orbit around the world and became a new satellite in addition to the other moons. The comet was close enough to steadily bombard the world with debris. This was more than just a rock from somewhere in the universe. It acted as if sentient, slowing and increasing its velocity at will. The pieces that fell onto the earth of the world were infected with life that spread far and wide.
The United Defense Force (UDF) was created as an emergency response to the hostile lifeforms that emerged from the bombardment. It consisted of contributions from most nations of the world. The war effort was unlike anything the world had seen before, so new strategies and central intelligence was required. All military forces of participating nations were directed to the United Defense Force. Several divisions and specialized groups within the UDF emerged with the coming years in order to combat the ever evolving threat.
The infection was anomalous in nature. It appeared mostly as a type of fungus, but also blossoms. Clearly visible spores and insect-like presence in the air could be observed around infected areas. There were also much larger entities that emerged from the bombardment and infected areas. The beings were of all shapes and sizes, abstract and mystical in some cases. Mutated wildlife and humans native to the world was also encountered, which was most troublesome. People came to call this infection the Stigma. It garnered suspicious interest by corporations and weapons manufacturers around the world. Soldiers in the UDF also reportedly witnessed unmarked military personnel extracting samples and mutated people from various places, clearly against their will.
The presence of the infection and its monsters incited a mass migration of spirits. People who already had an affinity for spirit possession become the hosts to even more of them. These individuals were known as Aeons, who were able to wield the collective power of spirits as magic. The initial strategy of the UDF was to spread these individuals across the battlefield and different operations. Even if success rates increased, it was not enough to make any meaningful impact on the enemy.
An idea emerged in UDF intelligence that a combat group consisting only of Aeons was a valid strategy. The Special Warfare and Reconnaissance Group was created to meet the needs of the UDF where ordinary measures could not. The purpose of the group was to function as a surgical knife or immense hammer depending on the current situation. The group has seen a number of iterations throughout the years, and it has now reached its 3rd edition.
A 'legendary' Aeon has recently gone dark and cannot be reached by communication or otherwise. UDF intelligence fears that this Aeon and the soldiers under his command have been compromised. Either way, the UDF considers this Aeon an invaluable asset and wants it back at any cost. The Special Warfare and Reconnaissance Group is tasked with finding this Aeon. You, the writer, will portray a character in this group.
Five years ago, a comet came to the solar system and towards the world. A deflection mission by missile launch was attempted, but it eventually failed. However, the celestial body did not make impact. It assumed an orbit around the world and became a new satellite in addition to the other moons. The comet was close enough to steadily bombard the world with debris. This was more than just a rock from somewhere in the universe. It acted as if sentient, slowing and increasing its velocity at will. The pieces that fell onto the earth of the world were infected with life that spread far and wide.
The United Defense Force (UDF) was created as an emergency response to the hostile lifeforms that emerged from the bombardment. It consisted of contributions from most nations of the world. The war effort was unlike anything the world had seen before, so new strategies and central intelligence was required. All military forces of participating nations were directed to the United Defense Force. Several divisions and specialized groups within the UDF emerged with the coming years in order to combat the ever evolving threat.
The infection was anomalous in nature. It appeared mostly as a type of fungus, but also blossoms. Clearly visible spores and insect-like presence in the air could be observed around infected areas. There were also much larger entities that emerged from the bombardment and infected areas. The beings were of all shapes and sizes, abstract and mystical in some cases. Mutated wildlife and humans native to the world was also encountered, which was most troublesome. People came to call this infection the Stigma. It garnered suspicious interest by corporations and weapons manufacturers around the world. Soldiers in the UDF also reportedly witnessed unmarked military personnel extracting samples and mutated people from various places, clearly against their will.
The presence of the infection and its monsters incited a mass migration of spirits. People who already had an affinity for spirit possession become the hosts to even more of them. These individuals were known as Aeons, who were able to wield the collective power of spirits as magic. The initial strategy of the UDF was to spread these individuals across the battlefield and different operations. Even if success rates increased, it was not enough to make any meaningful impact on the enemy.
An idea emerged in UDF intelligence that a combat group consisting only of Aeons was a valid strategy. The Special Warfare and Reconnaissance Group was created to meet the needs of the UDF where ordinary measures could not. The purpose of the group was to function as a surgical knife or immense hammer depending on the current situation. The group has seen a number of iterations throughout the years, and it has now reached its 3rd edition.
A 'legendary' Aeon has recently gone dark and cannot be reached by communication or otherwise. UDF intelligence fears that this Aeon and the soldiers under his command have been compromised. Either way, the UDF considers this Aeon an invaluable asset and wants it back at any cost. The Special Warfare and Reconnaissance Group is tasked with finding this Aeon. You, the writer, will portray a character in this group.

▶ A E O N S
People in this world may possess a spirit or two in their lifetime. These will not provide much in terms of benefit for that person. On the other hand, an Aeon may have hundred of thousands of spirits within them, which will make them akin to a Demigod. However, that word can mean different things depending on who you ask, so let us make definitions. Aeons can die due to physical trauma. They are not immortal or invulnerable, but certainly hardened. If a bullet fired from the effective range of a weapon is a direct hit, the Aeon will suffer pain, bruising, and a slight indent in their skin. Repeated shots to the exact same area will eventually cause bleeding. The same rules applied to blunt force trauma caused by melee weapons. Cuts from slashing instruments will cause bleeding much sooner, but the attack must be repeated in the same area for anything significant to happen.
Aeons can exert the power of spirits as magic. The effects of this are often destructive, but some are protective and healing. Many of these effects take the form of common elements such as fire, ice, and lightning. There is a slew of common techniques for using magic that include blasts, beams, bolts, projectiles, orbs, waves, pillars, spikes, vortexes, and explosions of elemental energy. The full potential of spirit possession is unknown.
There are rumors of Aeons being able to briefly transcend their normal form to become what is known as an Archon. These are supernatural entities of immense power. They are rarely seen, but they do exist. This kind of practice is different from those who permanently transcend to become an Archon through a lifetime of devotion to the faith. Archons take numerous forms, as they may appear as animals, humanoid beings, mythological creatures, machines, or completely alien.
The power of spirits is temporary. It will only last for as long as the spirits choose to stay within a host. While all Aeons display identical benefits in the early stages of their power, they grow differently over time. Spirits develop differently depending on the person they inhabit. It is a unique symbiosis. There is currently no known reason why spirits choose one person over another. There is evidence that the effect is exponential—if a person already has many spirits, that person will attract more of them. Some believe that spirit congregation is related to the nature of a person's soul, but that does not align with the fact that 'Guardians' and 'Renegades' exist, which are supposedly moral opposites. Others believe that it is simply a genetic trait.
Spirits can manifest in visible form to Aeons, if they choose to. These forms can be anything between animals, insects, tress, elements, to formless entities and completely alien structures. A spirit cannot use the languages of human beings, but they can show emotion through action and sound. However, animals that have become Aeons are able to learn human languages, if they so choose. When enough spirits have congregated in certain animals, they form what is known as a soul in humans. The animals become humanoid in the spiritual sense, but remain unchanged in their material form.
Spirit worship and union with the Etro are the center of religious practice. One is to be aware of the symbiosis between people and spirit, and strive towards harmony and balance. The 'faith' has no churches or temples, only shrines scattered around the world where one may show devotion. Spirits often congregate at these shrines and show themselves in visible form.
People in this world may possess a spirit or two in their lifetime. These will not provide much in terms of benefit for that person. On the other hand, an Aeon may have hundred of thousands of spirits within them, which will make them akin to a Demigod. However, that word can mean different things depending on who you ask, so let us make definitions. Aeons can die due to physical trauma. They are not immortal or invulnerable, but certainly hardened. If a bullet fired from the effective range of a weapon is a direct hit, the Aeon will suffer pain, bruising, and a slight indent in their skin. Repeated shots to the exact same area will eventually cause bleeding. The same rules applied to blunt force trauma caused by melee weapons. Cuts from slashing instruments will cause bleeding much sooner, but the attack must be repeated in the same area for anything significant to happen.
Aeons can exert the power of spirits as magic. The effects of this are often destructive, but some are protective and healing. Many of these effects take the form of common elements such as fire, ice, and lightning. There is a slew of common techniques for using magic that include blasts, beams, bolts, projectiles, orbs, waves, pillars, spikes, vortexes, and explosions of elemental energy. The full potential of spirit possession is unknown.
There are rumors of Aeons being able to briefly transcend their normal form to become what is known as an Archon. These are supernatural entities of immense power. They are rarely seen, but they do exist. This kind of practice is different from those who permanently transcend to become an Archon through a lifetime of devotion to the faith. Archons take numerous forms, as they may appear as animals, humanoid beings, mythological creatures, machines, or completely alien.
The power of spirits is temporary. It will only last for as long as the spirits choose to stay within a host. While all Aeons display identical benefits in the early stages of their power, they grow differently over time. Spirits develop differently depending on the person they inhabit. It is a unique symbiosis. There is currently no known reason why spirits choose one person over another. There is evidence that the effect is exponential—if a person already has many spirits, that person will attract more of them. Some believe that spirit congregation is related to the nature of a person's soul, but that does not align with the fact that 'Guardians' and 'Renegades' exist, which are supposedly moral opposites. Others believe that it is simply a genetic trait.
Spirits can manifest in visible form to Aeons, if they choose to. These forms can be anything between animals, insects, tress, elements, to formless entities and completely alien structures. A spirit cannot use the languages of human beings, but they can show emotion through action and sound. However, animals that have become Aeons are able to learn human languages, if they so choose. When enough spirits have congregated in certain animals, they form what is known as a soul in humans. The animals become humanoid in the spiritual sense, but remain unchanged in their material form.
Spirit worship and union with the Etro are the center of religious practice. One is to be aware of the symbiosis between people and spirit, and strive towards harmony and balance. The 'faith' has no churches or temples, only shrines scattered around the world where one may show devotion. Spirits often congregate at these shrines and show themselves in visible form.

▶ W O R L D
The world economy took a plunge with the arrival of the invaders. A multitude of jobs became redundant when markets began to focus on the war effort. Poverty became rampant. Many enlisted in the UDF just to be able to eat and send their modest compensation back home. Others had no choice but to take part in new factories dedicated to manufacturing equipment, vehicles, and weapons. Non-military pursuits such as medical care and building of defensive infrastructure was also a popular choice.
As the invaders appeared to be mostly a land-based enemy, a lot of resources were dumped into the emerging technology of marine fusion reactors. These reactors were able to use ocean water as fuel to create clean, renewable energy at an immense rate. The reactors were stationed not too far from various coasts around the world, which assured rapid and easy transportation and military protection. The energy from the reactors came in the form of 'power batteries'. These batteries could be manufactured in various sizes for a myriad of technologies.
A handful of corporations have managed to stay floating since the war began. As all other private businesses were extinguished, these corporations have grown to such an extent that their influence is felt everywhere. Even the UDF leadership has recently taken directions that by some are questionable, as if their decisions are based on funding rather than strategy. According to some economists, the comet and the invaders have created an opportunity for new wealth, materials, and technologies to be made. These talking points are concerning in the political sphere of the world, creating ever creeping divisions among people.
The complexity of computer technology vary depending on where you are in the world. Rural areas have old screens and keyboards that are unflattering to look at, but sturdy. Computers in advanced financial cities consist of holographic interfaces and touch-screen technology. Most people are interested in digital games, news, and socializing. Forums and other platforms for discussions are very popular. There is a world-wide network for communication, but connectivity may vary depending on location in the world.
The world economy took a plunge with the arrival of the invaders. A multitude of jobs became redundant when markets began to focus on the war effort. Poverty became rampant. Many enlisted in the UDF just to be able to eat and send their modest compensation back home. Others had no choice but to take part in new factories dedicated to manufacturing equipment, vehicles, and weapons. Non-military pursuits such as medical care and building of defensive infrastructure was also a popular choice.
As the invaders appeared to be mostly a land-based enemy, a lot of resources were dumped into the emerging technology of marine fusion reactors. These reactors were able to use ocean water as fuel to create clean, renewable energy at an immense rate. The reactors were stationed not too far from various coasts around the world, which assured rapid and easy transportation and military protection. The energy from the reactors came in the form of 'power batteries'. These batteries could be manufactured in various sizes for a myriad of technologies.
A handful of corporations have managed to stay floating since the war began. As all other private businesses were extinguished, these corporations have grown to such an extent that their influence is felt everywhere. Even the UDF leadership has recently taken directions that by some are questionable, as if their decisions are based on funding rather than strategy. According to some economists, the comet and the invaders have created an opportunity for new wealth, materials, and technologies to be made. These talking points are concerning in the political sphere of the world, creating ever creeping divisions among people.
The complexity of computer technology vary depending on where you are in the world. Rural areas have old screens and keyboards that are unflattering to look at, but sturdy. Computers in advanced financial cities consist of holographic interfaces and touch-screen technology. Most people are interested in digital games, news, and socializing. Forums and other platforms for discussions are very popular. There is a world-wide network for communication, but connectivity may vary depending on location in the world.

▶ I N F O R M A T I O N
I hope I managed to convey the gist for this in an understandable way. I'm looking for people, if there still are any here of such caliber, that can get a feel for what this is. You do not have to have previous knowledge of anything, though, but I think you will either be intuitively attracted to this or not.
I will add more information to this, given it breathes life through this interest thread. You can help by requesting more details concerning various areas of the lore, or maybe you can write some yourself. The tiny symbols underneath the title banner leads to a music piece on YouTube. Maybe it will set you in the right mood for this. I have attempted this particular setting before. It is all a mishmash of ideas and details that change with every iteration.
I will not impose any strict posting schedules. This place and hobby is very humbling as it is. Hopefully it is clear what your character is meant to be in this drama. You have a lot of freedom in the creation process. Seeing as it is a military organization putting the team together, it should be fairly easy to swap out members for new ones should the need arise. I do not think that I have ever been able to put it into words what this is. There is always somewhere to go, but the pace will flow between fast and slow.
What is different this time in terms of GM status? I have time for this, a lot of time. I need to keep up with my writing skills because of my real life job. So, this might feel a bit mechanical at times, but I'll do my best to make your stay feel homely. I try to make everyone in my games feel special and taken care of.
I hope I managed to convey the gist for this in an understandable way. I'm looking for people, if there still are any here of such caliber, that can get a feel for what this is. You do not have to have previous knowledge of anything, though, but I think you will either be intuitively attracted to this or not.
I will add more information to this, given it breathes life through this interest thread. You can help by requesting more details concerning various areas of the lore, or maybe you can write some yourself. The tiny symbols underneath the title banner leads to a music piece on YouTube. Maybe it will set you in the right mood for this. I have attempted this particular setting before. It is all a mishmash of ideas and details that change with every iteration.
I will not impose any strict posting schedules. This place and hobby is very humbling as it is. Hopefully it is clear what your character is meant to be in this drama. You have a lot of freedom in the creation process. Seeing as it is a military organization putting the team together, it should be fairly easy to swap out members for new ones should the need arise. I do not think that I have ever been able to put it into words what this is. There is always somewhere to go, but the pace will flow between fast and slow.
What is different this time in terms of GM status? I have time for this, a lot of time. I need to keep up with my writing skills because of my real life job. So, this might feel a bit mechanical at times, but I'll do my best to make your stay feel homely. I try to make everyone in my games feel special and taken care of.