Name: Serval Pax
Age: 26
Gender: M
Role: Imperial Navy Armsman
Summary:Originally from an imperial world. Pressganged into the imperial navy after being caught in a pub by "recruiters". Serval Pax was put into naval armsman training due to his physical fitness, but quickly displayed intellect as well. Before he was pressganged he was studying medicae at a government scholastic establishment.
ThemeServal wears a military mustache signifying his commitment as a professional soldier. He keeps it oiled with gun grease. His uniform is the standard imperial navy fanfare and hes been drilled to keep it in pristine condition and shine its Aquila and brass buttons.
Personality:Serval takes his faith in the Emperor very personally. He considers it more like a relationship rather than a tole to be paid for every sin (though others might take issue with this). He generally finds that the more literal the interpretation of faith, the more apt the person is to start missquoting scripture. He solves this by taking a very general view of the Emperors creed. The most important thing to him seems the advice against compromising. Die if you must but never compromise.
Compromise is a tricky puzzle to solve, it can come at you from any direction and will usually come from the point you least expect. Once you realize this, you realize never to cultivate the attitude that you have seen this before. Each moment is viewed afresh and never succumbs to assumption. In many ways this is what he uses to guard his own faith. Because faith that is hung on technicalities is inferior to those that is just generally radiant. Technicalities are want to change and the universe is notoriously fickle.
Naval Equipment Available:- Navis Shotgun "Breacher Pattern"
- Naval Merovech Pattern Assault Lasgun
- Naval Boarding pike
- Navis Hatchet
- Grenades of Various types
- Auspex
- Emplaced Naval Shotcannon
- Vac sealed breacher carapace
Personal Possessions:- Personalized medkit
- x5 stimm injectors
- x3 doses of spur
- x3 doses of detox
- Armourers tool kit
- Voss patten Hellpistol w/ fitted spread limiter
- x3 Voss charge packs (20rd each)
- Hellpistol anointed maintenance kit
- Good Quality Photo-contacts
- Little book of prayers
- Medicae instruction tome
- Small tin of spices for seasoning rations
- Axe with storm field battery and lightened construction
- Sawed off shotgun and holster (x2 acid slug shells)
- Acid Slug ammo x30