Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Start

The sudden brush of cold air against your skin thick with the smell of freshly laid cement kickstarts your senses. You wake up in a panic unfamiliar with your large emptied surroundings yet while the sense of the unknown festers fear you realize something odd... your memories are either completely mixed up unable to be formed in proper sequence or in a whole state are gone entirely. Nothing is for certain but your name is all you can recall. You realize you are trapped in a large parking lot like maze drowned in gray walls only harming more your sense of direction on top of the smell. Fighting through a strange fatigue you notice something on your arm... something impossible.. bequeathed somewhere upon your main writing hand is a number.. not a scar, nor a tattoo. Yet a floating number made of static, in panic you try to wipe it away but your hand simply phases through it. Upon messing with it though you see something more unsettling ahead.

One of the many walls ahead of you is turning into static like from a older TV model, and reforming like putty taking the appearance out of what might be your worst nightmare. A standing creature purely made of static its face now fully form giving birth to a nasty set of finely jetting teeth with a maw so outstretched like a snake you believe it could swallow you whole. From it though pierces out a sharp mind disorienting screech causing your head to hurt worse than thought imaginable at this point. Upon the resealing of its ghoulish showing of teeth, and voice the creature starts to give chase... and you with no knowledge of what's happening must make haste for your life as it very well depends on it. Your exit now appears on the opposite side of where the creature had came from with your number carved into a elevator door slowly starting to close. The once empty parking lot is now littered with cars impeding your progress. Yet for now you must only concentrate on one thing... and that is to run.


The Pieces At Play


You are what is known as a "Fragmented" you have been stripped of your rights to your own memories in one way, or another. To escape you must play the Rem Game that traps you to the urban night city of Glawackus. To escape you must at least collect nine Major Memories, and as many Minors Memories as you can. There are different varying conditions to Fragmented each with their own set of memory problems:

Blanks - You are the worst for wear of the bunch you have awoken to nothing except your name.

Jigsaws - You have all your memories... well most of them anyway. Yet no matter how hard you try you can not properly remember anything in sequence long enough to make a actual memory. Any time you do another dozen memories flood in disorienting you worse than you began.

Headphones - So if you can't see things hearing them is jus as good right? You unfortunately can't tell whose voice is whose, but at least you have a clean connection to your memories right? Though not being sure whose talking about what surely creates quite some frustration.

Pixels - Well you have them... you think. You see the whole picture, yet the picture is full of holes averting you from everything going on. Also even the things you can see seem to literally be made out of pixels disorienting accurate depiction. Its almost like someone's censoring your memories.

Fingerprints - You know how when you have a fingerprint on a CD and it makes the disk skip, or replay, or even repeat? Now imagine that, but way more frustrating and intense, on your memories. Yea, you can remember some things, but when you do, they'll freeze at the best part, or even skip the best parts to other more boring parts or even skip backwards! It can also replay something you've already seen.

Jack in the Boxes - Well it's like an actually Jack in the box, you’re going and going and going and BAM! It hits you! Same thing here. They come at the worst moments, at the worst times. You could be fighting off some Static, then memories hit you stunning you unlike the other completely in place.


The very life blood of the REM Game these are what keep you alive, and most importantly allow you to fight back. Memories act as a currency in this town you need to collect them to survive, and escape the game. They are also the answer to why you are here, and agreed to this insanity. That's right somewhere in your memories is proof you agreed to this hell. There are two types of memories: Minor Memory a simply memory of a moment of beautiful scenery, a habit they had, or even something they did daily reclaiming a minor memory boosts a Fragmented's physical strength. Then their is a Major Memory which is a defining piece of their personality, and what makes them well them this gives the Fragmented a new sticker as well.

Static Stickers

Now don't laugh at these strange static formed oddities these are what give you the ability to fight back, and are latched to your memories. With each regained Major Memory you gain a new sticker that symbolizes to it giving you access to a new weapon, item, or ability. They are seen floating around your static number, and are activated by a simple touch.

Weapon Stickers

These are your primary form of defense, and offense. These can range from a sword to a spray paint can or even a umbrella. No matter what oddity of form they take hitting a static, or collector with them is extremely effective nothing but a sticker can halt them as well. All Fragmented awaken with a Weapon sticker given to them upon making it out of the elevator to the town. Unlike all other sticker types weapon stickers have no use up limits, and can constantly be redeployed. Every Fragmented only gets one weapon sticker. Also if it is a ranged weapon it will be a bit different than its real world counter part so a gun will shoot rubber like bullets, a spray paint can will shoot out a paint that stings like hell on contact etc.

Item Stickers

These are the strangest of the bunch not exactly the most common of stickers to be prioritized yet by no means weak. They can be things like a grapple gun, a fire extinguisher, or even literally a motorcycle. There usability is odd, and may sometimes seem pointless yet these items can sometimes turn the tides like a item extinguisher could shutdown a fire ability sticker negating their attack, or if directed at a collector inflict a burning acid pain upon contact. A grappling gun could give access to a free memory hidden on a roof top. Something like a pair of goggles could give x-ray vision to allow an advantage at playing cards. Item stickers can only be used four times per an entire District game do to their varying uniqueness. Every Fragmented only gets four Item stickers.

Ability Stickers

Want to give your weapon a elemental boost? Blast a spell at a enemy? Give your ally/yourself the power to double jump? Well Ability stickers are that they grant strange reality defying abilities. Elemental ones can be thrown as spells or boost a weapon sticker with that element. Oddities can cause weird effect on enemies like forcing a collector to cry uncontrollably, or gift a ally temporary gliding powers. Do to their fairness each ability sticker is only allotted three uses per District Event. Every Fragmented only gets four ability stickers.


These are little annoying things aren't they? Ranging from small fries to humongous creatures, the Static are a force to be reckoned with. Well some at least, others are nuisances. In a nutshell: they interfere with memories., and as all Static do when you are trying to get a clear picture, it interferes, making things unbearable. The biggest mystery is what exactly these creatures are, some say they are experiments from the Collectors, whilst others say they are Fragmented who never got their memories back. In the Districts there is one VERY LARGE notable source of where they come from above in the sky a notably traversing satellite hovering above each district constantly spewing out static. They are the cause, and solution to the static. Take them out, and all static will clear in the district. Losing to a regular static outside a District event will result in instant death as you feel everything you are siphoned out of your very being. Yet in the games it seems a leash is placed upon them.

The Collectors

Well, that wasn't always their name. They were formerly known as Harbingers, but Fragmented started calling them Collectors, just because of what they do. They travel along the city, bringing the Static with them and take back any memories the Fragmented have gained back or prevent them from gaining any to begin with. It is unlikely that they fail as those who are Collectors know the area, and the game inside out as they should being prior victims to it. Not to say there hasn't been a game where they have been completely dunked on, yet its very rare. They seem to answer to only one entity... REM, but don't know much about it. This might lead to suspicion within this faction, but it is rare when someone actually asks why, especially when you are bestowed with immortality, and power in exchange for ensuring some people don’t get their memories back.

A Collector is created when a Fragmented wins the game, but decides to not return whence they came. They are offered to become the the very thing that plagued them given infinite life, and the rush of addictive power that comes from taking ones memories. The more minor, and major memories they collect the stronger the rush that particular Collector gets. The Collectors can summon Static at will molding them into whatever form they require. They are responsible for distributing and verifying where each memory is placed before the Fragmented are forced to go find them, like a twisted Easter Egg Hunt. Luckily for Fragmented they can rarely directly attack unless allowed in The Satellite Break, or if desperate enough the Last Rite Round. The only way for a Collector to die is by losing in a Last Rite Round, or by giving up during a District Game they are running which see's them executed by a particular entity.


The Story & The Game

Welcome to Glawackus a massive urban night life town comprised of twelve accessible key districts, a safe zone, and two inaccessible zones. Past all that is nothing but a void all encompassing with no sun to speak off. The only source of light being that of the neon signs, and street lamps illuminating the way. In this city you have awoken to a deadly game with many other victims chased by creatures made of static, and even worse prior winners of the game known as the Collectors. The only info you have is that the one running the game is named REM, and what they say goes. With those around you worse for wear no doubt you must traverse this madness to regain yourselves so you may escape, and regain who you were.

The Rem Game

The game is ran as such. Upon awakening you will be chased by a sole static if you can get to the elevator before the doors closes, or before the static feeds upon you than you have successfully passed the preliminary round. You have showcased your ability to act, and thus are formally informed of your situation. After which you are awarded a flip phone along with your most important tool... a weapon sticker.

From there you must head forward to District Zero more so known as the safe zone upon arrival you are given a second sticker either ability or item is up to your memories. Atop of that you have access to a safe haven to live in while waiting for the next game to start, and given access to Twelve other districts each with their own dangerous scenarios awaiting ahead. To successfully regain a Major Memory you must survive three District Events in the area you chose. Reach, and defeat the Satellite Break round, and if insanity induces it potential survive a Last Rite Round.

District Game

The district selected allows four Fragmented at a time to challenge a Game Master a Collector selected by REM to test your mettle. Once selected a Fragmented will go through four to potential five stages of events to accomplish, and purge the district of static. Each District game has three operating Collectors the one to worry most about being the Game Master the collector who decides all the District Events, and will taunt the Fragmented throughout the entire district game. The other two side Collectors more than not will be judges to make sure the Game Master doesn't cheat, and impede the Fragmented through static, or their own Sticker abilities. They are not allowed to physically attack the Fragmented directly up until the fourth event.

District Events

Each district game has 3 district events these can range from a fight with Static, a oddity game like laser tag against a side collector, a treasure hunt, a card game of 21 with the Game Master as the dealer, or even survive a LARP game of storm the castle with static. Ya... no joke it can be anything. Once completed a minor memory will be restored giving the Fragmented something small to remember about themselves like their habits, favorite book, or even a nice view they once experienced. Gaining a minor memory also boosts the physical limitations of a Fragmented. If a Fragmented loses, or is beaten in combat in any of the rounds they are removed to the sidelines punished by watching their allies struggle without them to assist losing a minor memory, and gaining none from further team victories. Upon completion of the three events the Fragmented get to the important round Satellite Break.

Satellite Break

This round is very simple the satellite floating around the district creating the static will touch ground allowing access to the Game Master to bring the Static of their nightmares to life for the Fragmented to fight. Along side it are potentially attacking Side Collectors. For all sense of fairness if the side collectors choose to join the fight they will be reverted to the strength of the Fragmented at hand allotting them only as many stickers as the strongest Fragmented. If a side collector defeats a Fragmented in this instance they can, and probably will steal a minor memory back which is unrecoverable minus upon their demise. If the Fragmented instead defeats a Collector they will gain to those involved with the defeat a minor memory as reward for a impressive display. The side collector will only be removed from the rest of the District game allotting them no memory prize if the collectors were to win, and will reappear in the Negative Zone. If a Fragmented is defeated by the Satellite Static they will loose a minor memory as well. When the Satellite Static is defeated a major memory one that defines the Fragmented will be returned. Most games usually end at this junction however if the Game Master Collector so deems it they can enact one last panic induced attempt to defeat the Fragmented at hand... The Last Rite Round. Also if team wipe happens at any point a major memory will be lost placing the Fragmented in extreme danger until another group comes in and wins them back by defeating that particular Game Master in a Last Rite round. Any Fragmented placed to the side in failure during the District Events will be allowed back in to fight the Satellite Static

The Last Rite

If a collector is desperate enough to win they can lay it all down the line, and fight all four Fragmented at once in a death match. The Game Master will have access to all their stickers to use yet most importantly to note if a Game Master loses they will cease to exist, and the four Fragmented will gain a Recovery Glob allowing one Fragmented a return of a lost memory in the game Minor or Major. The Arena will warp into the Collectors desired form. If the Game Master silences all four Fragmented they will absorb all minor memories, and Major Memorys earned in their District Game strengthening themselves a rush so heavy it will make seem like a demon. In this deathmatch a Game Master will be at their full strength making them hard to solo by any means. Team effort will be needed to dethrone a Game Master. Side note a Collector cannot evoke Last Rite if the Fragmented at hand do not have in team total 9 or more stickers.


The District System Layout

The Safe Zone

Just a few miles down the way from the massive parking lot is a well sized cottage burrowed in the hillside. Upon entrance a normal house is showcased with a well sized kitchen area, and a massive fridge stocked with everything anyone could want at all time. A counter bar laid out full with drinks of all kind, and well built entertainment living room. One particular door opens to a underground sections filled with numerous beds for each occupant separated by gender, and as well a master shower rooms section for multiple people to bath at once separated by gender as well. On the lower floor there is one room to note with only a massive super computer round table this is where Fragmented willingly enter the District games they will take part in.

The Negative Zone District

Serving almost like a pocket dimension to the town, the entrance to The Negative District is hidden to all those except the Collectors. It's appearance is actually quite small, which questions it's title of "district". It's current appearance takes the size and shape of what looks to be a basement lounge. There is hardly any light save for a large flickering dark purple neon sign, plastered on the farthest right wall, reading "{H0^^3 5W33+ h0m3}". Below this is a red leather couch, that takes up the exact amount of space that the sign occupies. On the wall adjacent to that, the rear wall, lies an identical couch and two leather chairs that look like they've been practically ripped from an expensive car and placed there for leisure time. Next to the chair to the far right, in the very corner is a mini fridge that might be empty, or might have food inside of it. The plug isn't plugged into an outlet, however food that is inside the fridge remains cold. Directly across from that wall are 3 columns of wooden boxes, stacked on top of each other in various heights. On top of these columns are various televisions that seem to come from different periods of time. These televisions rarely play anything other than static, however they can show the Collectors the going on of the District games. Directly next to them are possibly the only things in this lounge that works by normal means, which are various vintage and recent arcade games which seem to exist for the sole purpose of entertaining the Collectors. All the materials that make up the walls, floor and ceiling of this lounge is a smooth, white, marble like substance, that easily reflects the light from the neon sign to give the room a dark purple feel. The more Collectors in it causes the size of it to grow

District 1

The first revealed District to the Fragmented, at a birds eye view of the entire city, this would be the lower left corner. Directly following the exit of the parking lot past the Safe Zone. This district begins to show signs of being a city, the buildings begin to become taller, and streets more narrow. However, every building is not important and there are buildings everywhere. Notable areas in this district include The Rembled Hotel, located at the direct center of the city and Arcade Arcane, located directly to the right side of the city and REM Museum of Space and Technology to the far left.

District 2

The second revealed District to the Fragments would be directly adjacent to District 1, taking place next just beyond the Rembled Hotel. This part of the town is at an extreme of technological advancement and acute experimentation using static. Like D1 there are buildings everywhere only this time they are futuristic and often there are odd apparatuses such as monorail like transport devices in between them, mainly because large distances often are in between this district. A form of liquid naught unlike cold slime bubbles below and in between both buildings, the streets and even from the sky itself. The monorail station that is the fastest method of travel to and from many areas in district two, various hover trains that zip off at extreme speeds to various areas of the second district. The frosty blue color of the monorails often change colors mid ride and at times, static also attack the monorails because they are attracted to the energy such transportation apparatuses give off.

District 3

Kenbrodo Sticker Factory an alarming place if there was one, the sticker factory is a place that houses enslaved static. Normally static are unaware and non sentient but these static are plagued with the memories someones failure, forever forced to work in the factory to work the machines that produce the stickers to be used by future fragments. The inside of the factory is a complex one, apparatuses and the like are everywhere, some of the machines even amplify or inversely cause reductions in sticker abilities. It should be noted that static guard the factory none stop as though it is the smallest it is also the most secretive area in the game.

District 4

Zelkonis Laboratory a secret lab that is run by unknown means, apparently this contains a massive testing facility that involves the fusion and processing of one type of static into another and also other questionable activities. The lab is even more foreboding due to the force field that surrounds it so that nobody can gain entry to this floating fortress of enigma. Turrets line the outside of the lab and in past games, it is rumored that even powerful fragments were killed by a single blast from the turrets trying to escape the game.

District 5

The EverGlow Skii Resort brimming full of a winter vacationers dreams. Massive slopes for the most daring of snow sports enthusiast a grand master Wood Lodge with many a indoor game events like ping pong. it also has a Out Door Hot Springs. This probably the most strangest area of the Rem Game. Yet It also has the highest Fragmented kill count next to District 9.

District 6

A nonstop underground party with so many burrowed paths one could easily get lost for years if not careful. Each section is its own variant of party from raves, to gothic night club, to country clubs, and even college parties the opportunity is endless in the Underground Party.

District 7

The Market Wall a nonstop shop till you drop section of the town almost similar to japans Shibuya. If you can think of it there is a shop for it. Endless line of marketing with what feels like never ending cross walks to get to the next store all can be found in the Market wall District.

District 8

The Queens Gambit a impressive cruise liner out at sea filled with the many wonders of a long trekking cruise line industry. Water parks, dance halls, buffet restaurants, and special activity areas like laser tag, and virtual tennis. The Queens Gambit is your first stop for a pleasant cruise.

District 9

Guruge Graveyard an area off the second district where data runs rampant, swells of black static rampage through this area. There are mass graves of broken down fragments and other randomized data thatcxcdefdcvd010101011111111000001111100001110011101 Do not access this zone until nine have been recovered. -//ERROR//- This zone is never accessible, and to nine of what no one is sure of.

District 10

Cradle Naught a massive Victorian era blimp that hovers over District 7 not much detail is very needed with this one as it is a bit of a maze between the two only those of fighting spirit of mind and brawn are recommend to challenge it though as the main body doubles as a mini coliseum grounds.

District 11

Turf Top Rampart a massive paintball parkour section laced with numerously amazing sections of different battle fields fallen aircraft bodies, decayed buildings, mountain terrain, swamp courses they got it all.

District 12

Royal Crown Red the true nightlife vibe of the town a massive crimson red, and gold laced casino with every conceivable game of chance in existence amongst its satin sheeted floors. Includes a massive dance hall, and an aquatic sublevel.



1. Characters can, and most likely will die depending on your decisions. You need to accept that if you play a certain way you may need to be prepared to pay the cost. If your character dies you are totally allowed to replace them with another. No joke every choice you make has some form of impact on the potential progress, and ending of this story.

2. This rp is designed to survive ghosting, and people who ghost will see there characters removed brutally. However if you need to leave for awhile, but want to come back no worries the rp is designed to canonically explain that. Case, and point technically their are 152 Fragmented in the game, and untold amounts of Collectors. So players going with nameless npc's technically can cover your tracks.

3. If Fragmented try to explore the area outside the Safe Zone while not in a game be warned depending on the collector character in charge of the safe zone at the time I may attack you with static that can perma-kill your characters think wisely when leaving the safe zone outside a game round. Yet there might also be rewards for doing such.

4. No godmodding / nor powerplaying come on now we are all here for fun, and I will not tolerate harassment.

5. One post per week AT LEAST. I will give three warnings, and than permadeath of characters in your control at the time unless valid reasons in which case please lemme know.

6. Fragmented characters die when they lose their last Major Memory which is attached to their Weapon Sticker. A Major Memory can only be lost by completely failing a District Event via team wipe out per any of the rounds. Upon lose a Collector, Static, or Satellite Static will completely absorb their whole being. Collectors can only die if they lose a fight in the Last Rite Round in which cause the Fragmented will deliver the final blow causing the Collector to explode in a massive wave of static as all they have collected is released into the void below. Upon lose of a Major Memory(which will be decided by the rper of the Fragmented) they will lose the Sticker attached to it until they get it back. Rper's of collectors who lose will be given a chance to let out any final words they want before dying, and if desired may pick the Fragmented that deliver the final blow.

7. This roleplay will involve slice of life, but it will also involve action, suspense and some very dark themes. Things might get tense and violent at times, though there will always be time for relaxation and downtime between characters.

8. Posting order outside of the Rem Games will be chill just give everyone a chance to respond that's in your Fragmented/Collectors group at the time.

District Events / Combat / Memory Rules

9. Minor memories are basically the life blood of Fragmented physical capability the more they have the stronger they get. A good chart of understanding is as followed: 0 Normal human, 1-3 Healthy in Shape, 4-7 Athletic can take/give a beating, 8-11 can throw down with a professional fighter, 12-15 can easily beat up a professional fighter, 16-19 Wanderlei Silva has nightmare about you, 20 -23 you are literally a super soldier, 24 < # congrats your equal to a fully strengthen Collector.

10. Major memories only unlock Stickers, and are the Fragmented character growth tools. Its recommended that the major memories in sequence explain what would lead you to partake in a massive memory experiment shelling out lots of money. Though clearly you were very unaware that this would end up being the situation.

10. Stick to your characters resume. What I mean by this is lets say the game is based on luck and you have a unlucky character keep to the methodology that they will do bad here, and even potentially wipe out doesn't mean they can't pull off a miraculous win though either. If you are concerned of people playing truthfully to something like rock paper scissors don't worry I will act as witness to keep things fair like having both participants DMing me their choices, and than revealing the results when both are in. People who control collectors same thing if your up against a character who clearly has the talent against your event don't expect to be able to wipe out them unless you do something very crafty to properly get them out.

11. If you lose during any of the three District Events you are out for the rest until being pulled back in for the Satellite Break Round. You will also lose a minor memory. If you do not have a minor memory and your team makes it to the Satellite Break Round you will be inflicted with a minor debuff as selected by the Game Master Collector. All minor debuffs will be approved by me before inflicted. For every other district event won by your team you will not be awarded a Minor Memory, and will appear as transparent as a ghost unable to interact with your still active teammates.

12. Side Collectors during a Game Masters Events you will or will not be given roles in each game laid out. Just like Fragmented stick to the resume if your character is chosen as a dealer for a game based on luck, and they have terrible luck more than likely you should lose to the Fragmented without being able to take out one. However if you have a sticker that rigs luck you can use it to your advantage same as the Fragmented say they have a sticker that gives them x-ray googles it will mess up your day. If a side collector or Game Master defeats a Fragmented that particular entity gets to absorb the minor memory. If a Static wins the Collector who created it wins that minor memory. Also Side Collectors will not be at full capacity, and will be downgraded in terms of strength to the strongest Fragmented character at the time especially during the Satellite break round if they choose to fight along side the Satellite Static. If a Side Collector is Ko'ed during this round the Fragmented involved with their defeat get a extra minor memory these memories though are the collectors which can be used to reveal something about them to give a future advantage potentially.

13. COMBAT I suggest all combat scenarios whether during the District Events, Satellite Break, or Last Rite Rounds be decided a victor in advance. HOWEVER I understand some may not agree with that so if not everyone agrees to a turn out idea than as such everyone involved will be given five posting turns, and than myself plus two non involved rper's will vote on what we think should be the winner of said round. Now say you all agree to just go with the flow that's fine, but if arguments arise up if past five rounds of each character will immediately halt, and be voted on at its halting point.

14. Collector Stickers are very different than Fragmented stickers this will be better explained in the Character Sheet for Collectors.

15. Per Fragmented/Collector post in a combat scenario you can only enact two sticker uses. Desummoning or summoning a Weapon Sticker counts as a use. Unless given the 100% okay by the opposition in reference to pulling of something pretty cool or to showcase a point.

16. At this time at all times only three District Games will be active at a time that means 12 Fragmented, and 9 Collectors will be running I will be accepting at the beginning 16 Fragmented, and 12 Collectors. Meaning that if you double on either side one of your peeps might be temporarily not active, but we will discuss sideline going on as they technically still should be running a round. Also after each round their will be a grace period for character to calmly interact.

17. If you have survived the rules know that you are awesome, and I am excited to see your CS soon, and if their are any questions or confusions PLEASE ASK I AM VERY FRIENDLY TO QUESTIONS, and this is a very experimental rp idea.

18. Please follow all site rules.


Fragmented regardless of minor memory build are very durable, and when inflicted damage will not be left with wounds but drained of energy. Static, and Collector attacks do drain them faster than anything else.

Collectors can only be harmed by Sticker fueled attack's past that they are immortal.


Character Sheets FRAGMENTED
(Note That if you would like to add extra things by all means do> I just I like to keep My CS's simple)


(19 or older)


(Keep to Art/Anime, or descriptive. No real images.)

Memory Type
(Reference The Pieces At Play)

Static Number
(Between 1-152 this is the strange static symbol on your dominate hand)

(Even though your memories are gone your personality is still intact though you can definitely play around with the fact they are confused why they act the way they do with no recollection of who they are in full.)

(The order you put these in will be the order you receive them you get one weapon, four ability, and four Item. Please describe what they do, and understand they potential may need to be broken down to a more simple form nothing to crazy please I don't like being the bad guy. Also state what the sticker looks like.)

1.(Will Always be your Weapon Sticker)

2.(Item or Ability)

3.(Item or Ability)

4.(Item or Ability)

5.(Item or Ability)

6.(Item or Ability)

7.(Item or Ability)

8.(Item or Ability)

9.(Item or Ability)

(So I am leaving this choice in your hands you can in fact lay out your biography if you desire and than select nine particular memories as your leading reason to why you agreed to partake in this madness, or you can leave this completely blank with a minor description of what you will lead them to be in PM to me, and than create major memories as the rp progresses. Yet once a Major memory is collected it is set, and you cannot change it.)

Major Memories
(The order you place them in latches them to the sticker order you made)










Minor Memories
(To be added in as earned in the rp.)

(Give us five things your character is really good at this could be used in advantage in the games)

(Give us five things your character is terrible at so we know what their disadvantages are)

Theme Songs, Battles Songs whatever you like.


Character Sheet Collectors


Physical Appearing Age
(This is the age you were when pulled into the games you physically haven't aged a day since)


(Keep to Art/Anime, or descriptive. No real images.)

Memory Type
(Clearly you are not plagued by this anymore, but its nice to know who you know how to mess with the most)


Why Are You A Collector?

(The order you put these are the order you receive them you get one weapon, four ability, and four Item. SPECIALIZED NOTE Collector Stickers are able to be way more advanced than fragmented stickers however the more advanced the lesser the uses. You can get away with a bit more than Fragmented as the more memories collected the more your stickers have evolved. Don't forget to state what the sticker looks like.)

1.(Will Always be your Weapon Sticker)

2.(Item or Ability)

3.(Item or Ability)

4.(Item or Ability)

5.(Item or Ability)

6.(Item or Ability)

7.(Item or Ability)

8.(Item or Ability)

9.(Item or Ability)

(What was your life before the Rem Games, and what is it now during the REM games)

(Five things your really good at)

(Five things you are terrible at)

(List to use five games that your collector uses a lot one of these must always be your final third District event. If your not sure how a game would transfer with REM rules list it via normal expo and I will help fill in the gaps. For the first to event you can make a new game not from this list these are simply again one of your closing act games you are well known for using.)






Satellite Nightmare
(What form does the Satellite Static Take from your characters worse nightmare)

Theme Songs, Battles Songs whatever you like.


Accepted Fragmented

1. Jack Grener / #7 / The Calm Rescuer

















Accepted Collectors














Those Fallen In the Field of Static
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
Avatar of Azurian Dream

Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Seriously if you have any questions by all means ask this is a very experimental idea based on a Rp created more than ten years ago being attempted again. Ill have a CS up to showcase what a Collector, and Fragmented Sheet should look like.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by TreasureSniper
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Collector please
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
Avatar of Azurian Dream

Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Jack Grener




Memory Type
Jack In The Box

Static Number

Jacks rather calm seeing life as something to be enjoyed slowly, and not rushed. He likes to evaluate the situation rather than brashly run ahead as quality, or quantity is his mentality. However Jacks also the type who will not leave another behind, and chastises those that use others as stepping stones or worse as shields. While not much one for violence Jack clearly has a handle at self defense with the belief while one shouldn't start a fight, one shouldn't allows themselves to get pushed around either. Socially he does like talking, and hearing ideas from others to bring together one solid idea. Jack does though have a extreme reaction to those that would see their life's forfeited for another rather than finding a way to save someone without such a drastic action.


Weapon Sticker

A wood based hook handled umbrella with the word yearning cursively written on it in white paint. In closed form Jack uses it like fencing blade while in open form its more used like a shield. Sticker form is a open umbrella.

Item Sticker

Stop Fire
Literally a 1960's model fire extinguisher. Upon summon it has enough solution to be triggered three times before returning to sticker form it can negate any fire obstacle, cancel any fire theme sticker, or be used to bludgeon someone or thing right upside the head. If triggered at a static, or Collector it will feel like a burning acidic sensation. Sticker Form is a fire extinguisher putting out a fire.

Ability Sticker

Surge Bolt
Elemental electricity sticker that can be used to sling a electrical ball at a enemy that will electrocute them, imbue a weapon/item sticker with electricity which when hitting a Static or Collector will deliver a shock two times harder than spell slinger use before it leaves the weapon or item sticker imbued to. Upon making contact with a weapon or item sticker it will push them, and the enemy back before leaving the imbued sticker. Sticker is a glob of electricity. Each function is a full use.

Item Sticker

Nautical Brass
A brass pirate telescope that can help locate things far away or close by. Its special effect is that it can pierce through illusions, invisibility, and hidden themed sticker abilities. IF catching in sight a Static or Collector using such ability it will unveil them and un cloak them. Per summon it can be looked through 3 times yet the moment it's sights finds something using a ability it can pierce it will de-summon after negating that ability. Sticker form is the telescope showcased in a collectors box.

Ability Sticker

Jazz It Up
A unique ability Sticker upon activation makes a music note appear on Jacks left pointer finger thus when pointed at a Collector, or Static forces them to dance as very passionate saxophone jazz music is played from seemingly nowhere. Basically stuns a Static/Collector making them lose a turn in a game, or forces a Static/Collector to be wide open to a allies attack while dancing. Sticker form is a dancing woman playing the Saxophone.

Item Sticker

Is simply what's in the name a carriable compacted hook ladder that can extend out to 25 ft. upon activation. Upon summon it can be extended three times before de-summoning helping with access to high to reach places. Combatively though it can be used as a brutal ramming attack catching anything in its path inflicting damage equal to a cannon ball blunt strike sending a static of Collector hurdling away. Sticker form is its compact form.

Ability Sticker

Swap Rope
Unique ability that summons a energy rope that swaps Jack placement with whatever moveable object it makes contact with whether it be inanimate, Static, Collector, or another Fragmented. One Swap equals one use, and the sticker is in the form of a rolled up purple rope.

Item Sticker

Lantern To The End
A old school lantern that creates a area of calming warm light pushing darkness of any kind natural or sticker made. As a passive ability once summoned it will negate up to three enemy sticker ability spells that enters its area of light before dispersing. The area is only big enough to protect two people. Static seem to avoid the area of light, but it has no effect on Collectors physically. Sticker form is of a brightly lit lantern pushing away a ring of darkness.

Ability Sticker
Upon activation a floating teapot will appear spilling out a mist of ginger smelling aroma causing a sort of paralysis upon all Static, and Collectors in the immediate area. Each summon is a full use up, and the effect only lasts for one action in a combat scenario. Sticker form is of a pouring teapot releasing a mist.

(This is a example if you want to leave it blank to fill out as the story grows, and you gain Minor or major memories while leaving a sample of the memories to come fill the picture.)

Major Memories
(To be fully revealed upon recovery.)

1. He remembers wanting to go outside on a rainy day... holding tightly to a red umbrella while looking outside the hospital window. Excited for his first lesson in a sport he has been approved to experience Yet something stops him from getting to it at first...

2. A little older he is enjoying a day at the Fire Department showcase of how the member help save people from fires. A small cough though saddens the experience... until a genuine gift from a kind fire fighter brightens his dream back up.

3. A bit of excitement hits as the hospital preps for a new roommate for the boy a bit of a electrical surge nearly burns out making it clear they need a few adjustments before bringing in the new patient before they can have to heavy electricity consuming machines in the same room.

4. The new Roommate is very excited to meet him, and divulges all their love for nautical things showing off a antique from a scallywag era. He in turn shows off some neat photo memory skills to impress the new friend.

5. A fun surprise for a special day sees a important person return early to jazz up the gloomy hospital halls.

6. The two roommates discuss their situations, and how each wishes to be able to climb out someday to reach for their dreams above. He shares his dream of wanting to be a rescue worker of any form.

7. A stranger with a bizzare offer for better facilitations, and higher medical care comes in offering a chance of a life time to his friend promising a clean bill of health in full per request to partake in a experiment up state. Upon the stranger leaving he profusely expresses the friend should take it. The friend though is disgruntled stating their are other worse for wear that they should should be swapped with in offer causing a large argument.

8. A massive natural disaster occurs at the hospital. the only light source is a antique lantern. The two friends are trapped, and the damn electrical problems from before are revealed to not have been as fixed as they should have. With two machine running in the room the potential for both to die due to electrical stress is very likely. He tries to save his friend, but he's pinned... and his friend decides to be the sacrificial lamb instead as screams of sadness echo at the sound of a now silent machine fade into nothing.

9. A world of regret of inability lays waste to his health his friend is alive but in unstable conditions falling into a worse for wear state. He's in a new hospital no better than the last. Yet on this particular day the stranger from before the accident comes buy offering the same deal offered to the friend. Instead though a different deal is brokered between a calming cup of Ginger tea.

Minor Memories
(To be added in as earned in the rp.)

Seeking Things Out
(Has a great notice of attention to detail photogenic memory)


Disaster Science
(Knowledge of things connected to or natural disasters)

Fire Fighter
(Skills and knowledge of a Fire Fighter)

Stealth like
(Can sneak up on people moves quietly)


Probability Prediction


Sliding/Skating Games

Balancing Acts
(Games concentrated on Balancing)

Video Games

Casual Theme

Battle Theme

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Anorgos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Collector spot and I'll try to make a Fragmented sheet too
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Azurian Dream
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Azurian Dream The Returned Wanderer

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ill try to have my Collector sheet up tomorrow so peeps can see how one is suppose to look.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Finished my forms :)
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