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Zeroth Post
Hello. This roleplay covers the life and times of two powerful mages and their children. Rosalinde and Cyprian are a Human woman and Dracon male, respectively. Their children are going to be conceived by magic, and will be either Human, Dracon, or something in-between. For those who may be reading this while scrolling through the Guild, this is a closed 1x1 RP, but if you are interested in starting a similar one, feel free to shoot me a PM and we'll see what we can do.

-- Aristocles.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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Omicria was not a land like most others. Instead of a king, the land was ruled by an Exarch, officially a viceroy for an empire, but an empire that had died out centuries ago. Its people were mostly human, but as the old empire had been a land of many groups, so too were all races allowed to settle in Omicria. Among them were the Dracons, themselves a species from a distant desert continent which somehow always seemed to be to the south of wherever one was. The Dracons were a small minority in Omicria, yet they had no more or fewer rights than anyone else.

Among them was a powerful mage known as Cyprian, a red-scaled Dracon of some forty years. For his species, this was still reasonably young, seeing as he would live to be at least 150, longer still if magic was involved. He was a member of the Council of Mages, an old imperial institution which had relocated to Omicria centuries ago when the rest of the empire fell. Some say that they were the ones who caused the cataclysm which wiped out the Golden City and its people in a day and a night. Officially, they denied having anything to do with it, and in truth, the Council did everything in its power to prevent what happened. That was some seven centuries ago.

(The golden city at its peak):

Despite the passage of many years, time seemed to stand still in Omicria. Not only were the laws the same as in the old empire, but the dress, architecture, and to a large extent the technology had not changed much in all the years since the fall of the empire. While newer fashions and ways crept in from time to time, the land still boasted newly-built post-and-lintel temples in an era when flying buttresses and pointed arches were the norm, and while books had gradually displaced the use of scrolls, more conservative Omicrians made it a point to read from a rolled-up piece of parchment or papyrus rather than turn the pages of what they derisively referred to as a "vulgar codex."

Cyprian had been hatched in Omicria, yet his parents were both from the Dracon realms: his father from the city of Naushindcalgoa (the capital of the kingdom of the same name, as the main dracon realms were) and his mother from a farming village in the kingdom of Minbenthac. His father had been a talented wizard and there had been rumors that sorcery ran on his mother's side of the family, but whatever the case, Cyprian had outshone both of them, becoming the most powerful Dracon on the Council, one of only two of his species to be there.

The Council headquarters itself was a large palace which had been built on the outskirts of Omicria's capital, originally constructed as a fancy retirement home for the emperor, who apparently had a love for cabbages, hence the fields of them planted around the building. When the empire fell and the Council was forced to relocate, it only made sense to give them the largest building available.

(The Council of Mages HQ):

Cyprian arrived at the Council along with the other forty-nine mages who represented Omicria's best. Even as a former province, it still stood as a decent, mid-sized real;m, albeit one which called itself an "Exarchate" rather than a proper kingdom. Seated in the octagonal structure which once served as the emperor's tomb, they did the rounds and called the meeting to order.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dao Ma
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Dao Ma sorrow made you.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was a serious matter, and all of the council was to attend. If was these kinds of meetings that bred posturing and pompous attempts at making one seem more important than another. Every mage was out for themselves while playing the act of a concerned citizen of Omicria. Rosalinde knew better, and knew how to spot power that went beyond one's words and rank. Even though she herself, had both rank and pedegree backing her own social standing, she was well known for her own magical prowess. One that couldn't possibly be passed down through lineage. She was of a new age, where someone made something of themselves with their own desire and determination. And she was hellbent on propagating that ideal.

She made her way into the council chambers, eyes scanning over all those that were in the room. Some were in their places at their own designated chair, while others meandered, finding time to converse before the meeting began. Rosalinde was known not for small talk, but for seeking out conversations with those she could see strength and potential in. It did create an air to be desired by some, envied by others when she made her way around the room. Occasional glances monitored who she spoke to, how long, and who she decided to remain by. There was always someone watching Rosalinde, waiting for her to make her choice-- like an oracle pronouncing their prophesized one.

Rosalinde did as she usually would, slow sultry steps around the room until she came close to her own chair. Dark yet vivid eyes landed on one of the few more interesting people in the room. Out of all the different beings, there were only two dracon in the entire room. One, an older dracon well in his years. Wise beyond measure, but also seen as worn down by life experiences. He was not the warrior he once was, and it affected his reputation. The other though, younger, stronger, surprisingly an interesting conversationalist. And his chair was only a lean away from her's.

"Good evening, Cyprian." She said quietly, tilting her head towards him, eyes bright as a coy smile curled upon her lips. "Fine to see you so chipper for this meeting as well." She added teasingly. Meetings like these were always a drag. And as important as they were, were often boring and for formaity's sake. Did they really need all forty-nine to vote on a single matter when it really had no relevance to a good few? Thus were the tribulations of being a council member.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Hm? Oh, yes. Good evening. Nice to see us all here to discuss matters of urgent importance, such as... oh, what's on the schedule for this evening." He looked down at the parchments which were being distributed around the room. "The implications of the Exarch's new taxes on bread, wine, and salt, and how this will impact the market for magical goods and services." With a rather blank look on his face, he sat the documents flat down on the round table he was sitting at, right next to Rosalinde. This would be a boring one, and as chipper as he was earlier, the look of excitement which had adorned his snout earlier had fled as fast as it had come.

Nevertheless, he was happy to see her. Rosalinde was always one of the more interesting mages to speak with, and it helped that she was easy on the eyes. And while there was no way to judge from her manner of walking alone, he got the feeling that she had adopted such a sultry gait in order to gain the attention of the other archmages. A pity that most of them were either taken, clueless, or were so absorbed in their own power and importance that they paid little heed to her. On top of that, only about half of the mages in the room were fully human, with several half-breeds and many non-humans. The High Councilor himself was quarter-elf, three-fourths human.

"Perhaps we could discuss matters of, ah, greater import after the formal session is over, Rosalinde. In the gardens, perhaps? You know, the ones with the emperor's cabbages? They say the ones growing there now are descended from the strain he planted centuries ago. And maybe something more interesting than food products. This palace is a masterwork of-"

"The Council of Mages will come to order!" Cyprian fell silent as the High Councilor spoke. The meeting itself was just as long and drawn-out as he imagined it would be, but a break was finally called three hours into it, just as the sun began to set. Obtuse as he could be, a thought still dawned on the Dracon.

"Rosa- oh, may I call you that? Perhaps we can continue discussing this matter outside. By the seaside." He rose from his seat and, refraining from spelling it out, gestured at the setting sun through the window.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dao Ma
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Dao Ma sorrow made you.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was amusing how Rosalinde could see Cyprian's expression change as he looked over the topic at hand. It was enough to bore anyone to tears. She was sure at least five of the council members would fall asleep during the meeting. Almost a guarantee. Her smile broadened as he placed down the parchment, and she reached out to spread her hands over it to keep it open.

Her attention went to the parchment briefly, reading over it as an overview until Cyprian caught her attention. Was he really asking her to meet with him alone? The thought made her heart flutter. He was charming, even if he seemed to ramble on... All he needed to do was ask to have a moment alone with her. Excuses weren't necessary. It was endearing though. Delicate fingers pushed locks of hair back behind her ear as he spoke and a small silent chuckle escaped her as he was interrupted by the High Councilor. For now, Cyprian's request would have to go unanswered.

Rosalinde took her seat, carefully pushing Cyprian's parchment back to him as she looked over her own. Though she found it incredibly boring, she listened and focused. It was, regardless of how insignificant it seemed, something that could lead to distress among the common citizen. Even so, the woman couldn't help but steal glances at the dracon beside her. How he carried himself, even in such a situation, she found charming.

Once the intermission started, Rosalinde stood from her seat and stretched, arms going above her head and fingers fanning up to the ceiling. She arched her back and once satisfied, relaxed back. Hearing the beginnings of her name, she tilted her head to look at Cyprian. Turning, she leaned against the edge of the table so that she could face him. "You may." She said, coy smile returning as she listened to him revise his request.

The setting sun in Omciria was always beautiful, especially when the sun reflected off of the water. It was one of her favorite things about this city. Her own homeland had been a landlocked area, surrounded by rich forest and spires of marble and stone. She had shared a home with elves, and it was rather obvious in how she held herself at times. "Yes, I believe that is a wonderful idea. I heard the ocean air does wonders to clear the mind." She gave a small laugh as she reached out, gently tracing fingertips across the dracon's forearm as she pushed off from the table, leaving her space to begin walking towards one of the nearest doors. She only made a few steps though, waiting for Cyprian to accompany her.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Wonderful. Let's be off." He rose to his feet, claws making a slight clatter against the smooth marble floors. Although the building had been made with humans in mind, he wished that they had thought to include heated floors to account for the fact that Dracons never used footwear.

The walk to the beach nearby was quick, and he appreciated walking on the soft sand rather than the cold stony floors. But there was more on his mind than the environment. He certainly wanted to learn more about the charming mage he had spent much time with in the Council. But first, with almost zero effort, he conjured a fireball into his right hand and tossed it into the water, just to see what effect it might have. It was hardly the first time he had done such a thing, but Cyprian always enjoyed seeing the cloud of steam which rose from the water.

"Finally got a chance to actually cast a spell today. I swear, they have us talking more than practicing magic at these gatherings. We're not politicians, after all."

"Now, with all talk of salt and wine out of the way, perhaps we can discuss a few things, Rosa. The way we've been, eh, unless it's my mind playing tricks on me, it seems as if we've been making gestures based on the way we look towards each other, the way you walk, and the whole thing with your hair- which I assume to be a mammalian movement indicating interest- I just want to know if you're interested in a more, eh, personal conversation."

Things were rarely as they appeared with mages. For all Cyprian knew, it could be that Rosalinde was merely teasing him, or that he was seeing something that wasn't there, or that she was just acting that way for any other reason than to attract him. "If there's something you want from me, you can tell me. I won't bite, I promise." He bared his teeth, showing off his rather sizeable, dragon-like fangs.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dao Ma
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Dao Ma sorrow made you.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rosalinde followed Cyprian out to the beach, where she promptly took off her shoes so that she could walk easily on the sand. Looking out to the ocean, she watched as light speckled against it's surface and shimmered as the waves took it closer and further from the shore. Her mesmerized stare came to ab abrupt stop when an explosion of steam erupted before her vision. She took a glance back at the dracon, brow raised as she tried to piece together the reasoning behind the act.

It amused her, and forced a small scoff of a laugh from her which she hid behind the the back of her hand. Was magic to him something that was difficult to be contained? Like water constantly being poured into a cup that could easily overflow if not had some poured out? What an interesting thought.

Her focus turned fully to Cyprian. "Oh, but we are politicians." She said, tilting her head slightly. "Magic is merely the face of what the council is." The conversation didn't last long though, as Cyprian got right to the point of why he wanted to come down here with Rosalinde.

There was a moment of silence, where Rosalinde tilted her head down, before she became a fit of laughter. He was perceptive, but at the same time, a little naïve. Hadn't it been obvious that she had been waiting to for his response? It would have been too bold of her to just outright say it. She wasn't boorish, after all. "Not everything I do is meant to draw attention." She said, still laughing as she walked semicircular around Cyprian. "Though, I have done things to draw your attention." He was strong with a bright mind. He had a lot of skill, and still yet more potential. And that, to Rosalinde, was attractive.

"And if I was interested in a more... personal conversation?" She tilted her head the other way, now looking up at him directly with a smile. Her laughter had calmed by now. "Would you oblige?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"Oh, I think I could oblige a fellow Councilor" Cyprian told her, giving Rosalinde a little smile. "Especially if it's a matter regarding magic or a project involving..." he looked at Rosalinde directly in the eyes. He could be a bit slow when it came to romantic cues, but the Dracon wasn't totally clueless.

"I see. Heh. There are some things even magic can't explain, I suppose. How a beast like me could interest a beauty like you is a mystery for the ages." He looked around, making sure no one was following them. He would have used a spell to detect scrying as well, but he decided against it. This opportunity would swiftly pass if he didn't take it, and it wasn't as if he was overflowing with prospective girlfriends or offers of marriage.

"So to answer your question, yes. Let's talk about anything. Forget politics for now, whatever you want to say, feel free, I'm all ears." He loosened the toga he was wearing, letting his chest be fully exposed, although he kept the rest of his garments on. Cyprian was also wearing a loincloth underneath his toga, so it wasn't like he was wearing too little for this climate and in this country.

"Let me just get a couple of points out of the way, in case you need to know; I am indeed single, I've got no children, I'm definitely not arranged to be wed to anyone, and I am very much open to dating outside of my species. And you'd never be expected to change your ways if we were to be in a relationship unless you want to change them. Oh, and since you might have heard that rich male Dracons back in my homeland have several wives, I promise you that won't be the case for me. Just one wife, nothing else. I know how my race does it, I just don't do that thing myself. And let me say that you're exactly the sort of female I'd hope to meet; intelligent, willful, easy on the eyes, and might I add, very graceful. Dracons males like that last one in a female. Agility. Not sure why we do, but it is pretty nice to see."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dao Ma
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Dao Ma sorrow made you.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There it was, he was really looking at her now. Her smile maintained as he spoke. "I would say you are more civilized than a beast, so there's that." She commented as her smile curled into a small smirk. Her gaze eventually turned back to the ocean, and she began to walk along the shore, letting the water lap at her feet.

"Anything?" She echoed back, formulating in her mind what she wanted to say next. Cyprian took the initiative though, giving away anything that may have needed to be known. He was direct, at least, and Rosalinde rather enjoyed that.

"Already mentioning marriage and we've only just started to really talk about the topic." She laughed, looking back at him. "Are you proposing we wed already?" She was teasing, of course. But... maybe only slightly. There were benefits of being a married woman in a high position. Outside of the rather obvious rebellion against her own family's wishes. Had she picked another human or an elf... even a dwarf, there certainly wouldn't be any kind of harsh words and questioning of her decisions. But someone completely and entirely outside of her species was almost unheard of. "To be honest, I wouldn't mind the change of pace in life." She stretched her arms above her head, reaching for the sky until she fanned out her hands as if reaching for the setting sun. "If, of course, you are in a rush." She continued to tease.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"N-no! Not- not yet! I-I mean... I mention it because my people, the Dracons, we are, ah, we're unusual in many ways, and I don't just mean due to our rough scales and pointy snouts. There's a lot of things I'd have to tell know, much to understand. We're a rather, how to say it, exotic pick. And I'm in no rush, but since you seem to be okay with-" It dawned on him that he was teasing her.

"Ah, maybe we should go on a date or two before talking about marriage. To be perfectly upfront, this is not my area of expertise. Had you asked me about the inner working of evocation or the history of the city of Minbenthac, I'd regale you with those subjects all night and into the next morning if you allowed me to, but I suspect you don't want that."

He looked over Rosalinde. She was clearly unusual in more ways than one. Not that he minded, but something about her words caused him to think deeply about the situation. Surely, there was something more to it than her simply being intrigued by an intelligent male. The Council had plenty of those, some of them unmarried, others willing to break their vows for a night on the town. No, what she wanted was something specific to him, and it wasn't just a date or a night of pleasure.

"You say you wanted a change of pace. What exactly did you mean by that? I can understand not wanting to attend these monotonous meetings and rather dry academic lectures, delving into pointless minutia, but there's something more than I'm not getting. I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage here, Rosa. Please, feel free to enlighten this poor Dracon as to what it is you want." He didn't mention sex, for fear that it was way too soon and that it might scare her away, and for good reason.
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