Come visit bucolic...
Crow County, Montana

Crow County is one of the most isolated counties in the Lower 48. Bounded by the Purcell Mountains and Lake Koocanusa to the east, the Buckhorn Mountains to the west, the Kootenay River to the south, and the rugged Canadian border to the north, the people of Crow County like their peace and quiet. With a population of only seven thousand and and comprising over 1,000 square miles, you're more likely to see Old Grizz out in the pristine wilderness than you are people. The people of Crow County like their peace and quiet. They like waking up to wintry mornings of snow-capped peaks and cool summer breezes. The people of Crow County and the Crow Nation of Northwest Montana also get along. They like the fact that the last reported murder in Crow County happened in 1991, too.
All of these things drew Adjutant John Heikkinen like a moth to a flame. Employment after service to the French Foreign Legion was a tricky thing for every Legionnaire, regardless if they accepted French Citizenship or not. The retirement? It was never good enough to live off of, unless you retired to some third-world cesspit. The benefits? Nearly non-existent. The trauma? Oh, there was plenty of that. Plenty of sleepless nights with nothing more than a bottle of brandy or a cheap flask of vodka to keep you company.
John had been lucky in having found Sheriff Fred Connolly. After twenty years, he returned to Washington State to an empty childhood home and parents that had died only two years prior in a car accident. The only civilian work he was qualified for was Law Enforcement and most agencies turned their nose up at his resume, prejudiced by the 'rogues gallery of misfits' image that popular media had portrayed the Legion as. The first interview, done by phone, with Sheriff Connolly lasted six hours. The second, in the sheriff's office, took ten minutes. Adjutant Heikkinen was now Deputy Heikkinen.
What I'm Looking For

I'm looking for something long-term based in the setting above. I'm yearning for a grand adventure between two characters: with conflict, character development, romance, and strife. I believe opposites attract. I adore strong characters with glaring weaknesses. I like reading (and delivering) posts with Terry Pratchett levels of wit and comedy. On the other side of that coin, I like reading posts that fill you with dread and depression. Let's have horror and conflict; let's have romance and passion. I think another law enforcement professional (Tribal Police? State Police?), guide, hunter, etc would be a good fit opposite Deputy Heikkinen; I'm not looking for characters that shirk away from danger and I'm not looking for someone for Deputy Heikkinen to 'protect.'
Short-Term: Something is stalking the mountains and wilderness of Crow County. Our characters must work together to solve the mystery.
Long-Term: The monster is dead. Our heroes are victorious.
... Except the killings continue. Strange sightings of fantastical creatures start to occur all over the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Northwest. Something is happening. The boogymen of man's primordial terror are starting to walk the earth again. (Witcher's Conjunction of the Spheres comes to mind.)
I'm looking for a female partner who wants to do more than write a play-by-play interaction between two characters. Someone who wants to write about the culture of our characters, why they behave the way they do, and their interactions with the world at large. A writer who is as engrossed in plotting out a beginning as much as they are in writing in twists and turns to the story. I want to read the plot twist you've just written, sit back at my desk, and quietly whisper, " ... Fuck me, that's good."
I am perfectly fine with writing on this website, however I normally write on Discord. Are you interested in what I've written? Send me a message.
Crow County, Montana

Crow County is one of the most isolated counties in the Lower 48. Bounded by the Purcell Mountains and Lake Koocanusa to the east, the Buckhorn Mountains to the west, the Kootenay River to the south, and the rugged Canadian border to the north, the people of Crow County like their peace and quiet. With a population of only seven thousand and and comprising over 1,000 square miles, you're more likely to see Old Grizz out in the pristine wilderness than you are people. The people of Crow County like their peace and quiet. They like waking up to wintry mornings of snow-capped peaks and cool summer breezes. The people of Crow County and the Crow Nation of Northwest Montana also get along. They like the fact that the last reported murder in Crow County happened in 1991, too.
All of these things drew Adjutant John Heikkinen like a moth to a flame. Employment after service to the French Foreign Legion was a tricky thing for every Legionnaire, regardless if they accepted French Citizenship or not. The retirement? It was never good enough to live off of, unless you retired to some third-world cesspit. The benefits? Nearly non-existent. The trauma? Oh, there was plenty of that. Plenty of sleepless nights with nothing more than a bottle of brandy or a cheap flask of vodka to keep you company.
John had been lucky in having found Sheriff Fred Connolly. After twenty years, he returned to Washington State to an empty childhood home and parents that had died only two years prior in a car accident. The only civilian work he was qualified for was Law Enforcement and most agencies turned their nose up at his resume, prejudiced by the 'rogues gallery of misfits' image that popular media had portrayed the Legion as. The first interview, done by phone, with Sheriff Connolly lasted six hours. The second, in the sheriff's office, took ten minutes. Adjutant Heikkinen was now Deputy Heikkinen.
What I'm Looking For

I'm looking for something long-term based in the setting above. I'm yearning for a grand adventure between two characters: with conflict, character development, romance, and strife. I believe opposites attract. I adore strong characters with glaring weaknesses. I like reading (and delivering) posts with Terry Pratchett levels of wit and comedy. On the other side of that coin, I like reading posts that fill you with dread and depression. Let's have horror and conflict; let's have romance and passion. I think another law enforcement professional (Tribal Police? State Police?), guide, hunter, etc would be a good fit opposite Deputy Heikkinen; I'm not looking for characters that shirk away from danger and I'm not looking for someone for Deputy Heikkinen to 'protect.'
Short-Term: Something is stalking the mountains and wilderness of Crow County. Our characters must work together to solve the mystery.
Long-Term: The monster is dead. Our heroes are victorious.
... Except the killings continue. Strange sightings of fantastical creatures start to occur all over the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Northwest. Something is happening. The boogymen of man's primordial terror are starting to walk the earth again. (Witcher's Conjunction of the Spheres comes to mind.)
I'm looking for a female partner who wants to do more than write a play-by-play interaction between two characters. Someone who wants to write about the culture of our characters, why they behave the way they do, and their interactions with the world at large. A writer who is as engrossed in plotting out a beginning as much as they are in writing in twists and turns to the story. I want to read the plot twist you've just written, sit back at my desk, and quietly whisper, " ... Fuck me, that's good."
I am perfectly fine with writing on this website, however I normally write on Discord. Are you interested in what I've written? Send me a message.