Greetings my Flowers-

I am currently seeking out a few people to RP with. I've not done this in a long time, but I'm an advanced writer. I realize that not everyone has the time for this, and that some scenes might require shorter and faster replies (to keep the story realistic), and I'm fine with that. But I would prefer something long-term, and if you become bored, I'd prefer to know ahead of time if possible.

Since I'm an adult, I would request that only other adults reply. I have no interest in chatting or roleplaying with a minor. Not because I'm hardcore into NSFW, but because I just personally prefer against it. The gender of your character doesn't matter (gender has never mattered to me irl either so that makes it easier), and if you just prefer to have one character, that's fine too. We can add in side characters as needed (random NPCs just for story sake), or turn them into kept characters if we find interest in them along the way.

Since I'm mostly a sci-fi / fantasy / horror writer (my main character is in fact a serial killer), I would feel most comfortable writing with these themes in mind. Normally I prefer to do a cyberpunk setting (though not all that crazy space stuff, I keep it relatively realistic to a degree), with humans and other creatures in the mix. It's normally set to where humans outnumber the other beings, just to keep them from taking control of everything (so we would keep that ideally in mind). It makes for a fun setting as well, having to run and hide from others and not let them know who or what you are unless you're willing to risk trusting someone.

When it comes to the horror aspect, I'm fine with writing heavy details on gruesome things (though when it comes to details about gore, I'm not entirely into that). I prefer to write about the fear someone feels when being chased, perhaps some sadistic acts, and otherwise mature things that can be discussed privately if that interests you as well.

Rules :

Must be 18, no exceptions.

I would prefer 2-3 paragraphs per reply.

Control your own character only (unless you have NPCs for story plot which we'll discuss in OOC)

Provide a character sheet with details about your character's appearance and personality

Communicate with me and be available for discussions if needed

Reply at least once every 2-3 days


Side note : I have ADHD and tend to become bored with people irl. Which is why I'm here, online, writing with others. If at any point you become bored, please let me know. Also, since I tend to get bored, if the other writer hasn't replied within 7 days, I'll most likely drop the entire RP and move on to someone else. I'm a bit of an attention lover, so the more writers the better.

We can also be friends outside of the RP, I'm open to having discord friends and getting to know others. If we click, write well together, ect, maybe you'll make a new friend, who knows.

Have a good day, thanks for reading.
