About Chill
Heyo~! I am NoChill, and I have been roleplaying on and off for 18 years. I am a detail oriented literate roleplayer that can crank out anywhere from 4-20 something paragraphs depending on the roleplay and how interested I am in it. I don't want that to scare you away though. Partner wise, I will never ask for a specific length, nor will I ever ask you to match me. Just give me something to work with and as long as you don't mind reading what I send you, we will get along swimmingly.
I am a lover of fantasy, so I am more likely to get interested by stories that involve magic, strange creatures, adventure, action, and all that comes with it. I am a fan of long-term roleplays though I wouldn't mind a few short ones from time to time. I also am looking for romance, MxF romance to be more precise.
I do enjoy 18+ themes in my roleplays as I love to put my characters through all kinds of situations. I like to take the good with the bad and as far as storytelling goes, I don't really have any limits. Character development is a big deal to me and I would love for our characters to go through things together. Smut is cool with me, provided it doesn't swallow the roleplay whole, as I need more story than smut to keep me happy.
What am I looking for: I would prefer to do roleplays in which we come up with a plot together that is specifically designed around our OCs. I will be listing a little bit about my OCs here and if you find one you like, shoot me a message and we can work something out. I do also have plots as well though, and those will be posted as well. Hopefully you'll find something that you like.
My Characters
Talia Ventra | Female, Drow
Talia is a strange individual. A necromancer by trade she left her homeland when she was pressured to pursue other exploits aside from the dead. She has way more interaction with the dead than she does with the living by trade, and can see them all the time without even conjuring them. She tends to speak with them no matter who is around which tends to put people off. She has no regard for personal space and will invade it regularly. She travels around with an undead Island Dragon as a companion that used to be her family pet before he died and she rose him with her powers. Oftentimes she acts as a mercenary for the dead, fulfilling their unfinished business so they can pass on.
Nixry Ballestra | Female, Half Valkyrie/Half Celestial Dragon
Nixry has a lot of substance problems as she attempts to drown out the memories of everything she has done in her life. She has lived a very long life that is filled with battles upon battles. She has lost nearly everyone that has ever gotten close to her and that has caused her to not get attached very easily. She kind of drifts through life attempting to feel something other than guilt and is often plagued by nightmares of past battles. Something of a sword for hire she used to take every offer that came across her but these days she tends to be a lot more picky than she used to be. She can be cold and distant but that is just because she is afraid to open herself up to people.
Genjin Fastros | Male, Kitsune
Genjin hails from a completely different plane separate from the one that most mortals are from. His plane is filled with many monsters of lore and is rather frightening for mortals to venture into. Being the king of one of the many factions there has lead him to have many people working under him and for him. Despite being a king in his own right, he is quite playful and enjoys having a laugh and just lazing around. He is still quite powerful and will not hesitate to use his power to save his friends and those he holds dear.
Jolie Bradshaw | Female, Succubus
Jolie, most commonly known as Jo, always hated the fact that succubi were expected to kill the mortals they targeted. Always fascinated with the humans she was supposed to prey on, she wanted to do anything she could to keep them safe. She found a way that would allow her to feed on the mortals without fully killing them and absconded from the Underworld in order to live in the mortal realm. It is here that she has been trying to learn all she can in order to blend in and fit in with everyone else. Ever curious, she sports a bubbly personality that is always asking questions even if it's about the most simplest of things. A girly girl through and through she is usually in some kind of ridiculous getup filled with pink and frills.
Aleksandr Thetro | Male, Teifling
Alek is a very sweet and kind individual, though he might air on the shy side for a while when you first meet him. A cleric devoted to the actual stars, his magic can be a bit on the wild side. He has very sweet and delicate features for a man which has lead to him being ridiculed by most, but it hasn't really dampened his spirits at all. The stars and the cosmos are very important to him and he is absolutely wonderful at divination magic. Known mostly as being a parlor trick to make a little money, he is more of the scholarly type of person than the adventuring type. Still, I'm sure he would grow on whomever he meets.
Vintrelle Asterios | Female, Half Human/Half Siren
Vintrelle is a lover of life and all that it has to offer, though she is particularly fond of the sea. Never knew her mother due to the fact that she died shortly after giving birth to her, she grew up on the sea with her father. Her father was a pirate, though he wasn't a particularly good one. Any crew he wound up finding would abandon him eventually due to his ineffective practices so for the most part it was just Vintrelle and him. Growing up with a pirate meant she grew up with a love of the sea that most people just don't have. She was given a lyre at a young age and picked the thing up rather quickly. She is skilled at crafting music, but sometimes when she is really feeling the song, strange things can happen. After the passing of her father she vowed to always stay close to the sea and tends to either sweet talk her way on board pirate ships or simply stows away and winds up becoming a stable that entertains the pirates on their long journey. She is bold, and doesn't seem to be afraid of anything.
Fla'maru A'run'soon | Female, Drow
Flame is a very headstrong and confident individual. She enjoys competition and is extremely competitive to the point of making up silly games that have rules that always err in her favor. She was once a mercenary in a guild of mercenaries until she was double crossed by the man she trusted most, the guild's leader. Now, she likes to say that she is a monster hunter by trade, taking jobs to slay dangerous beasts. Except, that's not entirely true. Instead, she is something of a smuggler. An exotic smuggler that is adept at coaxing these beasties to calm down so she can sell them later on the black market. She has never met a creature she couldn't tame yet. Able to use shadow magic, as well as gifted with a sword she can be a formidable foe. She loves to laugh and have a good time, and might have a bit of a drinking problem.
Bianca | Female, Unicorn
Bianca is very sweet and kind, but do not mistake that kindness for weakness, as she is quite powerful and will crush you beneath her foot in order to protect the forest in which she lives in. A place where the unicorns used to live and thrive, she is known as the last one (though that isn't entirely true), and she is the guardian of this place, intertwined in the magic that permeates it. She wouldn't be nearly as strong if she were to go outside of her forest. Secluded in a place with only foliage and fauna to keep her company she can get quite lonely. Always curious about the outside world her curiosity has been her downfall on more than one occasion. Extremely trusting almost to a fault and very naive.
Helveria | Female, Unicorn
Helveria is the same person as Bianca, and yet totally different. When Bianca was born it was noted that she was tainted with a darkness the rest of the unicorns didn't like. Performing a forbidden and ancient ritual, the separated that darkness into a completely separate person and so Helveria was born. Not full of light and wonder as the rest of the unicorns are, she is filled with darkness and hatred. She was banished from the forest as soon as she was separated and because of that she never got a connection to the magic of that forest. Instead, she draws power from her own rage and hatred and is quite powerful even when she is outside the forest. She has a penchant for chaos and destruction, almost to the point of psychotic bliss. She takes great joy in tormenting and terrorizing others usually on a mental level and literally just wants to watch the world burn. Starting of course, with the forest she was banished from.
Mikhail Ferngully | Male, Elf
Knowledgable in all things mushrooms and nature but a bit lack luster on everything else, Mikhail is a very odd elf. Rather clumsy and not at all confident like most of his brethren, he has never really fit in. A druid that has a natural closeness with nature he spends a lot more time with plants and wildlife than he has with any other person. He is very kind and caring, taking great care to never step on anyone's toes. He can be a bit awkward and nervous especially around new people, but he is very fond of taking care of nature and helping things grow. An expert tracker and definitely in his element when it comes to the wilderness, he has been used on adventuring parties in order to assist with navigating. Not much of a fighter himself as he gets himself into comical situations on the regular.
My Plots
Betrothed | Medieval Fantasy
Character A is a prince to the kingdom of Hallow. There isn’t anything too exciting about the Kingdom of Hallow, but the prince is very well known and loved. Known for his charm, wit, and handsome face he is a kingdom favorite and they are more than excited for him to take over the throne from his father. Of course, due to the fact that he throws himself into his duties as prince and learning how to rule a kingdom he has had little to no time for romance or to look for a wife. This has lead his father, the King, to search for a suitable partner for him.
Character B is a princess from a neighboring kingdom that is known for their military strength and prowess. Seeing as how she is the last of seven children, it is well known that she was never going to become Queen of her own kingdom. So, instead of spending time doing studies and other duties she was able to laze about and overall just have a good time. Still slightly immature, she is surprised when she finds out that she is betrothed to the prince of the Hallow kingdom. This was a strategic move on the part of both Kings in an attempt to bolster relations and create an alliance.
Character B is sent to live in the kingdom of Hallow, in the same castle as Character A while they prepare for their wedding. From the moment she met she fell head over heels in love with him and expresses this love constantly, almost to the point of suffocating much to Character A’s dismay. Character A doesn’t see himself as ready to wed yet as he is focused on his kingdom and often tries to rebuke Character B and keep her away from him.
Character B is a princess from a neighboring kingdom that is known for their military strength and prowess. Seeing as how she is the last of seven children, it is well known that she was never going to become Queen of her own kingdom. So, instead of spending time doing studies and other duties she was able to laze about and overall just have a good time. Still slightly immature, she is surprised when she finds out that she is betrothed to the prince of the Hallow kingdom. This was a strategic move on the part of both Kings in an attempt to bolster relations and create an alliance.
Character B is sent to live in the kingdom of Hallow, in the same castle as Character A while they prepare for their wedding. From the moment she met she fell head over heels in love with him and expresses this love constantly, almost to the point of suffocating much to Character A’s dismay. Character A doesn’t see himself as ready to wed yet as he is focused on his kingdom and often tries to rebuke Character B and keep her away from him.
Welcome To The Underground | Modern Day Gang Situation
Character A is just a regular woman living in a crime infested world. The city seems to get worse and worse every year with gang violence breaking out on virtually every corner. Normally she just tries her best to ignore the violence around her, but one day she simply cannot. A small boy, no older than five is being held by a huge man that has a gun to the poor boys head. Adrenaline surges through her and she rushes forward and pushes the man. That contact he wasn’t expecting causes him to disengage from the boy just enough that a shot rings out that goes through his head and he falls down dead. Instantly Character A and the young boy are whisked into a car. Filled with panic and fright at what she had done and just happened it felt like she was there forever.
That is until Character B pops into the car. The handsome and charismatic leader of a gang in town he explains between her ramblings that it was his son she saved and he was forever grateful. He offers her a job as being the one to look after his son as the nanny and she accepts. The money is better than her shitty job anyway. The two get close and as she sees more of Character B, she realizes that he isn’t like most gangs. He is hoping to unify all the gangs under his leadership in order to stop the violence.
That is until Character B pops into the car. The handsome and charismatic leader of a gang in town he explains between her ramblings that it was his son she saved and he was forever grateful. He offers her a job as being the one to look after his son as the nanny and she accepts. The money is better than her shitty job anyway. The two get close and as she sees more of Character B, she realizes that he isn’t like most gangs. He is hoping to unify all the gangs under his leadership in order to stop the violence.
For You | Medieval Fantasy
Character A is a mage that is known for his prowess which he has used to help the kingdom in many situations. He is highly respected and practically knows everyone in the castle. He often works as an advisor to the king and oversees a great many tasks. Usually silent and stoic his world is rocked to the core when he happens to see Character B, a newly hired chambermaid for the Princess getting her tour of the castle. One single glance and he knew two things. One; she was the reincarnation of his long since deceased lover, and two; he loved her completely and wholly.
Character B has no idea of her lineage or connection to Character A. She is just super excited to start this new job and get to live in the castle. At first, Character B just thinks Character A is a nice person looking out for her. When things get more heated between the two the truth is revealed to her and she is convinced he only likes her because she looks exactly like his dead lover.
Character B has no idea of her lineage or connection to Character A. She is just super excited to start this new job and get to live in the castle. At first, Character B just thinks Character A is a nice person looking out for her. When things get more heated between the two the truth is revealed to her and she is convinced he only likes her because she looks exactly like his dead lover.
I Remember You | Medieval Fantasy
“How could I forget those eyes, filled with the most sincere kindness? The way your hair drifted in the breeze made me convinced you were an angel sent to save me. You didn’t know me, didn’t even know I was the Prince. You didn’t owe me anything and yet you risked it all to save me. I could never forget you because you changed my life and I will always remember you for that.”
Character A is a Prince of the Kingdom of Valora. Valora is a prosperous kingdom in many ways except for the fact that they have outlawed the use of magic that isn’t sanctioned by the Crown. This has lead to only allowing the royal family and some of their advisors to be able to use magic. Any citizen found doing magic is jailed and is usually sentenced to death. As magic is naturally occurring this has lead to an underlying feeling of fear and resentment between the inhabitants of Valora and the royal family. Character A, the Prince is next in line for the throne and is very promising in the eyes of the royal family. The ideas he has in regards to limiting magic usage and finding offenders fills them with pride. He grew up believing that citizens using magic was unnatural and an obvious crime. Only the royal family could possibly be blessed with such a gift as they were obviously better.
Character B is just a regular citizen that lives on a farm on the outskirts of the kingdom. A sheltered village girl that works hard from sunrise to well past sunset. Her parents died when she was young and as such she lives with her grandfather and has to take care of him as well as the farm. She was blessed with healing magic that she has been forbidden to use to keep her safe from being discovered. She of course still quietly uses her gifts to help animals and her grandfather but she is always careful. She dreams of a day in which people are no longer persecuted for something they are born with naturally, has a kind heart, and cares about them all.
Character A was on an expedition just outside the kingdom when he is ambushed and gravely wounded. He stumbles onto Character B’s farm where he collapses. Character B finds him at deaths door and because she doesn’t want to see anyone die she knows she has to save him. Using this much magic was quite the spectacle, but she does manage to save him. This of course puts the small village on the radar of the imperial army who marches upon the village in search of the witch who used magic. Character A, moved by the fact that a village girl would risk her life to save his steps up to say he was the source of the magic when he intercepted some bandits on their way to ransack the village. He is hailed as a hero and embarks for the capitol without even knowing her name.
Months later Character A has taken a drastic change of opinion and has been offering some radical ideas that would change the very fabric of the kingdom as it is known. Worried for their son the King and Queen decide to throw a massive ball in the hopes that Character A will find a woman he wants to court and will come back to his senses. Character A refuses to entertain the idea of a ball unless commoners from all over the kingdom are also allowed to attend. The woman he hasn’t been able to forget is a commoner and if he could just see her again, he knows he will feel better. Reluctantly his parents agree.
Character B goes to the ball along with most of the girls in her village. All are super excited to see the palace and the fabled, handsome Prince. Character B has already met the Prince and though she remembers what happened she doubts the Prince does.
Character A is a Prince of the Kingdom of Valora. Valora is a prosperous kingdom in many ways except for the fact that they have outlawed the use of magic that isn’t sanctioned by the Crown. This has lead to only allowing the royal family and some of their advisors to be able to use magic. Any citizen found doing magic is jailed and is usually sentenced to death. As magic is naturally occurring this has lead to an underlying feeling of fear and resentment between the inhabitants of Valora and the royal family. Character A, the Prince is next in line for the throne and is very promising in the eyes of the royal family. The ideas he has in regards to limiting magic usage and finding offenders fills them with pride. He grew up believing that citizens using magic was unnatural and an obvious crime. Only the royal family could possibly be blessed with such a gift as they were obviously better.
Character B is just a regular citizen that lives on a farm on the outskirts of the kingdom. A sheltered village girl that works hard from sunrise to well past sunset. Her parents died when she was young and as such she lives with her grandfather and has to take care of him as well as the farm. She was blessed with healing magic that she has been forbidden to use to keep her safe from being discovered. She of course still quietly uses her gifts to help animals and her grandfather but she is always careful. She dreams of a day in which people are no longer persecuted for something they are born with naturally, has a kind heart, and cares about them all.
Character A was on an expedition just outside the kingdom when he is ambushed and gravely wounded. He stumbles onto Character B’s farm where he collapses. Character B finds him at deaths door and because she doesn’t want to see anyone die she knows she has to save him. Using this much magic was quite the spectacle, but she does manage to save him. This of course puts the small village on the radar of the imperial army who marches upon the village in search of the witch who used magic. Character A, moved by the fact that a village girl would risk her life to save his steps up to say he was the source of the magic when he intercepted some bandits on their way to ransack the village. He is hailed as a hero and embarks for the capitol without even knowing her name.
Months later Character A has taken a drastic change of opinion and has been offering some radical ideas that would change the very fabric of the kingdom as it is known. Worried for their son the King and Queen decide to throw a massive ball in the hopes that Character A will find a woman he wants to court and will come back to his senses. Character A refuses to entertain the idea of a ball unless commoners from all over the kingdom are also allowed to attend. The woman he hasn’t been able to forget is a commoner and if he could just see her again, he knows he will feel better. Reluctantly his parents agree.
Character B goes to the ball along with most of the girls in her village. All are super excited to see the palace and the fabled, handsome Prince. Character B has already met the Prince and though she remembers what happened she doubts the Prince does.
Just An Apple | Medieval Fantasy
Character A isn’t anything special. She is a simple woman that lives a simple life out on a farm. She is kind, polite, and extremely shy, but she loves her plants and takes great care when growing them. Because of this, she has become something of a staple in the town she lives in. She grows almost all of the food that the people consume on a daily basis. The crops she grows tend to takes better than anything else, and when she puts her magic power into the soil, they are even able to help ward of sickness and replenish stamina. She is something like a celebrity in her town though she hates the praise and still wishes to live a simple life.
That is until Character B hears about her. Character B is a powerful sorcerer that delights in doing whatever he wants. There are almost no limits placed on him due to his power. People know of him and they fear him, and honestly, he likes that. When he hears about Character A’s ability to make delicious and magical food he knows that he needs to add her to his list of attendants. No one else deserved that kind of food but him. He was the strongest and the only one worthy after all.
At first, he simply tries to woo her. He shows up at her farm under the guise that he is there to buy some food from her and does his best attempt at courting the young lady. Character A is not interested in the least and she makes that well known. Totally surprised and furious at her rejection of him, Character B comes up with a plan. He confiscates an apple that was grown with Character A’s magical power and corrupts the thing into a tool he can use.
The next time he visits her is in disguise as a simple townsperson, giving her the apple as a gift for all the wonderful food she has provided them with. Character A cannot refuse this gift as she loves her townspeople dearly. This apple though is special. If she takes a bite out of it, she will fall under Character B’s spell and will follow any order given to her.
That is until Character B hears about her. Character B is a powerful sorcerer that delights in doing whatever he wants. There are almost no limits placed on him due to his power. People know of him and they fear him, and honestly, he likes that. When he hears about Character A’s ability to make delicious and magical food he knows that he needs to add her to his list of attendants. No one else deserved that kind of food but him. He was the strongest and the only one worthy after all.
At first, he simply tries to woo her. He shows up at her farm under the guise that he is there to buy some food from her and does his best attempt at courting the young lady. Character A is not interested in the least and she makes that well known. Totally surprised and furious at her rejection of him, Character B comes up with a plan. He confiscates an apple that was grown with Character A’s magical power and corrupts the thing into a tool he can use.
The next time he visits her is in disguise as a simple townsperson, giving her the apple as a gift for all the wonderful food she has provided them with. Character A cannot refuse this gift as she loves her townspeople dearly. This apple though is special. If she takes a bite out of it, she will fall under Character B’s spell and will follow any order given to her.
Gaining Favor | Medieval Fantasy
This world is extremely dangerous. Monsters can be found virtually anywhere and they are not the kind you’d want to tangle with lightly. Adventurers are looked upon like gods, being the only defense between the monsters and the common folk. The standing of these adventurers depends on their level and the amount of monsters they have slain. The higher ranked adventurers obviously have more sway and standing in the world, being showered with riches and all their desires. The lower adventurers struggle in this system, having to party up with higher ranked adventurers to be used as cannon fodder, or akin to slaves in order to make enough coin to keep on living.
Character A is a low ranked adventurer that has been kicked out of every party he has ever been in. Seen of as a liability due to his weak abilities, he is ridiculed and used as something of meat shield for the higher ranking adventurers. Still, he has to make a living. On one mission with a party, Character A is being used as bait to lure out a very frightening fire salamander that has been terrorizing the nearby town. During that fateful mission, he is swallowed by the fire salamander and assumes that his life is over. This is how he is going to die.
That is until he wakes up in a completely different place with a demonic being hanging over him. Demonic Beings are creatures that are a lot like humans, except that they possess immense power that allows them to bend the very laws of nature. They are able to communicate and control the monsters of the world among other things. This demonic being had seen how Character A was being treated and took pity on him. Not only did she save him from that party, but she then gives him her power with the hopes that he might help balance things out in this world. Now he is more powerful than any adventurer and he is filled with two thoughts; revenge and destruction.
Character B is a new adventurer, but is already ranked rather high. She has been blessed with having both magic and skill with a sword. Not only that, but she was given a rare ability. The ability to reset time. Character B is a very kind adventurer and tries to help anyone she can find, adventurers and citizens alike. She isn’t very keen on killing but sometimes a monster just cannot be reasoned with.
Character A happens upon Character B when she is tangling with a lesser drake. She spends a good portion of her fight trying to plead with the creature to calm down and leave the villagers alone though it is all in vain. The creature attacks her over and over, killing her multiple times. Of course, her reset time ability brings her right back and she begins again with her attempts to reason with it. Character A steps in and kills the beast in one fell swoop before turning on Character B. He needs her power to help him with his revenge as it would be extremely useful.
Character A does not even ask Character B. Instead, he just takes her, not caring that she is protesting or not. He will do anything and everything to keep her by his side. He will kill anyone who gets in the way and eventually Character B starts to warm up to yours, finding out that he was wronged in his life and even though he says he wants revenge, the actions he is taking will change and reshape this world for the better.
Character A is a low ranked adventurer that has been kicked out of every party he has ever been in. Seen of as a liability due to his weak abilities, he is ridiculed and used as something of meat shield for the higher ranking adventurers. Still, he has to make a living. On one mission with a party, Character A is being used as bait to lure out a very frightening fire salamander that has been terrorizing the nearby town. During that fateful mission, he is swallowed by the fire salamander and assumes that his life is over. This is how he is going to die.
That is until he wakes up in a completely different place with a demonic being hanging over him. Demonic Beings are creatures that are a lot like humans, except that they possess immense power that allows them to bend the very laws of nature. They are able to communicate and control the monsters of the world among other things. This demonic being had seen how Character A was being treated and took pity on him. Not only did she save him from that party, but she then gives him her power with the hopes that he might help balance things out in this world. Now he is more powerful than any adventurer and he is filled with two thoughts; revenge and destruction.
Character B is a new adventurer, but is already ranked rather high. She has been blessed with having both magic and skill with a sword. Not only that, but she was given a rare ability. The ability to reset time. Character B is a very kind adventurer and tries to help anyone she can find, adventurers and citizens alike. She isn’t very keen on killing but sometimes a monster just cannot be reasoned with.
Character A happens upon Character B when she is tangling with a lesser drake. She spends a good portion of her fight trying to plead with the creature to calm down and leave the villagers alone though it is all in vain. The creature attacks her over and over, killing her multiple times. Of course, her reset time ability brings her right back and she begins again with her attempts to reason with it. Character A steps in and kills the beast in one fell swoop before turning on Character B. He needs her power to help him with his revenge as it would be extremely useful.
Character A does not even ask Character B. Instead, he just takes her, not caring that she is protesting or not. He will do anything and everything to keep her by his side. He will kill anyone who gets in the way and eventually Character B starts to warm up to yours, finding out that he was wronged in his life and even though he says he wants revenge, the actions he is taking will change and reshape this world for the better.
Little Princess | Modern Day Mafia
Character A is hire-able muscle. Having grown up in the streets with a tough upbringing, he has honed his body and his skills. He is one of the best at what he does and he is a jack of all trades. He amassed a good chunk of money for himself and respect as well as a name in the mouths of some crime lords and mafia bosses. This is how he lands the lucrative job of looking after the only child, a daughter of Don Choreli, a notorious mafia king pin in the underbelly of the city. As much as he hates the idea of the job, the money is too good to pass up and honestly, how much trouble could one princess get into?
Character B is known to all as ‘Princess’, the nickname given to her by her father who dotes on her. Since her mother passed away when she was young, she has been the only thing in Don Choreli’s life that he cares for more than his mafia. She is wealthy, spoiled, and wants for nothing. Her dad gives her everything she asks for and more. The problem? She tends to go through bodyguards like candy because they either can’t keep up with her or wind up dead. Character B isn’t the sweet, spoiled rotten princess most people think she is. She is just as cunning and as engrossed in mafia life as her father. Quick to anger, she is prone to violence and relishes in causing pain and humiliation to others. She also has a habit of always getting into trouble, the deadly kind of trouble.
Character B is known to all as ‘Princess’, the nickname given to her by her father who dotes on her. Since her mother passed away when she was young, she has been the only thing in Don Choreli’s life that he cares for more than his mafia. She is wealthy, spoiled, and wants for nothing. Her dad gives her everything she asks for and more. The problem? She tends to go through bodyguards like candy because they either can’t keep up with her or wind up dead. Character B isn’t the sweet, spoiled rotten princess most people think she is. She is just as cunning and as engrossed in mafia life as her father. Quick to anger, she is prone to violence and relishes in causing pain and humiliation to others. She also has a habit of always getting into trouble, the deadly kind of trouble.
In The Pressence Of Royalty | Modern Fantasy
The Tempest family is a long lineage that dates back for as long as anyone can remember. Though they had wealth and status back in the day no one is actually certain where it came from. The Tempest Mansion is the only piece of property that has ever been owned by them and even after all the time it still stands, handed down to each descendant when the current one passes away. The honest truth about the Tempest family is that the original Tempest became a vassal to a very powerful and important vampire noble. As such the vampire granted the family wealth in exchange for them to learn how to defend the vampire, allowing him to use their home as his own and would watch over him during his slumber. For the last century the vampire has been asleep, slumbering in his coffin deep in the basement.
Character A is the last remaining Tempest in the long line. Having spent most of her life working as an interior designer she lives a pretty simple, but happy life. Her parents had fled from the influence of the rest of the Tempest family, not wanting their daughter to be subjected to the harsh customs of their family. Though they have long passed, she has lived her entire life never meeting a single member of the Tempest family.
That is, until she receives a very important letter informing her of her uncle’s death. She didn’t even know she had an uncle, and his large estate is left in her name. Wanting to know more about the family she didn’t know she had, she leaves her previous life behind to go and live in the mansion. The letter is very vague in details except for one very clear rule: She must never go in the basement.
Character A is the last remaining Tempest in the long line. Having spent most of her life working as an interior designer she lives a pretty simple, but happy life. Her parents had fled from the influence of the rest of the Tempest family, not wanting their daughter to be subjected to the harsh customs of their family. Though they have long passed, she has lived her entire life never meeting a single member of the Tempest family.
That is, until she receives a very important letter informing her of her uncle’s death. She didn’t even know she had an uncle, and his large estate is left in her name. Wanting to know more about the family she didn’t know she had, she leaves her previous life behind to go and live in the mansion. The letter is very vague in details except for one very clear rule: She must never go in the basement.
Rightful Prize | Medieval Fantasy
500 years ago the great Demon King waged war on the elven kingdom of Wysteria. Due to their sheer numbers and power the Demon Army had no problem in defeating the defenses of the elfs. The King of Wysteria made a deal with the Demon King that if he allowed the kingdom to prosper under the demon's protection he would allow the Demon King's son a pick of any of his daughters to have as his queen when it was time for the Prince to ascend to the throne. At the time, the King of Wysteria was childless but that didn't last long. He gave birth to six boys before he finally gave birth to a girl. Character A was the apple of the kingdom's eye simply due to the fact that she was going to be used to keep their kingdom from being destroyed by the demons. She was raised in the castle, almost like a comfortable prisoner. Finally the day came when the Demon King came to collect her from her kingdom, taking her away from the only home she had ever known so she could marry his son (Character B) who was going to be the next Demon King.
Bound By Law | Could be either medieval or modern fantasy
The fae are mysterious, mischievous creatures that are governed by their own set of laws that are deeply ingrained in their very being. Character A is your average, beautiful, run of the mill fae, one who delights in using her trickery to have people serve her. Though she isn’t royalty or anything like that, she enjoys being treated as such. For this very fact, she finds creatures who are likely to fall for her tricks and she binds them with fae law into her servitude. While she is traveling away from home, she comes across Character B who is in dire straights. He seems to be severely wounded and unconscious. She takes him home, mends his wounds, and when he wakes up she plays the sweet, innocent helper. She offers to feed him, a meal he simply cannot turn down due to his level of hunger. The minute he takes the first bite of his food, he is bound to her by fae law as he has accepted a gift from her. Now he belongs to her.
Proposal | Modern Fantasy
Character A is a selkie, a type of mermaid that can live on land and wears a seal skin coat. In these days, she has managed to disguise herself as a beautiful woman with a fur coat that she wears on every occasion. She is a high priced call girl that is having dinner with a client at a fancy restaurant. When Character B brushes past their table, her coat falls off the back of her chair. Not thinking much of it, he picks it up and replaces it with a smile. When a man touches the coat of a selkie, they are then bound to that man, and when he gave it back to her, that finished the marriage proposal. The next morning she shows up on his doorstep, ready to be the wife that he made her.
Silvertongue | Modern Fantasy
Though Character A loved to read and she had a great reading voice, she would never read out loud. Why? Because if she read aloud from books she could bring parts of the books to the living world and it really messed things up. One night she is drinking with two of her friends and having a good time. Before bed she opens one of her favorite adventure books and begins to read to herself, though she doesn't realize that she is reading out loud. She is surprised to find that the hero of the book, Character B, is suddenly in her home and with not knowing any way to send him back she has to try and help him transition to life here.
Last But Not Least
In case anyone is looking for fandom roleplays...I do engage in those as well. Below I will have the list of universes I would be comfortable playing in. I have played a few canon characters, but most of the time I would rather play an OC.
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fire Force
Tokyo Ghoul
Blue Exorcist
Demon Slayer
Peach Girl
Vampire Knight
The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent
How Not To Summon A Demon Lord
Diabolik Lovers
Fruits Basket
Fairy Tail
Darker Than Black
Tales of Zestiria the X
Angels of Death
Sk8 The Infinity
Kakuriyo - Bed & Breakfast For Spirits
Attack On Titan
Fullmetal Alchemist
The Rising of The Shield Hero
Deadman Wonderland
Sirius The Jaegar
B The Beginning
Avatar The Last Airbender
High-Rise Invasion
Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?
The Misfit of Demon King Academy
TV Shows/Movies
Harry Potter (I’ve read all the books too, was just easier to put it here.)
Video Games
Genshin Impact
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy
True Beauty
Love Me Knot
Lore Olympus
Maid For Hire
Freaking Romance
Let’s Play
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fire Force
Tokyo Ghoul
Blue Exorcist
Demon Slayer
Peach Girl
Vampire Knight
The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent
How Not To Summon A Demon Lord
Diabolik Lovers
Fruits Basket
Fairy Tail
Darker Than Black
Tales of Zestiria the X
Angels of Death
Sk8 The Infinity
Kakuriyo - Bed & Breakfast For Spirits
Attack On Titan
Fullmetal Alchemist
The Rising of The Shield Hero
Deadman Wonderland
Sirius The Jaegar
B The Beginning
Avatar The Last Airbender
High-Rise Invasion
Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?
The Misfit of Demon King Academy
TV Shows/Movies
Harry Potter (I’ve read all the books too, was just easier to put it here.)
Video Games
Genshin Impact
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy
True Beauty
Love Me Knot
Lore Olympus
Maid For Hire
Freaking Romance
Let’s Play
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