Hello there,

I have made a few interest checks beforehand but they are lost to the wind and my own memory now.
I am Song Book, doer of many things, and love to many mortals. I am currently looking for a handful of 1x1 roleplays to help me destress with the upcoming year of rigorous academic studies and long working hours. Writing and fantasy have always been there for me so I think I should bring this forth into this new era of my life with some constrained writing.

With that onto my short list of mutual expectations:

    1. I operate under the mutual expectation of 18+, therefore if you are not that please inform me of such so I can make an informed decision about roleplaying with you. If you wish to do so in PMs for your own privacy please do so. This does not exclude minors from interacting with me, I just do not want to bring up things minors should not be exposed to.
    2. Communicate with me about any problems in the roleplay, I want to collaborate to tell stories about characters, not wait endlessly for a reply that you cannot write up due to something not working right.
    3. I know life happens, please try your best to inform me when breaks in the roleplay may be necessary due to real-life stuff. While I am very forgiving, my interest in an idea can wain over time. If you don't inform me of a need for a break and disappear you get a year before I will create a closing message. To reopen after that point you will need to reconvince me of the idea.

Now that those are taken care of, onto the ideas section. Please feel free to create a plot for these and relate that to me when informing me of your interest. I will accept both PMs and direct replies to this post as how you wish to play out the roleplay (forum or dm). If you reply in one way but wish for the other please put it in your post. Many of these are very Romance heavy, though none have strictly NSFW stuff necessary in them, I am open to those concepts both as fade-to-black and full-out descriptions. ( Completely explicit roleplays will occur entirely within PMs for the sake of not having to switch between forum and pm every couple of posts.)

Unless otherwise stated I am happy to play either part in the pairing.


More to come later....