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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

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Lavender huffed out a small resigned sigh. A small part of her, the one that still had not grown up, labeled the girl a know-it-all.

”How in the world do you expect me to have answers for you? I don’t have some piece of paper with every single detail on my powers like I made my ability myself. I can burn your clothing if you wish to feel the heat difference between my blue fire and normal fire.” Her eyes narrowed again. Waste of time, another part of her whispered.

She lifted her head and noted the newcomers. Why were there so many children coming into the tavern?
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Clay was still behind the bar taunting the @Griffintaur with a smug grin and oversized container of water when the new young lad chucked down some coins. With a steady hand Clay swept them up and studied them for a moment, then looked over the kid, then back at the coins.
They jingled as they fell into his pocket and a moment later he produced a squared shape bottle and planted it directly in front of the parched newcomer.

As he expertly popped the cork vapours of the murky liquid escaped the bottle and the smell of a strong sailors alcohol tinted with hints of spice and ginger hovered over it. Clay looked at the bottle with his pale blue eyes and gave it an agreeable nod.

As if finally, those piercing pale blue eyes fell upon the Fox masked woman.@aia2022 His stare was somewhat intense. Deep, firm and unapologetic. His eyes were all serious but a playful cocky smirk tugged at the corner of his lip.

The boy sitting beside Lavender (who was surprisingly looking much better) groaned as the bare chested muscular tattooed bartender approached.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lavender grimaced. Out of all the people to approach, it really had to be this guy, didn’t it? She lifted her fox mask just a little and pointedly picked up the glass of wine to take a nonchalant sip.

She watched and she waited. Though her head was not turned towards the man’s direction she was still looking at him, waiting for his next course of action.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tharraleos looked wide eyed at the giant jug of water and he began salivating a bit. Pressing his uppermost paws against it,the claws within were used for added grip given his lack of opposable thumbs. In a display of his vast physical fortitude, Tharr hoisted the container with relative ease.

Bringing it to his maw, he'd dig the barbed mandibles in and began tilting it. The liquid within began pouring down his gullet with haste. He even ceased breathing for the time being. Some even spilled out and began dampening the mane of fur on his chest. More and more he drank until a bit over half of it was consumed. Unintentionally of course, the receptacle would slam down hard on the table with a loud crash and Tharr would let out a deep exhale.

"Ah. That is much better." He'd remark with somewhat parted breaths and a look of satisfaction.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guydude21

Guydude21 Test

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The little girl blushed in response of the threat and touched her index fingers together, making a triangle. "O-oh my, that's... Can I even say that word?" She looked to the intimidating barkeep @Dark Light for approval, her gaze diverting to the strange creature chugging down water, then back to the barkeep. "By the way, do you think I could get a cup of Molten Lava? Or boiling water, if that's not possible."

@Marmalised Junk
Next, the girl assumed the form of light to near instaneously appear in front of Anya. She locked eyes with the fae and smiled, "Aww, look at you, being all brave!" Her tone clearly indicated she was treating the other girl as beneath her in rank, despite having to stand on her tiptoes just to meet them at eye level. In the next moment, she clasped her hands together, causing a rough formation of matter to appear on the nearest empty table to them before gradually taking the shape of a first-aid kit. The girl attempted to grab one hand of the fae and gently lead her to said table. "Sit," she curtly requested as she sized up the girl and started to pull out an antiseptic, "So, what's your name, kid?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Marmalised Junk
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Marmalised Junk I'm not a clown, I'm the entire circus

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Anya stared at the other girl. "Anya Daymourn- what's your name, what are you, and how old are you?"
The inquisitiveness was almost a world away from how she acted a few moments ago. "Also, what's with the antiseptic?" The fae winced, forgetting about her leg.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guydude21

Guydude21 Test

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Marmalised Junk

"Asami Sonnenschein. My species doesn't exactly have a name, but its close enough to humans I just say I am one. And i'm 11."

Asami laughs at her last question, going through the process of cleaning the wound.

"Its so you don't get infected, silly."

She completely neglects to warn Anya of the sting, going ahead and bandaging the wound with impressive speed and efficiency.

"K, i'm done."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Marmalised Junk
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Marmalised Junk I'm not a clown, I'm the entire circus

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Anya looked at her expertly bandaged leg. "You've done better in cleaning the cut then I can do. Also Asami, I'm older then you. I don't know exactly how old, but I know I'm older then you- so please don't treat me like a kid. I get enough of it whilst travelling."

Glancing away from Asami for a moment, she stared at the mutated griffin, and whispered to the other girl.
"Who's that, and what are they?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guydude21

Guydude21 Test

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Marmalised Junk

Asami practically jumps out o her seat at hearing this, crossing her arms and pouting while embers spark from her eyes

"Yeah, well i'm more maturer than you!"

She then sighs and shrugs at Anya's next question, sounding defeated.

"Ask them yourself, if you care so much."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The naga had watched a lot of carnage unfold and had pulled herself the imp and the table she was at off to a concealed corner of the tavern. Preciously, in one hand, she held her drink and the other her platter of mollusks. Her patterned body and tail seemed to let her fade into the tapestry of the taverns backdrop and finish her mollusks in peace. She had beckoned the man she was sitting with originally over, to her corner though as he was quiet then, didn't pay him much mind since doing so. The tip of her tail swirled lightly above the imp as if to keep it occupied at her table and prevent it from leaving.

Having finished her snack she carefully rehung her face-covering and prepared herself to rejoin the group conversing. All that was left to view were her piercing orange-red eyes. Feeling quite up to some more interaction, having been solo-herding her flocks across pastures for many moons alone before stumbling into the tavern. She had a feeling her flocks would be quite alright if she stayed away for a while, nothing had attempted to hurt them for as long as she'd been left well enough alone.

Of the guests most were, relatively speaking to the Naga, too human and uninteresting for her tastes. The large, well she would say bird but that did not fit it quite right was more intriguing. Perhaps it was one of those, what were they again, Griffens perhaps, she didn't know for sure. Though its friendliness towards her would seal her interest in the creature. Her tail dropped back down to the floor, slowly unwinding herself from around the table.

"Imp, fetch me more of the spiced wine please" She motioned for the imp to leave and plucked another coin from her bag to incentives it more. Though at this point she didn't think it would have minded either way. @Dark Light

She would make her way slowly nearby to the Griffin's table, having watched it chug half of a vessel which weighed as much as she could guess, one of her prized lambs would. Ignoring the loud humans for what they were worth. She wondered if anyone would notice her presence once more in the fray of all of the happenings. @Griffintaur
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Marmalised Junk
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Marmalised Junk I'm not a clown, I'm the entire circus

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"You are not! I'm way more maturer then you!"

Anya glanced at the naga for a moment.
"Woahh.. she looks cool.."

Looking back at Asami, she popped another question.
"Do you have any cool powers? Or, wings or something?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 2 mos ago

With his thrust quenched momentarily, Tharraleos had been spending the last few moments preening his dampened coat. The golden sawtoothed rostrum was at work fixing any nuances. His forked tongue would lick his sizable paws to assist with grooming, exhibiting behaviors of both birds and cats. While taking note of the noisome little humanoids and their shenanigans, an approaching figure suddenly averted all of his attention.

Tharr would turn his unwavering goldenrod irises towards the serpentine lady and raised a brow in curiosity. Well. At least he wasn't the only strange looking creature here presently. Nor the only one with a dual-bodied frame it would seem. That was certainly refreshing. He didn't sense any danger from her, not that many were a threat to an apex predator such as himself himself.

"Greetings." The beast would say to her with his booming vocals and a nod of his silver feathered noggin.

@Song Book
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Marmalised Junk
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Marmalised Junk I'm not a clown, I'm the entire circus

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The fae was caught off-guard by the booming voice of the griffin. She let out a little yelp and jumped, hovering for a few seconds using her wings, before lowering herself back to ground to compose herself. (Well, as much as Anya could be composed.)

The girl peered at him again, this time observing his features a little closer- and not realising she was staring.
She whispered something to herself about how she had never seen something like that before, even if she had met a couple of griffins whilst travelling.

On her previous question to Asami, she quickly added,
"I mean, like- because you're a sort of form of light? Fire? Whatever it is, it's cool!"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by OddnessApproved
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OddnessApproved I'm passionate about hating people.

Member Seen 1 day ago


♎ ♎ ♎

Ghiar appeared in front of the Nameless Tavern, completely unaware of his current location. As he began to pat himself down, a gust of wind twirled around him. Anxiety filled his veins and he shook as he checked to see if he was still intact. "Oh...go-o-gods where am I?" he stuttered as he looked at the building in front of him. He couldn't remember where he came from; this happened from time to time as he traveled through time, particularly in the multiverse.

The last thing he remembered was being overcome with fear and terror. Something bad was happening, and he didn't even have time to think before his powers teleported him away from it. He didn't intend to come here, did he? Taking a dry, heavy gulp as his gaze lingered on the Nameless Tavern in front of him, he could see that there was a commotion inside. Should I go in? He pondered as he decided what he should do and where he was.

His breathing slowed as he considered going inside the building; it appeared to be a public area, and he knew going inside would be worse than continuing outside. He's outside, in a place he hasn't been before. Having no knowledge of the wildlife or dangers lurking in the shadows. Out of desperation, he appeared to walk hesitantly and quickly up to the front doors. He stood in the doorway of the Nameless Tavern for what seemed like an eternity after opening the doors. He might have had a dumbfounded or surprised expression on his face, but he decided to move out of the way. Allowed himself to wander, checking out the place and the people who were in the tavern.

When he arrived at the counter, he paused for a moment to reflect. Did he have enough money to buy anything here? He reached into his pockets and began searching for something. Taking out a gum wrapper, a pair of metal dice, a golden ring, and a handful of change. This change appeared to be quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies from a timeline and zone he didn't fully recall. He also had two dollar bills in his pocket.

He couldn't believe he teleported himself somewhere without thinking about it, he said to himself. "You're a moron..." He murmured as he stuffed everything back into his pockets. He appeared to be stressed as he sat at the counter, running his fingers through his hair. His body began to waiver in density while he was stressing himself out with his own thoughts. Parts of him started to fade and become transparent. While he thought, he closed his eyes, and the slight hue blotches all over his skin began to brighten with a darker blue. Was his stress causing him to be sad? How can one be sad when they have no idea where they came from?

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Guydude21

Guydude21 Test

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Asami thinks on this for a moment before bluntly stating

"I suppose the best thing I can do is control the sun."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 13 days ago

Lavender grimaced. Out of all the people to approach, it really had to be this guy, didn’t it? She lifted her fox mask just a little and pointedly picked up the glass of wine to take a nonchalant sip.

She watched and she waited. Though her head was not turned towards the man’s direction she was still looking at him, waiting for his next course of action.

It seemed an age for the man to make his way across the floor, an age of suspense. Slow, taunting, teasing even where his movements but then he was there. Tattooed and scarred knuckles fell upon the table as he learnt heavily over it casting a large shadow over Lavender. A deliberate silence held the space as he waited for the mask to twist his way, waited for the attention to fall on him. His piercing gaze ever present.

How’s the drink?” he asked, voice low, a bit gravelly but warm, just like the smile on his face that reached those blue eyes. “Any of these yours?” he added as he looked around at the many younger looking tavern occupants. “Not sure I should even serve them, but around here it’s hard to guess at someones age. Like you, and the mask only makes it harder.

His grin was a well practiced grin. Friendly, welcoming, confident, charming even. Perfect white teeth, a strong jaw line and those blue eyes. It undoubtedly got him out of much trouble in the past, but judging by the way he used it, likely into just as much.

He turned to the boy sitting beside her and playfully slapped him on the chest with a flick of his wrist.
Boy, you herd the girl, get her a hot drink.
He said motioning towards @PhansiteMona

@Song Book The imp without hesitation rushed to the task, keen to complete its duty and appease the Naga.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by OddnessApproved
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OddnessApproved I'm passionate about hating people.

Member Seen 1 day ago


♎ ♎ ♎

He inhaled sharply, knowing he'd have to figure things out for himself. Because he's been here before, this is a reassuring thought. This was far from his first rodeo. Ghiar had accidentally teleported himself in and out of universes in the blink of an eye, so he could claim to be a pro at adapting to his surroundings. "There's no reason to cry over spilled milk," he said to himself as he sat up, his confidence growing.

Ghiar let his gaze wander around the large room, noticing a few people conversing at a table. They were of various species, and he noticed many more. What exactly is this place? He couldn't help but wonder why this area had such a diverse population. It was strange.
Looking down at his hands, he had to pause for a moment before asking, "Am I dead?" This would be a good answer to a lot of questions. He questioned whether he was dead; could he even die? He had lived for thousands of years, so he wasn't sure if that was a possibility.

Ghiar pinched himself and grunted softly, deciding it was worth a shot. He was not dead, he knew that, and he examined his skin. He began to fade where he pinched himself, and the fading hues moved to another part of his body. Thickening the lines and colors elsewhere on him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The beast boomed with a nod of his silver feathered head, as she settled herself at a table next to his own. Her body curled itself around the table's main post and her tail played up to sway slightly above its flattened surface.

" Greetings to you as well."

Ethodi drew an arm up to rest her head on, resting it on her side as she curved her body into a semi-upright position. Despite her general fear of large birds, accordingly, this one did not give her the same fright. She pondered how large of a bird would threaten her now, having not been exposed to many since she was a fresh hatchling frightened of all in the world. Her thin tongue flickered out behind her veil, tasting the air for any lingering scents. And wondered if a second platter of mussels would upset her stomach without any other fillers.

From her casual observations, she noted one of the humans, or at least humanoid enough to be human to her, was blue. That, she thought, was peculiar, as blue was not a normal color for humans to come in. The last one she had met was pleasant with enough offerings of sweet milk, so she assumed this one would be quite similar. @Katakuri

During this time however she had forgotten to continue blinking manually, so suddenly performed a rapid flickering of her eyelids. Otherwise, her reddish eyes scanned the tavern consistently. Wondering why all of the small humans were acting so strange. She began contemplating a larger meal, though, with tensions high, she would be afraid to let herself eat anything larger than snacks regularly consumed by humans.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Marmalised Junk
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Marmalised Junk I'm not a clown, I'm the entire circus

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"You can control the sun!? That's so cool!"
The girl was clearly star-struck. "Can I see? How do you do it? When did you learn to do it? How does it work? Tell me everything!"
Anya was so excited, she flew into the air, fluttering around near the ceiling, laughing loudly.

Overhearing the peculiar newcomer's question, Anya quickly fluttered over to him and hung upside down in place.
The fae gave a broad grin.
"I don't think you're dead, or, maybe you are? You're unlike something I've ever seen before."

"Asami, have you seen anything like this person before?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 24 hrs ago


At first he merely allowed the naga to retreat into her corner, even with all the carnage he wasn’t nervous. However he did have to admit that she may have the better thought on the matter, eventually sighing as he got up to turn in her direction. However, noticing she was gone with a raised eyebrow, turn of his head to look before spotting her heading to another's table as he cracks a smile.

Pleasure to have met ya, enjoy yourself” He stated softly to himself, more than happy to let her go to commune with others as he snagged a pastry to nip at. His gaze perused the tavern in search of anyone he’d find interesting, though part of him was curious about the man from before blazing in light. He brought back memories, some good and some bad. Sighing softly afterwards as he took his crane and made his way towards the bar amidst the chaos going on, taking a spot away from it all. But he would try to grab Dorian’s attention again if he could.

@Dark Light
Dorian? When you get a chance.” Smiling slightly as his eyes flicker towards the trouble going on as he sighs softly, the last thing he was really wanting right now. Though he does turn in his chair away from the view of others as he pulls up his right sleeve, seeming to be working with and looking at something preferably kept away from nosy people.
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