This is it.
The world has ended. And so suddenly too. Hailed by an aurora that can be seen all over the planet–no, all over the universe itself. What happened next is reality itself cracking along with the ground, and as it breaks apart, you find yourself floating in the void. Barely alive, nor close to death. For what felt like years you lay motionless in the void, paralyzed by the sudden end of everything until you start to lose consciousness at the sight of a starship getting closer and closer to your vision...
After The End

Regaining consciousness, you find yourself within a metallic facility, followed by the humming of machines and the beeping of technology. You find yourself lying in a soft,blue mattress with a quaint white pillow your head resting on. Staring at the white, cracked ceiling of the facility, you would look around and find that there were other people in the same situation as you are, lying in the bed of some kind of rest room.
You find a circular platform on one side of the room, and a console terminal connected to it. You are in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by people you either don't know, or know all too well...
Created by thepotatogod on RPN.