Hidden 6 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Vertigo watchful

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aka character stash for unfinished and finished stuff. will save wips here while working on 'em so i can preview shiz.

might make this look fancy one day. probs not.

won't be listing rps that don't have an ooc up here.

cs to work on:
to be updated

Hidden 6 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Vertigo watchful

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Scrapped chars


Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Character headers



Hidden 6 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 3 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 2 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Theoris of Lemnos
Hidden 2 yrs ago 6 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 10 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 10 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 3 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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(Character Image)

(Image Credit Link Here, if possible, but not required)

Name: First and last.
Age: 16+. I’d PREFER characters to be at least in their twenties but it’s entirely your decision.
Gender: Gender (mandatory) and pronouns (optional).
Appearance: A written physical description to accompany the image (if there is one, if there isn’t describe the full appearance). Describe things that aren’t in the image (accessories or additional items) or just aren’t obvious (such height).

Hometown: Town and region of origin. Can be outside of the Starre region and from one of the established canon regions.
Role: NPC or Adventurer.
Personality: Character’s personality. Write up at least a paragraph or two.
Background: Character’s background. You don’t have to include everything, but go into a decent amount of detail (paragraph or three), please.
Talents/Weaknesses: What are they talented in and what are they NOT talented in. Can be related to Pokemon (battling, contests, etc.) or can be non-Pokemon related activities (cooking, singing, dancing, etc).
Aspirations: What are your character’s aspirations/ambitions? Do they want to pursue the Pokemon League, pursue the Pokemon contests, fill out the Pokedex, neither of these, or a mix of all of them?
Other: Anything that doesn’t fit into the other categories that you want to include into the profile.
Inventory: Items you have in your bag. You start with x1 Potion but will get more items shortly after. Over time they will be able to earn items as rewards and/or buy items from vendors with money. It is your responsibility to keep track/update of your character’s inventory. Once the rp starts, I recommend updating the profile occasionally, to reflect its current status.
Wallet: Where you display how much money you have. We’ll be using the game currency of Pokemon Dollar. You start with 500, but once the RP starts all characters will get a gift that’ll increase it. You’ll obtain more overtime via battles & events/quests.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 5 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Vertigo watchful

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Short and unassuming even when compared to his kin, Wraith is easy to miss in a crowd — and that is by design. Standing a few inches short of three feet, he comes across as little more than a mobile pile of tattered clothes, scurrying from shadow to shadow. Even when standing still, his posture is poor and stance wary, as if the slightest sound could spur him into a run — a stark contrast to his face, which seems to be stuck on an indifferent scowl if you do happen to see it, and his voice, a monotone mumble. As a whole, he is quite unremarkable, and not many consider him a threat. That's their first and last mistake.

Cloaked in a hood and hidden by a mask, few are those who have actually caught a proper glimpse of the halfling's face — but those who have, will likely remember it, a fact Wraith loathes. A past magical injury has branded him, carving blue veins into the skin below his eyes. They ripple as if made of liquid, an occasional shimmer giving them an eerie hue. Their shade is a turquoise similar to his eyes; sharp, unnatural, unnerving.

Though Wraith comes across as unarmed at a glance, no self-respecting warrior truly assumes him to be such. His kind always carry blades, the smart ones two, and the ones that live the longest as many as they can. Wraith intends to live long.

Having long since learnt that knowledge is power, Wraith lets slip very little of himself or his intentions. Some things, however, can be surmised easily enough. For one, Wraith is reserved, keeping to himself in every sense of the word; he abhors physical proximity as much as emotional, and is at his most comfortable (which is to say, not very) when at an arm's length away from others. What he isn't is shy; when he does decide to talk, he does so with deadpan confidence and the boldness of someone who never quite learnt how and when to stay his tongue. In a similar vein, insults from most others don't seem to bother him either, and though he can certainly display frustration, he doesn't anger easily.

Curiosity is a vice Wraith has suffered from for the longest while, and try as he might, he cannot keep it completely under wraps. Some say his cowardice is another, perhaps even worse vice, though Wraith considers it his greatest asset. It's his alertness and willingness to drop whoever might slow him down that has gotten him this far — and he isn't about to stop anytime soon. If you can trust anything about this halfling, it's his determination to see the morrow.

Little is known of Wraith's past, including his birth name, and he'd very much prefer to keep it that way. But to paint a proper picture, it's important to know that where he came from, halflings were not considered a jolly, merry lot with big smiles and bigger yet bellies; they were known as conniving, cunning thieves, likely to steal your coin the second you looked away. As such, Wraith wasn't exactly dealt the best of hands at birth. Living on the streets of a grandiose city known for its magical academy, he got by stealing scraps from mage apprentices and scribes.

That was, until he was caught — and instead of having his hands chopped or being sent to the gallows, he was offered an opportunity. The academy was looking for a few volunteers to help with a few of their experiments. He was promised an easy job even a kid like him could do, a roof over his head, a bed to sleep in, and all the food he'd ever need. Even as a child, Wraith wasn't trusting, and knew there was no such thing as free dinner. But desperate and hungry, he agreed. Whatever they had in store for him, surely it couldn't be worse than his life now?

A decade or so later, as the research wing of the Grand Academia of Magic was burning to the ground behind him, Wraith thought back on that thought and laughed. Since, he returned to his old ways, putting to use the magic carved into his very body by the experimentation he was subjected to. Only this time, he stole lives instead of coppers. Turned out it was far more lucrative.

🗡 Universal key // Give him a lock, any lock, and he will have it open before you can so much as blink. The same goes for disarming — and indeed setting — traps, whether magical or mundane.
🗡 Coward's weapon // While it might not sound like much compared to magic, Wraith is very knowledgeable about poisons, able to brew his own.
🗡 Never here // If you're able to see Wraith, it's likely because he's allowing you to see him. He's a master of disappearing at will, partly thanks to his magic, which can render him invisible and undetectable, as well as allow him to jump from shadow to shadow. However, as someone who's specialized in tearing magic away from their wielders, he is quite capable of hiding even without any magical aids. He's inhumanely nimble, and also able to run on walls and other such surfaces.
🗡 Mageslayer // Escaping from the academy was no easy feat, but during his preparations for it, Wraith became quite adept at killing magic wielders in particular. Thanks to the experiments he featured in, his body is highly resistant to magic, allowing him to shrug off spells that would down a regular person. He is not completely immune however, and the more magical harm comes upon him, the longer a breather he has to take to "recharge", so to speak.

🗡 Paranoia // Distrustful to a fault, Wraith's own paranoia prevents him from truly being able to make use of teamwork, and often has him run away even from his own if he suspects them to be after his life.
🗡 Shortstuff // While his short stature has its advantages, Wraith cannot deny the disadvantages either. Simply put, he's physically weak, unable to lift or carry heavy things or withstand nearly as many physical blows as magical. He's light, too, and one of his worst enemies so far has been a particularly strong wind. No, really.
🗡 Magical infliction // While the magic coursing within him offers him many a benefit, it is also unpredictable, the result of curious, not genius, minds. This can cause his magic to backfire at times, causing unpredictable results.
🗡 Curiosity killed the // Curious and greedy to such a degree that it sometimes supersedes his cowardice, Wraith cannot help but pocket every shiny, potential dangerous thing he comes across — or at least, have someone else do it for him. That was, ironically, how he ended up caught by the magical scholars in the first place.

🗡 Serrated dagger, with runes running along the length of the blade. Those in the know call it the Essence Reaver. Wraith calls it a dagger. Its blade never seems to dull, but its greatest strength is its uncanny ability to rend magic from its target. That is to say, a magic wielder injured with it will find themselves unable to properly channel their magic for a time. Weaker mages will lose their abilities altogether until their wounds have healed and their blood cleansed, while extremely powerful ones might experience recoil, or find it difficult to aim where they intended to. If taken from Wraith, the dagger's runes will fade and its special abilities cease to function until returned to his possession.
🗡 Tools of the trade; crowbar, ball bearings, lock picking set, small mirror, the usual things needed to get into places he isn't welcome in.
🗡 Vial of paralyzing poison.
🗡 Hooded cloak.

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