Name: Nick Hayes
Age: 32
Outfit: Nick typically wears his DPA uniform which consists of a white button down shirt, flak pants, combat boots, and a bomber jacket
Bio: Nick was never one to stand out in the crowd. As a child he hated drawing attention to himself and would often be the loner of the group. As a result, he grew up without many close friends in his life and burying his nose in books and the like. Eventually, he took up a temp job working in a county courthouse where he had the unfortunate luck to run into a class-3 roaming spirit. In this case, it was the soul of a convict who'd been sentenced to death within the courthouse. Nick was saved at the last minute by a DPA officer who, rather than wipe Nick's memory, saw his potential as a member of the force and recruited him to join the secretive organization. Now, Nick works as one of the main officers for the DPA and is a decorated ghost hunter.
Weapons: Nick's weapon of choice is the S.E.E.K.R. a high-powered revolver that fires specialized soul-killing bullets that eradicate a spirit from both the astral plane as well as our world. In addition, he carries a variety of tools depending on the type of ghost he is dealing with. (I.E. holy water, wooden stakes, sanctified steel, etc.)