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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

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Lavender looked on. The wraith had taken it’s chance- and struck. Obviously she had not anticipated for the spirit to literally fall apart and become as dark as the night sky. The woman couldn’t lie- she was startled when the wraith just..evaporated. Regaining her composure, she couldn’t help but see another glimmer of light on the spirit’s being. Every mark told a story- and this star just told it’s tale to her. She spared a glance towards the other direction to see how the main battle was going.

Ah. This is what Lavender had came here for. Well, she supposed she got what she wanted in the end. The woman barely flinched when an arrow flew close to her mask as she looked on at the scene playing out in front of her. A very strange feeling of guilt was settled somewhere inside of her, guilty for not doing much other than watch.

Upon seeing the wolf attempting to reach the backpack of the man with healing blood, Lavender knew what it was looking for.

The dagger. Of course it had to be the dagger.

Lavender gave a sigh, and though she had the urge to leap forward and just do anything, she simply leaned back and waited. It definitely wasn’t her place to fight the wolf, or do something sappy like get down on one knee and retrieve the dagger to give it back while apologising profusely.

Even if it was, she highly doubted she could take it on anyway.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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The large wolf, as if detecting Lavender’s gaze, turned to stare at her fox mask. Familiar eyes staring back at her in a familiar cocky way. It almost smiled at her, until in the distraction a wraith got close and clawed at the beast. The powerful blow sending the wolf scattering across the floor with a high pitched welp.

The wraith then seized its prize. Picking up the bag container the dagger.

... would it leave now that it had its possession back? Was it right to allow such an evil creature to have such an evil device?
Should anyone do anything?
Would anyone do anything?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Dark Light@aia2022
He wasn't quite paying attention to what was going around him, it was a chaotic mess anyway. Though he could only be surprised as he felt the pack on his side pulled at as he perks up and quickly looks to see what was going on. A wolf knocked to the side it appeared, a lady watching and seeming to be lost on what to do and the wraith that took the dagger. Well he honestly expected worse so only really groaned at the situation as he raised his pistol and unloads nearly the whole magazine into the wraith.

"You all are just annoying at this point in time! Dealt with far worse back in the second war..." He'd utter rather harshly, looking around at the chaos as he seems to struggle further and further. His free hand gripping tightly as if he was in pain before slowly letting it go as he sighs softly. His eyes showing relief as he shouts. "You know what? Fine! Alright! That's it!"

Grasping his hat as he throws it away as a black cloud consumes him out of nowhere, it flowing around the area where the individual was and grew in size further and further. Until out of the cloud a taloned arm reached out and grasped a side of the tavern, another breaking out and smashing into the location of where the wraith was previous to secure the blade in question. The wings unfolding slightly along said arms until they close again. A bellow radiating out which quickly changed to a horrific scratching and scraping of what sounded like metal. Soon the head and its long neck came forth from the cloud, the cloud itself dissipating to show the full body of the wyvern-dragon as along its back unfolded a wall of sharp spines. Bellowing again as his clubbed tail swings and embeds another wraith against the wall.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

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@LiegeLord @Dark Light

Ah, a friend? Perhaps the wolf wasn’t an enemy as she had previously thought. It- or, they- seemed very familiar to a certain man she had met not long ago. She winced slightly when they were thrown aside.

A very uncharacteristic ‘oh no’ would be able to be heard from the fox faced woman. Now that a wraith had gotten hold of the bag, what now? This was very worrying. And entertaining. The moment unknowingly had her holding her breath.

The owner of the bag- the one with the healing blood- had seemed to have noticed her for a short second. He was already loading up a gun, though, good heavens. The man seemed to be saying something now, but exactly what was beyond her as she couldn’t really hear much through all the chaos.

”Well, what in the name of the gods?..” The woman muttered as she stared at the human to dragon transformation unfolding in front of her. What a strange tavern she had stumbled into. It seemed the amount of chaos in this place was close to unlimited. Well, at least she knew where she would go to for drinks now.

She shrugs, readjusts her mask, flames her weapon once again, and decides to rejoin the battle.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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More wraiths died (or vanished) to the wide varying skills and powers of the taverns brave patrons.

As one unlucky wraith was sent back to the shadows it dropped the dagger bound bag to the tavern floor. It landed with a heavy thud.
With a limping charge the wolf quickly darted towards the object, but by the time it covered that small distance it was no longer a wolf but a man who grabbed the bag. A naked injured Clay poorly used the focused on bag to try retain a modicum of modesty.
It was clear by the expression on his face that this was not thought through.
As a wraith swooped down at him from above in a fluttering of evil darkness, the shapeshifting bartender launched himself over the bar as he threw the bag away back into the main tavern.

Someone bloody get rid of it!” His wild yell was cut short by a thud as he vanished behind the solid wooden counter.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Isaac
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Maz had no idea what was going on as he observed people panic at the sight of these...ghost things. No problem though. He watched the bartender, who was naked by the way, how embarrassing for him, grab a bag that fell on the floor and throw it back,asking someone to get rid of it for him. That seemed kind of important, and he liked living, so he took out a scroll of flame he had on hand from a prior quest and read it, incinerating the sack with magical flame and turning anything in it into dust. "Well, that's done!" he said, attempting to slice a wraith with his knife on the way back to the table. It did nothing of course, because they were incorporeal creatures, and he started to regret that he had used his scroll so recklessly. "Damn it all." he managed to say with a minute amount of boredness in his voice. "Also, since I burned the bag, they might...Oh shit."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by OddnessApproved
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After the wraith dispersed into nothing, Ghiar transformed into his regular body. The gray man. Something made up of reflections, shadows, and different levels of transparency. Three claw marks could be seen on his chest, his shirt ripped and staining with a dark color that was leaking out of him. Where the wraith made contact, his body was solid and in a sense meant that part of him was weakened for the time being. Standing there, he decided to touch it, gently. A gentle press caused a shock to form in his body, "Ah..." he groaned at the feeling. It was not the best feeling, but he was not in any large amount of pain.

Going behind the counter, he was trying to find rags. Something that he could use to put pressure on his wounds. Finding some old rags that appeared fairly clean; Ghiar picked them up, grabbed a bottle of cheap alcohol, and went over to a table to begin to tend to his wounds. He should not continue to fight in such a condition especially when there is an option to leave.
Soaking up the blood, he would end up pouring the alcohol directly on his wounds before taking another rag and pressing it to the area. He was trying to make sure that he wasn't getting the table or ground too messy.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

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Lavender raised an eyebrow in slight confusion. One moment the wolf had turned into Clay (and she tried to ignore the ‘naked’ part), the other moment the bag containing the dagger was suddenly back in the main part of the tavern, and then someone who she hadn’t noticed earlier decided to suddenly appear and burn the bag and it’s contents using a fire spell.

A fire spell. Fire. Why didn’t she think of that?

"Well, that's done!" he said, attempting to slice a wraith with his knife on the way back to the table.

That’s done!
Why is he so cheerful? What in the name of all the gods? The fox faced woman resisted to urge to drag her hand across her face in exasperation despite the mask she was wearing.

Lavender winced slightly when she saw the injuries on the space(?) spirit’s body but relaxed when they went to go tend to it themself.

All in all, a very weird fight. Lavender was not sure whether or not this whole ordeal had finally been resolved or not as there will still a couple of wraiths (thought they were few now) around the tavern. Well, the show was over and it was clean-up time. With a sigh she went and looked around in search of the last few wraiths, all the while abandoning her sword altogether and instead putting it back where it came from. Fire should be sufficient.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Marmalised Junk
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After what seemed like hours, the child finally came down from her hiding place. The commotion seemed to have calmed mostly, so she scanned the room. The fox-looking woman was dealing with some of the last couple of wraiths, a seemingly injured man was.. naked. Anya quickly looked away from him, trying to see if there was anyone else she recognised.
She saw Ghair, who also seemed to be injured, pressing a tag against his wounds.
Deciding to do something, she took the bandage from her leg, and quietly asked if anyone needed it. Of course it wasn't the most hygienic, but the blood from her leg had only pooled into one spot, and she could just cover the area up if anyone needed the bandage.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 1 hr ago

The wyvern quickly stormed the place, striking at any wraiths it could see as the beast was ruthless about its strikes from talon, clubbed tail, spines and even its razor-sharp wings. It's rampage only truly ending once the wraiths disappeared, its head turning this way and that, scanning the tavern for anymore of the ethereal beings before letting out one last bellow that turned into scrapping metal. With that bellow the black cloud formed around the beast, the sound of bones snapping could only be heard from it as Vendril slowly steps out.

The man dusting off his outfit, grumbling to himself about this and that about ethereals before quickly moving to grab his hat. Slipping it on and looking around, seeming confused as he grabs his cane next. Where did his bag go? His eyes flickering here and there, silent to avoid attention for the time being before noticing the burned pack along with his things. He stood there looking over the remains, then reaching towards the ash and seeing if anything survived before pulling out a pad looking device as he sighs in relief. "And here I thought I was gonna have to skin someone for destroying this at least. Sad to see all the rest of my things aren't so lucky.." He'd utter to himself before rolling his eyes and moving to sit at a nearby table, fingers against his forehead as he tries to relax.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

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The woman would watch as the wyvern quickly dealt with the remaining wraiths. It seems she didn’t have to do anything anymore. Lavender shrugged and the flames that were still flickering at her palms disappeared.

Speaking of the flames, her hands were now slightly burnt, scalded as if her hand was put under hot water with a couple of blisters but thankfully no skin melted off. It was a wonder how her hands were still there considering how hot her blue fire was and how often she used her powers. Lavender patted around her person to see if she had any burn cream on her and sighed when she realised she was sadly out of stock.

She really needed to go back on the road and replenish her supplies. Almost all of her medical related items were running out.

With that in mind, Lavender decided to go find her abandoned glass of wine, finish it (if it hasn’t been knocked over) and then go out once again. Taking a glance around the tavern and looking around at the recovering patrons, the woman allowed herself a very small but amused smile. She would definitely come back, and would make sure to at least be a familiar face ( or mask), but she was a traveller. Travellers didn’t often hang around in one spot for too long.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ShadowKnight
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ShadowKnight Death

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The Tavern door opened with a subtle creek, as a man came in wearing what appeared to be a black trench coat with the collar around the neck up, but so black it was like the abyss was looking back. He wore a similar color funeral hat with sunglasses. Under his coat was a suit of the same color. As he entered, there was an eerie silence. He walked toward the bar, his foot steps loud with the silence. He looked around seeing everyone recovering from what looked like some kind of attack.

He stopped at the bar counter and saw the guy behind the counter. "Rough day?" He said in a calm and collected voice. He reached into his coat and dropped a bag full of gold coins on the table. "Drinks are on me. If this isn't enough I have more gold where this came from..."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Only the truly observant would have seen it, only those with the keenest eye and highest attention to detail would have noticed the trivial amongst the chaos, after all, the wraiths all looked very very alike.

And while it seemed that they had been continually coming through walls and doors alike, there was often just as many leaving, through walls and doors alike. In fact, the very same ones trying to prowl around through other rooms and recesses of the tavern were the very same ones appearing by the main floor, In very much the same way Lavender was about to.

The taverns magic, it’s shift of reality, didn’t discriminate between the differences of wraith and patron, if it even acknowledged one at all.

It was dark outside by now, irregardless of how long she had actually been there.
’was it the same night or the following, was it supposed to be night at all?’
The lack of light hung heavy in the air, an almost palpable presence surrounding her, hungry even and it was accompanied by a strong firm silence haunting in its lone still serenity. A faint mist hovered just above the ground and danced around her feet.
The sky was however was a beautiful glittering canvas of mystical colours and sparkling stars on a deep dark blank backdrop.

No sooner had the tavern disappeared from vision behind her, than did it reappear in the near distance in front. Irregardless or direction, speed, will or magic, there was only one place she could possibly go.

Back to the tavern.

No matter how long she spent outside amongst the cold mist under the dark star lit sky, not much time had passed inside. Things were for most part as she left them.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Clay had just finished pulling on a pair of ‘emergency jeans’ that he had long since learned to strategically leave around the place. They were denim and despite being hidden away, still appeared well worn and aged.

He got up to standing with a loud groan and a slow heavy exhalation at the top. Lines of deep gashes ran along his ribs on the left and amongst the blood, the skin was already swollen and bruised with dark shades of blue and purple.

He smiled at the newcomer, a wide, teeth baring, wolf’s grin.
”Rough day” he repeated pondering. ”Guess it’s been a bit slow. Dropped me drink earlier, that was kinda disappointing...”

His eyes scanned over the gold. He couldn’t quite hide that glimmer of excitement from them. That faint reflection that gold causes in many men, despite needing it or not, regardless how much they might have, that hungry greed.

Had it been silver he placed on the table instead, it still would have been enough for what he was asking. But still, clay picked up a coin and pretended to examine it.

”Hmm, this currency isn’t really recognised here, but I’ll see what I can do. Just chuck a few more on the bar if the drinks look to be getting a little too light for your tastes.”

With that he gives a small nod, collects the coins along with a bottle of whiskey and heads out back into the kitchen. A short moment later the door bursts open to a fluttering of leathery bat-like wings as a dozen small, wide eyed, oil skinned, shadow imps fly out carrying mugs and bottles of various ales and wines.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

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@Dark Light

Oh. How disappointing.

Not only when she tried to leave the tavern, it would just appear back in-front of her, but when she went back in and tried other doors she would just get chucked back into the main tavern. It was annoying- she had bandages to buy and allies to check up on.

With a sigh, she stood just outside the tavern, contemplating on her next course of action. Of course, she wouldn’t mind going back in for a second drink, but then again, she had errands to run. This was just exasperating. She looked down at her blistered hands and sighed again, deciding to take her chances in the tavern and see if she could buy any of the medical supplies she needed off of the patrons.

Lavender readjusts her mask again, making sure it’s not going to suddenly fall off, and pushes open the tavern door. Quietly she walks to a free table and slumps into a seat, looking somewhat defeated while she scans around looking for people who would possibly want to sell her the stuff she needed. The fox-faced woman noted the man wearing what seemed to be all black (‘emo, haha’), but didn’t really acknowledge him as someone who would sell her burn cream. Especially since he appeared to have paid for drinks for the entire tavern.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by DELETEDUSER007


Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Lyren continued their game against themself without so much as sparing a glance towards the newcomers, or even the minor disaster that had shaken the tavern a few minutes prior. That was, of course, minutes in relative terms. Purely subjective as all time was within the vast dream that was this and every other Verse. Not that Lyren minded naturally. They were well above such things after all.

Another piece moved.

The game continued.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The tavern doors creaked open once more as another patron made their entrance. Standing 7 foot 4, this individual seemed to be a bipedal lion of sorts with golden brown fur adorning his well muscled body and a lush goldenrod mane of pelage covering the entirety of his head. What would likely catch attention was the 6 vibrant wings folded along his back and rectrices attached at the end of his lengthy tail. Each were lined with feathers colored scarlet, orange and gold.

Rigid amber irises scanned the establishment and its patrons as the winged feline stood by the doorway momentarily. It seemed he was deep in thought for a moment before beginning to wander without much direction as if he was studying his surroundings. In his many millenia of existence, it wasn't often that he found himself in an unfamiliar location and this perplexed him. Those who found themselves within close proximity to the beast would experience a sensation of pressure and heat emanating from him.

"What an odd place." He would utter under his breath to nobody in particular as he continued to aimlessly survey the building.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ShadowKnight
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@Dark Light@aia2022

Unphased by the barkeeps teeth baring grin, he smirked back.

"If gold isn't unually recognized here, I'm sure whatever is, I can get it. Inalways use gold just in case."

He took off his hat and placed it on the bar top. He the door open a few times behind him. He smelled a burning odor and he turned around and saw the women with burned hands.

"Looks pretty bad. I can heal your hands of you want". He noticed her mask and jeweled eye and a fox face. Reminded him of the Fuchsbau from long ago.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Injuries were abound in plenty. The barkeep, injured himself, pulled up a large hard leather case from behind the bar. The overused metal hinges groaned along with Clay as he flipped the lid back.
One by one he took out item and implement. Some familiar, some bizarre. Some so ancient surely they couldn’t work anymore (if they ever did). Others appeared so advanced you couldn’t possibly determine their purpose. At first it seemed to be a healers kit of some sorts, creams and scissors coming out, but as he continued rummaging through it and removing things, one could not be so sure. Some of the items could easily be misconstrued as torturing implements, or perhaps devices of a much more personal nature.

Finally Clay pulled out a roll of bandage from the deep case and awkwardly began wrapping it around his bloody, tattooed toned stomach. Noticing Lavender come back into the bar he gave her a knowing smile that quickly faded into a wince of pain.

“Girl!” he snapped, looking at @Marmalised Junk. ”Throw that thing away and get some clean supplies from here, see if anyone else needs anything too.”

”Dead people cant buy drinks.” he mumbled to himself.

His eyes briefly flashed to the golden bipedal lion creature.
”Just... ah. Be with you, in a minute.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

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@ShadowKnight @Dark Light

”Mm, no thanks.” Lavender turned her head to make it look like she were staring at the man who had just approached her. ”I think I’d rather heal my own wounds on my own, no?” She allowed herself a cold smile though she knew he couldn’t see her expression, and promptly left her seat.

Lavender made a bit of a beeline for Clay, looking over at the case and trying to see whether or not there was what she needed for her injuries. She made a face at his stomach injury but didn’t do much as he was already treating it himself. ”Do you have burn cream in there? Burnt my hands.” The fox faced woman asked as she continued searching the case with her eyes.

She wondered where the space spirit went, and paused trying to see if there was burn cream or not to take a glance around the tavern. Griffin guy, fae child, and the literal god playing some advanced form of chess were some of the people who stuck out to her.
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