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Jonathan Corbett
(formerly Jaoseph de Corbet), also known as Johnny Rook
Age: 909 / 30 (forever 31)

Species: Kindred, 7th or 8th generation Ventrue (sources differ and Jonathan is unlikely to debunk useful mystery)

Blood type: Being embraced in a time of war and at the site of a siege, has directly determined the herd he may feed upon. It has to be someone who has served as a soldier or policeman/-woman, or done bloody violence, and to a lesser extent someone who has wielded a weapon.

Will add some more about his stances/attitudes on topics or factions.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ezekiel
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Cereiella Faewyld - Cara Fennic

Age: 19/19
Species: Sidhe Changeling
Court: Seelie
House: Eiluned
Legacies: Regent/Rake
Powers/Skill: As one of the Sidhe, returned from the Dreaming in recent years, Cara boasts the typical powers of Fae nobility in the form of the Soverign arts, able to inspire, or force, loyalty and protocol in both kithe and others beyond. Something of a taboo among Changeling society since the civil wars which set Noble against Commoner, they are not powers she relies on, nor does she take pleasure in using. Of far greater enjoyment to the capricious noble is her skill in chicanery, the befuddlement and manipulation of others in a far less direct means. Deemed a little beneath the nobility by others of her kind, she has mastered this art none the less above all others. Finally, as befits a Noble seeking to establish far-flung freehold, Cara possesses some skill in the art of Wayfaring, able to travel the Trods of her people, across the world and into the Dreaming.
Appearance: Cara Fennic stands as a human being of great poise, silver-white hair that would drape down her back often tightly styled and maintained. Her grey-white eyes are surprisingly emotive for such a cold colour, although when tested or displeased her focus often becomes unbreaking, the guise of joviality she wears to temper her frost stripped away. She is athletic of build, with a modest, if not waifish, hourglass figure with not quite enough height to be average in length. Her attired ranges from expensive workout gear to bright and eccentric evening gowns, although she certainly has a taste for the expensive. Whatever the case may be, whether it is in accessories or makeup, there is always a dash of purple about her.


Cara has always had her differences with her fellow Sidhe of the Eiluned Household. While her kind are usually haughty in the extreme, reserved, and focused on the higher arts, Cara feels a deep sense of caring for the world and its people, both Kithe and otherwise. Born into the post-Evavesence world of Chaos, Bedlam and Banality, she has an affection for commoner kithe and humanity which borders on the rebellious tenants of the Shadow Court and more positive Unseelie teachings. Topping all of these, is a sense of wanderlust and exploration, to explore the Trods, to find new experiences and delve deeply into the Dreaming, while never losing her footing back on the mortal realm.

None of this is to say she entirely lacks the superior nature of the Arcadian Sithe, she has, of course, grown up (both as a human and a kithe) in great privilege and taught to wield all aspects of her being as weapons of charm, wit and intrigue. She is supremely self-confident, bordering on foolhardy bravery and a sense of self-invincibility and particularly when her Unseelie nature draws dominant, willing to pursue her whims and desire whatever the cost may be. Her love and affection does not mean she fails to understand the simple truth of reality that the Arcadian Sidhe are born to rule, and she is among them.


When the events of the Evanescence took place, bringing yet more Arcadian Sidhe back into the Mortal Realm from the dreaming, they too had to begin shielding their Fae souls from the dangers of Banality within mortal guises. Many were older Fae, taking host-forms without developing the attachments a Kithe generally has for their human body. This was not the case for the nascent Sidhe brought along with the elders, as was the case of Cereiella, one of the first Arcadian Sithe of this new generation to be born and fostered with humanity, as the Changelings are. Befitting of noble of her household, Cereiella's soul was placed in the child of East Coast Billionaires, their fortunes made in shipping long ago, now reinvested into the technology age. As with many of her kind, Cereiella (known as Cara in her human guise) underwent a chrysalis very young, the sheltered nature of her life encouraging the Glamour within her, and she was still a child when she was first allowed to renter the Seelie Court. Here she learned of her event greater privilege and the world of wonders open to her. Still, while her human parents may have been extraordinarily wealthy and doted on her, her family had been large and enough effort was made for her to appreciate her life and those less fortunate that she did not take as wholeheartedly to the regimented life of court. That and her fondness of Childish mischief bled into her mastery of glamour. Unlike her peers she did not simply seek to understand the greater mysteries of the world and the Dreaming, she wished to experience them, and to play a fair few pranks along the way.

The young Changeling was charming enough however that this slight alteration from the behaviour expected of her was treated as a quirk of her personality, an eccentricity that made her company all the more enticing, rather than a scandal to be crushed. Her willingness to discover herself was even useful for the Household. While Commoner Retainers are more than capable, sometimes it is useful to have one of the Sidhe in location to guide matters. In her human life, Cara prepared the means for her to be able to delve into these long trips of discovery, while maintaining the lifestyle to which she was accustom. The young woman, supported by her family contacts, started out as an actress and model, the former predominantly in matters of theatre, the glamour in her voice now doubt pushing her performances well into the higher tier of what is possible for humankind. As her mortal career began to ascend, this coincided with the opportunity of a true quest she had been looking for. Some time following the Evanescence, a dark mirror occurred, far more localised, but all-encompassing. The human city known as Los Angeles was beset with a surge of Banality, a font of disbelief so strong it banished all Changelings from the city and shattered their Freeholds, only the greatest remaining in their dormant state, the life of their glamour flickering low. As with any strike of Banality, the eradication of the Changelings likewise clouded their memory within the minds of other Changelings. All that remained was the pang of loss. When the human Cara Fennic was offered her first role in Hollywood, Cereiella leapt at the opportunity. She would venture to the land gripped by Banality, restore the Freeholds and recover the lost Changelings. She would restore Los Angeles to glamour, surely the youngest Changeling to ever undertake such a task since High King David united the Commoners and Nobility once more.


Several Commoner Changelings who have travelled with her to restore the LA Freeholds.
To be written.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Eva
Age: 300+ (Appears late 20s.)
Species: Kindred
Powers: Auspex, Celerity, Presence, Dominate, Fortitude, Thaumaturgy
Clan: Toreador
Generation: 5th through diablerie.


A descendant of the lost Mayan tribes, daughter to a tribal shaman father who dabbled in tranditional magic and healing arts. Eva has never gone into detail about what happened, but to those closest to her she has mentioned that she watched her childhood home burn as the sun set on her childhood. It wasn't long after that the Spanish took her from a field of fruit trees. They demanded navigation and translation, to say nothing of what else men demand of young women. But after her family's demise in shadow and fire, the child Eva was at the time just could do nothing else but play along with the Spanish.

By the time she snapped out of it, she was on a ship at sea. Eva rallied others taken from the lands around her home, and eventually they escaped even as the Spanish ship burnt and sank. The details of the story remain fuzzy to her, but she remembers being the only one to make it to land. She remembers watching three others she escaped with drown in the black warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. She wound up on what would become Galveston Island, where she stayed at a local coastal fort of earth and timber. The men were little kinder there than the Spanish had been, and Eva moved on quickly.

Eva falls in with several local tribes, and it's through them she learns of other Spanish moving through the territory only but a year after leaving Galveston Island, headed North. The Spanish are shocked to meet a woman who can speak local tongues, foreign tongues, and enough of their own Spanish to understand. Though the Spanish notes that the "native woman" was initially shy and hesitant, she presented a unique boon to ther expedition, and the leaders of the Portola expedition decided they were better off with her. After swearing that no one would be allowed to hurt her, Eva began her role as the go-between for the Spanish with the natives they encountered on their way to California.

In California Eva has a direct hand in establishing Spanish mission communities all over southern California, but most notably San Diego and Los Angeles. This fact plays an immense role in Eva's control over the Free States, as her influence can literally be traced back to the origins of many cities. Her first meeting with the Kindred of the area was a trick of fate, more than a planned and plotted event. She was traveling with a Spanish friar when a wind storm forced them to the nearest settlement: the rancho of Don Sebastian Juan Dominguez, unaware of 5th Generation Toreador on the run Christopher Houghton.

As was his custom, Houghton would develop a crush. Both from Eva's power of presence and personality, from her charm, but of the stories she told--of her escape, of her survival, of her helping the Spanish to setup so much of California already. As the night went long the two talked of what could be made of the valleys they overlooked in moonlight now. Of what could be; it was there, that night, that the original idea of Los Angeles was conceived. Before the sun rose, Houghton embraced Eva, convinced she was his missing piece. While others close to Christopher would come and go, Eva would stay with him, the mother figure he never had, and never had to fear.

Los Angeles grew into a major city, and before long the Kindred duo were looking for other outlets. Neither is sure who was first, Christopher or Eva, but they both agree that once the other introduced them to motion pictures...that was it. They had found their new calling. Los Angeles and it's surrounding areas they would leave to lieutenants and mortal pawns, stepping in when needed, but from then on the majority of their attention was on this new artform. It was on "Hollywoodland"--or Hollywood, as Eva famously shortened it one evening. What followed was the Golden Age of Hollywood.

In the mid-1900s the Anarchs came. Christopher fell for some of the Anarchs, had soured on his childe, the Camarilla Prince Don Sebastian. So the Don fell, and the Anarchs set up a Free State--completely unaware of the Kindred powers that were already supporting them from the shadows. Of a sort, anyway; quite frankly at the time Eva didn't care. The Anarchs, the Free State? That nonsense belonged to Christopher, as far as Eva was concerned. Where he became distracted from Hollywood, Eva only doubled her efforts, becoming hyperactive in her involvement with the day to day, and long term, operations of Hollywood. Her only distraction was in the early 70s--and that was thanks to the exploding porn film industry in Van Nuys, well within her LA domain.

Eventually Christopher's paranoia and aggression got the better of him. When Los Angeles turned to war after lupine and kindred alike went after Don Sebastian, Christopher came dangerously close to exposing himself--and by extension Eva. It created the first squabble between the two since the earliest days of Hollywood. Instead of heal and move on, the divisions only deepened. After the incident elder Kindred in LA began to die, and a new series of violence errupted. This time Christopher went public, and declared himself Baron of Los Angeles.

It was betrayal and violation to Eva. Their secrecy was their bond, and he had finally violated it due to no reason other than his own paranoia and madness. When Christopher attacked her own Coterie and friends, Eva was forced to act. The Kindred Civil War of the Free States began, and ended only when Eva diablerized Christopher Houghton. Forced with a decision of letting chaos break out or assert her dominance of Los Angeles, Eva refused to step forward. While the Kid and her's power base is consolidated by her and her's, their doesn't seem to be a plan by Eva to do anything with all that influence and power.

Eva has currently taken on the persona of a recent model turned 12th Generation Toreador, and can be found in all manner of havens and hangouts across the Los Angeles area. From bars in Santa Monica to hotel lobbies along Beverely Hills to house parties in the Valley. Some have noted her beauty, but some others have dismissed her as just another pretty face in a town full of pretty faces. This way no one seems to mind having her around, even if no one seems to pay her much more than token attention for brief periods, leaving her to reflect on the images and voices suddenly filling her head, whispering to her through blood and ages about Gehenna, and about him.

While Eva floats around LA incognito her Coterie remains vigilant. Each of it's members had taken governance of one aspect of Eva's dominion or another, and in her absence they have simply kept doing what it is they have always done: Mateo, the sole survivor of the LA Tremere Chantry, works LA County and state officials and keeps tabs on the magical side of things. Andre, a once upon a time LA gangster turned US Marine turned LA Brujah does what he's always done best; act as force modifier for Eva with several of LA's largest gangs secretly in his pocket along with the private security that can be seen in a few of Eva's properties around LA but most notably have turned Catalina Island into a fortress. Rachel, a former Camarilla Ventrue and before that former lawyer, runs much of the business empire under Eva as well as monitoring a network of spies and informants. Yanci, thought to be Eva's lone childer, manages Hollywood in the absence of both the Kid and now Eva.

Each member of the Coterie have stepped up into larger roles, though each is aware of what Eva is up to, though not always the exact details. There are even hints that there may be another one or two of the Coterie still hiding in Los Angeles.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fiber


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Hellion Nulla Dies / Sine Linea

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ReedeThe23rd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lightning Fast
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Lightning Fast Aspiring Lawyerguy

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Sic semper tyrannis"

Name: Abraham, Gaius, Praetor, and many more.

Age: Over two thousand

Species: Kindred

Powers: Fortitude, Potence, Celerity, Auspex, Necromancy

Clan: Caitiff

Generation: 7th

Appearance: He carries himself upright and with a quick step, remnants of his days on the march for glory and conquest. His list of names and titles is long, so the short and sweet name of Abraham was taken after an old friend. His clothes clean and freshly pressed, he carries himself well but their a sadness in him and tiredness. He looks remarkably alive for a Kindred, though he carries an aura of man who carries the weight of the world. His body is fit and lean, a surprising amount of scaring dots his chest and his chin is a familiar scar of chin strap from a Legion helmet. With raven black hair and short beard, he looks the part of a young soldier and even has the manners and discipline to prove it.

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