We are CLOSED!
• Apologizing in advance for how much stuff I wrote between here and the actual RP stuff. I wanted to make sure all the bases were covered on what we should expect from each other and it got a bit out of hand ._.• I'm your local RaincoatEnjoyer. I wanted it to be AverageRaincoatEnjoyer but that was too long.
• You can call me whatever you want though, long as it ain't a liar.
• Slowly closing in on 30 years old. Yes, I am actively fossilizing as we speak.
• I've been doing this RP stuff for over a decade, though I've lost track of exactly how many years it's been. My perception of time is rather shit like that.
• Not doing daily replies. This is a hobby for me, but not my primary pastime, and trying to force it into a higher priority than other stuff just makes me not enjoy it.
• Post length can vary wildly based on what's happening and just how I'm feeling that day. I can normally do something in the range of 2-4 paragraphs pretty reliably, so I'll call that my typical range.
• Hugely prefer playing female characters, especially in an FxF pair. I'm not entirely opposed to playing dudes, but it might take a bit of convincing. (I myself am a guy, since some people care about that.)
• Ghost-friendly, hiatus-friendly, just friendly in general. Don't be a stranger. I'm not a very social type, but I like to think I'm good company once people get me talking :)
• Only uses anime faceclaims because real-life faceclaims make me immensely uncomfortable and I don't jive with other art. Yes, I'm a filthy weeb.
• Mostly just here for some relaxed RP stuff; I've had my fill of epic action and daring adventure and I just want to have some chill fun playing cute girls in raincoats.
• I'm taking very few partners; probably 2-3 at the most. This search may swing open and closed at any time because of this.
• 18+ partners only, not because of explicit content (probably) but more so for my own comfort.• Your irl gender, character gender, post size/frequency, etc, should all be whatever makes you happy and comfortable. I'd appreciate if your posts at least gave me something to work with, and I'd also like to not have to read a whole thesis every time you reply.
• Seriously, work with me, both in the RP itself and while we're planning it out. You'd be astounded how many times I've met a prospective RP partner and it felt like I had to do both sides of any conversations we had, let alone planning and actually doing an RP. If I feel like that's the case, I'll respectfully ask that we go our separate ways. If you've got ideas, concerns, etc, please share them. Communication is everything in the RP biz, and I'll try my best to be communicative as well.
• PM me if interested; don't post in the thread. Not gonna bother with a "to prove you read this, do this" bit because what's stopping you from just skimming until you find that anyway. Send me a cool fun fact if you feel so inclined though, but only if you want to.
• If you need to disappear for a while, that's totally fine. Like I said, I am ghost-friendly and hiatus-friendly alike. If it's been a month or two since I've last heard from you, I'll just assume you wanted out and close up shop between us. You can come back later if you want.
• Third-person past tense please. I've spent too much time digging through the hellhole that is Reddit RP to not specify this.
• Don't use real-life faceclaims or AI art. This is super non-negotiable.
• FxF is very much my preferred type of ship, but I'm open to MxF or even MxM with some convincing. Trans, NB, etc characters are also more than welcome.• Unless otherwise specified, assume every fandom I list below is meant to be OCxOC. I don't enjoy playing as or with canon characters a vast majority of the time, but a scarce few exceptions do come up every so often.
• Since I'm taking only a couple partners at a time, it's not impossible (but still quite unlikely) that you'll PM me at the same time as another prospective partner and I pick them as a last partner over you. Please don't take this personally.
• For the sake of transparency, there's a chance I may ask to split up before we start an RP or very early into it. Please don't take this personally either, since I can have trouble RPing with people if our vibes don't quite align, whether it's our writing styles or just our general personalities. I'm sure you're great all the same :)
• Following up on the above, I can provide a writing sample if asked, but I'll ask for one from you in exchange.
• Running the RP through PMs would be ideal. It's easier to keep track of everything that way, and I don't like the possibility of everyone else sticking their eyes into our business. I'm willing to run it through a thread or on a Discord server if you insist on not using PMs though, with Discord being my preferred alternative out of those two.
• Let's chill and have some fun.
Finally, the RP goodies. Sorry for putting you through all that, assuming you read it all. Let's get down to business. The more ♥ there are next to something, the more I'm craving it as of the latest bump (max. 5; if you see and do something with 5 i'll love you forever), and anything I've marked in yellow is something I've got something in mind for, whether that's a full-on plot or just some loose worldbuilding/character snippets.