The Premise
"No one had expected this, or at least no one will now admit to expecting it! For months the Planetary Governor had been trying to his best to weather the after-ripples of the Great Rift, strengthening the PDF regiments and the like... but it was not enough... not enough..." - Last recorded statement of Private Artor Luss, 59th Kiervet Planetary Defence Force (Executed for Heresy)
The Kiervet System is in turmoil, uprisings taking place on three of its four occupied worlds, space-range communications seemingly jammed or at least limited by something or someone, and with only Kiervet Tertius - a civilised Imperial colonia world, used to house Militarum veterans on discharge, grievous injury, or when they are more trouble than they're worth - retaining some sense of order in these darkening and uncertain times; plausibly this is due to the number of former Guard who enlisted in the PDF of Tertius for monetary gain, out of boredom, or to gain some form of reputation among the civilian populous.
Ardeth Mishkol the Fifth, governor-primus of Kiervet Tertius and a former Militarum regimental commander himself, has sent out the call for every able-bodied veteran he can get his hands on.
Although packed to the brim with the poor bloody infantry, there is a distinct lack of armoured might on Tertius and Ardeth knows it, which is why he has specifically asked for those possessing the requisite skills to single themselves out and make themselves known to the relevant authorities at the recruitment office.
This is where you might answer.
Like most in the Imperial Guard you were trained foremost as an infantryman but, through whatever pathway or skills learnt in life, you have held... or wish to hold... yourself to a more vehicular standard.
In one of the vast warehouses on the largest PDF base of 'Castadon Ridge' is a hangar used to house those old machines of war made more-or-less redundant by necessity. Now they are not so. Time to resurrect a giant.
If you've read this far then thank you.
So, what does all that writing mean?
Well in plain English we shall be taking on the roles of former (or recently joined) members of either a Militarum regiment or the local PDF force on Kiervet Tertius, from wherever you like planet wise, and yes I will be accepting Abhumans.
Together we shall form the required crew of the recommissioned battle tank Warspite and take the fight against whatever and wherever we may be required; that means at least four, but up to a maximum of six/seven people (1 Driver, 1 Main Gunner, 1 Loader, 2 Side Gunners for sponsons... and possibly an Enginseer.).
If that sounds like something that may interest you, hop in and tell me.
As always, the Emperor protects.