This Galleon and NPC crew were made for Winds of Fate ~ A Thieves' Adventure RP.

Ship: The Pinned Seal
Captain: Gerrard Griffin
Crew: 21 men
Captain: Gerrard Griffin
Crew: 21 men

Captain Gerrard Griffin: Captain of The Pinned Seal (Personal retainer for Lord Vargas.)

Captain Griffin has long been a trusted, personal retainer to Lord Vargas. He is the Captain of The Pinned Seal, an oddly designed mercantile galleon, and head of its crew. Gerrard was born in Bridland, but he took to the seas at a very early age. He has spent much of his time in the Spice Islands of the Mavian Sea, and much of his later years as a mercantile captain between Baakara and Talbos Island, where much of his most trusted crew members come from, like Ba'ku and Simbo. The waters between Baakara and Talbos were known for ruthless piratry, and his crew are some of the toughest to have sailed it's waters.
Hopper: Navigator, Griffin's Trusted Consort

Hopper, as he is known to the crew, is both the Navigator of The Pinned Seal, and Griffin's trusted consort. The two actually met through Lord Vargas, who met Hopper whilst abroad in the Kingdom of Liros. He was a well-known navigator and consort to the King and was quite prosperous and also worked as a professor in the city. Hopper is extremely intelligent, and he and Vargas became good friends over a very short period of time, and shared a great deal in common... perhaps more than most knew. Hopper had grown quite bored of his time and occupation in Liros and as it turned out Lord Vargas had just the remedy. Hopper has been with the captain for over fifteen cycles now, and Griffin spends most of his time with him, and values his opinions on most things.
Hopper has become quite inexpendable to both the Captain and the crew, and has always sailed them true. He is well versed in all things nautical, as well as all things astrological, and a wealth of knowledge on many other things including geography, anthropology, and is an astute study of various cultures known to the realm. He likes to keep a journal in which he documents all the various peoples and things he finds along their travels.
Ba'ku: First Mate

Ba'ku is the First Mate on The Pinned Seal and is second in command under Captain Griffin. Ba'ku is from Baakara, and was a very prominent figure in his community. He was highly regarded by his people, as a large and noble warrior, and was of noble descent. His father was a great tribal Chiefton and ruled over many fertile lands. That is, up until one day... one of his tribesman, and a fellow warrior warrior committed a heinous crime and blamed it on Ba'ku and his companion Simbo. His own family fell for the lie and Ba'ku had to run, never to return with no way to prove his innocence. Captain Griffin saved Ba'ku from his fate Baakara and Ba'ku has dedicated his life to Captain Griffin and he has remained with him till this day.
Jarvis: Second Mate, Expert Swordsman

Jarvis, like his brother Jarvis are both Bretonians who grew up in Villona, a long way from their homeland of Bridland. Though they are twins, they are not identical. They do, however, finish each other's sentences quite often, and do most everything together. Jarvis is the Second Mate on The Pinned Seal, and under the direct command of Ba'ku and the captain. Jarvis is also an excellent duelist with the blade, a master swordsman in every aspect of the trade, as both he and his brother grew up under a very skilled duelist there. Both were from a very prominent family in Bridland, but their father was murdered for political reasons. They were sent off to live witheir mother's sister, who married into prominence in Villona before they were born. When the political violence followed their family to Villona the two decided to take their chances and fled, and through a series of hurried events they found themselves on the crew of The Pinned Seal, and have been a part of the crew for several years now. The pair are some of the most skilled fighters on the crew, and show a great deal of finnesse in battle.
Interesting story about how they both lost their eyes...
Sal: Quartermaster, Sailor

Sal is the Quartermaster aboard The Pinned Seal. Sal is a very blunt, straight to the point kind of guy. Sal is from the Northern Lands, but he doesn't speak much about it, or his past for that matter. Sal runs a tight ship, and keeps a keen eye on the ships manifest, rations, and supplies. If something goes missing he's sure to find out about it, and will scold and discipline a grown man into utter humility for it too. He goes to great lengths to make sure that everyone has what they need, and he doesn't take kindly to those that think it's alright to take a bit extra for themselves.
In fact, it's also a well-known rumor that he keeps a jar of finger digits that he's collected over the years in payment for missing rations or various acts of thievery committed whilst aboard the ship. A harsh punishment, to be sure, but it's a far more effective deterrent than anything, and the Captain seems to encourage this as well. Needless to say, the crew stays quite honest while under his watch..
Raul: Master at Arms, Sailor

Raul is the Master at Arms aboard The Pinned Seal and is in charge of running the cannons and swivel guns on the ship. Raul was once in charge of running a cannoneer crew on the fortress walls in the Port of Khar'Jassa in Yhemer. He proclaims to everyone that he loves the smell of the gunpowder, sulfur, and smoke, no matter what time of day it is.. and some say his laughter is just as thunderous. He does seem to take great delight in the consistent volleying of cannon fire, and is quite proficient at it.
Raul works very closely with Sal, and makes good and sure that he knows just what is needed for munitions aboard the ship, maintenance on the cannons, and he is also in charge of the ship's armory, including keeping an inventory on flintlock munitions for the crew. It's a lot to keep up with, but if you ask him, he will tell you that there's nothing else he'd rather do.
Stamey: Engineer, Alchemist

Stamey is the ship's Engineer, a master carpenter and an apprenticed alchemist. He keeps the ship running smooth and makes any repairs necessary to the ship or its parts. A talented man indeed, he can fix most anything, even when suitable parts are scarce, and when needed he can also make new wooden parts so long as the necessary raw materials are available. He is also a decent blacksmith. Stamey was born and raised in Bridland, the son of an Alchemist, and his older brother was an accomplished blacksmith and farrier. Stamey knew that he would not have an easy time making a name for himself under his father and brother's work, so he set off with captain Griffin when he became of age to set off on his own, rather than dwell under their names for the rest of his days, or theirs.
Simbo: Surgeon, Sailor

Simbo is the Surgeon Doctor on The Pinned Seal. He oversees all ailments and matters of health aboard the ship. He has remedies for all sorts of things from the scurvey to the scabes. He was Ba'ku's loyal companion back in Baakara, and was assigned to be Ba'ku's personal companion, and acted much as a squire would to knight. Simbo is very well educated in herbal remedies and natural healing. He also mixes his remedies with a sort voodoo that is centered around spiritual healing. Most people shrug it off as mumbo jumbo or mere superstition, but Simbo is deadly serious about it... and none dare question it in his presence, at least none of the crew. Regardless of whether or not his voodoo is real, his remedies surely seem to be without question. The entire crew will vouch for that.
Tolby: Boatswain

Tolby is the Boatswain aboard The Pinned Seal, and personally oversees the day-to-day chores and upkeep of the ship. Tolby is in charge of doing the ships chore roster and is to ensure that all the crew do their daily duties that are required to keep the ship safe, as well as clean and tidy. Tolby was an orphan back Bridland, and he stowed away on The Pinned Seal along with another orphan named Finn. Having not a soul to care for them, Captain Griffin took on both of their wards. He is now a young man, nearly sixteen cycles in age. The Captain tries to keep him from as much fighting as he possibly can, but don't let his innocent, boyish charm fool you.. he has killed three men whilst on the ship, two of which before he was nine. Mind you, they all had it coming..
Tolby's chores include rostering the crew for ships chores such as swabbing decks, kitchen detail, stoockroom detail, hull washing, tarring and patching, restocking of oil lamps, candles, tobacco stores, The restocking of desert musk and spiced rum to the cabins and quarters, and he oversees the personal maintenance of the Captain's quarters. He works closely under Sal and Raul, and he is also in charge of handing out personal munitions upon restock. It's best not to argue with him about chore assignments, he can make your life miserable, as the crew can attest to.
Jonesy: Cook

Jonesy is the Cook aboard The Pinned Seal. If you can get it to the stove, he can make it edible. Jonesy is well known for his lemon pepper glazed dishes he does with seafood, fowl, and swine. He also makes a mean jerk rub as well. Some would say that he cooks till it's a bit tough, but there's nothing worse than an undercooked meal on the ship and a bowl full of the gutrot from eating some tainted flesh. "Better to be safe than sorry", as he always says... and he's definitely right about that, nothing worse than a week's worth of rumbleguts on a rolling sea. You'll be wishing it was only coming out of two ends..
None the less, the food was always more than palatable and the complaints were never louder than the sounds of the men eating. He went out of his way to make sure that the meals on board the ship were as various as they are flavorful, and spends most of his time while in port with the quartermaster, acquiring fresh foods and spices each time they go in for resupply, and opts for fresh fowl and swine whenever possible. Pheasants and quals, cornish hens, whatever might be available.
Finn: Able Seaman, Crow's Nest

Finn is the Able Seaman and lookout in crow's nest when needed. Both Finn and Tolby hopped aboard as stowaways some ten cycles ago now. Finn is a bit older than Tolby though by a good seven years. Finn, now some twnety three years of age works directly under the boatswain, and operates deck gear, mooring lines, etc. He likes working with Tolby directly as it is easy for him to keep a watchful eye over him. They aren't related, but they both ran away from the same orphanage in Bridland and had been living on the streets for nearly a year before stowing away on the ship. Finn, being much older than Tolby gets his hands pretty dirty during skirmishes. He's not much of a fighting frame but he's got a keen eye for opportunities and will gut a man from the back if given the window. Both Tolby and Finn help operate the cannons with Raul when it's called for.
Jameson: Head Rigger, Marksman

Jameson, like his brother Jarvis are both Bretonians who grew up in Villona, a long way from their homeland of Bridland. Though they are twins, they are not identical. They do, however, finish each other's sentences quite often, and do most everything together. Jameson is the Head Rigger on The Pinned Seal. Jameson is also an excellent marksman with flintlocks, as both he and his brother grew up under a very skilled duelist there. Both were from a very prominent family in Bridland, but their father was murdered for political reasons. They were sent off to live with their mother's sister, who married into prominence in Villona before they were born. When the political violence followed their family to Villona the two decided to take their chances and fled, and through a series of hurried events they found themselves on the crew of The Pinned Seal, and have been a part of the crew for several years now. The pair are some of the most skilled fighters on the crew, and show a great deal of finesse in battle.
Interesting story about how they both lost their eyes...
Hank & Wilson: Riggers

Both Hank and Wilson are excellent Riggers aboard The Pinned Seal. They work directly under the management of Jameson, the Head Rigger. It is the rigger's job to work the rigging and sails of the ship. Captain Griffin and the crew stumbled upon them both marooned on a deserted island. Hank said that they were on a ship transporting gold from Liros to Bridland when they were overtaken by a group of pirates. They were made to help bury the ships gold on an island and then they were deserted on another island. Hank made a run for the cover of the jungle but Wilson was not so lucky. They cut out his tongue out and left them there to die alone. The two men were on the island for five cycles before Griffin picked them up. Wilson is unable to talk, but Hank and Wilson have developed a sophisticated way to speak to one another using hand and body gestures, and the two work very well together and Wilson's inability to speak doesn't seem to slow them down whatsoever. The endeavor has left Hank a more humble man, and Wilson, well... Hank has always maintain the notion that he was a bitter man well before his tongue was removed...
Jermaine: Sailor, Cannoneer

Jermaine, a Bridland born Afrik, is both a Sailor and Cannoneer aboard The Pinned Seal. Fairly new to the crew but he's a good five cycles in with them now. He was picked up in Bridland after he and his old crew parted ways and was a well-seasoned sailor by the time he came to work for Captain Griffin. He's a hard worker and a bright spirit to be around as he is usually in good spirits. This tends to keep the crew's morale high, which is also greatly appreciated. He often likes to tell jokes or stories, or sing tunes while working, which helps in getting the men into a good, working rythm.
Jermaine also works as a cannoneer under Raul, and is his favorite cannoneer, by far. The both of them seem to enjoy the job immensely and share a good deal in common, especially in their sense of humor. Jermaine and Raul are practically inseparable and act like siblings, incessantly pranking one another until Sal's finally had enough of it...
Jermaine is quite the lively gentleman indeed.
Crispin: Sailor, Fisherman

Crispin is a skilled Sailor aboard The Pinned Seal. He also happens to be a Master Fisherman as well. He is master of harpoon,line, net, and sail. Crispin provides a great deal of fish and various other sea dwelling morsels to the ship's cook, Jonesy. Crispin is from the Northern Lands, and the village he is from is known for its lucrative fishing industry. Crispin was a part of Jermaine's old crew and opted to split with Jermaine when the crew parted ways in Bridland some five years ago. Crispin isn't much for talk, likes to spend most of his time by himself, either fishing or reading books he picks up while they're in port, when he has the time to do so, that is.
Smiley: Sailor, Cannoneer

Smiley is both a Sailor and a Cannoneer aboard The Pinned Seal. His real name is unpronounceable by anyone in the crew, and that includes Ba'ku and Simbo. Smiley is from a northern tribe, and they do not speak his tongue very well, as he does not speak much Bretonian either. He does understand the common Bretonian language, but most of his words and syllables get hung up in pronunciation, so he is left with choppy and short replies. He is always nodding and smiling, hence the name. Generally a good spirited man, Smiley is a stout built man, and was a great warrior to his people. He was captured during a period of war and sold into slavery by the winning tribe in Khar Ahara, but he was found by Ba'ku and the captain all the way down on Talbos Island in a slave market there. Ba'ku paid for his freedom, and though Smiley is a free man, he has indebted his life to Ba'ku and the crew.
Bernard: Sailor, Cannoneer

Bernard is a seasoned Sailor and Cannoneer aboard The Pinned Seal. He was born in the Port of Kinton, in Mavia. He has been a sailor for most of his life and has pretty much seen all that the sea can throw at a person. He worked the docks there as a young boy until he was old enough to take to the sea. He was crewed many a merchant ship in the waters of the South Sea, and the internal waters around Marth, all the way to BaaKara. He is a devout follower of Leathe, who is known as the God of the High Seas, as does most of the crew, but none so much as he.
Bernard claims to have seen a great many things beyond a man's grasp of sanity. He says the seas are full to the brim with foul beasts that dwell in its darkness... stories which Tolby and Finn take great delight in. In his free time he likes to play cards and gamble with dice amongst the crew.
Zedrick: Deckhand, Anchor Crew, Seamster

Zedrick is a Deckhand on The Pinned Seal and works directly under the boatswain. Zedricks duties include crewing the anchor, swabbing decks, mooring lines, operating deck gear, and general upkeep of the deck areas. Zedrick is from a small port city called Shiford, in Marth. Zedrick is also a skilled seamster and can perform general sewing tasks and repairs on garments, leather armors, belts, straps, and does the general upkeep to the canvas aboard the ship, including the sails. His father ran a business making canvas and leather goods in Shiford like tents and sails for ships in the harbor. He also has a knack for waterproofing garments.
Kang'e: Deckhand

Kang'e is the newest Deckhand aboard The Pinned Seal and works directly under Tolby the boatswain. His duties include swabbing decks, kitchen and crew quarters maintenance, operating deck equipment, mooring lines, and various other mundane daily chores that are necessary in ship and deck maintenance. Kang'e is fairly young, but definitely a man at twenty-three. Kang'e's father had offered him to the monks of Wu'Dhang to go and live a life of servitude at the monastery there... a life which Kang'e did not want. His father sent him with the monks when he was just 5 years old. Kang'e ran away many times before the monks let him go. Kange tried to return home to his father but he was dishonored by his actions, and left him to the streets of Wu'Dhang as he had brought shame to his family.
Kang'e's lived the life of a beggar and petty thief for most of his youth, picking pockets and pulling snatch and grabs in the markets just to keep from starving. His will to remain free to make his own decisions knows no equal though, for he has paid a hefty price for his freedom to decide his own life's fate, the cost of losing his father's pride bears heavy on his chest. His life has greatly improved since then, and his belly stays full on the ship, and he's also gained a family in the crew.
Abdul: Deckhand, Anchor Crew

Abdul is a Deckhand aboard The Pinned Seal, and also works the Anchor Crew along with Zedrick. Abdul works directly under the orders of the boatswain and his duties include swabbing decks, Kitchen and storeroom maintenance, and helps to prep meals with Jonesy at meal times. Abdul is from Khar'Jassa, the very same port city in Yhemer that Raul is from, though the two joined the crew at different times and did not know each other before hand.
Abdul is an expert appraiser and worked the markets in the streets of the city. Captain Griffin coaxed him to join him for an appraisal job in Liros, and Abdul has been a part of the crew ever since.

Captain Griffin has long been a trusted, personal retainer to Lord Vargas. He is the Captain of The Pinned Seal, an oddly designed mercantile galleon, and head of its crew. Gerrard was born in Bridland, but he took to the seas at a very early age. He has spent much of his time in the Spice Islands of the Mavian Sea, and much of his later years as a mercantile captain between Baakara and Talbos Island, where much of his most trusted crew members come from, like Ba'ku and Simbo. The waters between Baakara and Talbos were known for ruthless piratry, and his crew are some of the toughest to have sailed it's waters.
Hopper: Navigator, Griffin's Trusted Consort

Hopper, as he is known to the crew, is both the Navigator of The Pinned Seal, and Griffin's trusted consort. The two actually met through Lord Vargas, who met Hopper whilst abroad in the Kingdom of Liros. He was a well-known navigator and consort to the King and was quite prosperous and also worked as a professor in the city. Hopper is extremely intelligent, and he and Vargas became good friends over a very short period of time, and shared a great deal in common... perhaps more than most knew. Hopper had grown quite bored of his time and occupation in Liros and as it turned out Lord Vargas had just the remedy. Hopper has been with the captain for over fifteen cycles now, and Griffin spends most of his time with him, and values his opinions on most things.
Hopper has become quite inexpendable to both the Captain and the crew, and has always sailed them true. He is well versed in all things nautical, as well as all things astrological, and a wealth of knowledge on many other things including geography, anthropology, and is an astute study of various cultures known to the realm. He likes to keep a journal in which he documents all the various peoples and things he finds along their travels.
Ba'ku: First Mate

Ba'ku is the First Mate on The Pinned Seal and is second in command under Captain Griffin. Ba'ku is from Baakara, and was a very prominent figure in his community. He was highly regarded by his people, as a large and noble warrior, and was of noble descent. His father was a great tribal Chiefton and ruled over many fertile lands. That is, up until one day... one of his tribesman, and a fellow warrior warrior committed a heinous crime and blamed it on Ba'ku and his companion Simbo. His own family fell for the lie and Ba'ku had to run, never to return with no way to prove his innocence. Captain Griffin saved Ba'ku from his fate Baakara and Ba'ku has dedicated his life to Captain Griffin and he has remained with him till this day.
Jarvis: Second Mate, Expert Swordsman

Jarvis, like his brother Jarvis are both Bretonians who grew up in Villona, a long way from their homeland of Bridland. Though they are twins, they are not identical. They do, however, finish each other's sentences quite often, and do most everything together. Jarvis is the Second Mate on The Pinned Seal, and under the direct command of Ba'ku and the captain. Jarvis is also an excellent duelist with the blade, a master swordsman in every aspect of the trade, as both he and his brother grew up under a very skilled duelist there. Both were from a very prominent family in Bridland, but their father was murdered for political reasons. They were sent off to live witheir mother's sister, who married into prominence in Villona before they were born. When the political violence followed their family to Villona the two decided to take their chances and fled, and through a series of hurried events they found themselves on the crew of The Pinned Seal, and have been a part of the crew for several years now. The pair are some of the most skilled fighters on the crew, and show a great deal of finnesse in battle.
Interesting story about how they both lost their eyes...
Sal: Quartermaster, Sailor

Sal is the Quartermaster aboard The Pinned Seal. Sal is a very blunt, straight to the point kind of guy. Sal is from the Northern Lands, but he doesn't speak much about it, or his past for that matter. Sal runs a tight ship, and keeps a keen eye on the ships manifest, rations, and supplies. If something goes missing he's sure to find out about it, and will scold and discipline a grown man into utter humility for it too. He goes to great lengths to make sure that everyone has what they need, and he doesn't take kindly to those that think it's alright to take a bit extra for themselves.
In fact, it's also a well-known rumor that he keeps a jar of finger digits that he's collected over the years in payment for missing rations or various acts of thievery committed whilst aboard the ship. A harsh punishment, to be sure, but it's a far more effective deterrent than anything, and the Captain seems to encourage this as well. Needless to say, the crew stays quite honest while under his watch..
Raul: Master at Arms, Sailor

Raul is the Master at Arms aboard The Pinned Seal and is in charge of running the cannons and swivel guns on the ship. Raul was once in charge of running a cannoneer crew on the fortress walls in the Port of Khar'Jassa in Yhemer. He proclaims to everyone that he loves the smell of the gunpowder, sulfur, and smoke, no matter what time of day it is.. and some say his laughter is just as thunderous. He does seem to take great delight in the consistent volleying of cannon fire, and is quite proficient at it.
Raul works very closely with Sal, and makes good and sure that he knows just what is needed for munitions aboard the ship, maintenance on the cannons, and he is also in charge of the ship's armory, including keeping an inventory on flintlock munitions for the crew. It's a lot to keep up with, but if you ask him, he will tell you that there's nothing else he'd rather do.
Stamey: Engineer, Alchemist

Stamey is the ship's Engineer, a master carpenter and an apprenticed alchemist. He keeps the ship running smooth and makes any repairs necessary to the ship or its parts. A talented man indeed, he can fix most anything, even when suitable parts are scarce, and when needed he can also make new wooden parts so long as the necessary raw materials are available. He is also a decent blacksmith. Stamey was born and raised in Bridland, the son of an Alchemist, and his older brother was an accomplished blacksmith and farrier. Stamey knew that he would not have an easy time making a name for himself under his father and brother's work, so he set off with captain Griffin when he became of age to set off on his own, rather than dwell under their names for the rest of his days, or theirs.
Simbo: Surgeon, Sailor

Simbo is the Surgeon Doctor on The Pinned Seal. He oversees all ailments and matters of health aboard the ship. He has remedies for all sorts of things from the scurvey to the scabes. He was Ba'ku's loyal companion back in Baakara, and was assigned to be Ba'ku's personal companion, and acted much as a squire would to knight. Simbo is very well educated in herbal remedies and natural healing. He also mixes his remedies with a sort voodoo that is centered around spiritual healing. Most people shrug it off as mumbo jumbo or mere superstition, but Simbo is deadly serious about it... and none dare question it in his presence, at least none of the crew. Regardless of whether or not his voodoo is real, his remedies surely seem to be without question. The entire crew will vouch for that.
Tolby: Boatswain

Tolby is the Boatswain aboard The Pinned Seal, and personally oversees the day-to-day chores and upkeep of the ship. Tolby is in charge of doing the ships chore roster and is to ensure that all the crew do their daily duties that are required to keep the ship safe, as well as clean and tidy. Tolby was an orphan back Bridland, and he stowed away on The Pinned Seal along with another orphan named Finn. Having not a soul to care for them, Captain Griffin took on both of their wards. He is now a young man, nearly sixteen cycles in age. The Captain tries to keep him from as much fighting as he possibly can, but don't let his innocent, boyish charm fool you.. he has killed three men whilst on the ship, two of which before he was nine. Mind you, they all had it coming..
Tolby's chores include rostering the crew for ships chores such as swabbing decks, kitchen detail, stoockroom detail, hull washing, tarring and patching, restocking of oil lamps, candles, tobacco stores, The restocking of desert musk and spiced rum to the cabins and quarters, and he oversees the personal maintenance of the Captain's quarters. He works closely under Sal and Raul, and he is also in charge of handing out personal munitions upon restock. It's best not to argue with him about chore assignments, he can make your life miserable, as the crew can attest to.
Jonesy: Cook

Jonesy is the Cook aboard The Pinned Seal. If you can get it to the stove, he can make it edible. Jonesy is well known for his lemon pepper glazed dishes he does with seafood, fowl, and swine. He also makes a mean jerk rub as well. Some would say that he cooks till it's a bit tough, but there's nothing worse than an undercooked meal on the ship and a bowl full of the gutrot from eating some tainted flesh. "Better to be safe than sorry", as he always says... and he's definitely right about that, nothing worse than a week's worth of rumbleguts on a rolling sea. You'll be wishing it was only coming out of two ends..
None the less, the food was always more than palatable and the complaints were never louder than the sounds of the men eating. He went out of his way to make sure that the meals on board the ship were as various as they are flavorful, and spends most of his time while in port with the quartermaster, acquiring fresh foods and spices each time they go in for resupply, and opts for fresh fowl and swine whenever possible. Pheasants and quals, cornish hens, whatever might be available.
Finn: Able Seaman, Crow's Nest

Finn is the Able Seaman and lookout in crow's nest when needed. Both Finn and Tolby hopped aboard as stowaways some ten cycles ago now. Finn is a bit older than Tolby though by a good seven years. Finn, now some twnety three years of age works directly under the boatswain, and operates deck gear, mooring lines, etc. He likes working with Tolby directly as it is easy for him to keep a watchful eye over him. They aren't related, but they both ran away from the same orphanage in Bridland and had been living on the streets for nearly a year before stowing away on the ship. Finn, being much older than Tolby gets his hands pretty dirty during skirmishes. He's not much of a fighting frame but he's got a keen eye for opportunities and will gut a man from the back if given the window. Both Tolby and Finn help operate the cannons with Raul when it's called for.
Jameson: Head Rigger, Marksman

Jameson, like his brother Jarvis are both Bretonians who grew up in Villona, a long way from their homeland of Bridland. Though they are twins, they are not identical. They do, however, finish each other's sentences quite often, and do most everything together. Jameson is the Head Rigger on The Pinned Seal. Jameson is also an excellent marksman with flintlocks, as both he and his brother grew up under a very skilled duelist there. Both were from a very prominent family in Bridland, but their father was murdered for political reasons. They were sent off to live with their mother's sister, who married into prominence in Villona before they were born. When the political violence followed their family to Villona the two decided to take their chances and fled, and through a series of hurried events they found themselves on the crew of The Pinned Seal, and have been a part of the crew for several years now. The pair are some of the most skilled fighters on the crew, and show a great deal of finesse in battle.
Interesting story about how they both lost their eyes...
Hank & Wilson: Riggers

Both Hank and Wilson are excellent Riggers aboard The Pinned Seal. They work directly under the management of Jameson, the Head Rigger. It is the rigger's job to work the rigging and sails of the ship. Captain Griffin and the crew stumbled upon them both marooned on a deserted island. Hank said that they were on a ship transporting gold from Liros to Bridland when they were overtaken by a group of pirates. They were made to help bury the ships gold on an island and then they were deserted on another island. Hank made a run for the cover of the jungle but Wilson was not so lucky. They cut out his tongue out and left them there to die alone. The two men were on the island for five cycles before Griffin picked them up. Wilson is unable to talk, but Hank and Wilson have developed a sophisticated way to speak to one another using hand and body gestures, and the two work very well together and Wilson's inability to speak doesn't seem to slow them down whatsoever. The endeavor has left Hank a more humble man, and Wilson, well... Hank has always maintain the notion that he was a bitter man well before his tongue was removed...
Jermaine: Sailor, Cannoneer

Jermaine, a Bridland born Afrik, is both a Sailor and Cannoneer aboard The Pinned Seal. Fairly new to the crew but he's a good five cycles in with them now. He was picked up in Bridland after he and his old crew parted ways and was a well-seasoned sailor by the time he came to work for Captain Griffin. He's a hard worker and a bright spirit to be around as he is usually in good spirits. This tends to keep the crew's morale high, which is also greatly appreciated. He often likes to tell jokes or stories, or sing tunes while working, which helps in getting the men into a good, working rythm.
Jermaine also works as a cannoneer under Raul, and is his favorite cannoneer, by far. The both of them seem to enjoy the job immensely and share a good deal in common, especially in their sense of humor. Jermaine and Raul are practically inseparable and act like siblings, incessantly pranking one another until Sal's finally had enough of it...
Jermaine is quite the lively gentleman indeed.
Crispin: Sailor, Fisherman

Crispin is a skilled Sailor aboard The Pinned Seal. He also happens to be a Master Fisherman as well. He is master of harpoon,line, net, and sail. Crispin provides a great deal of fish and various other sea dwelling morsels to the ship's cook, Jonesy. Crispin is from the Northern Lands, and the village he is from is known for its lucrative fishing industry. Crispin was a part of Jermaine's old crew and opted to split with Jermaine when the crew parted ways in Bridland some five years ago. Crispin isn't much for talk, likes to spend most of his time by himself, either fishing or reading books he picks up while they're in port, when he has the time to do so, that is.
Smiley: Sailor, Cannoneer

Smiley is both a Sailor and a Cannoneer aboard The Pinned Seal. His real name is unpronounceable by anyone in the crew, and that includes Ba'ku and Simbo. Smiley is from a northern tribe, and they do not speak his tongue very well, as he does not speak much Bretonian either. He does understand the common Bretonian language, but most of his words and syllables get hung up in pronunciation, so he is left with choppy and short replies. He is always nodding and smiling, hence the name. Generally a good spirited man, Smiley is a stout built man, and was a great warrior to his people. He was captured during a period of war and sold into slavery by the winning tribe in Khar Ahara, but he was found by Ba'ku and the captain all the way down on Talbos Island in a slave market there. Ba'ku paid for his freedom, and though Smiley is a free man, he has indebted his life to Ba'ku and the crew.
Bernard: Sailor, Cannoneer

Bernard is a seasoned Sailor and Cannoneer aboard The Pinned Seal. He was born in the Port of Kinton, in Mavia. He has been a sailor for most of his life and has pretty much seen all that the sea can throw at a person. He worked the docks there as a young boy until he was old enough to take to the sea. He was crewed many a merchant ship in the waters of the South Sea, and the internal waters around Marth, all the way to BaaKara. He is a devout follower of Leathe, who is known as the God of the High Seas, as does most of the crew, but none so much as he.
Bernard claims to have seen a great many things beyond a man's grasp of sanity. He says the seas are full to the brim with foul beasts that dwell in its darkness... stories which Tolby and Finn take great delight in. In his free time he likes to play cards and gamble with dice amongst the crew.
Zedrick: Deckhand, Anchor Crew, Seamster

Zedrick is a Deckhand on The Pinned Seal and works directly under the boatswain. Zedricks duties include crewing the anchor, swabbing decks, mooring lines, operating deck gear, and general upkeep of the deck areas. Zedrick is from a small port city called Shiford, in Marth. Zedrick is also a skilled seamster and can perform general sewing tasks and repairs on garments, leather armors, belts, straps, and does the general upkeep to the canvas aboard the ship, including the sails. His father ran a business making canvas and leather goods in Shiford like tents and sails for ships in the harbor. He also has a knack for waterproofing garments.
Kang'e: Deckhand

Kang'e is the newest Deckhand aboard The Pinned Seal and works directly under Tolby the boatswain. His duties include swabbing decks, kitchen and crew quarters maintenance, operating deck equipment, mooring lines, and various other mundane daily chores that are necessary in ship and deck maintenance. Kang'e is fairly young, but definitely a man at twenty-three. Kang'e's father had offered him to the monks of Wu'Dhang to go and live a life of servitude at the monastery there... a life which Kang'e did not want. His father sent him with the monks when he was just 5 years old. Kang'e ran away many times before the monks let him go. Kange tried to return home to his father but he was dishonored by his actions, and left him to the streets of Wu'Dhang as he had brought shame to his family.
Kang'e's lived the life of a beggar and petty thief for most of his youth, picking pockets and pulling snatch and grabs in the markets just to keep from starving. His will to remain free to make his own decisions knows no equal though, for he has paid a hefty price for his freedom to decide his own life's fate, the cost of losing his father's pride bears heavy on his chest. His life has greatly improved since then, and his belly stays full on the ship, and he's also gained a family in the crew.
Abdul: Deckhand, Anchor Crew

Abdul is a Deckhand aboard The Pinned Seal, and also works the Anchor Crew along with Zedrick. Abdul works directly under the orders of the boatswain and his duties include swabbing decks, Kitchen and storeroom maintenance, and helps to prep meals with Jonesy at meal times. Abdul is from Khar'Jassa, the very same port city in Yhemer that Raul is from, though the two joined the crew at different times and did not know each other before hand.
Abdul is an expert appraiser and worked the markets in the streets of the city. Captain Griffin coaxed him to join him for an appraisal job in Liros, and Abdul has been a part of the crew ever since.

X2 Barrel-Dried Meat(feeds 6/wk, heavy)
X2 Barrel-Fresh Fruit (feeds 6/wk, heavy)
X2 Barrel-Potatoes (feeds 6/wk, heavy. provides starches, fights off hunger)
X2 Barrel-Baking Flour (supplies 6/wk with daily bread rations, heavy)
X10 Barrel-Fresh Water (barrel supplies 1 person/wk, heavy)
X3 Lantern
X2 (250ft) Braided Rope (suitable for climbing/scaling)
X2 Grappling Hook
X2 Simple Tent
X2 Twine/Lashing, simple twine
X3 Shovel
X2 Pickaxe
X3 Storage Chest(footlocker size)
X6 Satchel Bag, Leather ( large)
X6 Water Skin: (leather, 1.5l)
X6 Bedroll (not suitable for cold climates)
Cook Pan
X3 Flint & Steel
X2 Barrel-Fresh Fruit (feeds 6/wk, heavy)
X2 Barrel-Potatoes (feeds 6/wk, heavy. provides starches, fights off hunger)
X2 Barrel-Baking Flour (supplies 6/wk with daily bread rations, heavy)
X10 Barrel-Fresh Water (barrel supplies 1 person/wk, heavy)
X3 Lantern
X2 (250ft) Braided Rope (suitable for climbing/scaling)
X2 Grappling Hook
X2 Simple Tent
X2 Twine/Lashing, simple twine
X3 Shovel
X2 Pickaxe
X3 Storage Chest(footlocker size)
X6 Satchel Bag, Leather ( large)
X6 Water Skin: (leather, 1.5l)
X6 Bedroll (not suitable for cold climates)
Cook Pan
X3 Flint & Steel