”I wouldn’t take another step if I were you.”

Aileas Hyland Dominic
18 Born on the 9th day of the Red Wolf Moon, 1477
Country of Origin
Kingdom of Faerghus
Social Standing
Noble of House Dominic
Crest of Dominic
Aileas’ Crest allows her to strike fear into the hearts of her enemies, occasionally sending them fleeing instead of engaging in combat.
Aileas’ Crest allows her to strike fear into the hearts of her enemies, occasionally sending them fleeing instead of engaging in combat.
Starting Class
Weapon of Choice
Lance, Flying
Faith, Reason
Aileas is ambitious to say the least, but her ambition is measured more with her eyes than her actual spirit. This mostly stems from the stress she tacks on with her ambition. She loads her schedule or metaphorical plate with multiple responsibilities that work in tandem on paper, but in practice takes a lot out of her to complete with high marks. She’s always operated like this, fearing that if she were to stop loading her plate she would lose herself to madness with nothing to do. The stress does help her strive for a higher level of success that other people would just be happy with the average. Between the stress of becoming the next Duke and also being the best lancer she can be there is one thing that remedies her mind, battle. When she picks up the familiarity of a lance, a sword, or reigns of a horse she immediately flushes any harrowing emotion and is crystal focused ready to be used as an instrument of war. She’s more or less always had a knack for lance play and someday hopes to have a legendary relic associated with her just as Dominic did all those centuries ago.
If you’re looking for a fanciful story of a noble turned champion, this is that one. Instead we have the incredibly average story of a young girl who would one day become the incarnation of the elite that partnered up with Seiros all those years ago. Except, the road to getting there is still long and winding. It all began in Fhirdad, the capital city ruled under the watchful eye of House Blaiddyd. Her parents did as all major houses did and procreated in hopes of fathering children with the crest of those before them as to continue the bloodline and history from said crest. Fortunately or unfortunately, who’s to say, the two gave birth to only one child, a girl with eyes as vibrant as the precious emerald. Luckily their emerald also came with the crest of their founder.
All of the hopes and dreams pinned on Aileas were lost early on when the two couldn’t understand why nothing stuck with the girl. It’s not that she couldn’t learn, but rather she would learn at her own pace in her own way. They cycled through books, teachers, tutors, magic, bows, etc.. and each outcome was the same. A mentor at their wits end, bag in hand, and an apology followed up by a prayer before they were out the front door and gone with the wind. The two would discuss having another child or two if it meant they could recoup their loses with Aileas. That was before they heard giggling in the backyard and ran to find Aileas twirling a stick, much too long and heavy for her size, as if it were a twig she snapped off a sapling amidst the pine trees.
While Dominic was known for using a hammer, they originally wanted Aileas to choose a more refined weapon suited for a noble woman. They did not think to show her the way of the sword nor the lance, instead it found her. With a new sunny disposition the two showered her with mentors from across the country skilled in both lance and sword. She excelled far more with a lance than she did a sword, it was as if she could accurately account for the distance and momentum she needed to swing the lance and where her domain therein lie. Although there was still the issue of Aileas needing to grow into her weapon size wise. To remedy that problem until she hit puberty and an age to enter an academy, they tethered her to a miniature horse. The two skills homogenized to create a match made in heaven, for a start at least.
Her parents realized once you detached her from what she was magnetized too, she quickly molted her carapace for a much softer exterior. Regardless, she was well loved and her parents knew what their daughter needed to excel and how to deal with her otherwise. She grew up being enabled to pursue both walks of life until she was finally ready, in their minds, for a much greater challenge and instruction at Garreg Mach.
Aileas was budding at the opportunity to attend, she had little in the way of friends and had never been in a setting with other kids her age, equally skilled if not better. Aileas just wanted to make friends and live up to her parents hopes for her being the next incarnation of their beloved Dominic.
All of the hopes and dreams pinned on Aileas were lost early on when the two couldn’t understand why nothing stuck with the girl. It’s not that she couldn’t learn, but rather she would learn at her own pace in her own way. They cycled through books, teachers, tutors, magic, bows, etc.. and each outcome was the same. A mentor at their wits end, bag in hand, and an apology followed up by a prayer before they were out the front door and gone with the wind. The two would discuss having another child or two if it meant they could recoup their loses with Aileas. That was before they heard giggling in the backyard and ran to find Aileas twirling a stick, much too long and heavy for her size, as if it were a twig she snapped off a sapling amidst the pine trees.
While Dominic was known for using a hammer, they originally wanted Aileas to choose a more refined weapon suited for a noble woman. They did not think to show her the way of the sword nor the lance, instead it found her. With a new sunny disposition the two showered her with mentors from across the country skilled in both lance and sword. She excelled far more with a lance than she did a sword, it was as if she could accurately account for the distance and momentum she needed to swing the lance and where her domain therein lie. Although there was still the issue of Aileas needing to grow into her weapon size wise. To remedy that problem until she hit puberty and an age to enter an academy, they tethered her to a miniature horse. The two skills homogenized to create a match made in heaven, for a start at least.
Her parents realized once you detached her from what she was magnetized too, she quickly molted her carapace for a much softer exterior. Regardless, she was well loved and her parents knew what their daughter needed to excel and how to deal with her otherwise. She grew up being enabled to pursue both walks of life until she was finally ready, in their minds, for a much greater challenge and instruction at Garreg Mach.
Aileas was budding at the opportunity to attend, she had little in the way of friends and had never been in a setting with other kids her age, equally skilled if not better. Aileas just wanted to make friends and live up to her parents hopes for her being the next incarnation of their beloved Dominic.
- Aileas likes to be called Ai for short.
- She towers over most girls at 176 cm tall.
- Obsessed with the color emerald.
- Can eat most chefs out of house and home.
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